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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. the fact you had the need to find a picture like this to post to this board is hilarious. how many did you find and "investigate" before you landed on this one to share with the rest of us? what was it that caught your eye? im not judging, people like different things, tell your truth. 🤣😂😅
  2. because a entire summer many lives were lost, people injured and property destroyed in the pursuit of declaring black lives matter. while it is a conservative talking point, it is a liberal NON talking point from the very people who championed that black victims went unnoticed and recieved no justice. its hypocracy at its worst. if i lived in the inner city of chicago and especially if gang/gun violence has effected me or my family directly and i lived in fear. conservative, liberal, libertarian, communist? by all means bring the issue of the violence of my city to the forefront... or routinley bury it like your attempting yeah they work great. its everyone elses fault. everyone should base their laws off other states. i mean letter grades were given. case closed! if there are higher murder rates then focus on them. please. ignore. this. issue. because there are others. thanks. first off vox. the blaze told me chicago is all the fault of chicago so i guess propaganda wise its a wash. but yes indiana is the real problem here. forget the fact that this entire argument is saying criminals are obtaining weopons by going to great lengths and by any means necessary. its a great idea to make more laws to surrounding states that criminals won't obey anyways. what is this for? there are senators from both sides with lower murder rates. why would anyone care about the higher rates? this is a dont look at chicago, look over there again. id say your trying hard to avoid the topic but cut pasting links is not really effort. so in general stop talking about chicago! gaawd. look at all this evidence i shown to accomplish this. its clearly everyone elses fault! other people are being murdered outside of chicago. what more do you need to ignore the community living in terror of constant year in year out violence? the end.
  3. semi simply means, after you chamber a round no other action is needed except pulling the trigger to fire a second shot. this covers most rifles handguns, including revolvers, so if your removing them from the country, you cannot have them for home defense, unless your including a exemption. one of the most brutal mass shootings was the VA tech massacre where the killer used handguns. there is no easy solution and as been pointed out in this thread removing a certain type will only lead to evil people using a different type or illegally obtaining them. 3d printer can now create fully functional guns. there is no stopping their creation, import or manufacturing. there is a flip to gun ownership as well that no one ever conciders. the stories of heroic citizens PREVENTING these seem to not enter the discussion of prevention options. police officers are not the only humans that can properly defend others. giving the good guys a chance to defend themselves and others should at least be in the discussion. here are some instances. https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-church-shooting-not-the-first-time-a-good-guy-with-gun-takes-down-mass-shooter god forbid if i was in the situation, i would much rather be able to defend myself and others rather then having no option and simply hoping the police arrive before the killer notices myself as another helpless victim. wondering how this evil person obtained a illegal gun that should have been prevented by s law is not going to be entering my head. wondering why i am defenseless certainly will. so im in the camp we need more citizens who are well trained and have proven to have no issues with the law to be allowed to carry in public. a training program were those who qualify can hold the honor of being a public defenders while also holding ordinary gun owners to a higher standard with more extensively examined background checks. too many home accidents and people who do not understand the responsability that comes from owning a firearm out there. maybe that's as foolish as expecting more control to provide safety but its a side that only expects gun owners to take more a role in their communities safety while also weeding out those that make us look foolish with their negligence or intent pretty well known with huge red flags examined only in hindsight.
  4. your wrong. auto is military. offense and defensive. that is already banned. you seem to want to ban semi auto as well. so there are specific guns for specific uses. you want bolt action for home defense, simply putting people at a major disadvantage in a home invasion break in. defense. like i was asking. so again what is it you want? gun setting, auto, mag limits, attachments/bump stocks silencers ect are illegal in the country or some version in states that have highest gun crime. there is zero idea of people "allowing anyone to carry any gun they want", that's never been a alternative. you need to look into this and learn more before you take a stance on others rights. states and needs are vastly different. one size will not fit all and federally they are suggesting it works like this. you should be specific, banning "assault" weopons seriously means nothing! yet that what is spit out with people believing there is a big difference in weopons that have wooden stocks and such even though they fire the exact same round in the exact same way..but look less intimidating.
