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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Vaxed or unvaxed, it really doesn't matter where the positive test comes from. If an unvaxed player was in close contact he quarantines for a mandatory 5 days. The way things stand now it seems very likely to me that some unvaxed players will miss games this way. Who they are and when it happens is the ?
  2. I think Canada is where he could start and make an impact on a team. I wish him luck. I knew he wasn't making this Bills team and saw no reason to keep him on the PS again. This is best for both parties imo.
  3. Who will be the next 'Wilmer and The Dukes? This one's going out to Duke Williams. 'Give Me One More Chance' by Wilmer and The Dukes.
  4. Like I already said in this thread: Better to be silent and thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. So if a woman slaps you, after you pushed her, then you haul off and punch her in the face? I would never ever punch a woman for slapping me.
  5. Juju is a ***** moron, better to be silent and thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Not that I really care but in the video it looks like he pushes her first before the slap, you also don't punch a woman for slapping you, punched her in the face no less. I know I wouldnt.
  6. 2,680 miles I grew up 6 miles away from Rich stadium near Caz park. I was at every game in 73 when it opened, the year OJ ran for 2000. Was at most of the games there in the 70s, a lot of concerts too. So many great childhood memories at the stadium.
  7. A decent pass rush will definitely help the secondary out but it won't make up for a weak link at cb. If the Bills are forced to field an easy target at cb they'll be in trouble imo, especially against the top teams. I would hate to see that be the thing that holds them back.
  8. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ How many wars since WWII have been worth fighting or have been an overall benefit to this country? The military industrial complex has received over 20 trillion dollars of taxpayer money since 1960. The value in today's money would be multiples of that. War is big big big business. Every missile, bomb, bullet, tank, helicopter, etc. is just money in the bank for some. During war you can overcharge for everything, you can even steal billion dollar pallets of cash. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/feb/08/usa.iraq1 . Just fly 360 tons of cash , $12.6 Billion dollars, into a war zone and watch it disappear. Hey it's war, anything goes; no one will hardly notice. The dead American and foreign soldiers, dead civilians, shattered lives, lifelong PTSD, wrecked infrastructure, etc is just collateral damage, 'the cost of doing business'. In fact, the more damage done the more money to be made rebuilding. Added bonus: leave behind a failed state and you can do it all again down the road. Job security.
  9. Camp David meeting called off at last minute. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/09/08/president-trump-criticized-taliban-camp-david/2255653001/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/09/08/trump-calls-off-secret-camp-david-meeting-with-taliban-afghan-leaders/&ved=2ahUKEwi2_JmmkbfyAhVJaM0KHSuhDK8QFnoECB8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1E3ewrxoBmpKvHuUOFciHy It was called off after the Taliban claimed responsibility for a car bomb that killed 12 including 1 American. My point was that Trump and Pompeo legitimized these guys and undermined the now failed Afghan govt. by only inviting the Taliban, then agreeing to release 5,000 enemy soldiers in their country without even consulting them. It is outrageous and completely against the stated objective of building a govt and security force to run the country when we 've gone.
  10. Perspective is everything when judging a wars success. If the true goal of this 20 year Afghanistan war was for the military industrial complex to steal trillions of dollars from the American people then it was a tremendous success. If the goal was to continue production of 90% of the world's opium, which the Taliban were shutting down 20 years ago (Taliban controlled areas produced close to nothing in 2001 while the rest of the country cultivated 8,000 hectares, there is now ~350,000 hectares of opium cultivation); opium production has since boomed significantly, regularly hitting all time highs over the last 20 years under US control. It has again, been a tremendous success. On the subject of the current panicked withdrawal disaster; perhaps if Pompeo and Trump had invited the Afghan government and military to take part in the 'peace' treaty they negotiated, and perhaps if they hadn't agreed to release 5,000 taliban soldiers that are now overrunning the country; this inevitable withdrawal which they negotiated and agreed to would have gone more smoothly. One of those 5000 they released is the current leader who is now the new Afghan President. Trump said the Taliban were our allies, Pompeo said they denounce Al Qaeda; neither statement was true. By meeting and signing a treaty with them, especially with no Afghan govt present, they recognized the Taliban as a legitimate political entity and essentialy sealed the country's fate. Trump even wanted to invite the Taliban to Camp David without the Afghan govt on the weekend of 9/11 2019 but was talked out of it. Trump and Pompeo basically negotiated our surrender and withdrawal and agreed to release the Taliban army and leadership without the governing Afghan govt even present. The Afghan govt and military we had set up at great cost, (American and Afghan lives including countless innocent civilians and $$$$$$$$$$ taken from the American people) to rule the country after we left were not even invited or consulted as Trump agreed to release their murderous enemies and abandon their country. Wtf ?! This incomprehensible snub of the Afghan government completely humiliated them and undermined their authority. It also destroyed confidence, morale and hope in the ranks as they realized they were being abandoned and the US was making deals with their enemy without them; undermining them while releasing 5000 hardened extremist enemy soldiers in their fragile new country. It was as if they wanted the Taliban to win and the democracy to fail. Maybe there could be a lot more money to make there down the road that way? (pointless, endless wars that cost trillions make me cynical) Ultimately there's plenty of blame to go around for both parties and 4 administrations for this whole debacle, but maybe one of the original intentions was to make an obscene amount of money for as long as possible. If that's the case it was a huge success for war profiteers and a complete disaster for everybody else, especially the Afghan people. In other words, just like most wars.
  11. He is a manifestation of it. Instead of playing, he 'll be hired to teach the process.☺
  12. I think Wilson is a bust and thought it before the Jets picked him. Mac Jones is another guy I expect to struggle and eventually bust.
  13. offensive interference They need to call that when it is so obvious and one sided
  14. We 'll see. I think he's a good player who's coming off an average year. Not saying he would have fit here but not gonna pretend he sucks. His two seasons before last years were top 10 in the league imo. QB rating 2019 65.8 2018 72.6 with low comp% and yards/tgt. I'm not lamenting the Bills not signing him but I think he 'll probably work out just fine for the Eagles.
  15. Eric Kumerow's dad is Palmer Pyle, a former guard for the Colts, Vikings, and Raiders. Makes Jake 3rd gen NFLer.
  16. I skipped over the Bosa 1st cousin connection assuming people were well aware. I didn't realize the elder Bosa and Kumerow were successive, identical first round picks for Miami though.
  17. I know Rodgers was pissed when Green Bay cut him. He had just praised Kumerow to reporters and said he was a lock 2 days before they cut him. Rodgers said that drove him nuts and demanded in on personnel decisions. It definitely added to the rift. This was all according to Rappaport I think. So if the Bills don't want him it sounds like Rodgers might. His great grandpa was a Chicago mob boss Tony Accardo who came up through the ranks from street hoodlum to run the Chicago Outfit after Capone for 25 years. 'Big Tuna' Not relevant I realize, but interesting nonetheless.
  18. Is the current stadium falling apart? I've been there over a hundred times but not in many years. I know they did some upgrades and improvements a little while ago but haven't seen it. Building a new stadium at the current site doesn't make economic sense to me unless the old one is no longer usable. How much added economic benefit could a new stadium generate in the same location? 1.5 Billion dollars of taxpayer money spent with little return when the current stadium is fully functioning and sells out every game? Doesn't seem like a great investment for taxpayers to me, especially non football fans; what are they getting for their money? It could be a tough sell. Also, I think they are making a mistake by threatening to move.
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