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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. I guess it is dependent what you concider actual. If your looking for concrete prosecutable proof by " name your legitamate agency or reporter" your very rarely going to get that for the powerful. Your most likely just going to get a scratch of the surface and a well timed "resignation' as a finality. There is a reason basically none of them face prosecution yet we all know their is rampant corruption. Seems as trump is repeatedly the only one who is facing true reprocussions. that in itself should tell you SOMETHING other then he is the ONLY politician worthy of facing deep investigation and judgment. To many here it tells them he is the ONLY one guilty of crimes. Sure.
  2. This is FAR different from "idiots dont understand reality". You seem to flip a switch on rhetoric. The only part you dissagree with my "wrong as usual" post is whether its more likely then not all the money ( you agree was made off bidens name and power ) was a direct beneficiary. Ill believe politicians who become multi millionaires regularly while in office are corrupt. Thats the logical stance. BUT Pelosi is just good stock trader. Cheney no bid contracts went to the best company for the job. Hillary accidently dropped clorox on her computers while doing the laundry. No laws were broken on wallstreet except a singularity madoff had a ponzi scheme. On and on and on. Are all INSANE CLICKSERVATIVE takes...because their is no solid PROOF!!! You keep waiting for evidence to reach that conclusion because your so logical. Which im guessing only get this benefit of the doubt of SOLID PROOF REQUIRED when its democrat corruption. Ill look at the mounting whistleblowers, texts that have not been denied, labtop, coverup by law enforcement that is disguised as "ongoing" and realize politicians are very good at corruption and the chigoose concrete undeniable proof may never materalize. Seems pretty rational to me.
  3. Umm you guys are pretty certain a crackhead, i repeat a crackhead, was given powerful jobs based on his merit. Oh yeah honest hard working uncorruptable crackheads who video tape hookers would certainly not take bribery...thats ignorant to suggest lol. Or is it the outlandish idea a politician is getting rich off his name and position by funnling money into accounts illegally through family? Hey chi i also think paul pelosi is incredably good at choosing stocks and has nothing to do with insider trading. The fbi would be all over that!!! Wheres the proof!! LoL! Who really has lost touch with reality here buddy. What is likely in this senario? how long do you think a multi billion dollar organization with thousands of employees needs to "investigate" to come up with a answer one way or the other? The same one who knew nothing about russiagate and kept perfectly quite while the labtop was disinformationed for years. Remember that right wing conspiracy? Hmm its like their silence seems to benefit one side only. but its exactly like the dossier! Oh wait, its the exact opposite. Coincidence. Such childlike innocence in these beliefs that justice is so pure and equal for all. hard working agencies are hard at work protecting the populous from gov corruption and non corrupt themselves. Its like a kid who still believes a fat guy leaves them presents every year. What ever you need to tell yourself i guess. Your the only sane one.
  4. Step 1: introduce legacy character/ franchise to gain nostolgia/interest from franchises with built in audience Step 2: make legacy characters old useless Step 3: introduce new "exciting" character to take worn out characters place. Base character on identity politics. Make new character endowed from god with all gifts and beyond of old useless without much effort. Step 4: explain to audience why this formula should be embraced. Make identity politics as a key factor in changes so if changes are not embraced it is due to the fanbase of bigots and not poor writing and storytelling. Step 5: watch bombing take place Step 6: yell at bigots for bombing Step 7: repeat.
