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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. Sounds like you are gearing up for some good old fashioned election denial.
  2. So huge conglomerates of people stacked on top of one another in urban areas who are in ideological bubbles are the ones who shall now and forever dictate federal law on how anyone who chooses not to live that way? Maybe convince your party to implement good policies that work for everyone and genuinely help its citizens. Ooooor maybe just not to run a guy that is clearly mentally depleted whose best hope is political lawfare to destroy his competion and you might not need to desperately seek to destroy what the country was built on. Just a thought. Blame your party, not the system.
  3. the dnc is effectively working towards taking the choices selected by the people from BOTH parties in this election. put their opponent in jail and sub out their own ONLY because they cannot deny the truth they worked so hard to cover. Its inconceivable that they could not convince a feeble old man to step aside or at the very least back a legitmate primary canidate and "leak" bidens condition during that time to nudge their voters to move on. They really believed they could drag him to the finish line, after that who cares. Up to the debate who could say they were wrong. Guy sounded the same as numerous other speeches he has blathered. Im not sure what has changed anyones mind. We believe Democracy is at stake this election. Now wait while we decide for you who we want to be in it. Hilarious.
  4. I think people need to ask themselves are they here to talk politics or are they here to win a argument. Has there ever been a discussion on here that made them reconsider a position they did not have? Is there a single instance where they conceeded a good point to someone else or admit they could be wrong on a topic? Answers to these questions probably also answers who is most contributing to cesspool behavior. I like this place. I rarely post. a little nook in the internet that isnt heavily moderated in one direction or another is getting pretty rare. I think we should not be so quick to recommend flushing it all. Id love to see a thread called (devils advocate). See who here can even stomach arguing the other sides points. If anything it would be pretty funny which would be a nice change of pace for the room.
  5. This is the equivalent to sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming nuh uh lalalala! Your assement of my "idea" you implanted for me doesnt change any the points made. You should probably take your own advice.
  6. Stop me when im wrong in root causation. Democrats offer sanctuary and will not work with feds. Democrats are offering free medical, schooling, pay cards and will displace american citizens and their children for illegal immigrants. Biden lied about boarder security whipping illegals. Liberals Have repeatedliy fire bombed and attacked ICE. Enfocing boarder laws was deemed as racism for 7 years until a election year. Now want "real solutions" that werent necessary to control the boarder right before they were in power. This administrarion sued and have repeatedly removed baricades texas installed to deter illegals. You dont need more then that to show how "real" their solutions are. Ill stop there. Thats more then enough. This was all intentional. We all know they only care now because it hurts polls and they are isolated in their idiotic ideology in a election year. secret flights and open boarders will be back as soon as they reclaim power. No, you guys can wallow in this mess and sound like fools trying blame the people you ignored and demonized repeatedly as bigots. Just like you say abortion is a republican killer, i agree. Immigration is a dem killer and everyone knows your true stance on it. Simply saying now you decided the last 7 years never happened doesnt make it true. Even people not paying attention can see that is delusional.
  7. Havent read the bill but i watch alot of pundits that are skeptical of government. Supposedly this is not a tik tok ban at all. It is a bill so that 4 hostile states alone cannot have large investments in websites or services that operate in the US. China, russia, north korea, iran. If tik tok divests from chinese interests it can operate as it does today with no changes. Its refusing. Theory is the reason they are going after it now is because it is the prime website used promoting the gaza stance. Bipartisan agreement is in backing Israel so bipartisan agreement in this bill. They read specific wording to back the claim that this bill is highly focused on specifics so doesnt sound like broad overreach for the most part so far.
