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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Not wearing a seatbelt. Jaywalking and crossing against the light. Illegal. Not a surprise, less people you have to scrape off the street. Speaking of nanny state, you know what's illegal in Dallas. Dildos. In fact, speaking of nanny states Texas has got some of the weirdest and most backward laws in the nation on the books. You probably knew that though.
  2. I agree Kroft has a higher ceiling athletically as a pass catcher but definitely did not see him as low risk, nor was I shocked to hear of his injury. I saw James as more dependable, know what you are getting kind of guy. James is 6'7" and not even 25 years old yet so I don't think he has reached his ceiling. I hope Kroft can come back but still think there was a lot of hopeful thinking involved with the Bills paying him in the top 15 of tes.
  3. This was never low risk. The guy is porcelain and actually got injured the very first day of ota. This was so predictable. How was a guy that only appeared in 5 games and only caught 4 passes last year a better option than a 6'7" 260 LB guy who can block and catch passes, over 14yds per catch last year, and has not missed a single game in the last 3 years? That guy, James, signed after Kroft for less money. I know you like Krofts potential but this situation was sadly predictable imo. They didn't protect themself at all. He was guaranteed 9 million dollars and if he can't play that money is wasted and could have gone to someone who could.
  4. I wanted them to get Jesse James, he avg over 14 yds/c last year and signed with Detroit for less than Kroft got. He has played in every game for the last 3 years. Instead they get the injured guy who caught 4 passes in 5 games last year. Brilliant!
  5. The guy is made of porcelain. Why they would offer him 9 million guaranteed is a mystery to me. Here is an excerpt from his draft profile. . Sprained his ankle in Dec. 26 bowl game and received rehab in order to be ready for combine. During medical exams, ankle was re-injured and was unable to participate. It was always going to hinge on Knox? The plan was to count on a guy who didn't catch a single td in college? Why did the Bills make Kroft the 12th highest paid te in the league if that was the plan? Why did the Bills pay Kroft so much? What has he done to justify being the 12th highest paid? He played in 5 games last year and caught 4 ***** passes. Ridiculous.
  6. Thnx for that info. I knew about the Senior Bowl and just assumed he had prior experience. I still think Ford is more of an instant starter on the interior than at tackle. His footwork needs improvement in pass pro for the pros I remember reading. He, unlike Dawkins, has only played one year of tackle. However it shakes out I am glad they have more talent on the o line.
  7. So he played guard at Temple and in the Senior Bowl. He played mostly tackle but was projected to play guard in the pros by many. I was merely saying that he, Nsekhe, and Ford have all played the position. I expect Ford to be the one to move inside for his first year.
  8. Dawkins played guard in college and in the Senior Bowl. Ford was a 4 star guard recruit entering college and played 2 years at guard before playing only one year at tackle before the draft. Nsekhe has played guard in the pros and college. One of them is moving inside. My guess at this early point is it will be Ford for now.
  9. After more than 3 weeks the OP still hasn't corrected the spelling of Wawrow's name in the title? Come On Man!! The original post after the incorrectly spelled title has his name spelled correctly 16 times! Wtf? I guess I am the only one annoyed by this.?
  10. It was actually 3 mil guaranteed I think for what turned out to be a one week tryout, but who's counting? Right?
  11. Nsekhe, Ford, and Dawkins will all start I think with one of them moving inside to guard. Those 3 with Morse and Spain will be a huge improvement over last year's line. Dawkins Spain Morse Ford Nsekhe maybe? Some combination of that will be the starters I think, barring injuries of course.
  12. Dawkins played guard at Temple and in the Senior Bowl. Nsekhe has played both tackle and guard positions in college and for the Redskins. Cody Ford was a 4 star guard recruit out of high school and played guard his first 2 years of college as well.
