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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. The "facts" are dems are on board with strangers saying.. shh dont tell your parents about this. A adult says that to any child at any time for any reason is a huge disgusting flag to what could be said after. Every single time a stranger speaks those words it should be fully investigated. You sickos defend those words all the time and fight laws that prevent them. My house is fine. Kids can tell me anything and know their dad is not afraid to go to jail on their behalf at any time if those words get whispered. Ill do my own investigation real quick. How bout yourself? You ok with some adult saying that to your kids? If they have the title (teacher) BT just hands over complete trust and saftey of his family. Sad.
  2. I would never! Crayons can be melted into a sharp point that can be used to defend freedoms. Using them for drawing is a waste of a critical resource in this war. No i think every confession is a accusation! Lol. Are you really using "i know you are but what am i" all over this board still? Been awhile. I see nothing has changed around here.
  3. Yeah they didnt have any of that english in my school. Full time malitia sun up and down. you need a book written. not your guy. if you need a true american patriot to protect the freedoms from authoritarians regime that this country has become. im all over it. πŸ‘Œ
  4. With the dems going full pro pedo. kids grouping up into a little militia defense wouldnt be a terrable idea. Its the only chance they have. They also have really small hands. Good for reaching in to unlock capital buildings windows and doors. making insurrections go alot more smoothly in the future. Alot of good ideas hawk. Keep em coming. πŸ˜…
  5. Its called child support. I dont know any women who had to pick up a second job and live in their car just to pay after a nasty divorce but know alot of men who basically have to start over from scratch simply because a marriage didnt pan out. Do you? Maybe instead of incentivising women to have children out of wedlock or winfalls from divorce we incentive men to stay in the home and spend time with their children. Why does a woman need child support if the father is willing to take them 50%? Why do judges give women huge settlements and force a man to continue decades after divorce even if she is engaging in new relationships or working full time. Obv this is case by case as women are the ones who give up occupations for family but to suggest men have no accountability? The ones who dont are because women dont hold them to it and let them skate. Otherwise its HIGHLY slanted against men.
  6. You would think after a certain amount of time enough people who went all in on what has been repeatedly exposed as lies would think twice. Soften allegiance. Not go back to the same wells to drink. If anything the people who do just simply stop posting. Everyone else just goes on as if nothing happened. I no longer see how rational descussion can be had so i stopped trying mostly. I just browse and see the same threads getting more pages with the same people repeating the same type of rhetoric. There will never be a "good point" or "i was wrong" or " i never considered that". Just tribes at war same as in all human history... i guess its good to vent without all the atrocities.
  7. Those 2 are in heavy media rotations. People who have these concrete opinions usually do a bit of fact checking and research. If you believe enough where you agreed with the response then you should know a bit of what it is your agreeing with. If you dont. Why? Ill answer. Because you dont. You care cause your told to and nothing more. You think a response to police brutality. One that has 1000s of cops villianized, spit on, ambushed, and murdered was the correct response but you care about police who are facing the same thing as long as they are in a capital. These instances follow. You dont.
  8. Thats says alot about you. As many times as blm attacked gov buildings i never once thought if one got shot that.....whats that? Die slowly and rot in hell. I mean this wholeheartedly. Get some meds.
  9. I asked 2 questions to see if your a shill. Police brutality was a pretty big topic that dominated the headlines and led to mass destruction and murders. You just said you agreed with the response. Response to what? Do you agree with the response to make it about a single race if you dont even know about a single incident outside that race? Id think if you find jan 6th so comparable youd at the very least have a basic understanding of it in a tiny bit more depth. So you dont know a single victim name, from the race, that has been victim of it most often? Not a single blm case where you believe the cop was actually defending his life and unjustly accused of racism and villianized....but you care about the police...in the capital. Stand down for your next thought after your local weather report.
  10. Without google can you name one white victim of police brutality? I bet you cant But you care about police brutality...right? No you are against the only brutality highlighted your told to. Out of the police brutality we heard about name one that you feel was justified if you can. If you cant, you know why.
  11. Well thats every one bud. I would think the bombing of civilians and endless warcrimes would be a bit worse. You should be angry they are mitigating all that destruction to one man, for one day alone. But you seriously only care cause your told to. If they told you anything diff you would. Just like your last post was about police brutality and i promise you could care less about the unarmed woman shot in the capital. Let that have been a blm shot in the throat and the media telling you how brutal instead of how deserved you will parrot the sentiment. Its what you do. Dems should stop posting. The media tell us your opinions on every station before you write a word. Covid. Jan 6th. Blm. Not alot of unique thougts outside the mainsteam media. Why is that?
