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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. bible thumpers are taking over the streets of democratic cities where most mass shooting occur every day? strange.
  2. as interesting as it is, you decided to edit out the point. the direct correlation of pedophile tactics that relate to what the left is doing to other peoples children. you don't acknowledge it because your biased and would love to focus just on your ideological enemies psychology. "we are coming for your children" is based off love and understanding or something? i didnt know telling people who are concerned about the lefts infatuation with advocating identicle tactics groomers use to "f off" we are going to do it regardless was based on peace, love and understanding of parents who see extremely serious and dangerous tactics used on little kids. it literally means either they/you have sheltered yourselves from the sick proof that these things are going on or that your fully aware and approve of it. those are the only two options and there are so many examples at this point its really hard to force myself to believe the former. if its the latter then every fragment of hatred gotten is well deserved. there are plenty of posts in this forum showing examples of disgusting behavior construed by leftist as inclusion and understanding. are you unaware of it all.
  3. those nazis you saw on the trail. oh um yea, just some white folk that are tired of being called racists. thats all. they are sick of being accused of racism so they went out and bought full ss uniforms to take the "power from those accusations" all nazis are these people. just people becoming what you keep saying they are. stop calling them nazis and they wont BE them. make sense? great. everyone can go back to being normal white people once you stop victimizing them. red. that is some really REALLY stupid reasoning. you see now that its flipped right? i laid out the REASONS the left and lgbt are being labled groomers. isolating kids with issues. recommending they go to strangers in secret. introducing disturbing sexual topics. making anyone who suggests they are far to young including parents out to be the enemy. not a single leftist refutes or condemns THESE behaviors. but sure are quick to decide "we are coming for your children" is perfectly normal and the fault of everyone else but the ones actually chanting it with context of whats going on.
  4. i clicked it. i feel the hatred coarsing in my bloodstream now. im indoctrinated!! there's no turning back for me. long live the reincarnation of hitl..oh wait they look like a bunch of soccer moms. these ladies looks very pleasant. no ominous eye patches or anything. @BillStime am i being misinformationed again? hurry up and pull some twitter facts before i end up at a bakesale then next thing i know im conquering europe to expand the master race. fresh sugar cookies with fudgy centers will rule the world!!!!
  5. we have talked about this. you will never see or call out genuinely creepy behavior so don't be surprised when mundane things get swept in the tide of pushback. the left are the ones crossing the line and i have yet to hear why its ok for strangers to teach small children things that are clearly disturbing. then you stroll up and cherry pick the topics/examples and act as if that's ALL people have issues with. if your side would just call out what is genuinely wrong then the pushback wouldn't include anything resembling it like penguin books because we are in agreement..for once, but never that. so you keep looking past middle age twerkers and keep plucking the most innocent examples you need to defend it ALL. its disingenuous and a poor way to try to obfuscate what the real problem is.
  6. what in the world? chi your on a tangent man. the issue i see with you on the topic in general is that you isolate yourself from the real world examples that are piled up and then pretend that the right is just hyping up and making up terrable things anything non "cis". did you even warch the OP. its ANOTHER example of many that i have seen posted to you in direct quotes. you either purposefully ignored or legitimately think are benign. you have a 50/60 year old man waving his butt in his crusty tighty whiteys with his junk just hanging around in direct view of little children acting as if he is displaying some great talent. please hold your applause kids for the encore of him rolling around and splitting his legs wide open and tip your waitress. i mean seriously. not a thought, hey there are alot of kids. maybe i should put on cloths or i dunno not gyrate in there faces. nothing like that crossing his or your heads especially with whats going on with all the right wing "they are eliminating us!!" rhetoric. a voice that says hmmm no i dont think i will represent who they say we are today. this is perpetuating a horrible stereotype that is hurting my community. nothing? the right is not imagining this is "two men holding hands" but you are ignoring it and trying to compare it to innocent behavior of two people in a relationship. heres a secret chi. dont let this get out but ALOT of parents dont want STRAIGHT people waving their junk in their kids faces like this guy is. straight guys prancing around in their underwear in the street in front of kids *looks both ways* psst yeah they get the cops called on them 100% of the time. even worse outcome once prisoners learn what put him in there. its looked at almost a universally by society. almost. they are def not a main attraction in a parade dedicated to their sexual preference. but.. you know...marginalized.
