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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. all i can do is shake my head and rub my eyes. you just don't want to see what I'm saying. your so locked in to your bias that you can't do the simple task of holding those leaders that are responsible accountable. its a sad state when you diminish ordinary peoples pain and suffering on the absurd basis of it being a "dumbing down argument" so breaking a window on a small buisness owners or somones home is different then breaking the most hollowed windows of congress. whatever you say. threatening a life is much more important if your a elected official then a innocent bystander. good point? its no wonder we live under differing sets of laws for the rich and privlaged. people actually advocate on their behalf of them. sorry,thats a world i will never live in. the life of the police officer killed in the capital is worth the EXACT same as the life of secoria turner. i dont care what plot of land or building it occured. but since its all about federal. attempting to burn down st johns church. https://www.kens5.com/mobile/article/news/st-johns-church-washington-dc-george-floyd-protest/65-6dc44732-8560-4179-91ca-0ad56b96e0c9 yes? no? broken window? the federal building in portland repeatedly attacked...as stated. but you say "all was well". you vacationed there. well not so much for Aaron J. Danielson. stalked and shot by someone who declared themselves 100% antifa. speaking of which. maybe you need to see what social justice that antifa was fighting for because it certainly wasnt for black lives. but yet holding the leaders accountable who led the rioters to the gate of the FEDRAL BUILDING "is different". elected leaders saying antifa is a myth and brushing the riots off "not the same as trump". nothing like sabotaging a meaningful movement...javing innocent people killed and then letting those who advocated for it off the hook. your doing well. i dont need to read anything to see that both left and right wing violence is destroying this country. i dont need anything to say trump is as responsible as ted wheeler and ALOT of others regardless of politics. do what you need to do, read what you need to read and tell yourself whatever you need to justify these actions and only condemn who you disagree with politically. my moral compass is straight and doesn't veer off in the way yours does with any alignments or jurisdiction they fall. i tried my best but i don't think there is much else to "prove". saying we need to hold people accountable for instigating and advocating violence i thought was just universal understanding. i guess i was wrong. if your willing to do that for violence theres no telling what else you will look the other way for.
  2. im just not getting your point. your still saying one type of violence is different then another only you want to call it "random" lets look at seattle. protesters overtook a police dept. police were ordered to vacate and leave the building. later a group takes over city blocks, again no issue. cops told to stand down. multiple people shot and protestors block police assistance and medical help. still random? armed men take over and more and more violence erupts until...a young teenager and his friend were shot. this time killed. this isnt random and if you call for protest that lead to violence and use terms like "get in their face" and have media talking about mostly peaceful or "where does it say protest should be peaceful?" i could go on and on...it shown a history and outcome yet under the guise of social justice they complicitly called for it and deserve the exact same justice you want to give to another leader who called for "wild" protests and said the exact same rhetoric. you dont have to prove right wing violence is bad. your stuck arguing that I AGREE! you should as well. hold them ALL accountable!
