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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. so stop being so childish about trumps corruption. it just what they do and not sure why your bringing it up.
  2. so when does it end? it certainly doesn't with current corruption being absolved by past. call it out now or don't ever say another word about it because you accept it as long as your team is the one doing it.
  3. WARNING the feds have uncovered solid evidence that a far right terrorist organization has gained access to several f bombs and are preparing to deploy them! the tweet also confirmed that "several clips were watched" so ammo for the extremists were spotted. if you have democracy it is strongly advised you stay indoors! did i gaslight correctly? well pledge 5 dollars and subscribe for more important updates to fight the supremists then. 😂🤣😅😃
  4. what? i have a electrical bachelors degree and would keep my mouth shut all day every day when a tradesman with experience is speaking. they shouldn't excercise more influence because a book and piece of paper does not give you any advantage in real world problems. it simply signifies you have the ability to ingest and regurgitate information well and have familiarity with concepts. how well you utilize this ability is individualized. some think the meritocracy is based on this alone. its so common as you say but that also means your getting alot of useless people learning useless things yet still thinking they are somehow more important. i have no degree in viral science or any experience. take a looksee at my past posts on the topic when the cream and drones were screaming follow the science. i sure is smarts at duh virusing. no economics degree and yet i spoke about the major threat of inflation long ago..check the posts. pretty sad a TON of "dumb" people could see obvious things while those who spent their entire lives dedicated to the subject from the top tier colleges said no issue, er um transitory, er um russia!! this trust had idiots advocating every word they said like it was gospel. so are the elites stupid or liars? its one or the other and either way should not classify anyone without a degree as anything less or better until you hear their thoughts on the subject. it might suprise you since alot have gotten by without having to pay a institution a huge chunk of money to be given opportunities that they were looked over for. so smart they are pleading "dumb" people to pay off THEIR debt.
  5. its incredable to watch how easily people can flip their "beliefs" purely on what their team instructs them they are. we can blame global elites for pulling the strings but we are the ones that are completely loyal to our sides. if more people would stand up against their own when they are in direct conflict it would result in the rarest thing in america..a common set of beliefs we can fight for as a unified front. anyone who thinks a women should not have access to contraceptives or thinks a gov should still maintain emergency authority after clear lies to name a very few ARE the establishment in my opinion. acting as if we dont have the power to do this by merely doing a second of self reflection or saying i was wrong, i fell for the lies is the only thing giving the people who are actively destroying us the power to do so. a easy solution is just to force those who advocate these things so emphatically with words and signaling to be the only ones also responsible with actual action. think abortion should be illegal regardless of timeframe or circumstance that most consider. ok now you can get a special child tax and help pay or randomly selected to adopt the precious life. same for illegal immigrant. your now responsable to open your home to care for this person or family and are soley responsible. watch how fast we suddenly find common ground when those who are screaming the loudest are also the only ones that deal with the effects. maybe they step up and solve the problems... ooor they suddenly become very receptive to compromise. 😏
  6. i agree with the above and live in a state where if someone breaks in my house. i have a duty to flee! i have to pay for illegal immigrants food and shelter as they ASK them to come! i have to worry if a teacher is secretly withholding information about my children in schools and might be taught things in secret. criminals getting wrist slapped as REAL victims pile up. how short their memory is on recent history of locking you in your home. leaving dying relative all alone in their last moments and padlock childrens parks for two years. all on complete lies! but all of a sudden we have a moral crisis? no we just have a counter extreme. its funny that leftists suddenly see how fed up it is to have family forced to make a decision to move to another state to get away from the insanity of extreme political leadership and now think they stand on a moral hill to act like they are somehow above it when they been neck deep the whole time.
  7. i will admit my worst fears are seemingly coming true. the right is sure begining to push their own brand of insanity recently which makes me very worried it wont go completely off the rails in the other direction. all they had to do is stay moderate, let the dems destroy themselves and collect the independants and droves of dems that finally recognize how batsh/+ the left has gone. they should offer up to codify abortion at a reasonable time frame. tell all these fools pushing outlawing womens contraception based on cultural crap to knock off the bs. just CONSERVE you idiots, stay out of peoples lives like you claim and fight these woke idiots and you win so easily. not a person on this board can say the biden administration has done a single thing to make there lives better in any way honestly. yet republicans are finding a way to lose votes. 😳
  8. well the line is if positive change resulted from the damage? one did and one did not imo. one was against a totalitarian enemy and one was against the very community and people that was claimed to be fought for. so do you think black lives matter achieved a overall positive goal with the destruction caused?
