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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. The only reason they haven't fired Gase is because he's doing such a good job of losing, why blow it now?
  2. I'm ditching Direct tv after the season, I'm getting the NFL ticket for free this year for some reason. I'm sick of service disruptions, channels disappearing etc and am hardly watching it anymore. An air antenna gets me ~25 local channels, my Roku w Amazon Prime gets a couple hundred more channels and my laptop connected to the big screen allows me to stream practically any game from any sport or almost any sports channel out there.
  3. He made some great plays for GB. Check out the run after catch at ~3:55
  4. They moved 24 percentage points from positive 12 to -12, positive is bad for the defense. I don't know their methods but I have definitely seen improvement and the Bills sacks and takeaways combined since week 7 are behind only the Saints. edit. didn't see matter2003 already pointed it out on previous page
  5. Good speed and agility for a 6'4" 210 lb wr Ran a 4.5 40 and 6.83 3 cone before going undrafted.
  6. You box out, you push and fight for position, you punch at the ball and make contact when it arrives. The Bills were way too passive both times, when you would have to do something egregious and obvious to get a penalty in those situations. Too soft, trying not to lose instead of stepping on their throat and taking away all hope. They need to find that killer instinct on both sides of the ball and quit playing not to lose. Instead of trying to hold on, just keep doing what got you the lead in the first place. When a team is down and needs to catch up, apply the pressure, don't go into a soft zone that lets him get rid of the ball quick for easy first downs.
  7. Agreed, the Bills would have declined the penalty, taken possession and game was over. Instead they threw another Hail Mary and inexplicably completed it. Terrible officiating and should have been booth review under 2 mins.
  8. The route was a yard short anyway. Practically every route they run is short of the sticks, absolute garbage offense
  9. What a ***** up mess Philly is, that was absolutely ridiculous.
  10. I'm also having a hard time understanding why they moved Balt Pitt twice in the last week but another team has to play without a single QB. How does it work? Is there any explanation? It all seems very random and haphazard, giving the ugly appearance of favoritism. Royce Freeman is gonna be QB? I live in Eugene and saw his whole college career, I can't recall him ever even throwing a pass. This doesn't seem right, not that I care about Denver. Fairness is important for the whole league.
  11. Nobody even pushed him around, there were 4 of them and they let him high point the ball. They could have fought for the ball and pushed him out of the way. A penalty is better than letting him catch it and how often do they call penalties on hail Mary's . That was ***** weak, I really want this team to get tougher. That was embarrassing and unacceptable, I'm really glad they get a week off after that.
  12. No, someone much taller. It's hard to understand evidently for people being paid millions of dollars to understand it, but when you are just standing in an end zone waiting for a hail Mary it is extremely advantageous to be tall.
  13. I agree, feeling good about 7-3 and an extra week to get over that disastrophy of an ending. If you are gonna be one of the best teams you can't let one game derail your ambition. I also agree that it is embarrassing when they play not to lose instead of playing to win.
  14. I know what you mean about the 2nd half prevent offense. Should have been going for the kill and burying their hope, instead they wasted possessions and plays running straight into stacked boxes. They knew how McD would play it with a 2 score lead and dared us to throw vertical, Bills instead played into their hands. The unbelievably soft D after what should have been the winning TD was absolutely pathetic. That last play was embarrassing, nobody harassed, pushed with the body, I don't think anyone even hit him. You cannot let him catch that, it's not that hard. I'd move him. This team seems to be lacking aggression.
  15. I don't disagree. Losing sucks but it's good to have a sense of humor. The Bills are 7-3 going into the bye. ***** like tonight shouldn't happen because you never let him catch that ball no matter what. But it happened, I'm glad they have an extra week to get over it. The Bills are pretty good and moving in the right direction I think. Way too soft at the end tonight and they should have continued pushing the ball downfield when they were up 2 scores and cruising. They ran into stacked boxes instead, should have buried them.
  16. I'm not advocating for Allen being there myself. Fact is, they were standing in a group waiting for a hail Mary, there was no turning of hips and you don't think that Josh Allen at 6'5" 240 could not establish position against 6'1" 210 Hopkins? Instead of Allen how about Gabe Davis at 6'2"? Do you think he knows how to track a ball? Bottom line is he should not have been allowed to catch that ball. Take the penalty if you have to, they are barely ever called in those situations. Nobody even pushed him.
  17. When your just standing in the end zone waiting for a hail Mary do you want tall guys or quick little guys?
  18. He is bigger.☺ I bet he would've stopped that catch at any cost which is what should've happened. Allen has 4 inches on Hopkins.
  19. It was not a laser beam and Hopkins was surrounded by Bills as he waited for the ball, they could have fought him for position and made sure he didn't catch it, even if you take a penalty. They didn't and the Bills lost, bottom line.
  20. It should not have caught anyone off guard and a tall receiver should have been in the end zone. If you're going to play a ridiculously soft prevent D at least do it right. Why were they caught off guard? What else did they have left but two desperation shots at the end zone?
  21. In any case you don't allow them to catch the game winning td in the final seconds. I would have pushed him out of there when I saw the ball coming to him and probably got away with it. Penalty or not that would be the right move. Allowing a catch was not an option.
  22. Not me, he should have been moved off his spot. There should have been contact and conflict to establish position. You would have to pull someone down or extend your arms pushing them to get a penalty in that situation.
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