  3. somehow me saying violence is violence and any leader that was complicit should be held accountable is a false equivalence? your trying very hard to disassociate from it through a few different methods. first you want to talk about its use in history. well civil rights violence has happened alot in history so its different. then you want to talk about outcome. history so how long has it been since a federal court has been burned to the ground with people in it? people were in that building during numerous attempts this summer. doors blockaded while trying. police station also were barricaded and attempted arson, buisnesses looted and destroyed, people attacked, murders ive stated. its all happened before..recently, so its false equivalence when it also happens in the capital because of outcome, i guess. outcome the outcome of the violence was the same. the people involved were just as scared as any congressional leader who are given full uninterrupted recounts for all stations to tell. the truth is thier families were just as nervous they would not see thier loved ones, they were just as terrified as anyone put in that position but that terror is different according to WideNine. so the storming the capital would [subverted democracy, that makes it different!] (im paraphrasing) burning people alive in a federal courthouse subverts justice! yes? no? lots of evidence and case files in that building..the outcome? who knows. convicts going free? pedophiles, murders ect ect. destroying small buisness, attacking people, looting helps the goal of police brutality how? martin luther king and many other great leaders had alot to say on the topic, please dont think any of that was neccessary. so when it comes to democracy you have a standard we all should have. but yours changes for other violence, mine doesn't. both are wrong. lots of anger for trump any left for ted wheeler?..a mayor who stood at the front of the gates WITH the rioters to destroy that fed building? any punishment neccessary for the democrats that not only ignored antifa but called them a myth that contributed to a man being stalked and shot in portland? any justice for BLM leaders that advocated looting after violence was done while in its act? any anger towards leaders that villianized police? that led to them being ambushed and killed? no? no jailtime for mayor durkin who allowed armed "protestors" to take over blocks of her city and police station in "a summer of love" that directly lead to a murder of a young teenager? a set standards only for a president? only for his words. only cause you dont agree with it. you do know every person in that building is being charged correct so your held accountable statement goes both ways. which it should...if that goes both ways so should your advocation for our president to all complicit leaders. accountability for being complicit in violence should not be based on political affiliation.
  4. david dorn killed in the early part of the riot for a television. very well known as his wife was invited to the RNC to give her tearful account of who was taken..later in chicago blm advocated looting secoriea turner. it doesnt shock me she is forgotten. shot dead at the atlanta blm rally. i know you know about the young teen shot at seattles chop. the mayor allowed it calling it a "summer of love" should action be taken criminally? is a gov less responsible then a president that has no jurisdiction in states except to protect federal property? jessica doty whitaker shot by blm activists for simply saying all lives matter the fact you need to investigate shows just how biased these news organizations are. im happy you are interested in investigating them, please do and tell others. this isnt about right vs left its about holding a consistent standard for those in power. i do and hope you join me because its a uphill battle for those entrenched in there group thought echo chambers that are not presented with the other side.
  5. i agree with this. the issue is the hypocracy. if your going to make that statement and expect accountability then why doesn't anyone see the absolute insanity of leaders who encouraged because as you say "THEY either failed to foresee that there could be violence which makes THEM idiots or THEY hoped there would be, which makes THEM complicit." for the riots that took place all year? at this point the reasoning is, well one was for social justice and the other was...this is a effort to disassociate from actions that are clearly wrong. ill repeat the correct answer that i must routinely make. violence is violence and its wrong. those accountable on every level need to be prosecuted...period. mitigating violence in the name of social justice spits in the face of humanities greatest civil right leaders who fought and died in the name of nonviolent action as a means to change. yet our leaders today are more knowledgable. "well sometimes thats how you force change." sorry but riots continued long after state government agreed on defunding and enacting changes within their dept. after minority police capts, some by all accounts were very good were forced to resign. AFTER the president himself tryed to enact a police reform bill BLOCKED by democrats because they want credit. AFTER rioters killed innocent minorities like david dorn, secoria turner ect. ect. AFTER riots continued for edited videos that when given full context was nothing more then a police officer saving his/her own life. who would edit the videos and why are they not in jail? what leader would advocate "getting in peoples faces" or BAIL THEM OUT after a 8 year old girl was killed? after a young mother was shot down for simply saying ALL lives matter? these are just the murders. not the enabled distruction. you want trump accountable..you make good points. you dont want others accountable for causing the EXACT SAME sactioned terror and destruction you need to search your soul and ask why. i try and try and get one sentance responses or crickets EVERY TIME. someone explain the hypocracy..please!
  6. well here is some good news seems like immunity lasts at least 7 months (since thats all we have data on) and counting. hopefully your shots are a one time thing. thanks for the updates https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10225763926911887&id=1442702744
  7. are you still under directions to mask and distance? im not sure why info on whether you can spread is not put out. with people who caught it being also immunized. do you have the cont ability of being a spreader. alot of case studies that can be used to at least form a good med opinion at this point.