  9. and yet they demand that public funds pay for it?
  10. i believe that was held back by manchin. who was then lambasted by the democrats and media daily. i also remember the harassment of sinema, including as she used the bathroom because she wouldn't go along with the spending program..or was that a different trillion dollar bill they stopped that the dems applied immense pressure for? the point isnt what ultimately stopped the spending. it should be the democrats were more then happy to spend trillions more. when every single sign pointed to the country is in very dangerous territory after rep warned that (not) flattening the curve would be a economic disaster. ignored by the same liars who said "transitory" "no concern" " greatest economy ever". then reality struck and now its "this was UNAVOIDABLE". how could we have known!!!. so now the question is, how close are we to complete economic collapse and hyperinflation? how much worse with a few trillion more printed out would it be? it may already be to late. someone should prob find out the answers quickly instead of trusting that NOW the people in charge got it all under control. crazy the gov still has peoples trust. prob cause people are grasping the assumption it can't happen here. can't see that its already begun. so i guess we will all figure out how bad and where this ends in real time. hope you got your toilet paper.
  11. im tired of the comparisons as if both sides are evenly pulling. the left owns the culture. so every media source besides fox, every movie studio. every late night show. every university is pulling left, giving a slanted view point of left talking points while demonizing the right so the public is constantly gaslit towards the left being rightcheous and right demonized. liberals dont only stop traffic they are throwing the car in reverse. segragating, judging people solely based on skin, erasing womens rights, empowering government and corporations to punish those who oppose them politically, advocating violence to get what they want. all things liberals fought against a very short time ago and this new left front is now fully embracing. if anyone was a democrat just ten years ago and still believe dems are fighting the good fight..your a fraud that never had principals to guide you. just blind party loyalty. i think real racists are loving talks of segregation, foreign enemies are loving the idea of choosing less qualified leaders just on skincolor, dropping test requirements and destabilizing communities with soft on crime laws, open boarders to smuggle and traffic. corporations and gov are loving that a chunk of the country wants them to consolidate and use their power to destroy anyone who opposes them. its like the country has come so far when it comes to certain topics democrats have engineered the issues to be fought in reverse so they can re pander to later. if this keeps going the way democrats want a generation or two will have to fight these battles all over again. these people in this message board, advocating this nonsense daily, are the reason.
  12. the former president with the full power of the government and billions of dollars for the best legal council. he asked people, ordinary everyday people, to fight for something on his behalf. when no real evidence presented ever proved his case and courts threw it out. so we snoop around the web, ask questions that rep should be getting answers to and keep fighting the case with opinions and documentaries put together by right wing pundits. all while the billion dollar organization called the GOP ultimately does little on their own. the jan 6 commission. a full impeachment failed.. yet again. repeat, a full impeachment. so spend millions of our tax payers dollars and years of time. all with the full weight of gov support to produce a tv series. here we go again, to convince ordinary everyday people to fight on their behalf. any legitamate investigation would look at the full range of ineptitude that lead to a riot that a toddler could have seen coming. the participants were hunted down and rounded up facing full procescution a looong time ago. dems certainly know how to use a iron fist against crime in this case. they don't even treat murders in their states like this. if a group of people can openly organize, set a date and come that close to "destroying democracy" with flags , sticks and buffalo costumes lol. well then the fbi, dhs, cia, capital security, dc police are a utter joke when it comes to security. im not sure why real terrorist threats, you know with actual plans and weopons arent already in the building holding the constitution hostage. keep in mind these people shedding tears of fear have no issue sending kids to war at a drop of a dime. give me a break. but by all means keep fighting for the billion dollar DNC, they obviously need it. we are all getting played on this one and lizzy is just another politician acting out this political theater to keep the embers hot.