  8. I get your points with duality but frame of reference could also be simply how some people rationalize things they dont want to face. It seems to have little to do with evidence from signs of life and more to do with how people want to perceive what they condone. Thats not how most things work and why we have laws to begin with. Ill explain. Your example of a meat eater. One can say animals have no souls and are objects on this planet primarily for man. A gift to use at will. Unless you know the creator/reason animals exist noone can disprove that thought. The point is not whos right or wrong in that debate but how it becomes much easier to look past moral issues like slaughter and mistreatment when a person maintains that frame of mind. You say you would not want a law in place for meat eaters but i think that you agree with laws and oversight for animals being humanly treated and respected before their lives are sacrificed to create the meat. I personally dont think there are enough of them to protect that cause. Like i said im libertarian on the subject but do so knowing that abortion is now promoted far past the "safe and rare" limits. Thats the frame of reference pro abortion has taken up. A last resort to save women from what you mention is only part of a story. The other side is extremely irresponsable/ vindictive/ and self serving part in humanity. It can capitalize on women in need for monetary reasons as well. At a certain point should we not try to make a distinction between what most see as understandable examples and the others that exist? How do we do that if not for laws/exceptions/ or limits. A do what you want mentality when it comes to human life at its infancy should be given alot more respect then absolute trust and advocation for all procedures all the time as "none of our buisness". Who speaks for those who have no voice? Animal or fetus? How does civilized society promote more of your outlook and use? The way it always has. laws that are hopefully built on logic that exclude those who wish to proceed recklessly. If not, then we should all mind our own buisness on almost everything we are not directly involved in. I have a belief in my right to protect myself and family but there are plenty of laws that govern what limits constitue that human right. The only place we really disagree is in how we perceive the intentions of everyone involved. Thats the duality. the nature that people are capable of dark things is my perception. Its not always the empathetic best case scenario that advocates seem to use all the time as broad reasoning. If my outlook is true, and human history is full of examples showing it, then there has to be some form of check and balance. even more carefully when dealing with the defensless. You see that as a infringment on a god given right and i see it as a way to hold a basic standard if its necessary. Either way it was nice to discuss on this level. It deserves it.
  9. A well thought out reasoning. Thanks for taking the time to articulate. I agree with most of what you wrote. Seems relatively rational, makes good points and just has a leftist slant in spots. overall there isnt alot anyone who isnt following a ideology of life at conception can truley think is extreme. Warning...equally as long. I find this argument interesting because it is easy to flip perspectives and ideology along with it. Both sides take on the others attributes. The right wants to protect the innocent and the left is saying "dont tread on me". move a circumstance or two and suddenly they are back to form. The question i posed does just that because it shifts the view on who is the victim. Your moral prioritization point for example. You say republicans dont care after they leave the womb. The left doesnt care before. How many stories from children are told of a beginning where mothers who were convinced by pro life/concervative groups to change their mind? Did the right save the lives of people that the left did not consider to have a life in the first place? Mitigated to a clump of cells that could be destroyed at will before a word of their story, their success, could be heard? If fetuses are looked at as living beings does abortion now exceed gaza atrocities and many others the left care about? those stories exist but we rarely hear them. The left controls the culture so only stories of how pro life hurts society are repeated. lets be honest, theres no logical evidence that the left will conceed that a fetus has life. Heartbeat, brain activity, pain receptors. I dont think they want any of those basic factors that represent life in the narrative. its much easier to just to say "if its in the mother its not alive" even if it really makes no sense in any other context. im playing devils advocate for the most part. Your point on 5 could be equally told about the "safe and rare" becoming far different over time. Sure you pointed the left extreme is not utilized much but It was advocated for under the same umbrella. Conservatives had the exact same view you have now. One could argue if one extreme was not so readily accepted and normalized the other would also be universally shunned as extreme. Pendulum swings both direction and now i think moderates are hoping both figure out a compromise. So for absolute clarity ill ask again. If a cluster of cells is prevented from developing into a child against the mothers consent. Should that be considered murder? " Unequivocally yes?" Without using intent or courtroom stances. Is that your personal answer? I think the only reason we would have to go in depth into criminal scenerios is to maintain the lefts view. Otherwise it is extremely straight forward. That suggests a fallacy to me.
