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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. H e y Joe........., quit tryin to script where the future may go....
  2. I laughed at your post because it is hilarious, most evidence suggests he has a chance to be great actually. Evidence is something real, not something you make up in your head. A chance is any chance at all. What are you saying? ??⚡?
  3. If you are worried about your depth you are not very deep, you're just fakin it.
  4. Dude invented jeans back in the 1800s, pretty cool dude I guess. He is not a football player.
  5. I think Foster, DeBeer, Boettger and Thompson are the frontrunners, with at least one making the 53 and the rest on ps.
  6. Reread what I wrote, I never said before the tweets, MarkVader came up with that interpretation on his own.
  7. ABC has millions and millions of reasons to cancel it. $$$$$$$ Good riddance to that racist scumbag pos, this country is ignorant enough without her garbage.
  8. Joe Muscato taught me and a couple friends how to box as teenagers in South Buffalo. He and his brother Phil were top 10 heavyweight contenders from Dunkirk. I remember Cooney fighting Holmes, the 'great white hope' Don King labeled him. He was a good puncher, not as good a defender. He only lost 3 fights I think, Holmes Spinks and Foreman.
  9. Bogus noncall on that last goal, so obvious.
  10. Not a Capitals fan in the least, but I really do not want Vegas to win in their first season. Just doesn't seem fair to all the other expansion teams who struggled to build a team from scratch.
  11. With Irving and Hayward back, you would have to think they will be among the very top contenders.
  12. Yes, there is a lot wrong there, on many levels.
  13. Gotta win it at home, I am a big Celtics fan and it's frustrating to think what this team would be like with Irving and Hayward. Did not box out on the defensive end very well and were not helping each other out enough underneath. Fouls seem so arbitrary these days, so much contact the refs could call a foul anytime they want, or not. I prefer the college game, more teamwork and less one on one; but I watch the playoffs especially the Celtics. These young guys really stepped up this year and I think the team will contend for a title next year, if they make the finals this year they will be major underdogs but a slim chance is better than none. I am trying not to think the NBA would really like LeBron in the final.
  14. They might wanna play defense with a little more urgency, 3 ft off LeBron with 1 sec on the shot clock is beyond stupid.
  15. What about all the people at home and in the bars who complain about players disrespecting the flag? Do they stand at attention in their living rooms? Do they stop ordering a beer or talking to friends to solemnly honor the national anthem? I think the easiest solution for the NFL would be to have all players in the locker room during the anthem, with the players free to protest in any way they see fit on their own time. Unfortunately a lot of people seem to respect the flag itself more than the freedom and rights of the Republic it represents.
  16. Foster ran 4.41 at combine and Dupre ran 4.46 at his pro day, Jones ran 4.45 at the combine, would be nice to get some speed out there at wr. Hoping Jones gets it together this year and some unexpected wrs stand out.
  17. The guy has been starting fights, bullying teammates and spitting in people's faces since at least freshman year Neb. if not longer. He was an incredible lineman and still was dismissed because of his uncontrollable rage. He transferred to Oregon and lasted one week. He was voted 2nd dirtiest player in the league 2012 by the players, behind Suh. Mental illness combined with probable roid rage and just a basic lack of respect and sportsmanship. I hope he gets the help he needs and glad he held it together for a few years in Bflo. I think the Bills obviously made the right move letting him go.
  18. Can anyone explain why the Bills would release him? He is under contract, why not just trade him if he still wants to play?
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