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Everything posted by Buffarukus
Biden address from the White House. 10/19
Buffarukus replied to B-Man's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Everyone can have biases. Im just objectively looking at our position and dont think i suggested anything out of the realm of weakness or advantages our enemies can clearly see. Oil reserves depleted. Money and munitions depleted. Major weakness for infiltration on southern boarder. Focus shifted to 2 other stages gives opportunities. Maybe you should check your bias to declare so easily we are not going to be "put" in WW3. Many wars are usually not a choice that can be made by the participants. -
Biden address from the White House. 10/19
Buffarukus replied to B-Man's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Your right. They obliterate! lots of countries have them. I know we are less likely to use them then our enemies. As for the hard working immigrants. I agree. Most are. All it takes is 1 out the millions in with a bomb or who knows claiming this is a act for palistine or iran or...then we are full scale boots on the ground. No more proxy and alot of people in this country suddenly flipping and wondering why we cant secure our border. If only there was someone who said something. Tends to go like that. -
Biden address from the White House. 10/19
Buffarukus replied to B-Man's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
If you say so. This isnt shaking out to be the US vs a underprepared under funded enemy like iraq or Afghanistan. Both by the way we left in no better condition not achieving a tagible victory for us or its people. No disrespect to your service. Our country has depleted our money, oil, munitions almost bidens entire term. Throw a caple adversary to our west already fully in our current enemies alignment with territory it has repeatedly said it will take by force first oportunity. Throw in millions of barely identified military aged men who poured in. You got alot of optimism on the future of the country given the unbelievable weakness i see we have. Not a single penny we are paying towards any of this is not borrowed at this point. all i can say is good for you. Wish i saw it that way. -
Biden address from the White House. 10/19
Buffarukus replied to B-Man's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Why do you say that? Just a "it will never happen here" outlook most people who lean your direction seem to hold. Military recruitment has been in the gutter so if multi front war we are involved in hits us directly...i just said 2 bases were hit with drones. If iran goes full force. If russia sees our weakness in a middle east campaign and strikes us or a country in nato alliance. Your hundred wont mean diddly. Just keep that energy if a letter asks one of yours. I hope not. but every single day it gets more likely. -
Biden address from the White House. 10/19
Buffarukus replied to B-Man's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Have you heard a single word about biden peace talks with russia?.. Yeah me either. Id say attempting peace instead of handing away our countries munitions and treasury. Shoring up the boarder to a basic level where we at least can vet who is coming in. That would have been a start on responsible leadership imo -
Biden address from the White House. 10/19
Buffarukus replied to B-Man's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Do you have sons? Multiple drone attacks on US military bases in iraq and seria today. Millions of unknown people walked right by our border? Any of them who have allegence to hamas? Hell tons of democrats have picked a side that celebrates terrorism on civilians? Any of them unhinged past the point of no return..sure seems like it. A multi stage war is going on as we speak and this is the response some give. -
Post of the year. Just as each person can look individually at the past to pick out what they thought was better they can also do it with what was worse. The democrats clearly only single out one particular aspect and decide "thats what they all mean". Democrats in general seem to have no sense of history. The fact they dont look at their own beliefs today and how it contrasts what liberalism once represented. How far those ideas have decayed and now go directly against is pretty shocking. as many who claim it now were alive when obliterating judgments of people on race. Being skeptical of authority, especially gov dictated. Standing up for freedom of ideas and speech. Being for peace and freedom. They think everyone who opposes them are trump drones when the fact is many of us were liberals they turned their back on. All they needed was media to tell them to change their mind based on a loud mouth tv show host who served 4 measly years and they abandon all the principals to become what they claim to oppose for thei entire lifetime. Its Amazing.
