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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. i think everyone who is down on ed should take a looksey at the cant miss, blockbuster, arguably best player in the draft, quinnen williams stats. it will make you feel better. i think the kid is decent but just not a game disrupter yet. prob needs a full offseason of strength conditioning with coaches and seeing how often kyle is in his ear..he will have one of the best.
  2. i did it! i put the phone down and there are untold wonders to explore. did you know flowers have a sweet scent and the sun is warm? come with me brothers and sisters who knows what else is out there!!! Update: it was a lie! the sun burns and flowers contain creatures that sting your flesh! go back to the saftey of your phones brothers and sisters!!
  3. really? i was telling my girlfriend phillips is so big he cant feel the ball cause it looked like he sat on it a sec. i dont remember him even looking for the ball cause he stood right up after. ill see if i can find a replay because i thought the same thing.
  4. good write up! pretty much what i saw point for point as well. what is going on with singletary and this system? id say they are holding him back due to the hammy but its been exactly how they use him this season...sparingly. overall i thought we had success running then go straight to a empty set? if you want identity it def pass first sprinkle in a bit of run to change it up. and 1 of the sprinkles is motor. am i wrong? we ran alot to kill clock so cant tell by attempts. im with you Phillips strip sack...rolls over the ball sitting on it..then forgets that its there? strange play but guy is hitting a different gear and it will be hard to not offer a extention but he wont want depth money. really hoping knox gets it together. its been a long time since we had a game changing te. hes in the right places at the right time and has to finish the play. jugs machine is your friend. lets be honest. we have played alot of bad teams and have had to climb out of a self inflicted hole in alot of these games. allen said they were rusty coming out. if we are going to compete against some of the better teams we have to look prepared and play that way all game. but the big bright spot was allen didnt hand a turnover to them and the defense did not have to play lights out to save the O while they stalled out. they both struggled and both turned it around when they had to. happy with the W regardless. tre white. the guy was a great draft selection! every game he proves it.
  5. i thought the knock was he was a good blocker and super athletic but wasnt given a chance at recieving because they dont use alot of te as recievers in that program. i get he is raw but what gets me about alot of players is fundamental football trait is catching a ball. you do it day one in the park playing with your friends. these guys have been practicing eating drinking football most thier lives so catching a ball should be automatic. maybe not when a guy is draped all over you or if a ball is in a awkward position where you have to make a crazy adjustment...but in your chest looking it in with both hands!? this isnt a direct knock on dawson at all! but week in week out, corner backs especially, its like thier first time trying to catch this wierd oblong object they never seen before. to the point where it goes through thier hands and hits em in the face!? i dunno may be pressure from the situation but is pretty incredable to watch sometimes. the greenbay recievers last week for example lol
  6. definetly needs alot more reps on the jugs machine. people are saying rookie, but rookies shouldnt need time to develope catching a ball thats right in thier hands..running routes, picking up blocking assignments dumb penalties rookies should learn. getting two hands on a well thrown ball and making a catch, not so much. guy is really doing a good job at the other stuff you think hed struggle with so far. im just hoping they didnt use him as a wr in college because he just wasnt reliable making the catches? maybe somone who watched his career can chime in.
  7. i don't really see that. how do you prepare or become better when there are bad calls at this rate? people act like winning at the highest level is easy and you can just do better so bad calls effect it less. there is def pissing and moaning and at the end of the day it " might " be just human error. but if the ref calls something he thinks is a penalty...thats the problem! dont call it if its not clear. dont take over the game with 50/50 calls. let them play unless its clear. they cant help themselves this year. they are throwing flags at a amazing pace for minor issues that have no argument. fans pundits and announcers are all seeing this crap clear as day. if you left for work and your tires got slashed you should have left 2 hours early..you should be fired. do better. next week windows smashed and battery stolen well should have left 3 hours early. point is, you can't predict bad officials so its not like there is a thing you can do but hope they do there job properly. they arent. bad officiating isn't a isolated incident this year, 1 missed call here and there. its a ton of games and calls! saying ah well we should have been better is a odd way to look at somthing you had no control over in a ultra competitive competion. the improvement that should be the focus for the next game should be the subject of the officials this year.
