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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Turning a blind eye and not being willing to criticize their failures or point out their weaknesses is not what makes a 'real' fan.
  2. Fair enough but counting on a rookie to be a big playmaker , even a 1st rounder, is not a very dependable strategy. Rousseau in the first and a proven veteran pass rush specialist instead of Basham would have been a better strategy imo.
  3. The Bills are so glad you got their back. They didn't blow that game last week at all. No one can stop Mahomes, even if he only had 3 seconds he would have won, he's just that good.😂
  4. Rousseau played well for a rookie and had a good year. No, imo the big draft mistake was Basham in the 2nd round instead of Creed Humphrey who was one of the top interior lineman in the league and completed the o line rebuild for KC. The Bills got very little pressure on Mahomes up the middle because of him. The Bills were badly in need on the interior line and will have to address it this off-season when they already had the answer fall right into their laps last draft. Cinci won by taking away Mahomes wide open short outlets over the middle. Unlike the Bills who played so soft and left that area open.
  5. The Bills played one of the 5 easiest schedules in the league this season. Their #1 defense played 15 of their games against a who's who of terrible qbs. Next year's schedule not nearly as easy. Their soft shell bend don't break d only works against inefficient qbs who can't sustain drives and makes no adjustments for qbs who can. They will have to improve.
  6. Rams are winning the SB at home, they will crush the Bengals
  7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝
  8. The underneath was wide open all game for Mahomes to get rid of the ball, not today
  9. clothesline tackles are no longer penalties?
  10. The Bills coaches played scared defense all game. I could see from the start that this was not the same confident aggressive defense from the Patriots game.
  11. Get up to the los and guard somebody. Challenge every play and don't play defense like a scared little *****
  12. They're actually challenging them on defense and not playing a scared soft shell defense. They're safeties are not 25 yards downfield and backpedaling at the snap.
  13. Burrow forcing it to Chase and not even looking anywhere else, looked like a rookie on that play
  14. I don't think it's a matter of being tired from last week. I think it's more likely that the Chiefs thought they would just cruise.
  15. Burrows saw him covered and didn't look anywhere else. Went right back to it. Chase is a stud. Tie game!☺
  16. Okay, Bass didn't get the memo on the kickoff; as if blaming him explains that entire tragic embarrassment. What a crock of *****. Meanwhile nobody has anything to offer about WTF happened on the next 2 plays? Someone really needs to explain their thinking. That was just beyond stupid.
  17. only 3 teams in the NFL used pre snap motion on a lesser % of plays than the Bills last season; the Giants, the Eagles, and the Cardinals. I'd like to see more moving parts and more speed to really get defenses on their heels.
  18. and that is only the kickoff Has McD or Frazier explained wtf they were thinking with those def alignments or why they would show their stupid alignment, call timeout, and then line up the same stupid way? (I have not been following anything since the disaster) Why rush 4 when Mahomes can't take long to throw? Why were the safeties 30 yards downfield when they only needed a fg? Why no resistance or coverage at the line? time was everything at that point. Why protect the sideline when KC has 3 timeouts and only 13 secs? The list goes on and on Bottom line, what the ***** were they thinking ?? ? They need to answer imo, before just moving on to next year as if that idiocy never happened.
  19. McDermott won't say anything because there's nothing he can say. How can he possibly explain that sequence? There is no explanation that will make any sense.
  20. I think Beane has had mixed results like any GM. Allen definitely makes up for a few bad picks. One pick that really bothered me though and had a huge effect on the last game was taking a 2nd DE in a row and passing on C/G Creed Humphrey in the 2nd round last draft. KC took him right after the Bills took Basham. He anchored their line all year and completed their amazing one year rebuild. Multiple outlets rated him #1 center in the league this year. The Bills had a chance to add one of the top interior lineman in the league, a position of great need, and let him fall to their biggest AFC obstacle whose oline was in shambles. If Humphrey was on the Bills line instead of KCs...... Nothing against Basham but another DE with that pick was a luxury and a wasted opportunity to add top talent to the o line and deny their rival the same.
  21. Why? They still have to score a TD either way. It's a little easier to go 50 yards than 75 yards but that's the only difference. Neither is definite, one is more probable. You're no Einstein, quit kidding yourself.
  22. The coaches were exposed as morons, plain and simple.
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