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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. I don't give a ***** about Nick O'Leary, I was just calling you out for making stuff up. Not sure what your last post was trying to show me but it had nothing to do with their drop rates last year. It's hard to admit you're wrong, I get it.
  2. Not even close. You're just making ***** up. Knox dropped 10 for a 20% drop rate. O'Leary dropped 1 for a 5% rate Why would you bother to comment when you don't know what you are talking about? Just curious. That said Knox is a far better prospect without question.
  3. Stats when targeted 2019 Johnson: 44 trgts 59% comp. 6.8 yds/tgt 0 tds 0 int 79.8 passer rtg. Norman 46 trgts 67% comp. 9.7 yds/tgt 7 tds 1 int 129.0 passer rtg. Wallace 105 trgts 65% comp 6.5 yds/tgt 3 tds 2 int 85.5 passer rtg. Stat wise Johnson and Wallace were solid while Norman was bottom of the league. Johnson and Wallace salary combined next season will be about half to 2/3rds of what Norman will make if he plays, or about equal to what Norman gets if he never plays a down.
  4. Easily could have kept them both, Wallace will be playing for the minimum if he's on the team.
  5. My guitar player says if you make a mistake, do it again. That way they think you did it on purpose. Regarding your original redacted post, I am looking forward to seeing Wade on the field again and hope he has what it takes to make the team. Although it was against weaker competition he was exciting to watch and a great story is even better with a great ending.
  6. Okay, I didn't see the original post and was confused. I am so sorry about your wife and wish you nothing but the best. I wish I had read that part before posting. ? Saying a prayer for her recovery.
  7. I was hoping they would bring him back, especially since he signed for 3.5. I thought he played well. A former first round pick who is 27 and seemingly getting back on track. I find it puzzling that they offered double what he got to a 33 yr old Norman coming off of several horrendous years and whose last good season was 2015. Low risk? Johnson will be playing the whole season for the same money Norman will get if he is cut and doesn't play a down. Johnson also has a year with this defense and played at a decent level, seems like he would have been a lower risk imo. I will trust McBeane on this and hope for the best but it is a bit of a headscratcher to me.
  8. I agree. I think they will definitely draft a lineman and possibly acquire one through a trade or fa, maybe trade Star for one. There might be cap casualty castoffs worth looking at.
  9. They weren't pretty good. Get the ball out quicker? Josh was tied for last in the league in pocket time at 2.3 secs. Time from snap til pocket collapse. The Bills run blocking was near the bottom in power runs(need a yard), stuff rate (stopped for no gain or a loss), and they were no better than average in other run blocking categories. That's not nearly good enough. Continuity can help improve to a degree but more talent is needed imo. I consider the offensive line to be a critical part of a consistently good offense and find it puzzling it was not one of the priorities in free agency. Especially so considering Bulaga and Glasgow signed for similar $ as they gave to Vernon Butler to be part of a rotation. Still a lot of time for things to change before the season starts. If they are feeling good about the same 5 improving considerably then so be it, I will hope for the best. With an arm like Allen's and the downfield threats they have I would like to see him have the time in the pocket to make the most of it. If it takes years to develop a rt now shouldn't he be learning behind a veteran tackle instead of being expected to start as a rookie?
  10. Agreed. Tbh I was a little skeptical when they drafted him but he won me over and I was calling for him to get more carries pretty quickly. He is a lot stronger and harder to bring down than I imagined and has great footwork. They definitely don't need someone to take his place.
  11. Maybe not. His sacks were good, the rest of his game not so good. 34 years old, he might still be useful as a pass rush specialist I guess. Wouldn't surprise me if he retires though.
  12. Mostert and Edwards had a similar number of carries as Singletary and DS didn't lead the Bills in carries either. Either way his yds per carry was impressive and top 3 in the league.
  13. Ridiculous when you think of it, Norman was literally one of the league's worst cbs last year. Hoping he regains his form back in McD's system at his age is asking a lot. Harris is 2 years younger at 30 and still playing well.
  14. I would have been psyched if the Bills got him for that. He and Tre together would be hard to beat.
  15. Singletary was tied for 3rd in the league among rbs in yards per carry and it's not like he was running behind a top run blocking unit. I don't understand the lack of appreciation.
  16. Singletary fumbled 4 times in 180 touches last year. Gordon fumbled 4 times in 200 touches, touches include receptions. Singletary gained over a yard more per touch.
  17. I think they will be improved, I also think they need more talent.
  18. There were great players available when this started but it's just not a priority evidently. There were excellent players available relatively cheap even, Glasgow and Bulaga would have been my targets, they signed for a million more than they gave DT Butler who was average and will only play part time. I think besides QB the offensive line is the most important group. If there is no push and Josh has little time to throw, which was the case last year, the weapons can only help so much.
  19. There were great players available when this started but it's just not a priority evidently. There were excellent players available relatively cheap even, Glasgow and Bulaga would have been my targets, they signed for a million more than they gave DT Butler who was average and will only play part time. I think besides QB the offensive line is the most important group. If there is no push and Josh has little time to throw, which was the case last year, the weapons can only help so much.
  20. Bulaga signed for 10 mil per, Graham Glasgow for 11. Both of those guys were huge upgrades and hardly high priced. Especially when you are willing to pay 9 mil to an average dt (Butler) to play part time. If allowing the same five guys who comprised a below average line last year to play another year together is 'doing something'..........
  21. Both of the guard positions could be improved upon, those guys are average at best. The Bills line last year was near the very bottom in power running and stuff rate. That measures the ability to gain a yard when needed and how often runs get stuffed for no gain or a loss. In other run block categories they were average at best. Also Josh Allen was tied for last in the league in pocket time at 2.3 secs. That is the time from snap til pocket collapses.
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