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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. Tonight it is not whether you win or lose but how much you help my fantasy team!
  2. Can’t tell you how happy I am Brady’s ref treatment is the NFC’s problem now…
  3. News from the game. I am am having a meatball sandwich and some cheese and pulled pork fries in the club section.
  4. Being a WNY native in Chicago it means something to me whether it is preseason football or Monopoly!
  5. Like the cheat codes in Madden? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. The last I heard I think he was defensive coordinator for the Jets before getting fired.
  7. I remember the 2006 triple camp threat match up of Losman vs. Holcomb v. Nall. This type of nostalgia makes me absolutely love the deal.
  8. That is what I said during almost every game of the 08 and 09 seasons…
  9. Cowher is a great guy. Who knows if it would have mattered and he had no interest anyways but I wanted The Chin over Chan when there was chatter back in 2010.
  10. I really want to throw an Ertz joke in here but I can’t I can’t in good consciousness let the long TBD summer nightmare continue at my hands.
  11. And a lot easier to spot than Indeterminatebinsky.
  12. To borrow and modify a line from the movie Tommy Boy. A lot of people go to school for 9 years…They are called doctors…
  13. Dang I forgot that was our stadium’s name! Great to hear though!
  14. If we had a quarterback and 8 actual home games we probably would have ended the drought that year.
  15. Man that fans being too noisy rule was insane. I think some teams actually got penalized for it which is crazy.
  16. Really excited the Bills are coming to Chicago even if it is preseason and even if I have to see some Bears fans. I will definitely be there!
  17. That is probably one of my favorite NFL referee clips of all time. What an awesome person that put some great life into the league.
  18. Soldier Field’s tailgating atmosphere is horrible. There is next to nothing around the stadium, you risk getting an open container ticket pretty much anywhere you go. As for Arlington Heights the only thing I know is they have a race track which serves excellent Bloody Marys. I would say that is an upgrade right there!
  19. Ding! Ding! Teef wins and I disagree the spaghetti carbonara and vanilla gelato I ate tonight at the restaurant in my neighborhood where I saw Marv was amazing!
  20. Find the Truth! Whoever guesses right gets to go next! 1. I have less than one percent body fat 2. I got a 1600 on my SATS 3.I am writing this message as I have dinner in the same restaurant as Marv Levy right now
  21. I loved every pick this year. I get that it wasn’t necessarily an exciting draft this year but for once it didn’t have to be.
  22. He always looked like a super high garden gnome to me...
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