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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. CivicScience Inc. a research firm out of Pittsburgh did a recent poll on mathematics instruction. Out of ~4000 respondents 56% of Americans believe that Arabic numerals should not be taught in American schools.???
  2. Guy made almost $10 million and was never any good. Started a total of 18 games. Can retire a multi-millionaire at 29 without his body being wrecked by the NFL. That's good work if you can get it.
  3. RIP Know that you touched a lot of lives and will be missed.
  4. I was living with a girlfriend just a mile or so west of Sebastopol for a few years 93 to 96. Had a good friend in Monte Rio who lived on a steep hill on the north side of the Russian River. I got stuck there for a few days when the river flooded. A two car garage about 3 houses down from him got swept away by a river of mud one night. We heard it when it happened. The next day you could see cars sticking up out of the mud over a hundred feet down the hill.
  5. Horsefeathers?? Haven't heard that in a while. You realize they were at least a td or more underdogs in the last 3 SBs. Whether or not they had the best and most talented team in the NFL for 6 years, which is definitely debatable, the fact remains they were significantly outspent by those SB teams before the cap.
  6. I waited tables in Park City, Utah at a steakhouse with Tim Conway's nephew Tom around 1988. That winter Tim and Harvey and a group of about 16 people came in for dinner. Tom and I, who were friends, waited on them. They were hilarious and had a great time. Tim, Harvey, and the group could not have been nicer and threw money on the table as they left, on top of the huge tip already left on the credit cards. I lost track of Tom many years ago, but what a great night at work. RIP Tim Conway
  7. Danys' turn wasn't very believable for me, she would've gone right for Cersei in the Red Keep than massacre a bunch of people in the streets imo.
  8. I won't argue with that, but it wasn't just on Marv and I wasn't trying to make excuses. Facts are facts though, the Bills were significantly outspent by their SB opponents.
  9. I was living down the road in Sebastopol in '94. Hit some balls at Foxtail driving range but never played the course.
  10. Good riddance to the 6ers. Congrats Toronto. To be fair to Jim Kelly and the Bills, there was no salary cap at the time and they lost to really big market teams that easily outspent them.
  11. Hahaha Wow awesome shot by Leonard!!!! Great game, great win by the Raptors. Congrats Toronto!
  12. Sorry to laugh, I'm sure it didn't tickle. The visual in my head was pretty funny though, and I know you survived.?
  13. I agree wholeheartedly. Klay really stepped up and the bench was a big factor. Not a fan of the isolation game.
  14. Why aren't the gates to each bench both in the neutral zone. That was a ridiculous reason to negate a goal.
  15. Paul is a douche. Good riddance, not a fan of Chris Paul, James Harden or the Rockets style of play. Golden State plays more like a team and led the league in assists, Rockets 28th. Good team play much more entertaining imo.
  16. Congrats Portland Trail Blazers, into the West Finals for the first time since 2000. ???
  17. It's a wide angle distortion and he is furthest from the camera. He is 40 lbs heavier than Johnson or Sweeney on each distorted edge. Ford is around 80 lbs heavier than those guys and only an inch shorter for reference.
  18. He is, but there is distortion on both edges of the picture and the guys on the edges are closer to the camera as well. Johnson is more tall and lean, 6'6" 254, Sweeney too 6'5"250. Definitely big dudes but the edge distortion from the wide angle makes them even more burly.☺ Ford is 6'4" 330 for comparison.
  19. They were mad about The Clash not playing. I was still outside and on my way in, saving my energy and getting properly buzzed for The Who.
  20. I went to St Thomas Aquinas....... grammar school in South Buffalo.
  21. Warriors finish Houston in Houston without Durant. Klay Thompson goes off and Curry was Curry. They will be fine without him against Portland or Denver I think.
  22. I had over 200 practice balls in a shag bag when I was a 13 or 14 yr old kid. We would swim in the lake at night and there were so many balls you didn't need to see. It was about 8 to 10 feet deep in front of the green and we would just hold our breath and fill up mesh bags. I think it was the 11th hole at what is now Brierwood. The practice hole there was about 150 yds so I would hit 200 7 iron shots, go pick em up off the green, then move closer and hit 200 8 iron shots etc. For the rest of my life I was deadly from 150 yds in. I first started playing at Cazenovia and my friends and I would scour the creek for balls to replace the ones we lost. We were 10 to 13 yrs old. My dad got me a junior golf membership at Bethlehem (Brierwood) when I was good enough to not embarrass him and hack up the course. He made sure I was well versed in golf etiquette and fair play as well. Never told him about my diving for golf balls though.
  23. I always enjoyed the Ontario Science Center Museum but that was back in the 70s, not sure what it's like these days. I think the last time I was in Toronto was in 82 for a Who concert at CNE Stadium so I am not one of the more knowledgeable folks on the subject ☺. I also remember touring an amazing castle, Casa Loma, that was pretty cool. I remember my older brother and I would play chess with the older folks on Gould and Yonge st. by the big record store, they had chess tables and seats built into the sidewalk. Not sure if that still happens either. Sorry, that's all I got. Hope you have a great trip.
  24. Hope Wade makes it through preseason at least, I want to see what he does on a football field. I hope he is amazing and makes the team. Also want Duke to be that big wr they need, seems like his head is on straight. Would be huge if he turns out to be a real NFL talent.
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