  5. First off Your actually getting your news from CNN. The network that litterally crumbling to the ground and noone watches unless forced. Second Are they looking at housing? So because their is a massive influx of people, prob fleeing from democrat areas (you might want to look up those numbers) there is a demand of people wanting to live in the "republican hell scape" that is constantly pushed...on CNN and the supply of housing is low. Is that what we are talking about? Lol. This place is funny. Please proceed with the leftist "own"
  6. OK so you see global warming as the next major threat that humanity will face. So if you recognize "mistakes" wer made then why are you so sure "mistakes" are not being made or "no one wanted" the negative effects that can be prevented RIGHT NOW with this march towards the fight over global warming. Oh that's right consensus. Sounds like the exact same reasoning that also pushes off any and all responsibility for the small buisnesses that were destroyed from lockdown. Kids who have depression and lost years of learning. People that can't put food on the table because of inflation. Country that spent trillions on plexiglass to "stop the spread and other measures. ect ect that is now in landfills. On and on. I wouldn't be so sure you can make that assurance. Who benefited? The companies who were "safe" made record profits. Elites all put their hands in the PPP cookie jar. Politicians did just fine as they used the "end the virus" and went door to door to collect votes from people who normally wouldn't change their sweatpants to go to a voting station. Biggest transfer of wealth in American history was last few years. It's nieve to think a ton of people are not ecstatic with how the virus worked out. So what do I mean about repeating mistakes and useful idiots doing what they do best? Whos really learning lessons for "next time"? I'm not talking about flat out denial. I'm talking about flat out acceptance and advocation of anything they/you are told regardless of basic logic. No scientific degree is required to ask logical questions just like none was required to ask why natural immunity was completely ignored or why A VIRUS FROM A LAB THAT MADE VIRUSES WAS NOT EVEN CONSIDERED TO BE THE ORGIN. Little things like that. For instance. Why are the elites still gobbling up waterfront property they all swear will be under water in a few years? Not just one crazy one. A ton of them still acquiring property they swear are going to have zero value very soon. Odd. Why is their a rich history in this country of predicted weather global disaster after disaster that seem to never have come to any type fruition. Look it up. The planet was doomed to go through another ice age not long ago. All scientist agreed, every paper said it. Ozone layer was irreparably damaged. We are doomed again. Record heatwaves have been recorded in our past. Hotter then anything we see now. A inconvenient truth came out and claimed we are all dead by now. Numerous predictions naming years left then silently pushing it back. Journalists secretly recorded saying they love the clickbait stories they can make. Why are democrats completely ignoring the obvious climate disasters and suffering they are implementing. The destruction and slavery required for the mining rare earth minerals going on. The complete lack of electrical infrastructure to do ANYTHING that is being implemented. Money to end gas stoves and pizza ovens. no word yet on major efforts on forest care that would prevent the yearly infernos in cali obliterating trees? Canada? The waste that battery acid and electrical components when that Shiney car and every battery powered thing is out of commission. The fact they use COAL to make most electricity. The inconsistencies of green power to sustain anything. The price point that is not in reach and has no promises to ever get their yet is still being demanded on a population that will prob never be able to afford them. Just a few legitamate questions that require legitamate in depth answers from the people making the policies. If you don't want the answers then I'm not seeing a lesson learned the last few years and not seeing anyone but "consiracy therorists" that will hold anyone accountable if this too ends up hurting the people who always pay the price..the working poor.
  7. It's 2023 and there is tons of info on how the lockdowns did nothing. how useless the vax and all the claims they made alongside our leadership were complete lies that were not even done during trials to even have been thought about let alone stated as fact such as preventing transmission ect ect Common sense would tell you if it was "safe and effective" as they promise their would be no need for the removal of liability. Masks were a joke yet you want proof straping a cloth to your face did a thing against a airborn miro contagion? 6 ft distancing was decided from thin air. Blm was safe everything else including GYMS were death traps. Mega corps to pile in were safe small buisnesses were certain doom. The death tickers on all the news outlets magically vanished after a election even though more deaths occurred. Why would I need to prove anything at this point? It's all right there. Like I said your either too embarrassed, blind or conceded to know that if you believed the democrats who used it for power or the people who happened to profit from it all you were played for a sucker. All this "conspiracy" talk and all this loyalty to consensus showed that lies go very far and very deep when they want to and people will do as their told even as common sense and reality say otherwise. To the point years after some still need others to gather proof on a small message board when it's all documented if you simply look. Pick one of the dozens of lies that were debunked by "conspiracy" I'll go in depth. Do I need to? There's a entire thread with tons of links and info on this very board.
