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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Conklin, Dupree/Judon, would be my top choices. I think Perriman deserves a look, not sure what he would cost but he is 6'2" 215 and absolutely blazing fast. He was very productive as #1 when Evans and Godwin were hurt.
  2. His (Rosen's) career trajectory is no surprise to me and I think he will be out of the league within 3 years.
  3. Empty backfield in ot when all that was needed was a fg was inexcusably stupid, especially considering the lack of pass protection and success of passing attack in the last qtr and a half.
  4. Well they did a good job of that, only 151 carries all year. Sure glad they didn't give him the ball any more in the last game, I'd hate for him to get tired and not be ready for next year.?
  5. Besides wr and backup rb, I thought the offensive line was a big weakness for the team. They still need more talent there.
  6. I am going by that picture of him with his left arm hooked and held back by the db. I have only seen the play in real time and couldn't really tell what happened, will have to see it again in slow motion. If I was wrong, my bad. Either way I am no big Duke booster and think the Bills definitely need more talent at the position. A better line would help the passing game significantly as well.
  7. Watch the play again, he only had one arm to catch it. The defensive back was holding his left arm down. That said, the Bills definitely need to continue upgrading the wr corps, the oline, and they also need a new OC.
  8. He just misjudged it, left the ground when he didn't have to and didn't focus on getting his feet down. Hell, he ran out of bounds standing up, didn't even fall forward keeping his feet behind him. It was actually fairly routine catch in the NFL, he just got fooled by how perfect the throw was I think. It happens, it just happened to happen at a really bad time.
  9. Brady was 23rd in passer rating this year. I hope New England pays him 30 million. Getting rid of the ball before anyone hits him is what he does best now. The more his ability to drive the ball down the field diminishes the more defenses will be closing in on his short passes underneath. I want him to stick around and eat some humble pie while taking a few lumps before sailing off.
  10. Heard another rumor, Brady is no longer worth a top contract so a hometown discount won't be necessary. Patriots would be crazy to pay him 30 million per at this stage so I hope they do. If they don't I hope he struggles somewhere else and spends the season smashing helmets.
  11. 11. Singletary is going to be oh so good. He could slip through a phone book he’s that good at evading tackles. If he's that good he could probably make people miss in a phone booth too.
  12. Me too, except for the part about being great.?
  13. Good point. I forgot about that. Still wish I had seen more Singletary and less Gore though.
  14. The offensive philosophy is terrible imo. The purpose of offense is to score points, they were obviously not good at it. Gore got more carries than Singletary on the year despite avg 3.5 a carry to Singletary's 5.1. That is just ridiculous and stupid. Singletary carried it 3 times from the moment they went up 16-0 till the end of overtime, despite carving them up to that point. The Bills threw 46 passes in a game they led most of the way. In a season with a top defense and the Bills making the playoffs, an off-season with plenty of cap and draft picks, there is a lot to be optimistic and look forward to for next year. Brian Dabolls offense is not one of them imo. If Allen was the problem why were so many gameplans so pass heavy, even in ridiculously high winds. Especially when you consider the Bills had one of the better run games, even with Gore getting so many carries and dragging the average down. Dabolls offense and gameplans have too many headscratching, 'what is he thinking?' moments for me. As much as it sucks to adjust to another OC, I think it might be a lot worse living through another season of his offense. I don't think any team is making him a head coach next season however and knowing how stubborn and conservative McD can be, I expect he will probably be back. I hope he learns something and gets a lot better.
  15. After the Bills took the lead 16-0 halfway through the 3rd qtr Devon Singletary was handed the ball 3 times, despite being nearly unstoppable to that point. The Bills threw 24 times and in addition took 3 sacks from 16-0 till the end of the game, while Singletary carried 3 times. In overtime the Bills did not hand the ball off even once. WTF It might be a bit more understandable if they were just having too much success throwing the ball, but they weren't. Hard to understand the offensive philosophy there. Another thing difficult to understand is Gore getting more carries than Singletary for the season despite averaging 3.5 yds/carry to Singletary's 5.1 yds/carry. Singletary lost 1 fumble for the year. It is hard not to think that these guys don't know what they are doing on offense.
  16. Obviously the Bills could have made more plays or less mistakes and won the game. The question here is when have you ever seen a call reversed because of 'common sense'. That is not in the rule book and the reason there is a rule book is so refs don't have to determine what a player intended to do, what he actually does is what matters. That's why dropping the ball just before you cross the goal line is not a td. Of course they didn't mean to do it, but they did. Why did the ref standing right there rule it a live ball? Because he never legally gave himself up. Period. In 50 years of watching football I have never seen common sense used as a reason to change a legally correct call on the field. That is it on this subject for me. Over it and out.
  17. Then the question is how did he do that? You either fair catch or take a knee. Walking forward towards the field of play and tossing the ball away is not giving yourself up in a legal rule book way, hence the ref standing right there ruled he had not legally given himself up and determined the ball was live. What legal determination of giving yourself up was used to overturn the call on the field? The fact that we all know that he meant to give himself up has absolutely nothing to do with the rules, just like the aforementioned runner dropping the ball before the end zone. Are you arguing that those tds should count because we all know they didn't mean to drop it short?
  18. The 'safe' signal is not a legal signal to the refs, it is a signal to your teammates. A fair catch signal is a signal to the refs and the play is over when you successfully catch it, no kneel down required. Without a fair catch signal a kneel down is required if the returner catches the ball. The ref made it quite clear that the returner did neither and the ball was live. It makes no difference that he didn't intend to return the kick, he didn't legally give himself up and the ball was live. Period. Embarrassing boneheaded mistakes are not excused because they didn't mean to make them. Just ask all the players who accidentally dropped the ball too soon while running unimpeded into the end zone. Why don't they just give them the touchdown? They obviously didn't mean to do something so stupid. What legal interpretation of the rules was used to overturn the call on the field? I'll wait.
  19. No one benefits? The Texans were called for 2 offside penalties for the entire game and overtime. They committed two delay of games on purpose, the critical one they didn't do on purpose wasn't called of course. Not a single holding call on either side of the ball, no interference, etc., and when their kick returner makes a HUGE boneheaded mistake that would have broken them, he is let of the hook and they pretend it didn't happen. No one benefits? GTFO of here with that bull####.
  20. It was obvious to everyone that Mike Gillislie had no intention of returning the kickoff that just laid in the endzone while he stayed away from it; the td was awarded to the Jets anyway, weird huh? Were you apoplectic then? Curious, what was the one of two things required that the Texans returner did? I didn't see a fair catch or a kneel down, either one of which would have been all that is required.
  21. Cody don't let an idiot or two get you down. You don't deserve that and I don't think the penalty was deserved either. Have a great off-season and look forward to next year. The Bills will build on this and be even better.
  22. Who? Mods, please ban that person for life. I don't think James is a Bills fan, probably an angry gambler.
  23. Has anyone posted a single example of a kick returner catching the kick without signalling fair catch or kneeling, then proceeding to walk forward with the ball and then tossing the ball toward the refs. I have read that it happens all the time from posters on this board. Anyone? Anything?
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