  13. Read an interesting analysis that talked about how Martin told the story from a sociological perspective rather than a psychological perspective like most tv writers do. That's why the story was bigger than any of the characters and could survive the loss of important and beloved characters, such as Ned Stark, Catelyn and Rob etc. Tv writers, after the books guidance ended, focused on the characters the audience were attached to and it became more like a soap opera about them. The overall storytelling suffered because of it. The author of this analysis felt that it was the sociological style of storytelling by Martin that hooked so many people into Thrones to begin with. When they went beyond the books the writers defaulted back to the more common tv method of character development making the show less unique and more like everyday television. I actually didn't have time to read the whole thing and I am not sure how well I summarised. Here is the article. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-real-reason-fans-hate-the-last-season-of-game-of-thrones/?redirect=1
  14. I do appreciate that they did something to improve and I am hoping for the best. We shall see.
  15. More about the fact that they didn't improve one of the worst wr corps in the league by much. I am not much of a fan for particular players, I would just like it if the QB who throws downfield the most in the league had better targets.
  16. What a sappy and crappy ending. So we are to believe that the other kingdoms agree to let Sansa Stark and the north be their own separate kingdom while they are ruled by Bran, another Stark. Ridiculous. GOT completely ***** the bed this last season and this last episode was the ***** icing on the cake. Incredibly bad and extremely boring conclusion.
  17. They obviously did, whether that was right or not will be determined. Did the Bills need an undersized relatively slow rb more than a speedy 6'5" 230 lb wr? Time will tell. Butler was also available when they moved up for Knox, a te drafted solely on athletic measurables as he had no production in college.
  18. Under all the rocks except the most obvious one, the draft. Passing on Hakeem Butler in the 3rd rnd will be a big mistake in hindsight I predict and the fact that the Bills went into the draft with no intention of drafting a wr whatsoever is telling. People saying this draft had no good wrs in it will almost certainly be proved wrong. The Bills wr corps was inadequate and bringing in a couple of undersized avg vets didn't really change that fact much imo. If Williams becomes a good NFL player it will be a huge bonus for the Bills but wishful thinking is not really a great strategy when you have a 2nd year QB who needs talent around him.
  19. Wtf? This isn't a crazy idea at all, it's just really ***** stupid. Why would the Eagles want an over the hill expensive rb and a te who hasn't even caught a single td pass in college, and why for ***** sake would the Eagles want to trade Wentz? This thread would qualify for a new category way beyond stupid, I think Gugny is just trolling the Allen haters.? At least I hope so for Gugny's sake.
  20. Sometimes somewhat predictable is better than the nonsensical and ridiculous. The idea that she would look at the Red Keep and then decide to instead fry the innocent civilians while Cersei attempts her unsuccessful escape is laughable, even accepting her turn to madness imo.
  21. I get all that, they made that clear in the scene of Jon rejecting her. It doesn't explain her letting Cersei go and almost escape while she is busy murdering civilians though. That was stupid, would have made much more sense for her to burn Cersei alive in the tower.
  22. I rewatched the last episode last night and it still made no sense to me. I have never read the books and only started watching GOT about a year ago. I really have no attachment to any particular ending for any of the characters. I just do not understand why Dany would take out her rage on the women and children of Kings Landing and not on Cersei and the Red Keep. Cersei had Dany's best friend beheaded in front of her. Dany takes that out on the citizens and lets Cersei go? If the exits had not been blocked Jaime and Cersei might have escaped while Dany is busy murdering innocent civilians? She destroys half the buildings in Kings Landing while Cersei watches but not the Red Keep tower that Cersei is in? She knows Cersei could care less about her subjects so it is not some twisted way of punishing her. Made absolutely no sense and it is a ridiculous way to finish such an epic story that has been developing for over 8 years imo. I will watch the ending but that last episode was so stupid it has definitely lessened my interest.
  23. I got a new chevelle. Chevy Chevelle? No, snow chevelle.
  24. I had a couple friends who regularly cheated off me in Physics Chemistry and Math in high school. One is a lawyer, the other is an architect. In college some older friends convinced me to take EdPsych 420:Child and Adolescent Development because you didn't have to go to class and the teacher had given the same final for years. When he passed out the final exam it was completely different than the one we had and we didn't know anything. I stuck my finger down my throat and threw up on the classroom floor. I was excused and got to take a makeup exam the following week after reading the book. My friends failed and I got a B.☺
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