  8. yet all the info you were told is now proven to have been lies and yet you still hold on to them. keep believing your eyes and ears that are telling you they were wrong because your too dense or egotistical to admit you fell for it even though it made zero sense. that is what being a sheep/drone does and how fascism and every other ideology exists. people just going along with what they are told and attacking any who question those in power.
  9. pretty simplistic but if we remain mostly vague and scratch the outer surface can we get a clearer picture? if we look at the factions each side considers extreme. optics alone. one side is dressed head to toe in american flags and red ballcaps. the other is dressed head to toe in black with masks and umbrellas to cover their identities. their only symbolism seems to be rainbow flags now that were switched from blm flags. with no other context, what does that say? it says to me one believes they are fighting for the country while the other is fighting for causes that change dep on changing cultural social trends. if we look at policies in states. one side is seeing a mass influx of people and economic growth while the other is seeing population fleeing and economic decay as major legacy chains are announcing mass closings across them? things can obviously be broken down a ton but from a birds eye view things like this are a indicator of what is going on. if we talk about fundamentals of party. one is fighting for what they always have (whats really changed?). but the other. well, they are flipping alot of their CORE beliefs 180 to fight AGAINST those who they agreed with just a decade ago. seeing people as skin color and not a individuals being a major one. freedom of speech regardless if its agreeable. only one side looks at anyone who still believes in its past longstanding principals as a extremist and part of the opposing side now. I may have blindspots but the change i see from the right is actually in a more progressive way. trump acknowledged same sex marriage. stance on censorship is far more laxed now that they have largely been targets of it. unquestionable allegiance to US power war/fbi/cia ect.ect. these were leftist positions my entire life and now determine i am far right.
  10. it can. but i guess we learned it won't. who can blame anyone when its government and media approved destruction. i mean when rioters are murdering the very people they are screaming lives matter and don't skip a beat. when they are destroying the very neighborhoods they say need the most help and the narrative is how peaceful it is. yeah i think your dealing with nothing but state sanctioned lunatics that are destroying with zero accountability or regard of purpose. the only thing that can truly stop that is the people who truley believed in the causes condemning and removing the rioters who used them as cover. that did not happen on a large scale. so the aggressors were repeatedly defined as the victims and anyone who stood up, gun or not, was going to be villianized and prosecuted under the full weight of the law. not alot of people willing to put themselves in that position. duck and cover and hope you have no choice because you WILL be risking your life regardless if you survive. on the other hand one gun and one bullet stopped the jan 6th riot. not alot of talk about mostly peaceful or murder of a unarmed person in the news on that. throw in prosecutions of anyone even close to the building and its safe to say you wont be seeing that type of "protest" /"riot" again any time soon. armed population would be MUCH more emboldened to step in front of that type of chaos. they know there is a medal prob waiting for their actions. i guess narrative is really is the main thread that holds civilized society together in the end because the country has alot more useful idiots then i could have imagined.
  11. lol shows your reading comprehension. "how that works" was done in my post a few replies back dummy. i dont need to be backed into a corner to do that. you know onr of the replys you edited half a sentance out to make a idiotic point and attribute it to me when i never even came close to suggesting it. but i do notice you suddenly recognize individuals and not a entire groups. funny how that happens. anyways no. i won't do guns next and point out the overwhelming disparity in democrat strongholds that ignore daily mass shootings. we already know you will blame law abiding gun owners and "the right cult" for it. not in the mood. i think i made you look foolish enough for now. go to the playground with your friends. i have adult things to do.
