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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. In that situation you push and shove for position and you prevent that catch at any and all costs. A penalty there would have given them just one more play and how often do you see penalties on a hail Mary scrum. Bills were soft and didn't fight Hopkins nearly enough. Like I said you prevent that catch at any cost.
  2. Amazing throw and catch by Allen and Diggs, shame that wasn't the ending.
  3. The Bills are the talk of the NFL and you can be sure to see that replay another hundred times. Reminds me of my friend from PC Utah who was on the Phi Slamma Jama U of H team and was Drexler's college roommate. Every year we would watch the NCAA tourney together and they would always show the replay of him looking on incredulously from the bench as Lorenzo Charles steals the 83 championship game in the final second. Man, he just hated seeing that over and over. At least this wasn't the Super Bowl.
  4. No one moved him off his spot or boxed out. Those plays are usually wild scrums and I can't remember if I've ever seen a penalty on one. The Bills didn't even touch him hardly. That was weak, he should have been stopped by any means. Also, why do teams give the QB so much time on Hail Mary's when that's exactly what they need? The prevent defense allowing them up the field in no time with no resistance whatsoever, setting them up for that play. Where were the tall guys in the end zone? A bunch of little dbs and Hopkins. Put a couple tall receivers back there. That was so ***** weak. Sickening. Embarrassing. On the brighter side they are 7-3 and have a bye week to forget about that tragic ending. So predictable that the Bills get up by 14 and then start running into stacked boxes and stop scoring. Finish the ***** job next time.
  5. why waste the timeout there? take the delay of game if you're punting.
  6. AZ is my survivor pool pick tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty good about it.
  7. A drop from 92% confident to 89% is a crisis in confidence? What a ridiculous excuse for a story.
  8. Courage and Will are what carry you when your body is about spent, I never played for Lombardi. You? p.s. I should have known it was a Lombardi quote. Mental fatigue, but my courage still strong.☺
  9. Fatigue makes us less effective, not cowards. I played multiple sports for many years and fatigue never affected my courage.
  10. I don't think anyone will be spying him all game, but I would love to see Edmunds make a play and get a big hit on him. He is the same speed but 50lbs heavier. If he is gonna step up and make a big play this is the time, turnovers and stops.
  11. Morse is a good pass blocking center but an average run blocker. That's who he has been.
  12. This is just my opinion but getting sacks is a combination of pressure, coverage and collapsing the pocket so the QB can't just step up to avoid the outside pressure. The Bills have gotten good pressure on the outside, Hughes especially, but with the lack of pressure up the middle and the soft off coverage the QB is able to get rid of the ball or step up to avoid the sack.
  13. This starts off serious but the ending is hilarious imo. I'm sure you will also find it absolutely hysterical, enjoy!
  14. He needs to be in a position that accentuates his athletic ability. Less responsibility and thought process, and more playmaking is what he needs. Putting him at MLB and leader as a 20 yr old was not the spot for him. He should be wrecking ***** causing havoc.
  15. Demographic is getting younger and people have been moving in from elsewhere I suspect.
  16. Well we don't have that kind of insider info. I could list some of the top free agents but just because a guy is a free agent doesn't mean your team has a shot. I'm not saying they passed on better talent, I just felt strongly that Klein was washed and not worth 6 mil per. It would be interesting to know if they had other targets or if he was the one they wanted though.
  17. Sorry, I couldn't help myself, too easy. There were many lbs I would have been happier with. What is the point of me looking back and naming them all? I said it was a bad signing when it happened. Klein was awful last year but they gave him a multiyear contract and overpaid. Do you think he was the only choice or one of the better choices out there? It was a bad move. Williams I was skeptical of, but that turned out to be a good move. Win some and lose some I guess.
  18. The entire state of Oregon votes by mail every election and has for over 20 years. There is no evidence of fraud and the elections go very smoothly. We don't stand in line for hours to exercise our right to participate in electing our government. The disgusting efforts to disenfranchise voters in states like Texas and Georgia is un-American and blatantly racist. Take away all the inner city polling places so people have to line up around the block and wait hours to vote, if they can even manage to get to a polling place. Disgusting, a political strategy based on preventing people from voting instead of a platform that inspires support from more people.
  19. The only votes left to count in NV are the mail in ballots that arrived today and those that arrive this week postmarked by election day.
  20. Wisconsin Michigan Arizona and Nevada all look like Biden wins to me at this point. He leads in 3 of them and the votes still uncounted in those states are from mostly heavy Democratic areas. He only trails in Michigan by a few thousand where most the votes still to be counted (~300,000) are in Wayne County(Detroit) where he is getting 67% of the vote. That's all he needs for 270. Pennsylvania Georgia NC won't even matter.
  21. I survived TB but didn't watch the game. Couldn't stand to root for Brady. This week it's AZ over Miami. Punting 9 times, getting 145 yds and 8 first downs in a victory is extremely rare, a fluke. Blitzing every play like they rattled Goff last week won't work against AZ. That won't work against the #2 rushing offense with an incredibly mobile dual threat QB and a quick outlet receiver like Hopkins. AZ has a decent defense as well. Easy win imo.
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