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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Only if their teammate gets the ball, if the other team does its just a fumble. You can't throw forward passes on kickoffs. Get a clue.
  2. Garbage. Fumbles go forward backward or sideways, a live ball is a live ball. Forward lateral is to a teammate.
  3. In what way is it different from a guy running in all alone dropping the ball just before crossing the goal line. Everybody knows he was about to score and no one can stop him, just give it to him, right? Ridiculous that another team would win because of such a technicality. This happened during the season? When?
  4. By the rules it was a td. There are protocols so the refs don't have to guess your intention. The receiver did not follow them and the ref clearly indicated he hadn't, meaning the ball was in play.
  5. As ridiculous as it was, the Texans player made a colossal mistake. You don't get a do over for embarrassing mistakes. As much as everyone knows he didn't intend to throw the ball away, the fact remains that he did. By the rule book the correct call was made. The receiver did not follow protocol for giving himself up, he caught the ball without a fair catch signal and walked forward. The ref gave every indication the play was still live as he didn't take a knee. He continues forward and tosses the ball, the ref getting out of the way indicating it is still a live ball. The Bills recovered and it is signalled a td. What was the indisputable evidence to overturn the call on the field? Since when are embarrassing mistakes from not knowing the rules just disregarded because 'we all know what he meant to do'? The guy screwed up, then the refs screwed up, and it should have been a td.
  6. He should be frustrated with himself and taking the blame squarely, the coaches lost the game if anyone is to blame.
  7. I didn't get the rationale for the overturn, they just acted like it was never called a rd instead of a legitimate reason for overturning it.
  8. Probably not, but he should have shouldered any criticism or blame directly. I'm proud of the team, they play with a lot of heart and they gave it their all. Josh Allen was practically the entire offense tonight, if he tried to do too much that is entirely the coaches fault. For McD to say what he did is weak and completely inexcusable to me.
  9. Ask McD why Allen threw 46 times in a game they led for 3 1/2 qtrs. Ask him why Singletary got only 13 carries all game when he was dominating the first half. Why did his d play soft on third and 18 with the game on the the line ? McD throwing Allen under the bus after the game is disgraceful in my opinion.
  10. Way to own up to you're own shortcomings McD. Throwing Allen under the bus here is a disgrace, shame on you.
  11. I hope they do. He doesn't have it anymore, he has no downfield game. I want to see him come back and struggle. I hope he gets hammered. Couldn't happen to a bigger douche. D played conservative when it counted, just like the O. Blame the coaches, no killer instinct.
  12. The Bills offense scored 6 points in the 2nd half. I went into this game knowing they would need to score 20+ points. The Bills coaches should have done the same.
  13. Other than the inexplicable soft zone on 3rd and 18 I don't see how the loss was on the defense. I don't see a reason to place blame for a young team losing on the road in overtime, but if I did I would blame the coaches for playing scared.
  14. GTFO of here, your pessimism is duly noted and absolutely useless.
  15. Brady can't throw downfield anymore, he is exposed.
  16. Hey, things are looking up. The Bills could've and probably should've won that game, but they are ahead of schedule and just missing a few pieces imo. Maybe as the team continues to improve the coaches will be more confident and less fearful. With so much cap space and a maturing young core there is a lot to look forward to. Cheers and Happy New Years, the Bills are definitely on the upswing.
  17. I'm hoping he will, I want to see him struggle more.
  18. The clown shoes come out at the end.?
  19. This makes the night a little better. I will continue partying thanks to the Titans.
  20. A lot of that was coaching imo, this team does not seem interested in scoring when they have a lead. The handoff to Gore with 35 seconds left in the half with no timeouts, when they had been moving down the field easily, was the most puzzling play of the game. O line and wr corps need help, offense doesn't offer Allen enough quick outs either.
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