  12. gee golly @BillStime you did it again. you accidently became a half functioning idiot in yet another reply. since we are just putting our own narratives into what people actually say ill just google a story like you. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-03-10/california-teacher-of-the-year-hit-with-14-charges-in-child-sexual-abuse-case there we go. a democrat teacher given awards by you guys is a child predator? multi counts on child porn found. why do you celebrate teachers who have sex with their students? has anyone documented you and your cults dark urges or should i call someone? explain yourself. wow. pretty easy to be you buddy. no thought required.
  13. you wont believe this but you accidentally edited out my words, meaning, and all context in the reply in the future please be more careful. it makes your attempt to earn a bull sh/÷ political point using the death of children extra pathetic. thanks.
  14. i really do appreciate you being somewhat rational. though you skipped my explanation ill reply to this. your so close but something is locking you out of full understanding of the issue. you have never had to worry when you drop your kid off at school some insane right wing teacher was going to secretly take your kid to catholic church every day and leave them with a priest. the schools policy is shhh dont tell dad. he will not understand. we are doing whats best for you. you dont want to burn in hell right kids? if that was going on. example after example was shown. what would you do? seriously? id hope you would march in there and demand answers. want the people responsible fired immediately. something is very wrong here. you want reading math science. noone asked or signed off for religion in public school. thats what the parents are doing and are being labled as bigots. now imagine the narrative was your against all religion for this. your a anti-semetic, islamaphobic ect for simply demanding parental rights. we can go further. what if the state you lived in said if your kid believes in only 2 genders and you MUST agree. you are harming your kids mental health with dilusions on spectrum genders that go against basic science. the child should be removed from your care to prevent further misinformation and mental stress. that is the insanity in california at this point and time right now. simply flip the narrative and you can see how crazy this is. imagine how a regular history teacher who is simply teaching the different beliefs in different parts of the world as they done their whole career. they will inevitably get swept in your viscous "attacks" on religion. thats why i say this ideology is actually creating hate and division on the gay community more then ever. why @ChiGoose penguin book he uses alot and many other innocent people and examples are now being swept in. parents are on full alert and rightfully so..because its flat out wrong no matter what is being forced on other peoples children. parents are becoming OVER protective because the left simply wont see the problem they are creating and end it with this agreement. a large movement on anti bullying without all the creepy sexual gender pornographic stuff would be far move effective and universally agreed on. but for some reason it has to be this divisive and controversial way. just like blm absolutley could not be all lives and include all people who wanted police violence/reform and acknowledge PEOPLE with diff skin and backgrounds have dealt with brutality as well. hmmm why does this keep happening. anyways. if you as a parent were confronted with this ideology. i would be on your side to fight against it just the same. wrong is wrong. i hope i made sense so we can be on the same side...to all parents regardless of politics.
  15. well its good to finally hear someone say it outloud. i addressed your right is "cool with" fully in another topic but exact same reasoning. here it is again. nobody is cool with catholic priests as predators. im not sure why society as a whole hasnt obliterated the catholic church for their crimes of pushing predators around but the left wasnt ralling much either. they use it as a scapegoat for their CURRENT stance. the issue is you have predators everywhere! so my question is does a ideology put children in position to be abused or groomed and why is that ADVOCATED by the left? i dont see the right saying YOUR children should be taught things by priests in secrecy. that priests should expose them to sexual/ gender things they are not fully aware of. that anyone who does not want that is a bigot against all religions. that laws preventing those things are evil. thats the issue. if what you say was true. the left is against the examples then there would BE NO BOOGIEMAN. we would agree that $#it is sick and should not occur under any circumstance. period. the left is saying we dont care we will do what we want to children regardless how similar position it is with pedophiles. keep secrets. teach about sex positions. show them toys. change their clothes and pronouns when they walk into schools. Cali they will TAKE your child if you dont affirm and you think those who refuse to denounce the examples you do are the minority of left!!?? the examples are all recent and continuing to pile up because these deranged people have PERMISSION to take it to extremes by a entire party of gov who ignore them. some even considered HEROs of LGBT. saving lives! so empathetic and brave. encouraging it.
