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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Chris Murphy ✔@ChrisMurphyCT Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough. Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now. 39.7K 8:09 AM - Feb 5, 2020 Reading his tweet that you are commenting on I don't see him blaming Trump for the virus at all. What I see is him claiming that Trump was not taking the virus' threat to the US seriously enough. This was on Feb 5th after Trump had sent 100 million dollars worth of masks, gowns, ventilators etc. to China. 2 and a half weeks after the first confirmed case in the US. We are now 10 weeks from the first case and still unprepared. In hindsight he was right, the threat was not taken seriously enough and now the richest country in the world is scrambling for these very same supplies and some front line health care workers don't have the protection they need. There is nothing 'cute' about any of this.
  2. Kroft has 10 catches for 107 yards in his 4th and 5th years combined (the last 2 years). He made over 8 million dollars in that time and he still has a job.
  3. I wouldn't hate it, not sure how that fits with their priorities this draft. Not having a first might have them drafting for certain positions of immediate need in the 2nd and 3rd? Obviously have no idea what they are thinking but beyond the top tier edge prospects he's one that I like.
  4. I watch a lot of college too and felt the same way. I have no idea if he's on their radar but I hope so. I've read a couple of profiles that said his attributes should translate well to the pro game physically but will need development. I'm thinking he could be a 3rd or 4th rounder maybe (just guessing) but really don't have a good idea where he projects to in the draft.
  5. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Sunday said that he expects Americans to be able to survive for two and a half months on just $1,200, which is about $17 per day. In an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation, host Margaret Brennan noted that the $1,200 relief checks that many Americans will be getting would not be enough in some parts of the country. “I think the entire package provides economic relief overall for about 10 weeks,” Mnuchin explained. “Hopefully we will kill this virus quicker and we won’t need it, but we have liquidity to put into the American economy to support American workers and American business.” If it's socialism to help American workers, what do you call it when you give another 500 billion dollars to corporations? A lot of these same corporations have spent up to 90% of their cash buying back stock the last few years and now have their hands out again for more taxpayer money.
  6. The United States government sent nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to China—including masks and respirators—almost three weeks after the first case of the coronavirus was reported in the state of Washington. In a press release from the State Department dated Feb. 7, the agency announced it was prepared to spend up to $100 million to assist China as the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths continued to rise there. The day the press release went out, Trump tweeted that he spoke with China’s President Xi Jinping and that China would be “successful especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker and then gone.” At the time, sending supplies overseas may have seemed like the right thing to do. But it’s worth noting that this release of vital medical supplies came two days after several senators, including Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy, offered to allocate congressional emergency funding for preventative health measures and research to ward off the virus in the United States—and President Donald Trump turned it down. “Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff, etc…” tweeted Murphy, “and they need it now.” Trump would go on to deny that it posed a risk to Americans for weeks after that. How the tables have turned. As of Saturday afternoon, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports 103,321 cases of the coronavirus in the United States and 1,668 deaths, the highest number of confirmed cases worldwide. Hospitals across the country are now experiencing an unprecedented shortage of respirators and masks. Desperate nurses and doctors are taking to social media to show their need for protective equipment with the hashtag #GetMePPE, as they treat patients who are dying of the virus. On Wednesday, the Trump administration asked the international community for donations of equipment, including N-95 masks, gloves, respirators, and hand sanitizer. But even as his officials ask for foreign aid, Trump has a very different public message. As he boasted during Tuesday’s coronavirus briefing at the White House: “We should never be reliant on a foreign country for the means of our own survival.”
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1244309931874017280 Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump Because the “Ratings” of my News Conferences etc. are so high, “Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers” according to the @nytimes, the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. “Trump is reaching too many people, we must stop him.” said one lunatic. See you at 5:00 P.M.! 55.7K 10:06 AM - Mar 29, 2020 Ladies and gentlemen, The President of the United States.
  8. I like Darrell Taylor from Tennessee, I don't think he has been mentioned here. Consistently good against top level competition. Not sure where he is projected but unfortunately he has been getting some positive buzz lately and could be moving up a little. Some mentioned tight ends in this thread. I like Jacob Breeland from Oregon, he missed most of last year with injury and was not ready for the combine. The guy is a legitimate threat in the passing game and doesn't mind mixing it up in the run game. He could be a steal in the later rounds. (not sure where he is projected to go)
  9. Exactly. A lot of draft analysts stated that Ford would need some work dealing with the NFL's speed rushers on the edge. Expecting him to come in as a rookie and perform at a high level just because he was a 2nd round draft choice is ridiculous. Even most first round tackles have a big learning curve when reaching the pros and only a few come in playing great out of the gate. I myself thought he could play guard right away and switch to tackle when he was ready. That was obviously not their plan for him and it was not where he was needed last year either. He got thrown into the fire and understandably struggled but showed steady improvement. Even if he is a backup this year I would not label him a bad pick or a bust, he is young and improving.