  10. I respect that opinion even if I dont see alot of logic in it. Intent can be fluid and change over time. If a attacker ends the fetus of a woman who has gone to a clinic and thinking about abortion, is it Murder? If a father who is ecstatic about conception and fully intends to take care of the child outside of a relationship? His intent is not even concidered? Of coarse not. All i know is Intent can get very messy which is why i was curious if it mattered more then when the "women choice" side concider life to exist in the first place. It seems it is the most important thing in the ideology if its considered a murder charge before its considered a life. So it seems the presumption of human life all falls to one person and how they feel at the moment under a time table of when it exits a womans body. The second after it absolutely exists to everyone (including yourself) regardless of intent or any other factor. Seems a bit primitive to me. Especially since induced or C section can artificially create it on a given date. So theroetically life can be created or delayed with a doctors schedule. supporting abortion to the point of birth (even theoretically) is even more perplexing. That means a child who could absolutely survive and go on to live a productive life if given the proper care and family is still (not alive) because not ending it is a afront to womens rights. That one is extreme as the christian right contracetive bans imo. Im in the middle. Humanity needs to come to a consensus of when a ball of cells developes whatever we determine is a undeniable attribute of life and that can be used to set laws. But at the end of the day im a libertarian on the issue. The choices people make in that regard is for them to live with, not me. But i find those adament on each side to have interesting takes. Just trying to pose some arguments that arent as straight forward as many try to make the topic.
  11. I dont think anyone on the GOP side has any problem with enforcing much stricter gun laws on anyone who obtains or carries a gun illegally. What would that do to mass shootings and gun deaths? Seems the majority are committed by people with long violent records and caught carrying numerous times. Yet those people are in revolving doors that inevitably end up with lives taken...then ignored. Yet there is only talk of removing "types of guns" and restriction of law abiding carriers. Its pretty hypocritical that is not the MAIN TOPIC of conversation. People should be terrified to illegally carry and that simply not the case. Hell they dont even call mass shooting by that name unless it meets specific cryteria that focuses on democrat talking points.
  12. Im no devout pro lifer but ive asked this question before and never gotten a answer. If someone attacks a pregnant woman with the intent to kill her fetus and is successful, is the charge simply physical assault? If yes, does this not set a dangerous precident for people who wish to skirt responsability for 18+ years? If no...its murder. That says fetuses are living individuals. If yes..then womens INTENT on conceiving is the only standard for a fetus having a life. Not trying to debate just get a answer from a angle other then the normal left right positions.
  13. And you got a sentace and meme. Lol.
  14. I like the imbacilic edit down to one sentace to simplify my stance. Id expect nothing less from you. So highlight. Which of the stories would you like to denounce as propaganda or write a sentance and meme? How bout the one where boris johnson nix peace talks? The one that russia wants guarantees ukraine will never be entered into NATO before it attempts a peace talk. Or i can cut and paste a twitter rando that "knows stuff" like you do for facts. I dont know if you know this but we are in america with american media. Id think the citizens who are paying for the war across the globe would be let in on what OUR TERMS would be. Especially as any russian info is pretty scarce anyways. you seem really close with joe. Everyone on the board had alot of taxes taken out last couple years for this war. whats the plan to end this and keep Ukrainians alive? Fill us in.
  15. Then why are they forcing military aged men to fight? Prying them off of busses in front of their children. Why are they suspending elections so people cant choose a leader that may have a different way? Why are they stopping journalists from telling their stories..its all a heroic fight against evil right? What are they scared of? Why are their leaders caught with US funds that every penny should be used to fight against the utter destruction and starvation you speak? But most importantly..why isnt it even whispered what it would take to end it. Ever think the ultimate goal os not Ukraine at all. Its drawing america into finacing a forever war (which we love). Depleting our treasury and our military to a point where a enemy can attack a severly weakend country that is already divided and half of it is cheering its own Destruction as the real putin puppets? No. Not at all?