  5. to have a debate you should be knowledgeable of what it is your debating to a degree. what is? military powerful weapons in the assault range? it would be a good start to define a broad statement like that since it is meaningless to people that have knowledge. im not a expert at all but a basic knowledge is a good start and the definition you gave above kinda shows you should look into what it is your even asking for. id start with the difference between what is auto and semi auto and which weapons can have these options. that may be what you want banned, if not what is it you even want? evil people to stop doing evil things or a ban on most every gun you can select including hand guns that you seem to think are a better option.
  6. there is not a single person from any side i ever seen that doesn't think this crime was wrong. there is no divide on this. when it comes to stopping it i gave pretty in depth response into why parsing it is necessary. to be preventive means finding the reasoning instead of reactive after it happens. maybe I'm wrong but I'm interested to know why. i won't press the subject further as you ignored my comment. maybe I'm blocked from our last exchange, either way, i hope you come around.
  7. take this for what it is, its the blaze but seems to contain what he was talking about.
  8. because society is parsing it with hypocracy. the media tryed portraying the tragedy as a white supremist who was influenced by trump rhetoric when in reality cardi b's sexually explicit music videos seem to have had more influence on this demented individuals actions. but that doesn't stop the narrative from being pushed and fools who only go surface deep into stories in believing just another of the many lies they push to fortify a false narrative. how do you address a problem that is not even being presented? the far left has expressed asians have "white privalege" because they do so well in the education system, are successful and go against the minority suppression narrative. don't you think this promotes hatred towards a group based on race as much as supremist rhetoric? seeing as asians are disproportionately attacked by people that cannot simply be pushed into a "white supremist" category, at least according to the most intensive study i could find. https://www.amren.com/features/2020/12/race-and-crime-who-attacks-whom/ to fix this problem we have to be honest about the causes. right now, the far leftist pushing racist nonsense are getting ignored by the press and advocated by the government! white supremist are rightly seen as evil by society while leftist pushing their ideology are seen as empathetic. until both are seen as the racists they are, then the crimes of one will always be ignored. so it must be continuously identified by the actual reasoning behind it and call out the lies that we are presented. i dont want your daughter to face hatred by white supremists anymore then i want her forced to earn a higher SAT score that may limit her opportunities. i don't want her to face hate for being "privileged" or be segragated into a group not of her choosing. shes a individual. its all racist bs, I agree it all has to be treated as such but at this point, it is not.
  9. how does substack work? there is no app in the app store for it. the link you gave lets me subscribe to sullivan alone or its for all the content of the writers on the site? and how many stories per week/ month. 50 bucks per writer would get pricey but supporting independant journalism seems like a good counter to the degradation of mainstream and give journalists a out instead of pushing corporate narratives to make a living. the main page wants me to log in so i keep putting off how it works. thanks for any info.
  10. 😅 hit a nerve? that reply is dramatic as it gets. id be angry too if my life was dedicated to plastering a message board defending this guy. its ok little buddy. i recognize his accomplishments. my life is ok. thank you for the concern but in just 2 months the guy has done alot for others, lets give credit. already launched bombs on a foriegn country. already fired thousands of workers with a stroke of his pen. just taking a extra squat on the... show he was handed i guess. already crushing poor people with soaring gas prices he created with that same pen stroke and putting the threat of inflation on the table for them to contemplate with the endless spending. already throwing migrant children in cages at a astounding rate and preventing ICE from giving the media information on the exact numbers or conditions. have you ever seen a coverup so fast! accomplishment! already not condemning the nonexistent violent white people on the west coast. they no longer have to worry about our president intervening. they can finally riot in peace. https://www.westernjournal.com/new-wave-riots-causes-portland-courthouse-turned-fortress/ i know this all sounds bad. don't worry, eventually he will take questions on this stuff. we have to be patient. every president starts out by completely ignoring the press. like you said, its only been 2 months. I'm pretty sure once he realizes where he is and why his pudding was left in a sock drawer... all this will be explained to his office lamp. 😳
  11. seeing as those who went in the street to vocalize that they did not want to be on your list of economic victims were demonized on a partisan basis. seeing as all major relief packages, including one presented by a bi partisan commission were blocked for most of last year on partisan basis. seeing how buisneses that were looted and destroyed were ignored on a partisan basis. seeing as "threats" such as school openings, small buisnesses, ect ect were forced closed, even after science and facts stated otherwise, on a partisan basis. seeing as the bill we eventually got was rammed through on a partisan basis. seeing as the states like florida that have fought against creating all the economic victims you state were adamantly condemned on a partisan basis. while places like NY were touted as utopias of leadership created BOTH economic destruction while also MURDERING senior citizens and having similar covid numbers. its a little hard to stand up on a soap box and say there should be no partisan bull manure coming from self identified "conservatives". those same people that are posting partisan bull manure were probably the ones arguing tooth and nail to save these people from the foreseeable economic destruction while being called murders and such. i think you can forgive them for having strong opinions about how their money is getting spent when the economic devastation wasn't even mitigated by partisans that allowed and continue to allow this to happen while their side got very little consideration when fighting against them.