  16. why is it when i give leftist a full description of the issues they either A) cherry pick the reasoning of their choosing and ignore the rest or B) ignore it all together or completely deflect? ill address this with i dont think this language should be viewed by little children either. you put a language alert yourself so that says something. so since this is your comparison then i guess we agree. now anything to say on the rest of my reply?
  17. based on actual metrics and not just pigment? content of character not color of skin? this was the rational thinking liberals used to know and i think everyone agreed on...except for racists.
  18. its in schools and parents are saying i dont want them alone or teaching these kids (many times in absolute secrecy) about this stuff. you all are freaking out about that parents are fighting against this behavior. your on the opposite side of your own argument. noone on the right is arguing preists coaches or anyone should supercede a parent let alone advocating it is presented without their permission and complete transparency. if they are doing it then everyone on the planet is for kicking their a$$ and putting thrm in a cell. as for the drag queens shaking their junk in little kids faces thats self explanatory. if you dont see a clear issue with that then something is wrong. its disgusting regardless of sexual preference. if it was straight guys jiggling their junk would you still be for it? that answer reveals everything. do you now get a clear picture of the issue?
  19. if you won them. they can never be lost. 1936 37 frontier lane champion is yours forever old timer.
  20. pretty easy. stop scapegoating. stop exadurating. stop being such a ideological zombie and when a someone brings up sh!t the left is doing, if its fact then dont react with nothing but defensive deflections as if your earning a trophy. you can still rail against the right. theres plenty there.
  21. here the "more training" leftists were screaming about as they tossed molotovs and ambushed officers. https://time.com/6260567/atlanta-cop-city-protests/ oh right they got into a gun fight with the cops that were building a training facility. on and on and on. but right wing ideology is dangerous to cops is the example you really went with. perfectly reasonable. lol.
  22. are you serious? police deaths is your example? how many police assassinations during and after blm!!. leftist cheer on their murders all the time!! Protesters outside hospital shouted 'We hope they die' about deputies ... https://abc13.com/los-angeles-deputies-ambushed-compton-la-shot-protests/6422147/ forget it red. i asked you a question about direct grooming in another thread and the hate it produces that can easily be stopped. and as expected you as all other leftist ignore it. now your seriously comparing police deaths to ideology. your just gone. theres no reasonable discussion to be had.
  23. ok that goes in two directions. i highly doubt a god loving "bible thumper" is deciding ahh the lust for a man is more important then thal shall not kill. but rhetoric wise. but political violence wise. you all point to jan 6 repeatedly where one of THEM were killed. its all you really got to point at. left wing on the other hand. plenty of examples including what i laid out... all ignored.
  24. why? ideology killing innocents is the same regardless what is used. or is it because if you take what i said then the margin of victims is completely skewed towards liberal ideology. but ok. ill leave this fractional example as you see it. it makes no sense to debate such a specific thing when talking about dangerous beliefs that bring about destruction in society but certainly can find many more like the nyc train shooter if i look.
  25. i dont think alot of people are keeping up. but im getting your overall argument now. well there have been several incidents involving left wing rhetoric that have caused mass killings...or are we talking specifically shootings. the left is constantly saying white people are racist. anyone who is not a democrat wants to see the annihilation of people of color and gay folks. so several incidents based on that ideology i can recall. mass shooting of christians by trans person...already brought up. mass shooting on the NYC subway train by a black supremist. the incident where the man drove a truck through a xmas parade killing kids and any white person in the path. should i go on. this was to fight against the "racist" they believe they were surrounded by. not only that but democratic ideology DOES factor into black on black mass shootings. hell today democrats give every excuse under the sun to ignore and mitigate black crime in general because that just what oppressed people are FORCED to do. dont blame them. its white peoples fault this is happening. lets not forget the ideology that now has police disregard black neighborhoods for fear of "over policing" or having a confrontation that results in loss of job and freedom and its totality. dems disregard the crime, prevention and apprehension. but its not based on politics? plays no factor?
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