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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. The team is not owned by the fans. You can believe it should be publicly owned, but it's not. You do not have a 'right' to know the Pegulas. They are not building a park that I know of, and if they do i am sure they will get whatever permission needed. It is his franchise and he can put whoever he wants in charge without consulting you or anyone else. I agree with DCTom.
  2. For your information I am not jealous at all. I am perfectly happy with my situation in life, happily married and successful, and I would gladly kick the **** out of that punk if the opportunity presented itself. You have no idea who I am and what I am capable of. I was a guy who fought his way out of a life I was not destined for. I left with nothing and have built a great life with a woman I love for 21 years and could not be happier. To insinuate I would be intimidated by a 6'4" douchebag is laughable, I am 6'3" and 225 lbs myself, I also grew up fighting jackasses and do not fear people in that way. Live with your own fears and don't project them on people you don't know.
  3. Like I said, you do not know me very well; with my experience I can tell you he is not a tough guy and yes I am confident I could still wipe the floor with his sorry ass.
  4. Who? You do not know me very well, Joe Muscato taught me to box, my brother was a NY state wrestling champion and I beat up bullies on a regular basis in SB. Maybe he would clean your clock, I would not be afraid of that punk even at my age.
  5. I am not saying Leftwich would stoop so low, I was merely suggesting one of his teammates, not so high on the ladder, might take exception to his obnoxious personality. Growing up in SB I guarantee you this guy would have gotten his ass kicked plenty til he changed his ways.
  6. I get that, in this case I think it is related to his particular brand of elitist douchebaggery. A lot of cocky arrogant athletes are still liked by their teammates because their arrogance is not necessarily directed at them. Rosen seems to think he is above and beyond his contemporaries to the point of delusion imo.
  7. Byron Leftwich might take a poke at him he said. In the heat of the moment when insulted by someone you really don't like, you may not think too hard before decking someone regardless of the consequence.
  8. Living in Eugene and following Pac12 football, there were stories a few years ago about Rosen not being well liked. Long before this draft process and election cycle he had a rep as a douche in the Pac 12, as much as some like to think it, this is not something new made up for the draft or political atmosphere.
  9. Rosen doesn't have rough edges like Kelly though, he has arrogant, obnoxious, entitled edges that rub people the wrong way. It would not surprise me if he gets Geno-ed by a teammate.
  10. Question? Have not attended a Bills game since 1981. During the cold snowy games, do the biggest bearded shirtless guys still find each other for a drunken fistfight?
  11. Guy on message board gets sued for slander? Pretty sure it would be happening all over the country if it was a thing.
  12. He was a national champion heavyweight wrestler as a junior and 3 time Neb. state champ, so I would say he is definitely athletic.
  13. Sure buddy, Russ the serial cheat is a real class act. Good for you for having his back. I for one am glad he is gone. "Be honest with your wife and keep it between your family". Is that a joke? A little late for that, he obviously didn't give a **** about his wife or his family and flaunted his relationship in front of coworkers. Real classy how you blame the women who 'exploited' his power. Gtfoh with your holier than thou bull ****. He has nobody to blame but himself but you make him out to be a victim. No class is right.
  14. He is smart, willing to learn and has rare physical tools. That is a good combo to have a good chance. I am encouraged that he is still young and he was the smartest qb on the wonderlic. Say what you will, but one thing the wonderlic measures is how quickly you can see patterns and discern the proper response. He has a good aptitude for learning and so far a humble willingness to do so, that bodes well for his success imo.
  15. 10 tackles ..5.5 sacks and a forced fumble against Baylor in an important game, impressive no doubt. Teller has 70 lbs on Boesen and he benches 460 lbs, squats 600 and cleans 400 lb. High school wrestling may not be enough. Phillips on the other hand was a 3 time state heavyweight wrestling champ of Nebraska, and won the national championship as a junior. High character tough guys, I like it.
  16. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.boston.com/sports/new-england-patriots/2018/03/02/how-the-current-patriots-performed-at-the-nfl-combine/amp&ved=2ahUKEwj67Pv0v-PaAhVE6GMKHfZyB9oQqa4BMBJ6BAgDEAI&usg=AOvVaw21-6DBJddVG-3HJo0IgYxG&ampcf=1 He was a specimen, 24" vertical leap, 5.3s 40, a whopping 30td 17int. college career. I am sure if they had your analytics back then his greatness would have been evident. He was projected to go top 10 but he slid to the end of the 6th when they saw him with his shirt off.
  17. Probably Beane I would think, I love how genuinely grateful and humble he seems. I don't expect they will have any Dareus type issues with this guy.
  18. I thought he was a reach in the 4th round, but like you say I will trust McD's evaluations of dbs.
  19. He was listed in numerous top 100 lists, great value in the 5th. Incredibly strong, 460 lbs bench press, 600 lbs squat, 400 lbs clean, another beast like Phillips.
  20. Flat earth? Reptilian hybrid superhuman ? C'mon spill the beans, I am curious to know.
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