  8. at this point id say they are doing it to themselves. every rule does not have to be nitpicked enforced. did a guy touch a wide reciever or alter his route? did a guy intentionally lead with his helmet or did two guys accidently collide making football moves? its like common sense it out the window to make some absurd statement or somthing. plenty of laws in this world and if cops wanna be pricks we would all be in court for 1 mile over the limit or jaywalking ect. luckly they seem to only care about the major ones where people are actively and intentionally breaking the law. i think refs should have the same standard.
  9. not really your 2 ft away...twice. you saying dont want to get called keep your hands down is a oversimplication. your bulllrushing a huge human being and leverage is a absolute to winning the battle. there is zero rule about putting your hand on the chest or shoulderpad but avoid it cause a blind official might make a terrable call? TWICE? even tho its a valid technique that he has prob been taught since hs and as the announcer states a foul he has had zero problems with in the past he should preemptively stopped doing that legal thing that was having success.
  10. wow just got home and all i watched on the subject was this video so i dont see a pi issue but hands to the face TWICE that gives gb a easy fg and lets them kill time so det has zero chance to get it back!!? im sorry but this crap needs to end. if there is any question to a call then you cant throw the flag! time and again officials have a power trip or flat out show bias. its ruining the fun of watching and goodell has done nothing to address it. bad calls happen but even clear reviews arent changing them. it stinks of corruption at this point and if the league is blatenly corrupt then the outcome is pointless to care about. guys are flopping to get calls. outcomes are changing at a alarming rate and thier is rarly a sucessful play without a little yellow banner poping up where you hold your breath wondering if it will stand.
  11. am i still hanging on the only achievement that our football team has earned above any other team?...... yes...yes i am. i guess ill hang on greatest comeback if we lose that one.
  12. your right and whats really concerning about this is it seems patriots have a easy pass to go to there 4rth straight superbowl and eclipse our record because they acctually won them. GOD DO I HATE THEM!!! we are in prime position to stop them so i guess its put up or shut up. no more rebuild. no more next year. NOW!!
  13. i didnt read any of this nonsense thread. youll never beat the pats by running! you face them head on in the glorious battlefield. you cowards should be ashamed!
  14. yeah now it looks like the horn is a floppy ear with a earing. dont think op knew the eye was already there and even if it wasn't now the horn is way to far back to be effective in goring tom brady in the vulnerable neck region.
  15. id love to see rules start getting enforced on the guys who are commiting them. helpless reciever? maybe they should not throw the ball into traffic...penalty on the qb. guy lowers his head at the last second its on him that the helmet colision happens qb wants extra yards slides at the very last moment or holds the ball forever you get hit...stop doing it. chop block a guy blitzing and its his fault he flys into the qbs knees? the nfl is acctually encouraging offensive guys to do dangerous stuff because they can get free yardage out of it and if you watch the guys are turning into soccer floppers left and right..its pretty sad to see. a bs call is a bs call and if your going to complain about milano you also have to complain about the bs allen late hit where guy tryed avoid him but caught him with a knee. direct and intentional is fine but this pitty pat bs is really putting games in the wrong hands
  16. yeah, i was, like most, hoping zay turned the corner this year so wasnt hunting fa or the draft for his replacement. if fosters out there does allen still overthrow him on sun? does duke make the high catch from barkley and win the game? we may have a better option on the team already! just have to work out kinks but so far between bolden, benjerman, and zay this office is having some difficulty addressing the wr position with quality. might as well use capital to get a proven commodity by paying big in fa or trade if possible because it may be the difference between a deep playoff run or missing it altogether. but if they are seeing the guys advance on the PS squad then i accept that as well.