  12. so i was reading back my conversation and both our points. i may not have put what i was saying well enough and just going through the discussion. then i came across this and it goes to the point i was making. i can say your right! there is a us and "them" and it is pointless to try and "convince" them. there are large segments of people that completely trust the info they are fed and manipulated with. those people watch only biased media that confirms them and never give credibility to those that don't. anyone who doesn't agree is not worth the time because they are WRONG no matter what, because you must be all in or out. no in between. so which are you? if you took anytime to read the discussion you may have come across my actual stance. but snap judgments is kind of what "they" do. i won't try to convince you as it was all there to read before you gave advice. ill just leave what i actually said in the discussion you made this comment on that states how i undeniably believe the election was stolen and there's no convincing "them". you and him both seemed to want others to accept your absolutes. i think your the ones who can't be reasoned with because personally i concider this is very reasonable take. not trying to push this subject further, just pointing out what my issue was to begin with.
  13. you keep moving the goalposts. you wanted evidence of democrat manipulation. i gave it. you said my source was bad for voter software issues i gave you another source for a entirely different story. i made my stance very clear. i think if its not clear proof for widespread or election changing then it will be discounted as nothing significant as it has been thus far. i even stated how recounts DID find something as well.. VOTES! some places "found" thousands! some hundreds. a problem existed that otherwise would not have counted those voices. hopefully it is being looked at and rectified as well as the other issues i raised. if you believe the election was flawless and democrats are well intentioned group of leaders that will implement positive voting changes for all americans by strengthening voter integrity then im glad you have that level of optimism. i see some very dangerous thinking on it. opening boarders mixed with no voter identification nessasary for instance has been on a bill I've seen. the breath act contained those things clear as dau on the website until it was removed recently. of coarse im a bigot for my opposition to that ideology by some. the fact they eliminated the green candidate shows they care nothing about disenfranchising people, integrity and I'm just learning about this HR1 that looks to have loads of corruption, especially against 3rd parties. as for the russian propaganda thing i accused you of believing. that was a tounge in cheek remark hoping you would draw similarities to 4 years ago. when a huge amount of people and elected officials demanded that our election was infiltrated by outside enemies of the website you said i shouldn't use, seeing the comparison? ahhh maybe poorly executed, anyways, large amounts of calls to reform our susceptible voting machines and their software as well as our system in general. so it is never infiltrated again. i supported those reforms, without a lick of evidence provided. i produced alot more proof in this thread then they ever did. but it did not matter either way, why would I fight against demands to secure our electoral process and continue to make half the country feel disenfrachised? not alot of upside to that stance...either🤔 i read your edit on your first reply. no man. no hard feelings. hopefully none your way either. just internet jabber.