  8. not sure what your leaving laughing faces for. you like to leave one sentance responses, but no actual info. its not that hard to link info to inform someone. maybe im wrong..but information is not what your here for...is it? https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2020/06/11/new-york-realestate-miami-exodus-pandemic-and-protests/ see not so hard. AOC mother left? yikes.
  9. whats that? people leaving or going to florida texas? i havent looked at the pure statistics but theres plenty of articles about the mass exodus.
  10. clearing all the political bs aside. people are leaving NY and CAL in droves. where are they fleeing to? FLORIDA and TEXAS. so you may think these states are doing a great job with covid, but uprooting your family and taking them from there homes speaks alot louder then opinion or typing on a message board. why do you think that is happening?
  11. its a trained response at this point. actually saying i agree takes a person off guard as they are accustomed to certain talking points and veering from the script may expose faults in their own beliefs. its uncharted waters. it can be quoted and used against them. hopefully society learns to swim because this is no longer a kiddy pool. there are many common enemys that are watching and enjoying the show.
  12. this is true but at some point you have to put your cards on the table. you lost all your cases, have a phone call to the gov of georgia digging exposed, they are going to certify and you want the vice to just say "nope not counting these". it is just desperate. take a dump or get off the pot. to this day there are definate issues with the election but some of election security laws were blocked by REPUBLICANS. just like i found out a measure to break up facebook was blocked by republicans. its pretty pathetic on the republicans complete lack of forsight for these situations that were clear issues beforehand that they now ask the public to judge. but what should not be disputed is dems clear manipulation of thier own elections. the wikileak drop on the DNC and how they worked to ruin sanders 16 campaign..fact the DNC again manipulating the iowa caucas THIS YEAR with (shadow inc) that has ties to pete buttigieg. no investigating and who declared themselves the victor before the votes were even counted..shocked! the way tulsi gabbard was smeared by hillary clinton, who just slithered out of nowhere, to deem her a russian asset (how original) directly after she destroyed kamala on stage. right after that in lockstep google had a "glitch" that blocked her contribution page and mysteriously media outlets parroted the russian asset propaganda repeatedly. for a military vet who went to war for this country..that was shameful yang not being allowed to debate based on ridiculous DNC rules..only to allow Bloomberg to buy his way on the stage later. media not including him in any coverage. and finally how they activley lobbied and removed a legitamate canidate of the green party from the ballot. how is that even allowable! but they did it to not split the vote. while trump may be full of it. the fact the dems talk about "every vote counting" and voter manipulation is a "myth" shows again some laughable hypocracy. head down fingers in the ears..lalalala!
  13. i think your missing the point of silencing the (competition). you want to enforce tos for inciting violence...it should happen. the problem that keeps getting missed is it should be done evenly and it simply is not. antifa organizers openly called for riots with times and places under thin veiled soup party...bring soup cans to throw and a umbrella. andy noe could easily track where the next riot would take place because it was in plain view! we have many elected officials calling for protests to continue..."get in thier faces" ect ect as small buisness burn and people were murdered as pointed out above in my last post. still there, no tos issues with these posts. its not about free to say anything you want no matter the cost. its the uneven distribution of "tos" based purely on political ideology even when the result is violence.
  14. how many people died that were not a direct effect of proud boys "terrorism"? the most notable david dorn the forgotten 8 year old little girl secoriea turner the young black teen in the chop Horace Lorenzo Anderson are the most notable but their are others. can the police that were ambushed be included? can the spikes in murder in areas that defunded the police be included? are they not victims as a direct result of the protests? can i include peaceful protestors that were killed by someone that can't be labeled a white supremist trump supporter like 24 year old summer taylor simply because the driver was black? should i continue? ok jessica doty whitaker 24 year old mother. this isnt a scorecard and "mostly peaceful" protest had the same pain for the families as "the assault on our democracy". murder is murder. riots are riots. hate is hate. there is no side to these things. im not brainwashed as you stated. i pay attention to both sides very well. that statment tells me you don't and most likely you will avoid a reply
  15. well my opinion is both are fascist. im not big on that word, its overused. i prefer authoritarian. wanting complete control of the media narrative and intimidate with threats of violence are both means to dominate and destroy opposition. the far right has these tactics but not overwhelming support from media outlets. its why storming the capital building was condemned by ( most) days later but months of trying to burn and destroy the...federal building in portland was ignored instead focusing on the troops that trump sent to protect it...only condemned when it hurt poll numbers. both were violent mobs and both should have been condemned by ALL quickly. antifa is just a name. sorry im not sure i answered your question i should let the op answer. he may not agree.
