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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. i love when a major penalty happens and the network decides its a good idea to zoom in on guys standing around getting ready for the next play, instead of using one of thier 50 cameras to show what the hell the penalty was for. love it! only replay was of a jet pointing at josh face in slow motion after a tackle..that was it. hmmm.
  2. what is it about contract years that really turns the bulb on, its purely effort. no one gains more talent. hopefully it continues and we can work out a deal because this is the guy we took chance on and im tired of seeing guys we pick go on to do great things the minute they walk out the door.
  3. i think there were major mismatches that we were trying to take advantage of first half. you dont split demarco wide unless you want the D to stay in a run D. it got us down the field but i think it was alot to throw on joshs shoulders continuously right out the gate and it resulted in mental mistakes early. the kid showed last year in the miami game he can win it in the final drive so when we were 1 score down i felt we had a great shot, first time in awhile i was confident in the 4rth! i agree with everyone, was screaming..especially when we are in fg range first drive..try to run it!!! i will say josh audibled alot so who knows. we blitzed them relentless and maybe it prevented the same to us. i hope gore isnt our primary back, thats pretty crazy. id expect singletary or yeldon to take most duties and gore as the thumper to crash the line and hold lead as dependable option. i think singletary calmed down and has earned thier trust. good for him and the team cause releasing shady would have left bruises from the head scratching if they simply were not going to run or it was flat out ineffective. as for the D i cant say anything but GREAT JOB! they were thrown into terrable spots and forced to play alot more then needed so if there were mistackles or assignments here and there it will get addressed but bend but dont break was the name of the game. shaq murphy were great and did tre give up a single catch!? wow its exciting. we need to also keep in mind that the jets are very similar to us. new qb...but they gave up tons of capital to get and was said to be best of the draft. rookie dt which was said to be best player of draft. star lb they spent a ton on..ours is year 2 and showing good signs. where we differ is a high priced hb. all those higher picks.."advantages". cant feel good to still lose..at HOME, but most importantly 'besides turn overs and field position' to be pretty consistantly beat all game.
  4. alot of talk about the great coaching and philosphy ect. ill have to look but the offense is as sloppy as ive seen. i guess we know why we traded shady. running isnt in our gameplan. when its all on a young qb o guess mistakes are more likley. luckily none were on his decisions and theres plenty of time to get it together. the D is REAL!
  5. so burfict was brought in to be mayocks security guard? hes posted in front of the office with a walky talky! lol i originally thought this was a ploy to get a new contract. after he got it and took unneccessary shots at juju the guy who starched burfict out on his behalf, it became clear hes losing his mind. fig the fireworks would fly if/when the losing starts. their is way too much kindeling under this. if the team starts losing or AB doesnt get his touches its going to really burn. if the raiders are smart you extinguish this before it starts...they wont, and it will be glorious!
  6. themz iz fytin werds braah. youz betta stay on da jerzey shoor oor yuuz gunna gets a nukel samwich!
  7. we may not have football let alone the contract structures as they now stand. new nfl cba... so who knows!
  8. stash job! we got patriots offense now we got thier roster manipulation, we are getting rid of important vets, all we need is a few video cameras and the dynasty starts!
  9. l think the problem people are seeing is that allen..if anything overthrows alot do to his arm strength so having a tall jumpball reciever as a redzone threat seems like a skillset that would have value, maybe one of the young te can fill the role. you can only end around until the other team starts gameplanning for it. shady getting cut seems like the darby trade. it seemed unneccessary in a sense. hes in a contract year so going to try his best to showcase.. and you seem to have upgraded the line. cole as the main security blanket? i guess yeldon has shown real skills and i guess gore still has a ton in the tank. the bills have a track record (qb situation last year) of crossing thier fingers on positions that i think you should bite the bullet and overpay for so your not scrambling in season to figure out. may work out but i would stick with the proven commodity unless we are doing somthing with the savings to put us over the top THIS year.
  10. people are so quick to anoint stuff nowadays. sit down reeelaaax. just allow the anointments to happen naturally.
  11. as for zay...some people are acting as if fans don't understand that rookies take time to develope. a wide reciever that has issues catching passes directly in his hands is a huge issue. nerves for a game or two but after that you need to perform the prime function of your job dependably. maybe you will never develop a full route tree, be in sync with your qb or o coordinator..but catching a good pass? the leash should be short on that and we are going in to year 3. want a lb that cant reliably tackle? a qb that cant throw straight? if passes routinly werent close to zay we can argue about who and why thats happening but when they are in his chest it gets pretty tiring to see the drops continue.
  12. sorry to inject myself in the debate lol. i just saw your previous post about how much zay has improved then you kinda said brown is a deep threat so there is no need for 2 fosters types and i thought you were discounting that foster has the exact same ability to improve and certainly proved coming back from the depths ps and being cut to make a major impact. i guess my point is if you feel foster is slightly behind zay seeing how zay has a year and most likey more intense coaching and chemistry playing with the ones from the start, thats a major statement in fosters accelerated growth. Either way, the fact we are talking about this is a good problem to have. i certainly dont agree if happydays thinks zay is easily cut. he had a really rough rookie season but certainly has shown he is putting in the work and improved so i agree we will prob keep them both.
  13. why ignore improvement? one has a extra season and a full training camp being deamed a starter from day 1 the other was a udfa ROOKIE who earned his spot after being cut. its not apples to apples imo. so why cant foster become more versatile this year? imo foster improved more quickly so i am not sure why his growth as just a fast deep threat specialist is where his talent starts and ends. i hope he can become reliable with versatility in his route tree this year because he has proven he can do what zay cant.. take the top off. answer to the question is zay but i dont think that means alot at this stage.
  14. found this interesting. (summary) commentator believes Manning can still make all the throws. He is very good at reading the D but had a terrable habit of forcing the ball to ONLY obj. He also showed objs on field temper tantrums when he wasn't getting the ball. Makes you wonder how much pressure and bad decision making is put on the qb when these divas are squeeling for stats every game and undermining you if they dont get them. if a sb champion veteran qb is under constant pressure to throw to a single target (covered or not) how will a young qb handle it? as of now he seems to be defending the fact obj has better things to do then be on the same field building chemistry with him.
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