  7. dont say gay is going to erase strangers employed by the state who think its their right to teach other peoples kids, VERY YOUNG KIDS, about gender and sexuality without full transparency to the parents. it should also be called "don't say straight" as it makes no mention of type of sex/gender that can be in a currriculum. just that its wrong and should not be pushed to meet a political leftist trend that aligns with a pedophiles playbook. but you know all this. it sounds rational unless you manifest a delusional lie about the evil transphobic parents and govenor who are out to eliminate those who are different from speaking. ahh now you can get a call to action to protect victims who do not exist. well scratch that.. protect "victims" who just happen to have a insatiable need to teach little kids about sex. very heroic. but you know all this. your on here alot and certainly have read the bill that you find so abhorrent. how many political brownie points have you earned pushing the narrative that you guys have created on here? its has to be a pretty decent hall the environment is parents willing to stand up agaisnt the insanity the left is pushing. if you think anything is "inevitable" that has to go through parents who have a biological instinct to protect their children regardless of cost to themselves your side can keep hurling insults and grouping them as bigots all you want. lol and im not bright? sure pal.
  8. you would like to switch the topic and know nothing about my family. again this is the problem. you wish to group everyone together to make it seem i have a issue with gay people. well the young person in my family did not have any issue coming out to me. so you can think groomers are the same as legitimate sex ed teachers. you can think a 5 yr old who thinks they are different is the same as a adult with a fully formed brain and life experience about sex and gender. they are all the same to you. only you.
  9. no. but if i was i certainly wouldn't be screaching that priests should be able to keep secrets from parents or talk to children about sexuality and anyone against that behavior are just satanists against religion in general. im not advocating any adult get close to that behavior let alone demanding my politicians enforce grooming. like i said IN THE GROUND. no rehabilitation. no jail. none of that for pedophiles and i could care less what their politics are.
  10. thats ok. the group that believes in this s#it is getting smaller. the shaming tactic they use is not working and people are pretty open about how sick it is. the sad part is its bring unjust scrutiny on gay people that have or want nothing to do with it because the left cant help but group them together like they have anything in common. just one giant child targeting group. they dont care. they love to see hate just to earn political points of "i told you so" and have somthing to rage about. its pretty sad they cant just call this out as wrong and you have parents so desperate to virtue signal they happily expose them to these events that are no place for children. just smile and pretend a old man shaking his a$$ in your childs face is some kind of attraction or talent that should be enjoyed.
  11. wth are you talking about. not everyone is placed in a rigid little container with a political label on it. I'm against making abortion illegal to a certain point and certainly there are alot of circumstances that should be considered afterward. you know who is like the person you portray yourself as. someone who advocates ANYTHING including what i outlined just due to ideological allegiance. fu(/ing cultists!!! thats you! you toe the democrat line for EVERYTHING. no rational thinking required. tow that democrat line and think everyone on this planet is exactly like you just with flipped values. real world isnt like that. grooming kids is sick. stop advocating it and denounce it whenever you see it and save a shred of individualism you may have.
