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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. The guy is 27 and just made 6.4 mil this year alone, not to mention the 23 mil he already made in the 4 years before that. He also is a former #2 pick in the draft coming off of an average year. He absolutely would have gotten another contract somewhere. It couldn't have been just for money, selling that much weed wouldn't even make him a single game check of $. Like I said, what a dumbass.
  2. What a dumbass. Besides the fact that he is a multimillionaire, why would anyone smuggle pot from Mexico anymore? Has he never been to Oregon??
  3. So what you are saying is that out of 20 xtra playoff spots over the last 10 years only 6 would have had a record of 8-8 and none had a losing record? 14 of the 20 would have had winning records? That doesn't seem so bad to me.
  4. As long as there is a chance of improving their playoff seeding, teams will not be resting. I don't have a strong opinion on these changes either way but I don't think more teams resting is a major concern. I think the active roster should be expanded by a few players in response to the extra football games.
  5. No thanks, he wasn't very good this year. I think his good years are behind him.
  6. I doubt that Chris Jones is the Bills #1 target, I also doubt that he leaves KC. I hope the Bills are targeting talent at oline, de, te and wr.
  7. A fantastic ambassador!? He's riding the bus home; and if the rest of the team is also riding the bus, then he is on a different bus with worse toilets.
  8. There has to be at least 50 better qbs out there somewhere.? He stinks
  9. Norman was absolutely terrible this year, and positively awful last year.
  10. I don't think the right price caveat will be an option, but I wouldn't mind it either.
  11. The 9 sacks look real good but he is a liability against the run, out of position or too easily moved. Basically an interior pass rusher and not an every down tackle imo. A team out there will overpay for those sacks, that seems almost certain. Some people seem to think that the Bills have a lot of cap to throw around and overpaying for Phillips' services is no big deal, I would much rather see that money used on top level talent, long term solutions at positions of need that take more time to develop draft picks.
  12. Don't know if it has been mentioned but Goodwin's pose reminds me of George Costanza.
  13. Golladay is good but not a speed guy by any means, big bodied yes, speedy no. In fact his 4.5 40 was 20th in his combine wr class and his 3 cone was 26th.
  14. The Cyclone top speed listed at 60 mph with a g-force of 4Gs, the Comet was 55 mph. The Comet was less scary, a much longer lasting ride, and could haul over 8 times the amount of riders per hour.
  15. Doesn't let Star know they want to keep him past this year at all imo. The restructure will make it easier to keep him if they so desire, but the Bills can easily move on after this year if that is what they decide.
  16. There wouldn't have been much to gain letting him go cap wise and at least he is now being paid more like the average rotational dt that he is. The Bills can move on after next season if they want or need to. Seeing as how they were pretty much stuck with his contract this year anyway I see it as a win.
  17. My parents would have a cottage every summer and dance to the big bands, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Dorseys, Woody Herman, etc. at the Crystal Ballroom in the 40s and 50s before I was born.
  18. We would end every family trip to CB riding down the Magic Carpet. I don't know when they took the carpet ride out. I think mid to late 70s was probably the last time I rode the rides but I never bothered with the Magic Carpet except as a kid with the family. The Comet was #1 attraction for me from the time I was tall enough.
  19. I rode that ride. The capsules would turn as the giant arm spun them around. I could draw it. My belt came loose on their as well and I got banged around inside the cage til the guy heard me yelling and stopped it. I lost a bunch of quarters out of my pockets too. The Aero something I think, or something to do with rocketships.
  20. Loved the Comet as a kid, and just being at Crystal Beach in general. The yellow wooden coaster was cool too. Didn't like the Wild Mouse, thought I would fly out. Saw someone throw up on their own face riding the Rotor when the floor dropped away. The Scrambler was fun, but don't get squashed. We would always go through the big fun house last before leaving the park. The Magic Palace or something like that. At the end you would ride down this big carpeted belt and exit the building. As teenagers we hung out at cottages on Bay and Crystal Beach. Lots of good times.
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