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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. If you are proposing that every incorrect challenge results in the head coach losing an article of clothing than I am strongly opposed to this proposal...
  2. Vegas baby!!! I can’t wait for Bills Nation to take over the strip next year!
  3. I agree but the fact that any criminal prosecution could even theoretically come from this is really really bad on a lot of levels.
  4. This shouldn’t be a question of what the Brown’s or the NFL will do to Garrett this should be what the Cuyahoga county District Attorney decides to do with Garrett...
  5. I find this story pretty hilarious that three years ago the guy looking to become at best a backup journeyman and now he is having a pro day workout with this amount of media attention. The story here is not his athleticism because that was on the downside years ago.
  6. Having lived through the message board version of the Cultural Revolution during the “In Marv We Trust” era of 2006-2008 on the old BBMB, I really appreciate a place like TBD where you can speak your mind and not have it become WWIII if someone else disagrees with you.
  7. Roscoe Parish for old time’s sake.
  8. I believe it was the great scientist and 2nd human being to time travel that once said “your future hasn’t been written yet! No ones has. Your future is whatever you make of it so make it a good one!”
  9. The other shoe has dropped someone has voted “None of the Above”.It was a thin ice situation as is and as many of the experts predicted it was only a matter of time until someone submitted that vote. The question is now as a society how do we pick up the pieces from this?
  10. Oh yeah it is awesome two months ago they were ready to crown him MVP. They are the biggest fair weather fans in sports.
  11. Well this trade just shows that the Patriots are in full rebuild mode now.
  12. I could be wrong but I think we beat Rodgers and the Packers in them back in 2014.
  13. They should just wear the red helmets once as a throw back and if the league gets mad just tell them “oh dang I didn’t realize it was against the rules. Sorry bro won’t happen again”
  14. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Vegas was holding their breath on that near fumble recovery for a touchdown.
  15. I I could go back in time and change two things it would be to go back to early 1990’s to convince those two to choose any other profession other than sports talk. That way the Western NY would not have been deprived of actual sports talk for the last 15 years. Schoop would probably make a good car towing lot supervisor since since he loves to condescend and patronize people who have it all wrong. Bulldog looks like the kind of guy that would be happy living in a cabin in Vermont repairing model boats for a living.
  16. This goes beyond a bad look. If this isn’t criminal it should be.
  17. Not going to lie it is nice having the Sabres on the left coast tonight so that I change the channel and watch hockey instead of that snooze fest.
  18. Why are they running slant passes down 21 in the 4th quarter on a 3rd and long? This looks like the 2003 Bledsoe Bills...
  19. This grade chart gets an F....
  20. No and even the thought of it depresses me.
  21. As someone who has him on their fantasy team I hope he gets traded to a team that actually uses him.
  22. Really nice EJ Manuel in London impersonation by Winston today.
  23. There is no good answer for OT. I don’t like the college OT because it really isn’t actual football. If it were to make it more fair I would actually get rid of sudden death and just play an extra 10 or 15 minutes to determine a winner.
  24. I am coming home that weekend to see my parents we are going to the game also. I can’t wait!
  25. Or trading away the pick that would have gotten Rodgers in 2005 for Losman in 2004. Sorry had to round out the trifecta of woulda, coulda, and shoulda!
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