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
Buffarukus replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So you felt you should interject a detail on mask type instead of the point democrats were calling people murders and strapping little bitty hankerchiefs on their toddlers because they were commanded it was equivalent to ACTUAL preventive measures necessary to stop contraction of a contagious air born virus. You felt bad i questioned your knowledge of sanitation practices and wanted to flex a bit on knowlege. But as for the topic. You know im right and have still to contrast the republican response that was comparably stupid. So your pointless detail is incorrect. 1-0 i win 💪 -
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
Buffarukus replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
If what we are playing is missing the point of the post by bringing up a pointless detail...sure im in. Tomatoes are fruits. Your up. -
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
Buffarukus replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You claim to be a doctor and dont know the difference between n95 grade mask and intense sanitation standards are required and what idiots who walked around carring rags on their face they pull out their pocket declared was prevention of spread? If a doctor does surgery on me and says hold on i left my mask and gloves in my glovebox from the last one. I think your getting a serious infection either way. Lets not pretend the democrats demanded any type of authentic prevention methods for saftey. Im sure they were laughing at all their followers that were saran wrapping their heads as they sipped wine at the multiple events they were caught...gulp MASKLESS! -
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
Buffarukus replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
As usual i have no clue what your post has to do with my point besides help it. Covid was not a conspiracy. It started in china with the help from american taxpayers funding a illegal gain of function experiments that were in place long before and long after trump. Im not sure who was in charge at the time of patient zero other then a childish expectation to blame one singular man purely on political bias for somthing that did not even happen in the country he was in charge of. But if the expectation is he could of insulated america from the virus that effected the rest of the world i would start with his travel ban from asia the idiot liberals decided was based on race...SHOCKED and not in attempt to prevent spread. That would be the only real way to not be the 'president when it began" Now if youd like to reply to the actual subject about differences in damage caused by the two administration based on information available and effectivness by all means you can start at anytime. Idiots wore glovebox paper on their faces when mult studies showed it did nothing. Idiots demanded a economy remain closed when every fact showed we ALL were going to get it and its leathality was no cause to do anything but protect the most vulnerable and open states saw no difference in deaths. Idiots demanded vax be mandated while natural immunity was completely ignored and pharma was..and still is given complete immunity. I could go on but i dont think this is or will become a sincere discussion. But i challenge you to give the trump administration/ republican idiocy for contrast. -
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
Buffarukus replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
When it comes to covid I think because one was during time of genuine unknown and the other was dragged on and on and on when every metric gave clear answer that the lockdown/close down/ punish the unvaxed strategy to "defeat the virus" was complete bs destruction of the US dollar just to achieve political divsion. -
Change of plans. Biden is building a wall.
Buffarukus replied to Tommy Callahan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
When exactly do dems do that? Dismantle and Defund police instead of sensible reforms we agree on. Nope Shut down the economy. villianize people that are GIVING sensible alternatives to virus response. Claim it was the only way. Open floodgates on immigrants with 5 star hotels instead of offering sensible immigration reform for LEGAL immigration. Its a bit too late for republican or anyone to be on the side we should make it easier when democrars in "sanctuaries" are pleading they can take no more. Start alternative leagues for trans and offer comprehensive education on this mental health issue without cutting parents out. Forcing it down throats and believing everyone who say they suffering INCLUDING small children and criminals. Naaaaa. So basically. Have insane response to issue. Villianize everyone who disagrees as the worst people on earth. Recognize far to late disastrous effects. Backpedal and minimize how insane it was. Inhale copium on how effects were not do to insane response. Repeat. Over and over. How insane would things have gone if NOONE...aka racist MAGA terrorists fought against them. Something to think about. -
If this only results in single item votes. That alone will change alot. No more (free people love freedom bills) that are just giant sandwiched paydays to who knows what or where. Idiots screaming why you against the trillion dollar deal? what... you dont like freedom? Having people go on the record for individual bills AT THE VERY LEAST will show what these people truley stand for. Accountability? Having to work together on bills neither side can oppose on the record. Dear god its armageddon.
What did you change? Pelosi needed the squads vote to get power and they happily conceded it to her. No progressive concessions required. Rolled right over when they were the ones who would "fight" for thier voters. So much progress from the progressives. Medicare for all? Student loan forgivness? Defunded police? Ya sure...sucker. ( laughing emoji repeated) 😒
Must be strange to watch what the progressive squad declared they would do day one but instead become homogeneous to the corporate dems In perfect lock step. Changing the status quo kinda requires...changing the staus quo. Not just blubbering about it during election time and rolling over when you suckered in your voters. Good to see imo. Maybe dems will follow suite at some point but the bernie ship and any other movement sailed long ago.
Biden Impeachment Inquiry: The Walls Be Closing.
Buffarukus replied to BillsFanNC's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So you accept biden or noone? But your right. As a democrat watching burnie again i must ask for your support lol Before they buried him and he rolled over on his supporters. Tulsi getting slandered as a traitor...as a veteran. The dnc proven colluding to destroy everyone except the one THEY choose including green party canidates. you never do. And your all ok with that. So...do you see it? -
Lol a sugar heavy diet is ok if your normal weight? Ok doc. I appreciate the diversion from the topic of how "science" and consensus has repeatedly shown they are more then happy to lie if it makes money. Ill assume this diversion means you have some investigations to do and are open minded to realize just because its universally agreed by the "scientific community" aka signal boosted to get grants and good standings with pay outs. Doesnt mean its correct. If you like more info on the topic please see every scientific breakthrough and what "consensus" said before it happened and was put through rigorous challenges for decades. I personally like the story of tesla and how edison would electrocute elephants at fairs to "prove" AC was dangerous to the community. Must have been very convincing to fools. Plenty to read. Ill let you get to it.