  16. no i wasn't trying to be condescending. twitter has been ejecting people for there politics long before today. people just feel its justified because nazi, racist ect ect can be placed on anyone on the right you disagree with. the left has much more leverage because the people who work there agree with that ideology, and the monetary support as well. so the ban hammer is much softer. i probably shouldn't have answered on his posts behalf. but seriously watch the joe rogan podcast. they sit down and talk about alot of this in depth.
  17. its twitter. controlling a narrative that does not break tos is pretty authoritarian to me..if its true i dont tweet. so who does big tech support? https://observer.com/2020/11/big-tech-2020-presidential-election-donation-breakdown-ranking/ if the observer is too right wing a source. here's a quick cnn summary. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/28/politics/big-tech-joe-biden/index.html if youd like to see a good discussion with jack dorsey himself see if you you can find joe rogan podcast with tim pool. its a very good conversation. unfortunately its no longer on youtube. he's on spotify for free if you have a account, but its 2 hrs so settle in.
  18. yikes! how long twobillsdrive? how long till that sweet payday from the powers that be and you wipe out this section?! fight it! millions of dollars is not worth our free speech! yeah, we are doomed 😅
  19. im not sure if its age or what. i brought up #walkaway but there are alot more accounts that i just dont think were extremists. just right perspectives. its like people truly want one party rule. noone to watchdog, contradict, or call out our officials or themselves. if there's one party rule they no longer need your vote. no longer will serve anyone that does not directly benefit themselves. that goes for the rightwingers as well. its a path history has shown goes down in horrifiic ways.
  20. yeah it was a thing called free speech. incite violence banned. good! arbitrarily start censoring? thats a dangerous road unfortunatly even calls for violence seem to get a heavy hand in only one direction.
  21. lets say your right? bad acting should be censored? it went against tos?
  22. is this a joke? your tv newstations are nothing but propaganda. newspapers dont even bother to retract anymore. there was a reason big tech and tv blocked the biden story till after the election...OPPS sorry it has merit #walkaway was not propaganda it was ordinary testimonials wake up.
  23. did you miss the part about #walkaway being nothing but testimonials. or entire platform being censored?
  24. alot of cheering but they are purging accounts like crazy. #walkaway has been purged. from my understanding it was a peaceful movement of former democrats who decided to leave the democratic party with testimonials. parler has also been banned from app stores. this is about going back to the good old days of 4 channels and complete control over the narrative. enjoy the echo chamber folks
  25. cut trumps tax plan...i agree, it was a artificial way to boost the economy imo. is it even a cut if it was getting tossed on the deficit? bidens plan tax the rich more...great! how do you stop them from just jacking up prices? taking it out on workforce pay. moving themselves and companies oversea, as been the trend? i don't think its as easy as he makes it sound. everyone sees the tax the rich plan YAAAY! then downstream they are the ones that are paying the price. alot of the damage comes on as a slow silent boil. its so hard to not have that happen. hes not asked about that part for some reason. its surface level fixes like alot of his plans. noone seems to want to dig deeper into it for some reason. its like when we read about a buisness penalized for dumping sewage. 100 million wow! thats great news! everyone is for a cleaner planet. never hear that it saved them 500 million to do it. they make a profit to do it AND get caught..so they will roll those dice all day. but we sure feel good to read it. We need answers on these things or you end up with clinton extending loans to lower class...that results in banks predatory manipulation that almost crushes the entire economy. again lower middle class paid that price.
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