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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. My friends and I pelted the MNF booth with snowballs and then gave Dandy Don, Howard Cosell, and Frank Gifford the finger. They pointed at us and laughed their asses off. I was in the section of the end zone that hit Foreman with the snowball. Those are my Bills confessions.
  2. I would be shocked if he wasn't on the roster week 1. Murphy hasn't played a game in a long time, and who knows if he will play well or be durable. Shaq knows the defense and he wasn't terrible. He also is on rookie contract. I think they are putting him on notice to light a fire in him.
  3. It won't surprise me if Taylor has a decent year, the Browns have one of the better wr corps this year with Gordon, Landry, and Coleman, not to mention Nick Chubb, Carlos Hyde, and Duke Johnson in the backfield, and Djoku at te. Definitely a whole lot more weapons than the Bills. They have added more talent to the d and they are bound to turn it around one of these years.
  4. I think it is because he is gigantic, pretty sure that is an NFL football.
  5. His 830yds 15.1avg 5 tds would have been better than any Bills receiver last year in any category by a large margin. In fact, he was the Bills leading receiver the year he played in Buffalo. I am in no way advocating for T O and can understand not liking him or doubting he can still play, but your statement is just straight up baloney.
  6. The fa additions were either guys who did not play well last year/s or guys who were injured. I am more hopeful the guys who were injured play well than I am about the ones who have not been playing well.
  7. During the blizzard of 77 my friends and I walked 4 blocks from my house to another friend's house through complete whiteout 60 or 70 mph winds. You could not see your hand in front of your face. We made our way down the street from parked car to parked car sometimes missing and walking into trees. We checked every car and if it was open we would get in and regroup, it was so disorienting I will never forget it. It must have taken us over 2 hours to walk 4 blocks. My friends and I weren't thieves and were not in the habit of getting in strangers cars, but this was survival.
  8. I was hiking out of the Grand Canyon on the north rim around 8000 ft. and a wicked lightning storm was chasing me up Bright Angel canyon. I was still about a mile or so from the rim when it caught up to me. I was inside the lightning cloud and my hairs were standing you could feel, see and hear the electricity in the air. I thought I was a goner and was saying my prayers. Another time I was playing softball on the south rim when an immense lightning strike blasted a tree just over the left field fence. It was so loud and shocking I instinctively ducked and covered my head. I was sitting on the bench and the electricity came up from the ground through the steel frame wooden top bench and arced from a bolt into my inner thigh. The girl sitting next to me saw it and freaked, evidently she just happened to be looking between my legs, it lasted a few seconds and when it was done a little puff of smoke came from my leg and I had a small cauterized hole in my skin. So I guess I can say I was hit by lightning. Some people there swore they saw electricity pass through people in the outfield. Used to sit on the edge of the canyon rim and watch incredible lightning light up the canyon ripping through the air in every direction.
  9. I read the book, if I remember right he grew up somewhere near Abbott and Woodside. I grew up off of Abbott and my oldest brother went to high school with him. A great journalist and ambassador of all things Buffalo. RIP
  10. That was 41 years ago for me, had a lot of fun working there. Went there some years back to show my wife from Oregon where I worked as a kid but everything was so different. It used to be such a vibrant area. I am suddenly really hungry for a beef on weck sandwich.
  11. I worked for the Broadway Market manager (my uncle) when I was 15 and 16 in the 70s. There was a small bar, I think across the side street on the same side of Broadway where we could sneak over for a beer. We would get served no problem. Could have been Moe and Eddies, don't remember the name.
  12. That seems so harsh compared to growing up in the 70s. Sorry to hear that, glad it is behind him. The penalties are so severe now, we were fortunate to avoid such troubles as kids.
  13. My friend had an extra Sheriffs picture Id card, drivers license were paper and had no picture back then, so we cut his picture out and took a Polaroid in my yard and carefully reconstructed the card. I used it for almost 2 years before a doorman at Mulligans Sunset beach took it away, it was falling apart. Luckily I got my real one a week later on 18th bday. I don't remember identity theft being a thing back then, a lot of kids had fake ids. You didn't even need id to fly, you could fly as whoever's name was on the ticket.