  13. thanks for the reply. i read through it and appreciate that level of explanation. i sumed alot up below but dont think i disregarded the details you given because of that. i agree with your assesments of how things happened but we need to understand why they turned out this way. i will quick note as well. i am the opposite. i was a liberal who switched to a more conservative stance. main reason was due to the dem party embrace of identity politics. they quickly abandoned all things that that traditional liberals stood for and now are the party that stands for racism, corporatism, authoritarianism. i recently wrote a very long set of replies on the variety of opinions you speak of in the dem party mostly on (progressives) if you have free time id be interested in hearing your take on it. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/ edit: guess i can't link the post under share it just the site? hmm anyways. blitz and your replies. at this point in time there seem to be 2 kinds of people. this may be stereotyping at its finest but its what i believe, dont get offended. those that consume and most importantly believe a unanimous opinion pushed out by the corporate press and those that are skeptical and independantly look for answers. i think you can easily look at the large amount of stories that democrats repeatedly jump on, some that they still believe, even though they have been throughly debunked. pretty clear evidence that democrats are easily controlled by corporate media. russia gate, EVERYTHING on covid, covington, smollett, hands up don't shoot, hunters laptop, jim crow 2.0 on and on and on. democrats took them all as fact INSTANTLY. a bit of time and just a second of independant research and you can get to the real story but fleeing to social media and labeling people the worst thing imaginable then moving on to the next lie shoveled in their direction is too enticing. im not saying repub are not in this camp but they dont have the media firepower to push the lies at the same scale and culturally have little power to make anything stick.sorry to say if you moved party strictly due to trump then i think it may have been due to the media onslaught on the administration and not the actual policy he made. maybe im wrong. but this ties into alot of what your reply is about and blitz. for the most part you are basically saying. there are issues we are facing and the democrats are making good faith efforts to address them in new ways. some work and others dont. you cant get positive change if you don't try. oragon for example had a positive one to show. no one can really argue that point. but we need to look at the sheer amount of bad that's resulted and in that respect.. the cause i see is one of two things and can be nothing else. one is incompetance. how much of the failures of the dems are we willing to attribute to them just being completely incompetent at their profession before we come to the conclusion, no..this is intentional. the "greatest minds" in these fields with a infinite amount of resources and money and yet we see repeated utter failure on every level for major issues we face. inflation was a issue ordinary people were concerned with. this directly after completely shutting down the world economy. so we could take a measured targeted approach monetarily. we have access to global advisors on supply chains ect ect ooor we can dump trillions on scale unseen of and go whoopsie!! if it leads towards economic suffering and possible collapse of the system...THEY ARE STILL DUMPING BILLIONS AT A CLIP! covid, your telling me the WHO had no indication that the virus was easily transmutable in air? your telling me science still cant find the origin, your telling me the greatest scientists on the planet had no data that the vax did not stop the contraction or spread enough to at the very least stop the villianization of those that were skeptical. that ignoring florida and texas numbers YEARS into lib states lockdown, no science years after on natural immunity? all while also advocating the censorship and demonizing anyone EVEN MED PROFESSIONALS on these topics? all this was just another whoopsie!!? withdraw from afganistan. listen to soldiers who were there talk about the complete lack of leadership. boarder policy, listen how bad it is in boarder states from the residents. energy. CRIME! when it comes to crime we are talking less about trial and error as you speak. we are talking about dead bodies and families grieving. we are in a economic crisis. this is no time to have this abundance of empathy for criminals and perform new experiments to see what may better suit their needs. failure on any of this results in innocent people suffering, communities collapsing INSTANTLY. unlike all the other problems they are i mention that are "only" crushing people slowly over time economically. maybe wait until we get back on our feet then run their little experiments. at this point use a iron fist on crime to at least give law abiding people a bit, just a bit of relief on their saftey after years of scaring the crap out of them with a virus and looming economic downturn. but that is too rational. so how many whoopsies and at what level of incompetence are you willing to tolerate before you come to the conclusion that the democratic party is not incompetent..they are very good at the task at hand. intentionally destroying america. if you come to that conclusion, which is a logical one by what I've indicated. is it not? im not using absurd examples or outcomes. how is blitz even wrong? how exactly are you or anyone who is even vaguely aware of their surroundings not in complete opposition to what they are doing. even if you do believe its incompetence and not intentional. instead you (not you personally) will get up in arms by any little cultural issue to keep you directed firmly towards your neighbor and not THEM. just keep churning out anything the media says they should be enraged by and take to them streets! now the topic is states getting control of abortion. FORGET that dems have a majority and could get passage of a reasonable abortion legislation. but they dont want that. that would solve a problem they can use to divide, more importantly use in elections. i guess we can just chalk up abortion legislation as more incompetance. my stance on blitz is we can avoid a civil war if both sides wake up and unite to stop this distruction instead of pointing at each other. thats why im here. to have reasonable debates. its a very small contribution to the pile of bickering but a attempt none the less. screaming and namecalling only exacerbates what blitz thinks is inevitable, and sadly its looking more and more like he's right. the first step is to know who the enemy is. at this point who is doing the most damage? id say the experimentation with life or death issues and clasping on to virtue signaling and empathy above everything regardless of obvious outcome is the #1 problem. the left thinks its white supremacy. I'm not sure how to even convey the difference i see in ACTUAL threats and the ones im only told are there.
