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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. Against the Bills 5 seconds would be a lifetime
  2. Touché. I have tried to block those games out from my mind lol
  3. Ben Franklin was wrong! There are actually 3 certainties in life not 2. Death, taxes, and Mac Jones Sucking on game day!
  4. That is a good point and very nice contractual feature that may actually save the core of this team.
  5. This may not be the case BUT it seems almost every unhappy player that we eventually part ways starts and progresses with events like this. Could be totally wrong but it seems like the same energy happened with Henry, Willis, Moulds,Lynch, and Stevie to name a few…man we have been through the wars haven’t we?
  6. The pitfalls of bad contracts and capitalism…
  7. At this point I don’t know who is more inappropriate to be on the wall of fame. OJ or the 12th man?
  8. Sean McDermott can’t believe but at this point I can…
  9. I disagree with the decision of having Trent Edwards play tonight but stead of Josh Allen…
  10. Gooooota love AT&T !$&@ing on other industries for poor customer service practices. Lol
  11. I thought I would share this tragic news here since the Bills community may want to come to the support of the family of the firefighter who lost his life in this horrific event. It occurred at Lincoln Station which is one of the iconic Bills Bars on the North Side of Chicago. 💔 https://wgntv.com/news/chicago-news/chicago-firefighter-critically-injured-after-battling-fire-at-restaurant-in-lincoln-park/
  12. Such mixed emotions watching this game. Overjoyed watching them go down. However also wondering how on Earth we lost to these nimrods…
  13. You scared the crap out of me. I thought I was going to see the Jauron era arena football gear!
  14. Wow looking at this schedule we have tough row to TikTok influencer…
  15. I am just in shock there wasn’t a prominent “Let’s Sign Wentz” thread on here.
  16. Who in the hell is Groot? Is that one of the characters from Hogan’s Heroes?
  17. The NFL has never understood that reply time is not commercial time. If I were a sponsor I would be angry if my ads were running right now.
  18. Defensive tackle is a lot like riding a bicycle. It gets much more awkward and dangerous the older your body gets.
  19. I am in charge of the award and that is not a factor in determining the annual winner. If you are so bothered by it start your own award. 🙄
  20. Congratulations to DeAndrea Hopkins on winning the 2023 JD McKissic award for picking the Titans over the Bills in free agency! 🏆
  21. Mother of cornflakes. Collage football doesn’t take as many commercial breaks as Thursday Night Football…
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