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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. he is what he is. do amazing things and headscratchers. i really think he gets into a mode where he truley believes he and he alone must make plays or we lose. they have to get that out of him. believe it or not giving it to your dump isnt a bad thing. watson won the game with one. a guy breaks a tackle and thats a first down. if not you live another day. but overall he HAS to get situational awareness. waay to often this season he doesnt seem to know when and where he cannot under any circumstance take a sack. but that leads to the original point where he feels like the game is completely on his shoulders
  2. i have a feeling it wasnt that serious. he got rolled up on and never went to the locker room. even so ford has been coming around. im more concerned with levi. we never had good depth and he couldnt put weight on his leg. we might have to start mckenzie lol
  3. was watching the updates on this. the bearded one has blessed the league with a good xmas gift. make those scumbags play next week! tommys herbal holistic voodoo will have to wait till the end of season! those joints are aching, time to chug some morphine tommy lol. we are coming for you.
  4. the huge issue i have with this is you are horrably thin at cb. in a dime you use 4! we use menkenzie as a cb? i figure a safety is trained and can sub in at cb but seeing them throw a wr out there was pretty concerning. i have issues with what the coaches think depth should be at positions and luckily the injury bug did not force us to have to go very deep this season. duke should be a option and so should yeldon. duke for possesion red zone and yeldon for 3rd down pass plays or 5 wide who you can motion into the backfield. i also want sweeny in for kroft. i think sweeny can give what demarco does so thier is one sub for duke find one more bum that hasnt taken a snap and your adding to our weeekness which is O and getting guys that will contribute
  5. i dont know about this. I think we have become accustomed to our D shutting down opposing teams while we muddle enough O to win. they were out there a huge amount of time.. you 3 n out a ton against the pats..points will be scored. not to mention the D provided a very short field and 3 points for us. at what point can we ask the O to bail out the D. sustain drives to give them a rest. tackling was definitely a issue but there were plenty of opportunities to put this game out of reach that the offense simply didnt execute. hit the recievers that were wide open and we win the game.
  6. Alexa! thank this man for providing my answer. No Alexa! stop typing what im telling you to do. Alexa! how do you turn this thing off!? stupid piece of
  7. does anyone know what time my dinner is going to be done? before you ignorance me i already tried the googles for a answer.
  8. i think we are expecting a mack or watt type performace. at the end of the day you want pressure. making qbs uncomfortable. grabbing a jersey making them move. blowing by and getting a 4 sack night would be great but its just not happening, thats not to say our ends are being stone walled every play. i think cause we see josh under constant duress we want the same but thats a mixutre of holding the ball too long, blitzes that are not picked up and a oline that is in thier first season together with a rookie tackle who mightnot be suited for the play. how many sacks do we have if brady cant toss the ball at his own feet and not get a penalty...we might have had a great night and this topic changes dramatically.
  9. the main thing about shaq this year is he is playing very disaplined in his assignment. how many fakes have shaq blown up and you better not try a screen on his side of the field. thats much more then working hard for a contract year and doing everything you can to pump up the sack totals. id def keep him. im not sure where the hughs hate comes from. hes consistently the one making the qb uncomfortable. he doesnt have the sack totals but when the qb steps up to avoid pressure its because hughs is screaming around the edge causing it. all these dt sacks arent just guys blowing past there guards on there own. its the qb having to step up into them cause the edge pressure is forcing it. i will admit for some reason hughs is soft tackling this season letting qbs get away...not sure whats going on there.
  10. right? oliver has the secret sauce to piss brady off. everytime oliver was close to him he was flailing around in tantrum mode...i like it!