  16. We had this discussion awhile ago. Its hard to say which to "give away" since there has been absolutely no talk of peace negotiations from this administrarion and your comfortable recliner. We dont know if its a small province or hell even just a promise that nato to stay away from russias front door.. not that our treaties mean much if you know history. So its hypothetical. Whats for certain is your position. Thousands of more young Ukrainians WILL die in this war. So how many more of them do YOU wish to sacrifice before you even inquire what peace costs. How much more tax money do we spend to watch? How many more stories of men being dragged away from their families and FORCED to fight are enough? How many stories of corruption of millions of US dollars lost to oligarchs bank accounts? And again, which of your family will you be willing to send when inevitably russia who has millions of more troops runs out of Ukrainians? Land can always be regained in the future. Lives can not. Seeing as russia has gone to great lengths to avoid conflict with nato..even as nordstream was destroyed, even as direct nato intervention has obviously been added to ukrainian support, kinda tells me they are not interested in Poland or starting any other world wars any time soon.
  17. Well i guess Its a war on hispanics, asian americans, indians, middle easterner on and on. Its discrimitory not to get full anthem representation for all people and cultures that do not want to be included in a single unified anthem. Hopefully the NFL realizes how bigoted it is and starts the opening ceremony at the crack of dawn to include all anthems from every background since we are now just a bunch of individual groups who happen to live in proximity to one another.
  18. You want it both ways. Stop main lining news max yet you know russia is reeling. Where is this info? What are you main lining? How bout iran? Are they reeling? Seem like they are a bit emboldened as of late. Id say we are alot more on the brink with three threats directly attacking us or allies then any time trump was in office. Hell we have texas saying enough while biden is opposing them defending thier own border. We might be on the brink of CIVIL WAR. All this chaos is normalized because 'you know" the alternative is a unmitigated clown show. Because biden passed a bunch of huge bills that noone can honestly say have benefitted from...hes done better. Ill believe it when i see it but as of now...cost, crime, housing, war, immigration. Every bit of it is far worse now, then its ever been. you guys never give any real world examples on how life was so much worse. He SAID stuff. The media Told me things. Hes ACCUSED of. How about policy? You know real tangible things that effected your life and not opinion.
  19. This month they are mad that republicans wont let them build a wall and they cant remove the top political rival from voters choice. Not a single thought that this all is a non issue with good policy from a competent administration. Not one. instead flail around on pure desperation tactics and hope for the best.
  20. its a bit unsettling to know a terrorist who plots and executes a plan to "destroy democracy and this country" can just walk around freely for 4 years. im sure the russians and iranians are very pleased. Try to destroy america and they will only be judged by left wing media pundits for years. Just dont run in the general election. Lol.
  21. Lol. Hundreds tracked down and arrested. Impeachment proceeded against the man. Which lost A full "hearing" showing it all on prime time television. Years go by not a charge brought. just cnn and your threads crying about it nonstop. Which part of this 4 years were "swept under the rug"? Where were the formal charges all this time? Right. Proceed with your manufactured outrage over it. Everyone else sees it for what it was. Not under any dillusion the people in politics are corrupt. Look at ALL their stock portfolios alone. Its clear. What of it?
  22. Removing the leading canidate from the ballot? Nicki haley still lost the primary to "noone" Having a clearly biased jan 6th trial on national tv that did nothing to change anyones mind. Changing NY statute of limitations. Waiting until election season to file charges that were obviously held back because everyone knows they are interested in a media smear campaign for the headlines, not justice. Win or lose...this is the most pathetic way to beat a political opponent. A "low bar" one as you put it.
  23. And yet they have to resort to such desperate tactics to beat this "low bar" and are losing in the polls? It should tell you somthing But it wont.
  24. Just curious what you think is center/left? I concider myself center left, and think the right fights for more of those principals today then the left.
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