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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. Freddy is going to be at the game. Just sayin! ?
  2. Let’s stop talking about 2010 and start talking about the season opener in 2014 when we beat Cutler in overtime. It shut all the bears fans that I live and work with up indefinitely!
  3. I have been to Indianapolis’ dome twice to watch the Bills play the Colts to be honest it was very quiet relative to the other stadiums I have been too. May just be a more subdued fan bas but my buddy made the comment that he felt like he was in church.
  4. That was such a memorable game to watch as a fan that you wouldn’t have with a dome.
  5. Funny memories three years ago if I recall they were asking for snow shovelers during the epic lake effort snow they dropped several feet in and around the stadium. I remember thinking “The game in the Ralph is not happening this week guys”
  6. At least Reilly is going to get a shot on the active roster. Sad to see both of those guys season end though.
  7. Taking a line from Darcy Regeir I was expecting a little pain this year but we are outperforming my expectations. The only problem is it would have been nice to snag a QB with a top 5 draft pick. The constant floating around .500 seasons have been arguably one of the biggest factors in keeping this drought going.
  8. That sounds really cool. I would do it for free too bad I won’t be in the area around that time. Curious too see what the results would be though!
  9. I stopped listening to them altogether about 10 years ago partially because I moved to Chicago and partially because it seemed they would never really talk about sports. They did entire segments on tennis lessons, maple syrup, game shows and I kid you not some guy in Amherst’s dred locks. I would start listening thinking the mindless chatter was leading to a segment topic related to sports and then I would relize this was the topic. I actually didn’t mind it if they did talk Bills or Sabres regardless of their opinions but it seemed like it was not enough for a station that billed itself “all sports all the time”.
  10. Ugh the “just give it to em” game. Reffed by Phil Luckett who also reffed the Music City Illegal Forward Lateral game.
  11. I am thrilled we won and still iriate about that personal foul phantom call in the last 2 minutes.
  12. I mean this is kind of like the interior designer of the Titanic worrying about the florial araigments for the first class brunch the next day just after the ship has split in two.
  13. I was wrong. I thought McDermot knew what he was doing and was basing his decision on who he thought had the best chance to win and I thought he was basing that off of what he saw in game and in practice. I was wrong and he was wrong. The thing is I am not an NFL coach just a fan. I believe it was Marv Levy that said something similar to this "coaches that listen to what the fans want are the ones that will be joining the fans in the stands"
  14. Just like I hope I haven't ruined my liver with all the alcohol this team makes me drink. In both cases it doesn't look good.
  15. Really CBS just kick us while we are down with that clip from 18 yeara ago...
  16. Man it is has been a rough go for my jersey purchases, I have had a Mcgahee, Lynch,Losman,Spiller and Watkins. After Sammy got traded I decided to scrap ever buying a current player again and went with a Thuman jersey.
  17. My main intrest in this game is KC's defense getting me 8 fantasy points! For real life it is win win for us since if the Broncos lose it weakens another wild card contender and if the Cheifs lose it gives us a potentially higher first round pick.
  18. Good lord Ed Hodhulli is a terible ref...
  19. Ugh I didn't realize we had Hochuli for the game...
  20. Wow I never thought I would see the day that Schopp is actually talking about Bills football! 😳
  21. Man I will never forget that draft, someone on the old Bills message board d actually said, "Marv got us four first rounders in thr first four rounds!"
  22. I am with you on everything but the Sammy Watkins part. I have him on my fantasy team!!
  23. I thought you were talking about our old OC Turk Schonert for a second.
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