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Everything posted by Turk71

  1. Right, so this cast off from the Jets who was a disaster last year and is now the Bills highest paid o lineman by double was in high demand and the Bills, because their o line is so God awful, had to overpay. Got it. So glad smart guys like you are there to help us dummies. Wondering if you can help with this engineering project I'm working on. There is a lot of physics involved.
  2. A story you've commented on 4 times and I once. You're kind of an ####### aren't you?
  3. So being below average makes you the highest paid lineman on the Bills by double and #2 and #3 suck. What's your excuse for that? Let's hope they pay more castoffs ridiculous money? Is that the plan? I was kinda hoping they were gonna bring in some talent.
  4. What I am saying is paying 'this' guy that much is a bad idea. You are just making that rookie ***** up. Get value everywhere you can. Don't waste limited resources. Pay up for true difference makers. Don't overspend for low demand castoffs.
  5. He choked him out. That info has been out there since the beginning practically, but people just run on in their minds completely unconcerned with facts. Sign of the times I guess.
  6. I expect he will make millions of dollars irregardless of if he is any good at what he does. If he wants to be really good it will be up to him. If not he will make more next year than most will make in a lifetime anyway.
  7. Can you count? To me I consider the first article you cited to be the one written before the 2017 season started, not the one written AFTER the first 6 games during that season. Stupid me thinking first meant the one written first chronologically. Regardless, I stand by my assertion that the guy who was a "disaster" last season, to quote the same sources you used, is a far less than great pickup. The guy who the Jets jettisoned one year after giving a 4 yr 27 million dollar contract was highly coveted, right? Everyone knows that the Jets just have an embarrassment of riches on the o line and had to let him go. Then again it is the Jets and they are laughable compared to the Bills. One of the big books in Vegas just labeled the Bills tied for last in likelihood to win next year's SB. What the ***** do they know? The real experts wear Bills goggles.
  8. All of that rings true to the end of the season. Long has continued to play well, though he was slowed down by a concussion at the close of the season. He has earned the right to be the team’s starting center moving forward, and definitely should be a solid player moving forward. Long’s Season Grade: B This looks like a decent signing to me. Curious if he's a Guard or Center for us, but I think he's an upgrade on either Miller or Bodine. Everyone gets that we're gonna have to go for some guys like this who had down years last year but have strong starting potential, right? Can't have a pro bowler at every position. The articles you referenced were written before and during the 2017 season. Two seasons have gone by since then.
  9. His 4.5 to 5 million per would have made him the 8th highest paid Bill this past season. As of now his salary makes him the 7th or 8th highest paid Bill for 2019 and by far the highest paid o lineman on the team this coming season. About double what #2 Bodine and #3 Ducasse get, laughable if not so sad and pathetic. WTF are they thinking? I want to believe in Beane but this kind of signing in Feb before fa make it difficult. Better linemen will be cast off of teams and picked up for peanuts by others before all is said and done. I try to forget that Beane gave Corey Coleman 3 million guaranteed and he never made the team or played a down. For perspective a guy who didn't make the team was the 11th highest paid player on it last season. This is ridiculous.
  10. https://www.profootballfocus.com/nfl/players/spencer-long/8713 Guy was one of the lowest rated lineman in the NFL. What does pff know though? They are the guys who thought Bodine was below average. Check out the picture on the link, he looks like a depressed marshmallow. Haven't read the details but hope there is not much guaranteed money, he shouldn't even make the team. Let's replace lousy linemen with more lousy linemen, and make sure you overpay.
  11. Being used as treatment for depression. They will be on the Oregon 2020 ballot for legalization here.
  12. Christian Wilkins will be a star imo. I doubt he is available with either of Oak 1st rnd picks. Maybe with Wash pick at 15.
  13. A lot of love on here for a guy who was rated the 108th dt in the league this year on pff. Say what you want about pff but 108th out of 113? This guy can easily be replaced I think and the Bills would be foolish to offer too much. Especially with fa and the draft both being pretty deep at the position. What the Bills really need on the line is a 3tech who can disrupt the backfield from the interior.
  14. Simply not true. Your time in the air is the same whether you jump straight up or run and jump. It is directly related to how high you jump. As soon as you leave the ground gravity is pulling you down uniformly whether you have horizontal velocity or not. Unless of course you have wings or some other way to buoy yourself, or in the case of Michael Jordan and the bionic man you have slow motion replay. Simple physics. A long jumper can extend his flight time by landing with a low center of gravity. Delaying the landing until his whole body is practically on the ground.
  15. It is always now. It it is always now forever. Now forever is all there is. Period. If you think it is not now you are fuk in crazy. Desire is suffering. True statement.
  16. Been out west for 35 years and I remember going back to South Buffalo and seeing them everywhere. The mullet with zubaz strikes a chord in my memory of the time ?. I thought they were pretty ugly to be honest and never considered buying a pair. The old ones did look comfortable though.
  17. I have said for many years that the NFL needs a minor league. A lot of guys playing college ball have absolutely no interest in higher learning or getting a degree. Let them focus on what they want to do and make money doing it, and let them pursue their NFL dreams without taking a scholarship away from someone who does want a college degree.
  18. The only way to stay up in the air longer is to jump higher. Gravity works the same on everyone. His vertical leap was only 30 inches so there are a lot of pros who will jump higher and stay in the air longer than him. For comparison there were numerous guys over 300 lbs at last year's combine who jumped higher than him including Harrison Phillips, so I don't think he will 'hanging' in the air longer than NFL cbs and safeties. I think he uses his body well to win contested catches and that is his biggest strength. Whether he can do that against NFL competition remains to be seen. I am not against the signing, just not expecting as much as some others and hope to be pleasantly surprised if and when he becomes a good NFL player.
  19. I am pretty sure that Foles 2019 qb franchise tag is higher than 19.6, I think I read 24 or 25 million.
  20. Camp body at this point, big, slow, unathletic, poor blocker. Good hands and high points the ball, unfortunately at 6'2" with only a 30" vertical leap his high point is lower than most. I hope he surprises me and exceeds expectations but people thinking the Bills have found their #1 and together with Jones and Foster, Josh Allen now has the weapons he needs is just laughable imo. The Bills still need to bring in a veteran in fa and draft one in the first 3 rnds.
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