  12. ok lets address the actual issues billstime. pedophiles will target children that are isolated. family issues. difficulty making friends. mental health. this is because they are less likely to inform adults or friends about anything going on in their lives and builds trust. sounds disturbingly like the exact sick behavior of liberal teachers and systems who want to keep things secret from the parents about sexual identity saying "you can come to me. they dont understand, but i do" you advocate this behavior. "dont say gay" prevents it and you have demonized it constantly. pedophiles also introduce disgusting topics that have no place in a childs young mind to get them to become comfortable with them and topics no child should be aware of. again. books, teachings and behavior that you condone strangers to introduce to children without the childs family given full awareness and ability to opt out of. THESE ARE POLICIES YOU PROMOTE TO HAPPEN. RIGHT OUT OF A GROOMERS PLAYBOOK. NOONE ELSE ADVOCATES A SYSTEM THAT PROMOTES THIS. NOONE SHOUTS PRIESTS SHOULD BE DOING THIS. YOU THINK TEACHERS HAVE THAT RIGHT. so you can tell all the stories you want about priests or republicans as a attempt to deflect off what you want to happen to children. every right leaning "cultist" would take every child predator or person acting as such regardless of profession, politics or religion out back and put them in the ground themselves. im sure of it. left cultists on the other hand will not only protect but advocate it. against the parents! you authorize these things to happen fully aware they are identical tactics. are there people being targeted unjustly. yes. is there hate being built up towards those that are not apart of this sick trend that has infatuated the left. yes. can the left stop it all by declaring it wrong and leaving children alone. yes. will they? of coarse not. they smile and clap as a 50 year old man shakes his stained underwear in their childrens faces...for inclusion. why would they think any different of your children? you guys better get it in your skulls. you aren't going to bully people like you did with garbage covid politics "murder" or "nazi" chants on this one. you arent going to whatabout it away. noone cares about your fake outrage about transphobia. these are parents. you should say the act in the OP is sick behavior advocated by sick people. leave children alone. period.
  13. of coarse they dont. none of them do. its shifted to er um decisions had to be made in a "short" time. er um the entire world reacted like fools so its ok. forget the years following where data was clearly drawn between masking, lockdowns high vax being reinfected like Israel. the way the canadien truckers were treated. sickning. i and alot of others can look back on our responses and time stamps in this thread and know we were on the side that could have saved alot of economic suffering we have today. could have saved our kids and buisnesses and had a economy better then ever. but in the mean time the jacka$$es screaming MURDERER! ANTIVAXER!! are still on here talking about others in a cult. acting as if they just made a honest mistake that should be forgotten. i really need to come back to this thread and pull a few responses on some of these members who are so condescending towards others. half the posts are prob deleted now...but not the quotes. them are forever. 🧐
  14. this is such a narrow elitist viewpoint that shows there hasnt been alot learned from the last few years. a ton of damage that we could have avoided was a direct result of people with this line of thinking. the science is settled. anyone who refutes it should be dismissed. saying lockdowns masks and vax dont work = banana. to YOU. forget a weed smoking comedian was able to put out more rational correct info in that timeframe then the cabal of state approved science. he is a forever a horse paste antivax lunatic by people who probably dont listen to what he advocated. that's scary. you say its so easy to dismantle his antivax claims and then say he can be caught off guard. id think even if thats true the bulk of the debate will be beneficial to see debunked. your all ready biased in thinking that joe is setting up RFK to succeed and will allow blatant misinformation to be presented as factual. have you even seen a debate that joe rogan has hosted? do you know his stance on vax in general? do you know his stance on anything not filtered through hit pieces? again only one person has something to lose in this. rfk already went on his and many other shows. any disinformation he promotes is already out there. your not saving anyone at this point and advocating it all remains unchallenged. makes no sense. if a bunch of morons put together 1M to debate? first, a parent has a highly emotional element so that's a hyperbolic comparison. I for example would be happy to take the morons money and destroy their bs in front of millions. how are you just deciding that one side is now validated because i do that? its the exact opposite. this truley is a major problem in america today. when do YOU feel a topic is valid to be debated. do you ever think something you think is absurd to you personally should be platformed? whats the criteria that must be met if so. i mean you do know the history of science and how much of it was universally agreed on, until it wasn't. how much was universally agreed on then found to be created and propagated on corruption like "healthy" food choices, the amazing teflon. on and on and on. so maybe just a morsel of RFKs ideas are true and negativly effecting people. something easily changed but continued only due to cost cutting by the industry for example. is THAT worth being acknowledged? none of this would have seen the light of day with your outlook.