You dont know why 6 to 10 servings of carbs a day is not a sound diet option? Really? Heres the first thing that popped up. I wont even read it. https://www.hyperbiotics.com/blogs/recent-articles/myth-of-the-food-pyramid theres plenty more documentation. Corn syrup was pushed because...we make a Sh ton of corn..THATS ALL! Sell corn! Kill people. Cigarette lobbiest say shhhh and consesus is its safe. Opioids are artificial herion. What could go wrong. Tons of lies on covid have been exposed. Im sure you were on the "its racist to suggest a lab leak". Yet here you are shield in hand to protect the innocent muti billion dollar pharma monopolies. History is proving the "misinformation" "anti science" people correct repeatedly but you still blindly argue points that have long been exposed. Well you got pyramid info now. Cant claim ignorance. Bout time you check on your other scientific marvels you hold so dear. Some are obiedient regardless how many times the owners kick them. Arent you sore yet?
Your not a doctor. I dont care about your personal anecdote. Im talking about how the public viewed smoking as safe. Doctors would light up with patients in the room. Were you not alive when ashtrays were standard with everything? Or when opiods had no indication they were addictive and handed out like pez. Or the food pyramid. Or corn syrup being a "better" sugar replacement. Doctor hawk. The scientific method REQUIRES challenges and you idiots snuff them out of existence before they start. I know it very well as i had to do it to my own projects.. have you ever perfomed it? Do you even know the procedures? REAL SCIENCE REQUIRES SCRUTINY not immediate blind trust like you fools shovel.
You advised non sick people to stay home yet counted every death as covid related to scare the population, get rid of surplus vax we had no choice in buying and keep a death ticker in peoples faces until a election was over. You got cuomo and whitmer the mass murder who put people in old folks home instead of the hospital ship. If you are as old as you say. Then you know about how "studies" showed smoking was good healthy life choice. It was misinfo to suggest otherwise. Tons of consensus. But here you are eating the pellets they hand feed you as if science has never been shown to be just another greedy corporation if you dont question it. 🤐
Totally disregarding natural immunity. Forcing people to not have a right to sue. No idea about mutations. They didnt even test for transmission but declared it to be so. These idiots danced with the almighty freedom to take masks off...for a week, then ran back for the next round of the no mask ok. Time. Time is what stopped covid. They slowly saw every single person around them get covid and only then gave up the "killing your grandma routine". As the flock wandered sheep have no other option but go with the majority who realized it was a scam. But some are still bahhhing as if it did anything other then make rich people richer and poor suffer through the worst inflation since the depression. Id hate to know i caused all this. So id be in denial as well.
More red then blue? Got a study on that? Hey. Psst. hydroxychlorquin DOES help sick people. Millions of them and won the noble prize. Guess whats been tested to be safe for decades while you highlight RARE cases of miocarditis from the vax. Just a couple young healthy men that could have EASILY beat covid...prob already had. But dont try a perfectly safe med...try a experiment. I dont think your making the point you think you are. No talk about excercise and diet. Cause being healthy wont help when your sick with a virus. stay inside! That was the liberals big plan. Hold your breath, dont move and stick this in your arm after you sign the waver! Thank god they contained the spread of covid. Thank you elitists for saving society by forcing people to get fired and not go out to those small buisnesses that are shut down. We are forever greatful. Everyone got it but at a slightly slower pace. God bless you. you brought race into a covid descussion out of the blue? Shocked. Ok well Next in line to thank you are the blacks who lives are forever better now that we have no DAs who prosecute and have less stores and buisnesses in their neighborhoods while being crush by the hyper inflation of everyday items. Its done so much for the community. So much "american exceptionalism" at work. Lol. And here you are. Defending it all over and over again.
Every excuse they were given for the lies the left just immediatly shifted with. And yet they use cult to describe others. "Mistakes happen" as if shutting down the economy. Throwing covid plus patients in with the vulnerable. Shutting down and censoring those who were pointing out the "mistakes" that were happening in real time. Cheering on gov seizing bank accounts firings and public monitoring of health information now all the evidence of vax harm. Just brush it all off as nothing instead of saying...we were lied to, im sorry and am with the fight to never give away our liberty again. Truley elitist and idiotic at every level. They loved the power and prob more important a excuse to be a$$holes to people that disagreed with them. They would love to get that back because they have no other purpose in their lives. Free money and the feeling of power fuels them.
you just handed a beer emoji to 3 words gets the admiration of the hawk after he responds to me with "spelling errors". truley insightful arguments being made. How can the human mind counter all these in depth logics and facts constantly made.