  17. not sure, i didnt look that hard at the free agent wire or really know much about college draft picks. if you think your deficient at a skill position to the point your willing to lose draft picks to take a shot at a cancer like AB then they obvious were not comfortable with the roster. if there was nothing else out there i accept it, but have to think that someone better then zay could have been obtained without loosing much. they certainly know how to dump players in trades but obtaining them is a different story so far.
  18. all 22 on cover 1 was showing alot of underneath recievers were open on the ints. allen just missed them and mistargeted guys when they did get a few steps because he forgot how to set his feet. personally i really like dabs offense. lots of movement and constantly changing personnel to create mismatches, RPOs!! we finally seem to be in the 21st century. a flee flicker throw that was a hand swipe from putting us in the lead! alot better then straight forward runs and 3rd down passes from the past. i think one more year allen settles down and we can put full draft and fa into our weaknesses and it will be a cohesive machine. if i had one major complaint it is the rb depth. yeldon isnt much of a force running and its insane to want gore to carry the load so thats alot to put on a unproven rookie! also if your going to be aggressive enough to ask about AB then you know your wr are lacking and you had cap to secure a better option then zay. at some point you have to go for it and hopfully this defense will not go to waste as we wait for "next year".
  19. i hope it means he will put more emphasis on protecting himself.
  20. great points. i was hoping when he threw the underthrow td to brown it might have given him a lesson that placement not power can be a great asset. we get upset at some of the drops but it seems if he isnt rifeling it in full speed then its not thrown lol. somtimes im amazed the reciever is plucking a lazer from the air. he really puts the game on his shoulders and i hope he settles down soon. our d can win alot of games but if hes helping the opponent it will make it pretty hard. he needs to trust the defense and severely needs tto understand situations. if we are in fg range nothing matters more then staying there. if a play breaks down...its the nfl, it will happen, ALOT. dont force things. those two facts alone and we have a substantially better shot to win. they are most important immediatly and should be drilled in! everything else will take time and im confident he will learn.
  21. this has prob already been talked about in this thread but the main difference i saw between the two was the decisions were way quicker with Barkley, and it was refreshing. hike! quick scan, BOOM ball was out. id say every pass from barkley, (when not impeded) was a decent decision that gave the reciever a chance at making the play. unfortunatly alot of innacurate throws, but if on target would have been successful. whats alittle worrisome is barkley was hitting recievers that were not "open" but had favorable positioning. theres a difference and if some of our plays rely on that it could be why josh is holding the ball so long as you have to know them not see them. if knox runs a slant and the d has outside leverage hit him cause his body will shield the defender even if hes in his pocket. if the recievers are covered and going deep while yeldon is running a quick out hit him and see if he can make somthing happen. a reciever 1 on 1 can make alot of plays if you give him good ball placement regardless of the cb distance. josh seems to have 2 main throws, fast and far. hopefully he will learn about backshoulder and touch as he grows and they are dep on positioning not "open" josh is putting it all on his shoulders and barkley seemed to take the opportunities the d gave him. if you had joshes athletism and barkleys exacution, i think our offense would be incredable. of coarse im basically saying i want josh to have the experience barkley has...he will get there.
  22. smith has done bettter then i expected. he should have been pulled for sweeny because his head was off today. i really wish we had good rb depth at this point! we were running it dowwn thier throat but gore cant play the whole game
  23. your first loss to the superbowl champs that was less then a td regardless of countless mistakes? this has you depressed. never thought we would go 16 and 0 and the fact this went to the final drive with a young team..im pretty confident there is major upside.
  24. tight ends are adjusting to one handed catches..its a high ball in 2 hands
  25. im suprised the bills dont play up the fact we have red, white, and blue. WE are americas team! hard working blue collar fanbase and team that work and play in brutal weather and has to earn everything they get. including high priced fa that continually crap on our town. lets go marketing dept your letting that inbred oil tycoon steal our insignia!
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