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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. I don't think it is off base to be skeptical of Metcalf and the hype surrounding him. The game of football is not being played at the combine or in the weight room.
  2. If Oliver is there at 9 he will most likely be the bpa, so it makes sense that if they pick at 9 he is the guy they are hoping for.
  3. They need a young rb and I think moving up back into 3rd could be great spot to get one. I would like to move back a little in the 1st for another 2nd and then move up for specific targets with the later picks.
  4. I like the players, just not the trade. I want them to trade back and get another 2nd rndr, but not that far. If they go back that far they would need more compensation, maybe a player they covet thrown in.
  5. GB's 2nd and 3rd is not nearly enough compensation to move from 9 to 30. That would be a terrible trade.
  6. If they don't plan on drafting one this year Spencer Ware is still available I think. If they do draft one in the 3rd or 4th I like Sanders, Henderson, Weber and Love. Sanders might go in the 2nd or early third I think, Weber and Love are most likely to be there in the 4th I think.
  7. I was bit by a black widow spider on my finger while I was sleeping. I didn't even know I had been bit but noticed two puncture dots and some redness on my finger. I only found out it was a black widow because when I got up and was getting dressed it fell out of my hair and I captured it with a glass. I didn't get sick but ended up in the hospital overnight a few days later when a red line from an infection ran all the way up my arm and into my armpit. The doctor said I was lucky I came in, I almost didn't because it was getting late at night when I did. He said I could have lost my arm, or if it had got into my heart and organs my life. Don't know what kind of spider that is but it's not a black widow.
  8. I don't think bastard sons are in line for the throne, Jon is not a bastard Targ.
  9. It will be a big audience for sure. Technically Primetime means nighttime games, but ya that's a nationally televised game on a big day for football.
  10. Why are those guys standing behind him? Rosenstein looks like he's hypnotized.
  11. I don't really care about the Primetime games, maybe being the only team without one and having everybody talking about it will give them some extra motivation to kick some ass. Who knows, it might put a chip on their shoulder and bring them together as a team. Hard not to see it as shade in any case, being the only team.
  12. There are 10 teams that got 5 or more; Jackson, Darnold, and Mayfield got 10 combined. The Bills are the only team with 0. Kay was just giving the league **** about it on GMFB and pulled out a signed Josh Allen jersey he had sent her.
  13. Watched the 4th qtr of the Celtics Pacers game, great comeback by the Celts but Indiana just completely fell apart the last minute. They should have been wearing clown shoes.
  14. Was hoping for a MNF game. Thanksgiving is cool, Pats on a Sat. maybe? Weird, when are they gonna finalize that? Both on the road though. The stretch at the end looks challenging, but it's hard to tell how good teams are gonna be this year. A later bye would have been nice, or a home game before week 3.
  15. Based on roster? Wtf does that mean? https://www.google.com/amp/www.sportingnews.com/us/amp/nfl/news/toughest-nfl-schedule-2019-strength-of-schedule/uul8u61c5vx715vm8xynhn7ci this is based on last year's results.
  16. Am I correct assuming this was parody with humorous intent and not blatant plagiarism? ?
  17. If White is there we take him. Edmunds or White could both play outside, they are two of the most athletic lbs in years. Wilkins at 15 with an xtra 2nd is my preference.
  18. It is still absolutely unbelievable to me that Clemens threw a jagged broken barrel of a bat at Piazza and was not ejected. That was ***** up.
  19. Where I grew up in SB you could get in the bars at 16 if they liked you. When I graduated 8th grade they served us pitchers of beer at a few of the parties. We used to go to Merlins during free mods senior year. I made a fake sheriff's card in my backyard when I was 16 with a red blanket and a polaroid that got me into bars outside my neighborhood. Mickey Rats in Angola, Mulligans Beach Club, Brick Bar Allentown, etc. It fell apart eventually and was confiscated at Mulligans Sunset Beach a week before my 18th birthday.☺️
  20. Never been to the R&L but there were a couple of dive bars on Gibson St. across from the market us market maintenance workers would sneak off to when my uncle, Redlinski, and friends would go to the R&L. Most of us were underage, I was 15/16, but had no problem getting served. This was around '77, those bars are gone now. Could have been much worse, thankfully they saved the building.
  21. I definitely would have watched but for some reason when Mookie hit that ball I was peeking through my fingers I was so nervous that whole bottom half of that inning. I started with a hundred dollar bet with a bookie and let it ride through every round of the playoffs. I am not usually a gambler and I had 400 riding on the series which was a significant amount to me at the time.
  22. I thought so. Did you grow up in the neighborhood?
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