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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. Third shot of Jameson already
  2. Am I the only one that keeps doing a double look because I think the Bills staff are wearing Detroit Lions hats?
  3. Calling interference on a hail Mary made me even more mad than just give it to them in that game.
  4. Wow that was a beautiful pass that would have been a TD if it were Any of the of the 1st 2nd or 3 rd recievers.
  5. Yeah it wasn’t working on my phone but it does work on my lap top
  6. I don’t have any disdain for this thread I was making a joke about how every time you hear his name Jack Nicklaus is brought up. Sorry.
  7. Breaking News: I have just found out for the first time ever that Jack Nicklaus is his grandfather no one has ever heard this before ever! I really wish they would mention this during games. They also never show Niagra falls during home games or chicken wings being made either.
  8. I would wave the white flag and surrender. Opposition is futile!
  9. Yep I believe that is correct.
  10. What about a flying stadium? That would be cutting edge and it can be tracked by posters on here during the off-season to see if there free agent or coaching signings coming down the pipeline as well.
  11. Brad Riter was another reason I stopped listening to WGR more than a decade ago. He would go on these bizarre left wing rants which I didn’t feel like listening to on a station that billed itself as “all sports all the time”. I wanted to hear this guys opinions on geopolitical events about as much as I wanted to hear Donald Rumsfeld’s views on Losman Vs. Edwards.
  12. Clerence “Poo Bear” Williams anyone?
  13. Any post that has a player’s name followed by. “Anyone” usually is not the player you want.
  14. Not a player but the 1994 version of the Bills throwback jerseys were atrocious.
  15. Wasn’t Russ’ slogan “Don’t worry baby they will never find out about us”?
  16. I really enjoyed the film myself, I got a chuckle at the ‘Scott Wood’ character as well.
  17. I have a feeling I know which 4 minutes of the movie you watched.
  18. I used to always call them the “Bungles” not any more!☝️
  19. Man I remember getting into an argument on the old BBMB about this guy. Basically People were saying it was a great thing that we cut out 5th round pick before ever playing a regular season game because it meant we had “great depth” at the position. That logic didn’t make sense to me then and it doesn’t make sense to me now. Nix claimed he was going to build through the draft and we were cutting players we drafted within months of acquiring them.
  20. A big thank you for everyone that makes this site what it is. I was bummed when the old BBMB went down but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because this forum is a huge upgrade. Thanks for taking this refugee in!
  21. I didn’t watch but according to the Bills Twitter the reverend that gave a surnon there is a Bills fan which is pretty cool.
  22. When you think about what we gave up and what we could have had in Rodgers if we had just waited a year. The biggest whiff to me was Losman.
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