  12. Condemned? You still celebrate blm after they robbed your money. You have made ZERO repreations of justice towards the buisnesses burnt to the ground. The reprocussions that your soft on crime has evolved into after villlianizing entire police dept. The MULTIPLE MURDER victims it gathered. Ask a liberal if they support blm and they will say YES! Ask for the fbi to hunt down and prosecute every person with a molotov for several years. Not happening and you equivacate the two as if billions of dollars and victims in the hundreds of violence at thid point is anywhere close to a building that was absolutely purposfully ungarded and a bunch of millionairs being scared. The two are bad but one was actually shown as good. You hear the media machine talk about jan6th in your exact words and because they ignored blm you do as your told. Echo the narative. Its all that can happen for some. You guys are dillusinal puppets regurgitating what you think is consensus because thats what your told.
  13. His plan was to just pay off debt for the highest earners off the backs of middle class. Destroy the middle class is the main policy of democrats it seems. If your poor, we will give you a middle class life. If your rich. we will make you richer. Thats great for children who dont understand anything about reprocussions and are not established enough to realize which economic class they are in. They are poor at this point so will take everything offered and have dreams they will just skip right up to upper class, if they just get enough free s#it to get on firm footing. How anyone can still be for politicians who just promise "free" when the country is teetering on hyper inflation and rates are pushing thousands of people out of their homes while credit card debt is ballooning out of control is beyond naive at this point. But i see by your responses in the other thread on immigrants your not concerned either. as you are for adding 100s of thousands MORE people to absorb the dwindling resources of citizens who pay rather then take from the system or are poor and are being further neglected to make room. Your ok so who cares. And im on record for agreeing with the tuition bailout..simply because it forces the college reform to the front of the line on topics such as gov involvment in backed loans is destroying kids futuresv and putting education out of reach, unless its bailed out routinley. Say every 4 years. I never thought it would happen but at least its not being completely ignored at this point. Regardless what your saying is. Take MORE tax money and buy voters and they will vote for you. Your right. Selfish fools will always follow that leader. Great plan if you were a kid that thinks resources are infinite and cares little about the effects they actually come from. So the more young people that vote. Aka young dumb impressionable or people who just arrived and know nothing about the country citizens or laws and culture and will need a ton of free to make it. The more republicans "loose". We def need more adults voting and im not talking about age. We have a side that thinks simple identification or changing out of sweatpants to do it in person at a station is "destroying peoples rights". Anything resembling effort for the civic responsability that is voting is NOT the type of person democrats think they will "win" with which is why they seem to want the bar to be repeatedly lowered for everyone. That should tell everyone something.
  14. Stronger? Did one side announce its adding testosterone in soy lattes? Lol. Its the same side that demands that they should be able to freely exterminate and castrate their children at will. The other one seems to hold the reproduction of its people sacred. Preferring to pass along their ideas and values to thier next generation thru their family. While the other that have normalized exterminating their young seem really desperate to indoctrinate OTHER peoples kids in secret while villianizing any parent that oppose how they are artificially pushing their own set of values on others young outside the home. Kinda self destrive and extremely creepy way of obtaining the future you predict. Dont ya think? I dont see that method being effective in the long run. Turns out that parents care nothing about the phobe/racist/terrorist lables used against those who disagree. Nothing will when it comes to defending their children.
  15. Can i copy and paste this for the gun debate thread? Fair use.
  16. Say what?! Acknowleding Problems? Halting? Democrat? I just found out that is racist white nationalism only made by republicans. Fake news.
  17. Oh no. The always cued up racist card is being played by a white liberal. What ever shall we do. Maybe we shall send them to his home to be housed and cared for where he and his loved ones can sort out the few bad apples instead of others. they will surely practice what they virtue signal when that knock on the door is heard. you can also come up with a brand new verb besides the vicious "them" that describes a group of 2 or more people or things that is identifiable as stated in the dictionary. If you took a second to peak out of the virtue bubble you float around in you just might see a few people that dont fit so neatly into your identity politics narrative on the other side of this all over the country. Let me guess just a bunch of "black white nationalist"
  18. Ive been saying it over and over. The country with the highest military budget on the planet cant keep angry stick people from "destroying our nations democracy". Multi billion dollar agencies dedicated to our countries "saftey" and this is what our taxes buy? Do we get refunds? Same agencies that have been proven colluding with social media, who the idiots who destroyed things were all over..even forming groups on fb and didnt see traces of in advance. But their on top of "notifying" companies about memes and off color jokes. Leftists love that gov oversight of speech. footage clearly shows police moving barricades, opening doors, escorting buffalo warriors and people just accept "hey thats a thing that happens at capital breaches..whats unusual?" On a day fully scheduled and approved WITH PERMITS for a large demonstration with people who are pissed to start with. All this and these idiots think they were caught completely off guard. by the way have ALSO decided to ignore and sweep under the rug the biggest threat on that day...the pipe bomb suspect. Are we going to ummm look for this terrorist or is the case closed? Got a sketch or reward goin? I mean it might be my neighbor. Its been a few years now ...hello? anyone? All "conspiracy" after media/ FBI and gov officials who ALREADY WERE PROVEN TO RUN A PHY OP ABOUT RUSSIA AGAINST THE VERY SAME MAN.