  14. several sites to choose from that reported that so i could choose another site if you like. if its false claims against the software that's fine with me. I'm providing evidence to the contrary that these machines were perfectly safe with no issues. that statement was made by a independent..non Russian investigation team. sorry it was presented on RT. im not seeing anything on this from the mainstream but there are other sites that have the exact same story if it makes you more comfortable. strange how your not a democrat but you seem to be pushing the russian collusion propagada that the last "election fraud" debate was propagated from....... and lasted in the media for 3 years! a impeachment trial, and is now universally understood to be baseless. i guess ill go back and get the other research i found just to show this isn't a singular story based on russian propaganda. https://leohohmann.com/2020/11/13/software-engineers-report-dominion-flipped-minimum-of-138000-votes-from-trump-to-biden-in-michigan/ anyways back to the topic. your original claim was the election was absolutely not stolen and people need to stop saying it was. in which i basically said democrats have had issues in their own election and are telling others they must agree on absolutes? do you absolutely know if Bernie gets a fair shot he loses to hillary and trump never becomes president? they should be screaming about their own issues before they tell others they are insane. the democrats are fighting to make some of those concerns permanent laws now. yes i know your not a democrat..i was! so i think its important. i am also an american who wants to not ever have this happen to our country again. you then wanted evidence on the democrats and i provided it. i wrote a very long post that should be at the very least be eye opening for those on that side who are hypocritically condemning.. showing striking similarities. after i provide it your stance is so I'm not sure why you wanted evidence in the first place. yes i know candidates sling mud at each other. i also know when the establishment aligns all of its power against a candidate that is corrupt and wrong. i stated "why even run candidates you will destroy if they get to far?" you seem to absolve these things because you don't care and selections were done in secret in smokey rooms in the past. thats fine and basically confirms my original statement minus putting you in the democrat side. for those that are interested in selecting the person who represents their party its important that they receive a fair unbiased chance. its the only way we see someone not in line with the establishment ever actually obtain power. that's pretty important to me no matter which party wins but according to some, only the general election is important so we can choose which establishment backed candidate we think is less evil from now on. not a good outlook for the future with this ideology. when it comes to fools declaring election fraud. somehow ive been put in the strange position of defending trumps allegations and having to scour the internet for factual proof that he himself has not. that's not what I'm saying and never was my stance. my stance is that there is validity to peoples idea that we have alot of troubling problems in our election system and yes i believe corruption was involved. the overwhelming evidence seems to say that joe biden was elected as presidents but that in no way means that there were not very troubling ways in which that happened. that also does not mean if they were corrected he would not have been. this isn't as simple as the answer is 4 and everyone else who does not agree is flat out wrong. if your independent as you claim to be then you see the issues i brought up. only a partisan would fight against measures that degrade the confidence all americans should have in our elections, primary and all. trump may have lost and you may be right that covid forced changes. odd that Fauci and the cdc said voting in person was perfectly safe. odd that the mail in ballots were made in the way they seem hard to retrace after discarded. now that vaccines are going to be out will those laws that were changed last minute, you say justifiably, be changed back? hmmm so ill restate some of my issues. and yes i fully support you grabbing your bootstraps, get a job and buy some water not on the taxpayers dime if you want to vote in a line!!! georgians! always with the water gimme gimme gimme 🙄 just kidding. of coarse i support that measure.
  15. how a nominating process of a party is up to them? what exactly is the point of having primaries if the will of the american voter becomes subverted by what a party feels is best for them. Bernie was winning many delegates up until Iowa! why even have Bernie or any of the others "not approved" waste money, time and resources, only to do everything within their power to not get them the nomination regardless. if that isn't concidered blatant corruption on the highest level then your pretty much agreeing with me that democrats don't care about election integrity. they are perfectly fine with the establishment making the choice for them as long as they produce the facade they had any say in the process. perfectly happy to tow the anyone but trump line after the decision was made on their behalf...TWICE! you say both do it, which is true on a level but i can promise you if the RNC