  14. I was drinking a beer on Main st. Park City around '87 talking to a friend, the cops went by and turned around. I got up and put the beer in the garbage as they were pulling up. I continued walking up the street pretending I can't hear the cops telling me to stop. When I heard the car door open I took off like a flash. I ran up some stairs to the next street up the hill and as I turned the corner to run down that street I heard a gun go off. I quickly hid in some bushes and had to stay in there over an hour til dark as the cops kept circling around for me. I changed my look as best I could and made my escape down Main st, as I'm walking down the street I see a cop car coming up it. I quickly thought 'change your walk' for some reason, so I did and walked right past them. The next day my friend says I thought they shot you. Warning shots fired for an escaped beer drinker. I never ran from a cop again.
  15. Miraculously no, not that I am a criminal or anything but luckily South Buffalo cops in the 70s were not too hard on kids partying. I usually had the good sense to leave before they showed up, that and being a fast runner. It didn't hurt if they knew and liked your family either. I did get hauled into the South Park station when I was 15 with a buddy who 'borrowed' his mom's car. Dad had to come get me, no charges filed even though their was unopened beer involved. The cops were happy to keep the beer. Travelling with the Grateful Dead years ago there were a few encounters that could have gone South but luckily they always let us go. One time in '85 we were leaving Red Rocks heading to the Grand Canyon in an old van with stickers all over it and stopped at a gas station somewhere on i70. We had a keg of beer, six stoned deadheads and the sliding door wide open when the state troopers pulled up right next to the open door staring at me. My buddy Murph from Mass. reaches in front me and closes the slider right in their face. Knowing what some of the riders have in their pockets I figure this trip is over, the trooper walks around to the drivers window and says "let me guess, you're coming from the Dead shows". "Yes sir" we said. "How were they? I bet they were great" he said. We proceeded to talk about the Dead and living in the Grand Canyon until the rest of the motley crew came out of the store and then he let us go telling us to drive safe and sober. A few other close encounters in Ohio, Chicago, L.A., Oakland, Atl, and Oregon, they let me go everytime. Now that I think of it I have been pretty blessed that way. My days of almost getting in trouble are far behind me now. ? ⚡
  16. Love Watkins Glen, used to go there as a kid. My parents lived in Ithaca before they had a family and used to take us back there for a weekend trip. We would stay at and hike the gorge. One trip without my dad, around 1970, my mom took a wrong turn and ended up in line for time trials with the formula one cars. My brothers and I telling my mom to go for it in our Ford Galaxie 500. Beautiful area, would gladly join you all there if I could.
  17. Perhaps 'late' was referring to his annoying habit of being tardy for meetings?
  18. Good point, if I see them playing anyone but Buffalo I will not give them the full measure of my devotion and rooting powers, but I will not wish them harm.?
  19. With Guerrero's history you would think his clients should be tested after this.
  20. No, the Bengals love is over now as far as football goes, but I will remember that moment and am proud of the generosity of Bills fans in the aftermath. I remember rooting for them in the SB early 80s against the 9ers. Pat McInally, only perfect wonderlic score, was a friend of my cousins.
  21. I am! I am pretty sure it is mostly brouhaha, with some poppycock and balderdash sprinkled in.
  22. This would not really surprise me, I think there is a battle of egos and legacies going on there. Funny thing is I bet they both want NE to suck when they are gone. Brady getting rid of JG was part of that battle. BB retiring, Gronk suspended/traded or Brady suspended for peds would be my best guesses if something really big is indeed happening. What if it was all three, that would be ...... a good daydream?
  23. Spot on, that is what a 'comeback' player is, someone who has performed at a high level and fallen off or got injured. Shaq, Peterman, Jones, Washington, etc would not qualify as they have never shown anything.
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