  19. No. We want inclusion. You should not root for any team that does not represent the diversity that is the strength of this nation. I need to see a team who has asian island players. A goalie of jewish faith. Non birthing Women . White men rooting for white men is flat out racist of the highest order. Why is it so hard for you guys to admit your against racism? Demand better red. Join me in the boycott or this hatred will never change.
  20. Whats this? Are you talking about loving a bunch of cis whites men competing against other cis white men in a game children play while the america you cheered for was involved in systemic oppression of people? During a time when two people could not legally get married. When women and minorities were still fighting for equality. When housewives were downing pills just to cope with life and the country was still stuck using the barbaric form of assigning gender based on genitalia causing trauma we are still dealing with today. Nice dog whistle you got there. Should be less obvious with your call back to a time of bigotry and hate. Im sure people like YOU loved this game as others were not as fortunate to get excited over more white people getting handed a couple of gold coins they didnt create. Im going to need you to denounce all the horrable things happening in the country that you are referring to red. I really didnt think you were this kind of person but here you are admitting it.
  21. So far we have christians hate him because he is of a different religion. Yeah sure. He was on a show with a white supremist that talks about " the white replacement theory" aka being agaist open boarders and the issues they cause. You know the issues minorities are now being dealt and forced to stand up against. Id say its a (american citizen) replacement "theory" at this point but that does not push the always pulled race card used by mostly white liberals who could care less about whats going on outside there wonderbread cul-de-sacs. Gas food rent are what people really care about..dems losing votes in strongholds...gulp. 😳 What else? We got a he wants to enforce laws but not ones that are obviously political including the only person talking about julian assange. Oh dear lord corrupt politicians cant imprison people!! No god!! Whhhhhhyyy!!! So basically everything left cultists alone are against and the majority of rational humans regardless of tribe agree with. Is that really it? If thats the best narratives getting pushed by the left and trump is going away. Hellooo mr president because biden is toast if the anyone but trump crowd gets decoupled from the lefts insanity. desantis campaign is being run by morons. He should prob focus on florida and try again down the road if florida cont to grow and prosper.
  22. Yeah but bills have not been immune to even small firestorms. Josh has to explain if hes racist after the draft? Punt god gets canned off of what turns out to be bogus charges. Buffalo jills still cant get work because it objectifies. Our organization has been very reactionary to public outcries from people who prob arent fans or like football so i wouldnt doubt they are in a corner on just keeping him to avoid bad PR.
  23. It is incredible that this is it. This is the shining example of leftist policies. No evil MAGA to contend with. No right wing terrorists there to destroy the city. Equity. Caring and tolerant police. Love and understanding of their unhoused mentally compromised brothers. A glorius and prosperous place that every democrat would achieve if they got what they been desperatly pushing. removed the right wing scourge from the planet, packed the court, eliminated the electoral college. Giving their leaders absolute power. Complete agreement..this is it. their pinnacle. A example to show the country the utopia it can have if only they would follow their beliefs. And noone can honestly refute Its devolved into a crime infested sh!+hole. Litterally. This is what one party rule looks like everywhere. So we should really try to get along a bit better. Compromise and politicians who actually have to earn votes seems to give the best results but that wont stop idiots from praying for their side to gain supreme power and villianize everyone who disagrees. Dont backtrack with the policies now. A wonderfully tolerant disaster is unfolding. City by city. Town by town. The human nature of tribes and narcissism to self destruct rather then give the "enemy" anything resembling a win is quite interesting to watch in real time.
  24. Thats exactly what im talking about. You think on the ground level your going to get that type of proof? If you did then explain to me which president had it verifiably up to your standard and did not face charges. Id argue every single one. But clinton had nothing going on with their shell charities. Barrack never illegally ordered drone strikes of civilians. Hillary never destroyed evidence in a investigation. Bush and his Iraq war was simply a mistake of intelligence. The banking sector commited no fraud in the crisis. Weres the proof? Just a propoderence of suggestions and info but no prosicutable concrete proof that you require. Its all legit. I mean, alot of these were "investigated" and "mistakes" were found, people were shuffled but no crimes commited? Right? Its how it works. Your world the DA found damning evidence for trumps top secret papers but nothing for biden. Thats the story. You see evidence in trump tampering in ukrain but biden..nothing to see. No proof. You have trump indicted, right before a campain for president but fbi just cant seem to reach a conclusion on "ongoing investigations" from 2019 and before. Very slow to prosecute. Lol If theres nothing to see then be transparent. Same way they were "unsure" the labtop was hunters. Same way they found "mistakes" in russiagate. Same story. Same way whoops! hunter was so close to accidently getting sweeping immunity for his sweetheart deal for crimes others are in a cell for years. Just a mistake. No proof the DA and defendents on the case are in bed trying to protect power. On and on.
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