  14. i personally think the republicans are insane to push that kind of authoritarianism and are basically sabotaging their own elections by even considering anything but what the left originally said and has veered way off of. safe rare legal with a reasonable timeframe. but i have a equally insane legal question for you. since leftists believe life begins after birth. a criminal who assaults a woman that causes her to lose a pregnancy. that cannot be murder correct? if thats the case then men who do not want a woman to carry a baby to full term can end the pregnancy and face only assault charges? its hypocritical to even suggest its murder. assault charge with a soft on crime liberal DA or 18+ years of financial responsability. not that hypocracy stops anyone nowadays i think we as a nation need to figure out when life begins. you dont do that with a court. you do that with medical professionals and then with congress passing the consensus. funny how dem congresspeople calling for "action in the street" when they should be calling for "action at their job." but this is a great boost for a party that has litterally nothing good to run on and dont want the answers on that question. im pretty sure it would show that many of them advocated murder of children. not a good look which is why they depended on the court to do there job to begin with.
  15. they had that going on in california for awhile. they were even cutting off utilities in houses if neighbors informed them that gatherings were not in compliance. im glad to hear you were not in support of that. of coarse im not as well. just wondering because its pretty easy to see who is a blind ideologue and who has principals by just seeing if they shift based purely off political backing. on the thread topic its very strange because the left is running against its own logic. they are talking about womens rights yet many of the same people have decided "women" are just a social construct. they applaud when someone appropriates them. the mandatory vax people are now saying my body my choice then do backflips mentally to try and justify the position change when the answer is simple..hypocracy.
  16. just curious if you were in favor of this tactic when introduced for gatherings during covid? im not defending texas here. im against this..as i am on record for covid authoritarianism. how bout you?
  17. not to mention china. discriminating movie posters. changing entire movie plots to not offend them. and of coarse thanking them for letting them film in parts of the country that are currently conducting genocide and concentration camps. seeing as china forced families to toss baby girls in rivers if they had more then one means they are at least consistent with their stance. saying its for womens rights...not so much. these companies that do business in brutal human rights dictatorships really need to keep their mouths shut. but to be fair the people they are signaling to don't seem to mind hipocracy. they can't decide if women even exist.
  18. 50%!?. if thats true why are bidens polls in the gutter? why did a texas boarder state that historically vote blue just vote a america first mexican woman married to a boarder patrol agent? why did ny elect a former police officer? yes a feckless one but still. why are demographics in blue states going down while red ones going up? woke DA in san fran recalled, school board recalled. why are movies tv shows pushing woke crap constantly losing money? biden was elected because he portrayed himself as a moderate. he lied. remember the rest of the nominees? why is there such a firm prediction on a red wave. if you look at social media, watch the news, listen to pundits you will come to the conclusion you have. that's all it is, a screen. a screen that can cut, edit push any agenda and make you believe it. if you pay attention to other indicators like some that i mentioned, you can see people dont really want any of this crap. or if they did they sorely regret it. but be clear that the republicans are just as susceptible to swing things to their own extremes with the same thinking its what people want. just because you agree with that swing doesn't mean anyone else does. at this point they are our only hope for sanity so its up to their followers to take a hard look and fight against anything towards the deep end. if they are not willing to do that then it makes them no different and yes, a war should be fought and let the extremists eliminate each other for the sake of the country.
