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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. No, I think he is under the impression that Trump thinks starting wars is a powerful tool for reelection purposes. I hope people realize that a conventional war with Iran will require a draft and will incur the deaths of a great many people. I don't belong to a party, I have my own ideas of life, liberty, and justice and do not need to follow the talking points of self serving so called civil servants from either party. Life is precious and to throw kids lives away for political points and vanity is just plain sickening.
  2. We have a 14 1/2 year old Aussie, Border Collie, Red Healer mix who has been healthy his whole life. Starting a few weeks ago an aggressive tumor started growing in his mouth and we are now facing the same thing. We run our own business so he is with us all day everyday. I will be heartbroken when I say goodbye. I am sorry for your loss.
  3. Tired retread amalgamation of nine other gangster movies, with absurd flashbacks of old actors playing young guys. 3 1/2 hours? WTF were they thinking?
  4. Ugh. This team plays with no heart and absolutely no sense of urgency. La de frickin da.
  5. Yes, fleas transmitted the plague. The rats carried the fleas. Recent studies suggest poor hygiene amongst the humans of the day who also carried the fleas was a big factor. I was only kidding about the plague raging again. Modern medicine, sanitation and hygiene would keep it from getting out of hand.
  6. What about all the rodents they kill? Get rid of cats and the plague will rage again. Also, cats do kill birds but so do windmills and cats don't cause ear cancer or destroy your property value. ?
  7. We don't go out on New Years Eve anymore except when my band is playing. We have played the last few but not this year unfortunately, lead guitarist is in NYC. So champagne at home by the fire listening to music it is. I used to see the Grateful Dead many NYE's in the 80s when Jerry was alive, the last one was in '91 I think. Hard to believe that was almost 30 years ago. Think I'll crank up the Buffalo '77 show on stereo, my first show and still one of my favorites.
  8. Killing cats was the reason the bubonic plague raged out of control, ravaging Europe killing 30 to 60% of the population. Church declared cats aligned with Satan and evil, the rat population exploded and millions died. Don't ***** with cats indeed.
  9. Yes, they still suck. They will suck as long as Gase the Face is there, let's hope it is a long tenure.
  10. The Bills defense and soft schedule are the reasons they are in the playoffs, let's not kid ourselves. With an offense this team is a top contender. The Bills can do far better than Daboll imo. Yes Allen is better this year than he was last year, but it seems perfectly natural to me for a rookie to improve in his second year. He went from 30th in QB rating last year to 24th this year. I think more talent and size in the wr corps and a couple more good olinemen will do more for his continued improvement than having Daboll around. A better OC will only accelerate his progress. Good luck Daboll, I hope you get the job.
  11. Watching Kitchen's presser after the game today I was amazed at how inarticulate and unintelligent he seemed to be. Hard to imagine he was interviewed for a job that pays millions and Cleveland decided that he's our guy. The Browns are a disaster.
  12. Evidently he is very thin-skinned. I read that he keeps track of the people who criticize or don't believe in him, a vengeful, insecure, egotistical narcissist.
  13. Sorry, I posted the same thing without reading the entire thread. Pretty frickin hilarious, wouldn't surprise me in the least if it happens either.
  14. Here is what one Pats fan had to say: 'Let’s just get steamrolled by Tennessee and get it over with'. ?
  15. Like him or not, I am pretty sure you cannot use someone's likeness and voice in advertorial promotions without their consent. disclaimer: I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on television.
  16. My uncle introduced my brothers and I to Elbert Dubenion and Ernie Warlick at a party in 1967 when I was 6. We were big fans and very impressed, they were both very nice people. RIP Elbert.
  17. Hope he comes back next year and sucks. Also hope he gets the ***** beat out of him on the field next year, couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
  18. Merry Christmas everybody! ? Bills will be playing in the New Year!?? Let's Go Buff a lo !! !!!?⚡
  19. I know the specific opponents based on this year's record are almost completely determined, but how do they determine which games are at home or away.
  20. Many of us knew at the start of this season that the Bills wr corp was bottom third in the league. When the trade deadline passed it was clear that it would not be addressed until the off-season. Talent is what is needed and wishful thinking that they have some undiscovered supertalent already in the fold is useless. Brown and Beasley are both decent but undersized receivers, the Bills need two talented, big, fast receivers to go with them. That's not happening this season unfortunately. The effect that a good oline and multiple talented weapons can have on a young QB's development can not be underestimated imo. Hopefully both the oline and wr group add significant talent by next year, another good young rb will be needed as well.
  21. There was a running play where Hyde had a chance to destroy Brady while he was being tackled but still standing, Hyde eased up and I was so disappointed. He should have hit that ***** as hard as he possibly could and knocked him into next week. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Patriots would have done that to Allen like they have already demonstrated. Except when they did it to Allen he was already laying on the ground. I want the Bills to get angry and play mean against these cheap shot scumbags. Don't forget Gronk and his elevator drop elbow smash with a metal brace to Tre's head that went completely unpunished. That was because he had the audacity to intercept a pass. The late head hit to Allen while he was on the ground went unpunished as well. This has to stop.
  22. I remember that play. The view from the backfield you could see 3 Bills down the field with their backs turned still running routes. The play had no short routes whatsoever. Allen had nowhere to go with the ball as the rush closed in. Either someone ran the wrong route or just a lousy play design I guess.
  23. Edmunds should be rushing the qb more on passing downs imo. The lack of pressure coupled with the soft zone made it too easy and comfortable for Brady. Make him uncomfortable right from the start, send six if that's what it takes to hit Brady. Especially in a mostly meaningless game for the Bills, Brady should have been bruised and beaten by the end from getting hit so much.
  24. Nonaggressive defensive game plan, no deception on the pass rush, soft zone in the secondary. I would double Edelman, go man for man on everyone else and send a variety of blitzes. Brady had all day to pick apart the zone and Edelman was running free in the secondary. Brady was way too comfortable out there today.
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