were as corrupt, donald trump would have never become the presidential nominee. established republicans were not in support of a outsider stepping in. the people voted and that's where the chips fell. its how democracy is supposed to work, like it or not. so this was the basis of my argument. the democrats are not calling for in depth transparent investigations into their own elections and think the other half of the country should share their low standards, shut up and sit down. i gave plenty of reasons why, true or not, rational people would believe their were problems with this general election as the same issues happened in the democratic primary. you seem to suggest well if there were problems then they would be presented on a right wing platforms. im pretty sure they have been, continuously. i gave two examples of problems. one that led to a arrest. the other that was immediately censored instead of what should be the standard debated. then you say that they are not presenting it and is not censored? i tryed my best not to include right wing sites as my links, it is not easy but does it make it less true? i wish there was less biased media but it simply one or the other for MOST well known publications..period. i haven't conducted full research of the general election but you go rather in depth on voting machine software basically saying it is proven there were no issues. a quick search reveals. https://www.rt.com/usa/509674-michigan-dominion-audit-errors-fraud/ "We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results." you talk about recounts and everyone laughed as alot of them revealed biden actually gained more votes in areas. noone really stopped to think how most recounts FOUND hundreds and in some cases thousands of uncounted votes. all voices that would never have been counted. but every vote counts and if its not enough to change the outcome..no issues here? there seems to be a overarching theme of "widespread" and "changed results". there are alot of issues found that dont fall under that very exclusive umbrella and can be dismissed as untrue! [ fact check : FALSE! ] this issue def would NOT have changed the election! no one asked that question in the first place. 🙄 you talk about the court hearings thrown out. i agree for the most part. but when laws are changed by those in power the last minute its pretty easy to not break it. not saying that is the case, mostly cause i dont want to research it all, but the last minute state changes are just another reason that draws suspicion regardless. broken pipes that stopped voting that evidence showed never existed. ballot watchers being told as long as they were in the same building then that constitutes the process was "overseen" regardless if they were near the actual ballot processing, due to covid of coarse. being able to actually observe at a reasonable distance had to be fought in court! the list goes on and on. we can go back and forth but i think it boils down to this. when you have a huge population that has lost confidence in the electoral process you cannot just say..get over it. you cannot just say corruption did or did not happen as a absolute. I've provided alot of aligations that produces suspicion and im not sure why anyone would disagree regardless if true, its suspicious. in many cases these are not some off the wall way out there conspiracy theory type accusations. the things i shown are just the tip of other accusations. crazy idea but how about a full and transparent investigation of the election by a completely independant body? when it comes to postal, or insurrection our gov loves to deep dive into issues, somtimes repeatedly. not so much here. how about the democrats address why voter ID is so difficult to obtain for democratic voters, even though its not, and address THAT, instead of eliminating it from elections..which invites SUSPICION. people are fighting AGAINST HAVING A ID!!? i think we know the real reason why! address signature verification issues conservatives have. why are they trying to pass unsolicited voter enrollment...which is SUSPICIOUS. why are they trying to allow people to collect ballots on others behalf regardless of reason...which will make the system open to more voter harvesting! instead of eliminating things that provide more election integrity they seem intent on endorsing the things that produce fraud allegations. like i said the democrats have a very low bar and the supporters will not like the outcome of one party rule if they don't demand better. historically one party rule is where things become very scary.
  16. i wasnt calling you a democrat, but those are mostly the people who vehemently deny the accusations. as i said, as their elections have had repeatedly been manipulated in different ways. if your looking for flat out fraud or undeniable proof. sorry i am not a lawyer and lack concrete evidence in that regard. ibut manipulation towards targets is numerous and your asking the dems to investigate themselves. good luck in that regard. if you want to go piece by piece you can start at the information in the wikileak drop showing the corruption the DNC was working against Bernie Sanders for Hillary Clinton. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/23/us/politics/dnc-emails-sanders-clinton.html then we can talk about the iowa caucas and the "technical issues" with "shadow inc". https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/shadow-vendor-iowa-dems-reporting-app/story?id=68754002 guess who contributed a large sum of money? just the guy who declared a early victory. pete butiigeig. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/04/politics/pete-buttigieg-iowa-caucus/index.html how about the treatment of andrew yang. how he was not allowed to debate do to dnc "rules" yet bloomberg could enter stage left at his choosing. how the media repeatedly would not even include his name in the standings? https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/undaunted-missing-tuesdays-debate-andrew-yangs-absence-creates/story?id=68257838 how about the targeted slander campaign started in unison by the DNC and media against tulsi gabbard on her being a russian asset, conviently after she dismantled kamala harris on the debate stage? the threat became real and they cant have that past brought up when your plan is to run on the identity politics. heres a dnc lackey trying to propagate the lie and the way "news" should react. its why i like the youtube show (rising). subscribe to it and help keep true journalism alive. plenty of parrots on video that simply amplified that message if you take a search. but the media is not under any directives. and just as tulsi is gaining steam "also conviently" google has a glitch on her donation page as her name search skyrocketed. but the tech monopolies aren't in bed with the democrat establishment. all this censorship and coordinated elimination of conservatives and any talk of election fraud is just a interesting conspiracy. looks like they were priming the pump to me. https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/25/8930373/google-tulsi-gabbard-democratic-candidate-lawsuit-ad-search-ban-political-bias-debates is that enough? are you willing to look past these similarities to what alot of people are saying about the presidential campaigns? from russian asset, to suspicious voting software, to organized media slander, to tech censorship? so again, its very odd that people regard the same accusations towards the presidential election with such certainty. when you talk about actual voter fraud its pretty hard to make a argument when any and every bit of evidence given is censored or is written off as right wing propaganda. project veritas showed voter harvesting...that was written off as propaganda then later the women featured was arrested. im sure it was the only incident in the country. thank god we got the lone wolf. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/amp/TX-woman-arrested-election-fraud-project-veritas-15867537.php steven crowder recently showed locations in nevada that were used as voter residents, they were empty lots with a newspaper and live feed...then his twitter was immediatly deleted for disinformation. both are concidered right wing cooks. yes they are biased but ill also remind you crowder had a rally questioning michigan gov whitmer on lying about nursing home murd..uhh deaths. loooong before anyone in the media was concerned and similar governors were getting emmy's how about the democrats removing the green party candidate off the ticket...every vote counts, except for theirs. is it ok if they declare fraud? https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/09/18/penn-s18.html so. its really hard to show evidence when it is immediatly deleted, people are punished. Im not saying the election was stolen. i don't know either way, but I'm not going to say for certain it was not when i cant even hear the evidence and a open free conversation. whhew. this research paper brought me back to my college days.
  17. just curious if you feel the democratic primaries for the last two major elections were on the up and up even though there is clear evidence to the contrary? funny how democrats defend elections with such certainty when their own elections had massive amounts of manipulation. they dont seem to mind at all, so i guess no one else should.
  18. if you want a neutral prospective on what is going on in my opinion listen to this. i think it sums it up well. im a old school democrat. the party has done a complete 180. i cant blame younger democrats as they really dont know any better. but if anyone is like me and felt they represented you in the past and you still support them now. to me you never had principles. you were given them. i have to sit here and defend the right wing because they are all that is left of the resistance. each side will always bicker over garbage that's thrown into the mixer. its why it always ramps up during election time. keep looking at the red beam and pay no attention to who has their hands on the levers. bombs keep getting dropped and the working class keep getting siphoned...regardless of who is presented as the face of the party in power.
  19. thank you for your question senator. i can absolutley affirm that i will not allow the government to supersede a parents decision and will also absolutely require adult parental consent and full consultations. it is important to fully discuss all options and negative lifelong effects before ever begining any treatments toward gender reassignment, hormone or puberty blocker procedures for minors. if she already believes this then it should be easy to say out loud while in a confirmation hearing. seems pretty reasonable and easy to me. not sure where a argument could be started.
