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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. For any fans of the movie “Old School” it may be fun to have a running back with the last name Blue.
  2. Billy Joe Hobert. He had a very kush job as long as he wasn’t called on.
  3. I remember when I read the headline Buffalo Destroyers being moved to Columbus. I thought to myself how on Earth are they going to move that ship down to Ohio?
  4. They can thank gambling being legal now for their ratings success.
  5. No one will notice the difference
  6. What is Brady talking about? The Bills aren’t playing today.
  7. LMAO Brady got his eyebrows waxed
  8. He was actually a very good HC that did the best he could with limited resources and at times a GM by committee systems which would step on its own feet. Some of his defenses during the “cash to the cap” Ralph/Marv era were pretty sick all things considered particularly the secondaries he had. He also had a very funny and dry sense of humor. The infamous “we punted well” quote was really just a self effacing sarcastic recognition of work to that needed to be done. regardless RIP to an all around good person and a part of Bills history.
  9. The girl I had been dating for two months from Bumble got annoyed because I was too busy to take her. Because of this she said she was going to take a 15 hour road trip from Jamestown with “just a friend” to the game. She then disappeared for 15 hours between the 1st quarter and the next morning. The next day when I asked her where she went she gave me a Juliet Jake litany of reason as to why she could not respond to my calls or texts. She also said she had to share her bed with her friend to save money. it was a nice consolation that they had to drive back with an L hungover the next day but I am still mad we got screwed. Even though my ex and her “just a friend” did some more screwing later that night I am sure. I mean that was literally the Mr. Brightside song. If my cuckatooing isn’t a sign I am a die hard Bills fan I don’t know what else is!
  10. It is pretty appropriate that the theme song for the Bills this season was Mr. Brightside since it is about a dude getting F’ed over.
  11. Drake Maye= Flag Football Warrior! 🏈 🏳️
  12. During the heights of the drought era when we had coaching vacancies there would be legitimate non-troll posts where people would suggest Jim Kelly as head coach, Frank Reich as OC, and Phil Hansen as DC.
  13. Me reading social media reactions at the age of 42 having been a fan of this team since the age of 5
  14. That is a solid trivia. I wonder what the singles bars in Mayberry were like! Did you ever see where the Simpson’s joke where Charles Bronson was filling in for Andy Griffith and he told Barney that he shot Otis lol
  15. I was born in the 80’s but did watch a lot of Andy Griffin reruns growing up lol
  16. Man this guy is like Otis having a key to his own jail cell with the Patriots. They should just give him a set every time he goes on another coaching misadventure with other team.
  17. Occasionally I take out Bills heartbreak insurance by betting the moneyline on the playoff opponents. It has only slightly softened the blow these last few playoff years…
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