  11. Edleman runs a pick play right at our guy, gets ran over, acts like he is injured laying there motionless, (i think to try to not draw the flag) then pops right up as soon as the coast is clear. hes such a great actor he gets thrown in the concussion protocol...BAH! HA! HA! HA! HA! oh and got the flag too BAH HA HA HA HA did ya see him coming out the tent pleading that there was nothing wrong with him when they sent him to the locker room...of coarse there wasnt..BAH HA HA HA HA. what a jackass! wow! what? he came back after a thorough evaluation. hes ok? BAH HA HA Ha.... at least he taught the other guy to just straight out block on the next illegal pick. its not worth the protocol lol
  12. it didnt have to be you maaan it didnt have to be you your username has let us all down lol
  13. for some reason the kid just keeps throwing high/long out the gate and then starts to settle in later in the game. hes making really good decisions but he would be so much more effective if the throws to his one on ones down the field were underthrown instead of over. under, the reciever has a chance at a catch and a really good chance to get a pi when the reciever stops short and the trailer runs smack into him. in a one on one the reciever can play corner and knock it out if need be and if its a int it prob just a punt as long as theres no return. he seems to think he needs a perfect over the shoulder like the knox play! john brown showed him a few times in the strelers game, you give me a chane ill get it for you or protect it from the int. zay really messed him up in the. first pats meeting. the midrange lasers are his bread and butter. if he can adjust the deep ones in those situations we would be dangerous. that knox overthrow in the end zone was pretty wide open. we have to hit those.
  14. 911? yes i need a medic. i dont know he was screaming about beating the patriots on a message board then clutched his chest. please hurry. ?
  15. i keep trying. i just cant stop the "rubber banding" i score they score. they score i score. game obviously tries to keep the games artificially close to make it more "exciting". if you get a key first down that can end the game better believe that's when the first and only holding call will pop up. been playing lockdown D? the opposing offense cuts through it like cheese on the drive after you score. same with my o if they score. i don't use money plays and play sim as possible so if someone has a slider set that stops this let me know. it makes everything you do pointless in game.
  16. i cant disagree but lets not act like guys werent all over him as soon as he touches it. when he gets alittle room and lowers his shoulders he drags guys and gets the extra yardage. pitt has a great d line. if you asked me before the season id say keep ivory or even grab blount as a hammer type veteran. gore has exceeded expectations so as a rb 2 im ok with.
  17. yea sorry. i was acctually happy to see gore come in yesterday. the fumbling could have lost us the game and gore isnt a worldbeater but hes dependable to grind yards out after first contact and wont fumble...thats what you need in close games to control clock and churn out a hard fought first down.
  18. its rediculous. the official didn't even give the guy a chance to whine about the phantom call. officiating 101 see nothing. wait for guy to cry. get yelled at and booed by home crowd. throw flag like you saw everthing.
  19. nothing like seeing our team have a graphic of the offense showing up in a fing clown car to show we have short recievers. ?
  20. thanks! yeah i was expecting to see a big reach grab to stop a guy from getting to the lbs..if anything. thats basically a get the f off me hip throw pancake. hands were basically inside and the play wasnt anywhere near em but ref sees guy flop to the ground so must throw the flag i guess you just have to let them block you! if your strong enough to toss them to the side try and do it so they dont fall...complete bs imo. if shaws right and they are told to look for THAT. the games truly degraded to pity pat tag football.
  21. shaw did they replay the defensive holding on star? im still looking for a reason a dt would defensively hold on a running play. at the same time hughs got a personal foul...i think for mouthing off to whoever called that bummed penalty. im not blaming the loss on that sequence but it resulted in the first td. all together the refs were all over the place. that seems like the NFL today. you see a dt hold but miss 12 guys in a huddle? it continued on into all the other games that afternoon. just wondering if the stadium got a replay because the broadcast sure didnt. hoping someone with all 22 can explain maybe. good write up as usual. thnx for the read.
  22. OP, did you watch it in all 22? reason i ask is what the hell does a defensive tackle holding look like, ON A RUN PLAY!!!!?? the coverage today was complete garbage i would have LOVED to see what the ref saw! im pretty sure Jerry hughs loved seeing it as well and explicitly told the ref his feelings which resulted in ANOTHER 15 yards. this resulted in the ravens first touchdown. please show me the replay or look specifically at the play. otherwise i feel ill never see or hear that call again
  23. lol good catch! it not even apple! this is Murica! those commies are using rubarb!
  24. your father should have told you. we fight as a single impenetrable unit! that is the source of our strength. each drunk fan protects the mafia member to his left and right. a single weak spot, and the entire unit will be in jail. if youd like to help, bring cold beer to the men before we leap the wall. as for the ripping down the goalpost itself.......we cannot use you.
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