  20. you son of a parent. lol. you made me download the pdf and try to comprehend that garbage. 43 pages!! i see fact check that says it was for that single piece of legislation then i also see Under the changes, words like “father,” “mother,” “son,” “daughter,” “brother” and “sister” will be replaced in official documents by the gender-neutral terms “parent,” “child” or “sibling,” respectively. so what is a "official documents"..plural? im not sure but it would lead me to believe that this can easily be seen as a beginning step. i never thought that they were banning gendered language from speeches. if a republican said father i wasn't implying that they would halt the proceedings and arrest someone from speaking. but did think it was required for all bills and rules as i would think that would be concidered having to be written up on "official documents". either way it looks to be a virtue signaling tactic that does not encompass as much as i thought. ill admit i may have not gotten the full facts on it and have been enlightened. ill def look more into it more now. what i will say, when it comes to this. its a drop in the bucket. so then you have this interaction between rand paul and rachel levine. i think that deserves a direct answer. but maybe thats me. just another drop in the bucket. then you have attempted censorship by the ACLU of a book on the study of the damage to transgendered teens who have made irreparable decisions. WHY would this be on a censor list? why would someone have to fight a organization that used to fight for freedom of speech? just to hide that there ARE negative consequences to these decisions. it isnt all sunshine for some people and the decision should be taken VERY seriously. another drop. https://www.iwf.org/2020/11/16/some-in-aclu-have-new-cause-book-banning/ so then we look at the amount of childrens books, shows, influences, forced educations, even against their parents wishes. (some examples shown in this thread). the fight against established science of two sexes. the rise of "violence" if you use the wrong pronoun and banning off platforms for even discussing the other side. the women right advocates being attacked for wanting their own sports, scholarships ect. ect. its almost if there werent gay pride parades all over the country. gay bars and night clubs. gay actors and performers who have been very successful. gay right to marry. shows specifically designated towards this lifestyle, some of which was established decades before any of this. but the lgbt community has a subsector of trans so we MUST focus all our attention on that now. if you don't, or question it publically, then you are a bigot. and you wonder why this subject envokes a emotional response? why people are swayed by another announcement of a drip going into the , you must conform to this thinking or else, bucket?
  21. i always try to conversate with those that will do back with thoughtful discussion. the internet has more then enough name calling spats that go nowhere. i was not calling you personally a supremist. i was just pointing out how the cancel mob has no issue superseding the voices of who is being effected the most. as with most things today it turns into a all or nothing referendum as i am a white supremist for not agreeing and trying to maintain a racist trope. at the end of the day i think we should ask those mostly effected and stop allowing others to step in and make those demands. it brings obserdity to the conversation. it also become profitable as those calling for the attention have stories to produce for clicks and gofundme to link for support. manufactured outrage. we can look at a potato toy and agree (id hope) removing a gender is inconsequential to anything as they even still have genders in the actual product, just not brand name. but when you combine that with the fact a major body of government has banned all gendered language you (id hope) say hey that's crazy and may be going to far in society. when it comes to historical writing (id hope) that all can not be viewed under the same glass. some writing requires the historical ugly past context, some doesn't. will you fight on behalf of the ones that do? instead of snap decisions from a mob that clearly has no basis in reality for some of what they call for.. this needs actual debate. unfortunatly anyone making these arguments is given a label regardless of the content of the discussion. so the right will fight EVERYTHING because it IS leading to some impactful negative changes. such as abolishing police area violence spikes, 3 year old given options to gender change. THREE!? ect ect there's a middle ground and we may disagree but as long as there are people willing to make a honest dialogue then hopefully neither extreme will fully win, but lets be real, the left is in the drivers seat. if leftist dont speak up on these things then its not going to end well. imo. so i am. the fact you don't simply throw trump argument at me and stick around to defend your point truley does give me hope. believe me when i tell you ive taken your points into consideration on my stance.
  22. i wasnt generally talking about you. just giving the question to those who feel that way. is it a racist trope if the people that are closely associated with it do not see it that way. the fact noone seems to take their opinion as the end of the discussion seems pretty supremist to me. so the question really is how far does it go? when is it (lol) they mad at a potato toy and oh my god that is wrong and should be stopped? it doesn't seem like the left is concerned about drawing a line and will attack everything with impunity. case instance the set design at cpac..racism!! designed by a liberal owned company whos done tons of sets designs for biden in the past and meant nothing they say was intended...opps. but are targeted just the same. on to the next one. you went back in time and showed a racist advertisement as justification but removing her also removes that history. noone will ever see her face and look back at her life, the companies history, and how her image persevered through that time to a point where society now simply saw her as a well known brand identifier. a smiling face to greet you for your pancakes. you are the ones seeing the racism then calling others that name..for not seeing the same thing?
  23. so when you bought pancake mix you saw this black face on the brand and thought about slavery and minstrel shows and it offended you? so now that you see pearl milling company as a logo your more at ease at the breakfast table? even though i put a story that said her descendants and community felt her dipiction was a homage to her. your thoughts on the subject override the people most closely associated to it?
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