  15. debate me bro? well that debate would earn 100000 dollars for charity. it only requires a few braincells to rub together so its some really easy money for a good cause according to goose. he should be able to stomp out a antivaxer claims with ease in front of multi millions of listeners and possibly end the run right there. one is confident enough to make that offer with nothing to gain and everything to lose. the other is typing words behind a screen, deleting tweets and dragging his feet on something he sought out but didnt expect to catch the attention of. whoops. i know dems have preferred their leaders to hide in basements and not have their ideas confronted. censored over challenged but i personally find all the people who can type whatever they want and avoid any real world reprocussions the dumbest thing to come out of internet culture. lets see which one is full of $#it. whats the big deal either way. are you heavily leveraged in big pharma stock or something? your hatred towards the man seems a bit personal. are you against debates in general or just this particular one that is not DNC approved and broadcasted by corporate media?
  16. its so rare that people who spout off on the internet have to back it up in the real world. 100,000 is not enough to simply defend your data, put a anti vaxer in his place that can end his run and shut down all the "death threats" with facts. tells me that RFK knows his $h!+ and maybe people better start paying attention to what he is saying and backing with studies rather then parrot off the usual talking points when it comes to candidates not establishment approved like 👇 so easily.
  17. this is interesting. hes been doing the rounds on podcasts because he knows the mainstream would just shut him down and slander him. i hear "anti vax" but if you listen the guy has a TON of knowledge and more then willing to express it with data. so corporate media cant shut him down like in the past. people who want to use buzz words like anti vax will need to show they are willing to back up that claim to his face. its not hard to skipe or message. no excuses on "cant do it".. still waiting. im certain that gov leaders are not happy that their attempts to censor and clamp down on info is not secure enough to write off candidates like in the past. if the public continues to support alt tech like rumble ( i fully expect the big ones to pull the trigger on funny buisness/censorship when things heat up) there are going to be avenues where ANYONE has a shot and ALOT are talking about the politicization of fbi/cia ect. gives me hope that even if trump is taken as a political prisoner there are alternatives that are serious about ending woke/corruption in our gov. may be a pipe dream but chances are better then the past.
  18. say what now? you have a idiot who posted charlie murphy as a reply. twice! in the same reply. as if he was using a charlie murphy as a period at the end of a charlie murphy sentence and you come to ME wanting to start a book club? you got bigger fish to fry. hes on here non stop representing democrats. hit your boy up in a DM and tutor him into making a rational thought without trump memes as arguments THEN you can come at others with philosophy and how to make arguments. if this is just a education flex. ill admit i didnt pay attention in my fill in social science classes like you did friend. i was a bit busy trying to program micro controllers and learn PID equations for my majors. i did however learn at a early age the teachings of MLKs judging content of character. any time you'd like to explain why democrats have eroded that philosophy back into racism he was fighting in the first place I'd be interested in hearing. basic common sense and history repeatedly has examples where identity politics, now embraced by the left, is the root of alot of the most destructive and evil things humanity has done to each other.
  19. do people like you push a pair of thick glasses up the center of your nose with one finger and make a odd snorting sound when you scan through to correct spelling as a reply. that's all i can picture. whooooah! @JaCrispy was that DOUBLE charlie murphy meme directed at you or me?? i hope its you cause im putting my $#it kickers on and starting the car for a cross country trip to find this human. nobody double charlies me and gets away with it!!! billstime you better watch yeouRr back boy! lol 😂😂🤣😅 P.S. dave Chappelle is a enemy of the trans's, tranzes? billstime what the correct grammar for multiple trans activists with no sense of humor? oh right they are called white liberals. anyways that also means hes enemy of your cult. so you need to stop stealing his s#/+ and for god sakes let charlie rest in peace. he wants to be known for his comedy. not the go to reply from a cultist on a message board.
  20. just human!!? thats it? no race or sexual orientation included in your identity? can you be a male too? super close to a breakthrough if you acknowledge gender. the other cult members will call you far right extremist for this but don't let it discourage you. your so close!
