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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. I would have liked him on the team in 2009 instead Aaron Maybin.
  2. That is a lot of math for my yankee mind to comprehend! 😛
  3. Wait why are we supposed to be laughing at the owner who kept the Bills in Buffalo and already has an appreciation of 9 figures on his investment in less than three years?
  4. Love to hear this as a fan I much rather have him doing yoga than getting into fights with off duty police officers over champagne.
  5. Lives go in different directions. I remember in 2005 Fitzpatrick as a rookie 7th round pick threw 5 interceptions in one game for the Rams. I believe at the same time Young was preparing to go on to defeat USC to win the national championship the following month.
  6. Ugh Phil Luckett he made Ed Hochulies look like Solomon the Wise.
  7. I haven't listened to them in more than 10 years the only time I hear about them is when people complain about them on social media. In my view as far as their show goes if you can't find a topic related to Buffalo sports or even sports in general on a station that bills it self as all sports all the time maybe you work for the wrong station or are in the wrong profession.
  8. It boggles the mind how Schopp and the Generic sports talk name have been on the air for 15 years in that same time slot. They do entire segmeyand sometimes shows about topics almost entirely irrelevant to sports. I turend them off 10 years ago and never looked back.
  9. Always liked him as a person just wish we never drafted him.
  10. This was not even close to the worst cut but I remember back in 2012 when we cut Tank Carder who was our 5th round pick that same year. People on the BBMB were claiming this was a good sign because it meant we had a ton of "depth". That never really made sense to me 🤔
  11. Probably not the worst cut ever but I remember being disappointed that Joique Bell didn't make the team after seeing him in the preseason Chan's first year.
  12. I will admit I am overly superstitious but I hated that they gave him the jersey number 11.
  13. I think it is pretty cool that Beth Mowins will get the call my issue is Rex. I listened to this guy shuck and jive for two years I don't think I can take another three hours of him.
  14. I love the pick CB was a huge need with Gilmore gone. With this pick we not only got a 3rd this year but a 1st next year as well beats the hell out of when we took Maybin back in 2009
  15. Thanks for the insight into that draft I guess there were a lot of things in play that like the next 17 years didn't seem to fall our way. Didn't want to also mention that was the draft where Brady went in the 6th round.
  16. Had a bad flashback to the 2000 draft when John Butler seemed to already be planning on leaving for San Diego. That was arguably the worst draft in team history. It seemed like him and his scouts completely phoned it in that year. Hopefully that will not be the case with this staff.
  17. Love the schedule actually. Three straight games at home near the end of the regular season could be huge.
  18. Three game homestand during the strech when it will hopefully be important is a plus.
  19. This is going to make me sound pretty lame but if I had my way I would have every game start at Sunday 1 PM (noon my time). It just does not feel right during football season not to have the Bills on at that time.
  20. Almost 800 replies in one day because our backup running back signed a RFA tender. Say what you what about Bills fans we care about every single detail of this team!
  21. I am going to sound like a Homer here but it kind of seems like a win win. We match and we get a solid 2nd RB on our team for another year or we don't and we get a 5th round pick and some much needed cap room back.
  22. Yeah that is definitely going to be a funny experience I am also wondering how much tickets will be since there are going to be a lot less on the market
  23. Awesome I can start planning my LA trip which originally was going to be San Diego.
  24. Just saw that he signed solid back up in my view.
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