  10. Almost universal agreement that this was a good signing is a big reason for less discussion imo. (the merged threads is obviously another reason) The other free agent signings had a lot of discussion between folks who liked or disliked, paid too much, another Panther, etc. He is not a widely known name by any means like Diggs, but other than the Diggs signing this is the acquisition I am the most positive about.
  11. I mentioned the difference in systems two posts before the one you quoted. No team plays exclusively man or zone coverage. I think I read that the Bills played man 33% last year, not sure if that's accurate though. Bottom line is Norman has not played well for a few years now and expecting him to turn that around at 33 is a risk and far from a given. I hope he does, but I also hope that going into the season they are not counting on it.
  12. Paying more doesn't guarantee better play and players outperform their contracts every year. The Bills already have a starting rb, are you suggesting giving a big contract to a backup? Or replacing Singletary as starter? Also, I have no idea what '3X and average player' means.
  13. Bring back Jonathan Williams cheap and draft one. Williams looked really good when Mack was injured last year. Use the money saved on another position.
  14. I hope you are right. I am also in Oregon and personally know two people who have tested positive. One was young and has recovered already and the other is still quite sick. She is late 40s and has not required hospitalization as of yet. A friend at the coast was really sick for over 3 weeks in February after travelling, she tested negative for the flu but was not tested for covid19. She has recovered now but says she thought she was going to die and had never felt so sick in her entire life. It's hard to tell what the numbers mean at this point or how many people have had it already, or how many asymptomatic infected people there are. I feel terrible for the healthcare workers in places like NYC when the system gets overwhelmed and especially if they don't have the protective gear they need. There safety should be of the highest priority imo. I'm hoping it spreads slow enough elsewhere to be handled and that the warmer weather has an effect. These stay at home measures can seem extreme but I hope it will keep things here at a manageable pace for the system we have and help shorten the crisis so we can all get back to living our lives to the fullest. I am immune compromised unfortunately so I am being extremely cautious. That said, I can't stay at home forever.
  15. I only included KJs #s for perspective as they had about the same # of targets. I didn't think you compared them. As far as Gaines being better than Johnson I think they both played well for the Bills and they both have a hard time staying healthy. I think Johnson has more upside but I'm glad to welcome Gaines back. I would have liked to have kept Johnson too. Hopefully Norman has a good bounce back year.
  16. Norman gave up 7 tds on only 46 targets 9.7 yd/tgt 129.0 passer rtg when targeted. Those numbers are absolutely terrible. Here are KJ's #s for comparison. Gave up 0 tds on 44 targets 6.8 yd/tgt 79.8 passer rtg when targeted Joe B was able to spin something positive about those #s?
  17. Norman may have a healthy history but he was literally one of the league's worst cbs last year. His last good year was 2015 with McBeane. I understand the difference in systems and I hope he is much better back with McBeane but at 33 I'm not counting on it.
  18. I doubt he would cost much to try him out. He played really well for the Colts last year filling in when Mack was injured. I also brought him up as an option in another thread at the start of fa. I thought he looked good, not sure what it was about. Needed room for Tolbert?? Gaines played well for the Bills when he was on the field. I hope he can do it again and stay on the field this year. I'm not counting on anything from Norman and I think the Bills cb2 situation is still pretty shaky at this point.
  19. ~82,000 cases in US as of this afternoon. Approximately double from 3 days ago as the growth rate predicted. Hopefully with the shutdowns it takes longer to double again and the expansion slows. US now leads the world in cases. Actually this is a prime example of exponential growth.
  20. You forgot to add that he was credited with giving up 12 sacks last year. That was the highest in the league. Hopefully McBeane can work their Carolina magic and bring back the good in him. Are there any other former Panthers left they can bring in? I'm thinking they pretty much got all of them.
  21. RIP Condolences to you and your family.
  22. He has a place on the Oregon Coast not too far from us. My wife saw him drive by wearing a wig, said he looked hilarious.
  23. He's definitely a ? Ridiculous speed for his size though, we'll see what he does for the Jets. I hope he fades away like his first 4 3/4 years, that's for sure.
  24. His last 3 games last year he caught 17 passes 349 yds 4 tds, that doesn't suck. He was only a starter for 4 games last year. Maybe it's an aberration and he goes back to being unproductive. The Bills will find out playing him twice this year, assuming there is a season. You seem to have a particular disdain for the guy. Did he steal your girlfriend??
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