  21. it is very strange to make your sexual preference your entire identity whether your gay or straight. people that have to attach rainbows pins and signals year round or be cartoonishly flamboyant as possible are just as cringy as guys who wear t shirts about "boobs" and the need to comment about "what they would do" nonstop for every woman they see. i love pu### pin is a must before i leave the house. i really wonder if a large segment of the gay community are embarrassed by some of the scenes made at gay pride parades but cant say it. guys basically naked in bondage outfits grinding around on each other. advocating there is nothing crazy about this sort of thing in front of children. most gay people i have come across or that are in my family you wouldn't even really know. its not broadcast and its not a big deal. i guess just having people walk down the street in a parade shows how normal it is. boring like the rest of us in relationships. have to make it a spectacle so we need bondage and nudity included. shut up bigot its who they are! all of them!! ooookaay then. one thing is for sure. liberals are doing more harm to the lgbt community then any bigot could dream. same as they help racists segragate and look treat each other differently soley on skin pigment there are a huge amount of people that have not thought or cared about any of this. liberals force them to take a side by demanding children be exposed. that they are hateful towards a entire community if they don't comply with their own children. parents have no choice now. so good job forcing people to get involved and then determining them as enemies of a group they never thought about. the fact they are condoning secrecy while getting kids comfortable on adult topics which is straight out of a pedo playbook makes it impossible to stay on the side lines. welcome to the culture war everyone. on top of that kids see the power that this wields. your teacher getting on your nerves? make him call you a new pronoun and watch him dance all year or be fired. switch it daily and your sure to find a transphobe. mom punishing you? what a great way to get attention and lash out. if only there were adults with a bit of common sense in charge. simply just say your different and libs will auto go against any who dispute it. no real evidence required. i feel truly sorry for all the tom boys and little mommas boys. if those kids have a liberal virtue signal attention hog of a parent who knows what will be pounded into the mind of a child who is super impressionable from a person they should trust the most. look at the mothers who "know" they are trans at rediculously young ages. 3? 3!!! what a wonderful accepting parent. heart emoji. in the end just like covid and blm riots liberals will destroy and leave the mess without a thought. flip the sign scribble a new slogan and on to the next "movement". by the time alot of these kids truley face the reprocussions of this insanity the liberals screaming the loudest will be on to the next group they decide are victims they must save.
  22. at least you see the good things he did thats a reasonable take but a standard if held to any politician is unfortunately unreasonable. what was joes? he was going to dominate the virus. as he had more deaths under his administration and basically just fired people snd continued on policy that destroyed the economy. hes going to heal the country? by sicking federal agents on parents, christians, journalists while calling everyone who disagreed with him terrorists who are the most dangerous people in the country. by saying he was going to eliminate oil..then say he was not when polls were dropping. then eliminate again when in office. i mean on and on. what promises did he deliver on? keep in mind his term was not crippled with bogus impeachment hearings, because all relavent info for that is being eternally "investigated". hes not dealing with a large scale collusion scheme about being a russian plant. now im not giving trump a pass. your right but we will not know if any of the good things you saw would have been better without the gov machine determined to undermine and destroy him. would you agree to that? would you agree if trump gets back in he has actual experience and knowledge just who and how they can work against him and he will take offensive action before the bs can be used again?
  23. nothing like a group of people who tanked the american dollar. destroyed buisnesses that took a lifetime to build. stunted a entire generation of learning. villianized and cheered on the removal of society anyone who were not sheep while they endorsed a unbelievable amount gov authoritarian power. all on lies. going on to claim that everyone else are the gullable drones for ANYTHING is really something to watch. yet here we are. we need gun control! if you remove the gun violence from places in america with the strictest gun laws our rankings would plummet. we need more liberal lawmakers when places with the most liberal laws in dem strongholds have become complete $#it holes that are seeing record numbers of people fleeing. on and on. ZERO self awareness.
  24. so is the lie there is a whistleblower or that he/she is dead? maybe you should talk to some people that are claiming he/she doesnt exist before investigating whether people were duped into the fact the person who "doesn't exist" is dead.
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