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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. Oh ESPeon you are so silly...
  2. Never understood why they don’t just make both the preseason games affordable for families? It is better than a bunch of empty seats.
  3. I am actually not saying Twitter has to allow any user on their private platform. My point (and I hate to even get into this because I love Howard) is that it is a bit hypocritical of Howard Stern to use the philosophy of free speech when it is to his advantage but then want someone else silenced. He has given a platform to people like the Westboro Baptist church as well as an evil racist like Daniel Carver so it does go beyond just sophomoric humor.
  4. I love Howard and can’t say enough great things about what he has done in his career BUT... it seems a tad bit hypocritical of him to want to silence anyone considering the years he spent playing the free speech card when he was getting harassed by the FCC.
  5. Awesome to hear! He actually is a very good person that has, and most likely still deals with personal demons. I really hope he continues in his progress of the straight and narrow. Not only for him but for many others to use as an example on how you can turn your life around.
  6. Now wait just a minute, a week ago SI said the Dolphins “Super Bowl Window” was opened. Now they are going to he the worst team in the league next year. Talk about hedging your bets.
  7. It may have been the choppers from Super Bowl XXV that stop the punters from coming onto the field.
  8. I live in Chicago and I can report that the Lincoln Park Neighborhood has not one but two Bills bars so he is well liked here!
  9. No I do and I also said he will be remembered as one of the greatest athletes of all time. I said the excitement behind him doesn’t match the excitement behind other all time greats of athletics like, Jordan, Ali orGretzky. I said he was the greatest just not the most compelling of the greatest. A minor distinction but I was pointing it out.
  10. I was really sad to hear this. Years I go I saw some clips of him playing and I actually had never seen a QB of that size play professionally before and he was actually pretty productive so I remembered Googling him and found he also was a really wonderful person off the field as well. Thoughts are with him and and his family.
  11. I can’t say I agree with your first point when you have Nate Peterman starting the game. If he was in a climate controlled environment he would be throwing more and we know what happens with him. The second point I do totally agree. To build a 700 to possibly 1 billion dollar stadium because on a rare occasion you think you will have home field advantage would be silly and while I did say i loved watching crazy weather games, the caveat I didn’t mention was I liked watching them on TV most of the time and not taking the brunt of it in the 300 sections (something I have done for well over 25 yeas of going to games but usually avoid if I am going to make a trip home now). Like I said though when they do decide on the stadium whether be it dome, retractable, or open air, I am going to be stoked!
  12. Maybe I am just getting old, or probably just biased...or more likely a few too many whiskies, but while Brady is an amazing athlete he doesn’t seem like an amazing athlete where everyone gets excited about or rallies behind like Michael Jordan or Wayne Gretzky. He has dinked and doinked for 20 seasons and he will be remembered as probably one of the greatest athletes but he is Ringo Starr of the greatest athletes.
  13. I love watching games when the weather is crazy. If the 2017 Colts game were played inside I doubt we would even remember and more than likely we would have lost that game with Peterman and I think Joe Webb at QB and would be going on a 19 season playoff drought at this point. Because of that I voted no roof. Having said that I live in Chicago now and only make it to 1 or 2 games a season so I don’t really have a dog in this fight. Either way I am going to be excited that WNY is going to have a 21st century sporting venue and even more importantly this will solidify the Bill’s future in WNY and we can all watch Mike Florio cry like a baby about it!
  14. There is no such thing as bad publicity why don’t we just throw the Fyre Fest of Super Bowls. We can advertise 5 star hotels and then when the time rolls around we can just set everyone up in tents down in in some camp grounds in the Southern Tier.
  15. I loved Beebe and I also loved NFL films with the late great Steve Sabol but man they did lay it on thick with their production value back in the 90’s. You would have thought they were going into Thunderdome the way they talked.
  16. This is going to be an exciting training camp and preseason. Mckenzie is another reason!
  17. I love this thread. Not a single post is even remotely defending the Ryans. I honestly think if we really want to unify the country about one thing we can agree upon we should have the Ryan’s coach every major sports team in the country. This would finally unite us all.
  18. Well I say PFF still sucks. Take that!
  19. The worse draft in my Bills fan lifetime was the 2000 draft but looking at this 2016 was closer to that than I realized.
  20. Dumb people have always existed this is nothing new.
  21. Meh, I have been to Lucas Oil a couple of times it might just be the fan base but it is a very quiet stadium, like being in church. Really not to exciting architecturally either. I am planning to go to Jerry World for the Thanksgiving game so maybe that will provide the excitement DNA of this stadium. Having said that if this is true it is really awesome news because it truly and finally solidifies our long term future in WNY.
  22. We in a way had that no GM model from 2001-2017.
  23. To be honest, if it isn’t going to be the Bills any other AFC team except for the Patriots works for me. You be you Melvin!
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