  19. more liberal? well at least someone still thinks that. im not saying anything on the supreme court ruling. i think it was the correct decision. i just know there are extremes on both sides of this issue that are going to activate now. maybe your to young to remember the doctors who performed abortions getting gunned down. multiple times. not long ago anti abortion was FAR more radical. then you hear how governors want to prosecute women just for seeking a abortion. databases. call on your neighbor. even if they leave the state, prosecute. not sure how that is anything less then north korea ideology. just as crazy as people demanding abortions at will regardless of late development that present no danger to the mother and of coarse we now have centers that literally only provide care to poor women who want to keep there baby getting firebombed. there's a middle ground most people agree on but that will never be presented. instead the media will cherry pick the extreme views, pull a guy with 100 likes off twitter as a representative. show idiot celebrities who know nothing. presented daily like its a majority view, like they do with every issue. people getting their worldview from a screen will cont to think there is no middle and polarize more thinking everyone that doesn't 100% agree MUST be one of the 2 extremes, thus making them dig in deeper to a side. its a sick game being played. I'd much rather common sense rational people do their own civil war on the media that is pushing this nonsense. when i talk to REAL people, its not like the way its portrayed. i know relatively few people in the large sceme of things. maybe I'm wrong. i hope not.
  20. 2028? those of us with common sense really need everyone on the extreme edges to get it over with. pick a state and choice of weopon to meet on a field and get to the slaughtering so we can have rational descussion on these topics. believe it or not most people dont think when a sperm touches a egg its instantly a precious soul and we certainly don't want fully formed fetuses chopped into bits. we can't figure out a good common sense answer with all this noise. so please take the hatred out however you feel is necessary on each other and make sure the gov officials pushing it are in the front. we got important things to fix.
  21. no. it will be because you will beg corporations to please punish your political enemies, as you are and then scream how the very same corporations have too much power in this country and something must be done!! its a weird mix you have embraced.
  22. been watching this guy for a bit. not sure if hes a huckster or what but he certainly seems to pull up alot of very old news articles and scientific studies/graphs. i live in buffalo and see a diff in the winters from when i was a kid but also know that gov seem a more concerned with human behavior which is relatively small contributor and less involved in changing the fundamental of industrial contributions. simply buying and selling carbon coupons like baseball cards while allowing foreign powers to ignore it all which everyone agrees will negate ANYTHING we do. in the end covid really destroyed any confidence the scientific consensus narrative has. of coarse leftists that went full steam authoritarian don't blink a eye at the economic damage they authorized. not sure where they can say anything on these types of topics and expect credibility. makes you wonder if opposition has been silenced for a long time. i think we should stop our economy from collapsing first any means necessary. its kind of important too. check him out and see what you think. has a library of vids full of "misinformation"
  23. oil prices are based on futures. if you have a administration openly saying they are going to end fossil fuels and FUTURE pipelines ect then it be a good guess that supply will be dwindling in the FUTURE. less supply with zero infrastructure to actually change to anything else. LOW supply SAME DEMAND or higher. where do you think that sends prices in the looking to the FUTURE. at the same time if I'm a oil company, how much money am i going to invest in something I'm being activley told will be wiped out? lets pour billions into new drilling and processing for a president who is looking to destroy our industry? stupid tactics to begin with imo. hey fossil fuel im declaring war on you without a backup plan besides "be rich and switch everything to electric". im sure oil exects are gouging, makes the president look bad and makes people desperate to elect people that will let them have a free for all.
  24. i think your confusing classical liberalism with corporate democrat cronyism. I'm not sure how MLK ( content of character ) or looking at roots of economic problems that would solve issues long term by addressing the entities involved but also require people to invest in self responsibility are simplistic or outdated in the 21st century? i sure hope not. at some point progressives are going to run out of people that are at fault for the problems in this world. progressive solutions are the ones that sound simplistic to me. they do little to address the longterm damage that accumulates after the self gratification "virtue signaling" is over. you cant "tax the rich" without knowing how that doesnt become higher prices and effects the poor or plants just relocating taking jobs. you cant implement green deals with zero infrastructure and high cost again, crushing the poor. you cant give free college without deterioration of degrees obtained. you cant give free healthcare when most budgets are blown out and can barely pay basic medicare. open boarders! when people are struggling for food housing and work lets let millions more compete! a mexican born republican just won south texas county so a veiled racism on something like boarder security must be spreading to people that progressives are protecting..or maybe looking out for american citizens first and foremost is not what some make it out to be at all and the media has been gaslighting people on a variety of topics. now these are obviously quick observations but i don't think i am unfair on the basic generalization of what progressives are essentially saying. give a demand..well is it done yet!? worker rights, better pay, equality, improving support programs that help people get on their feet are all things traditional liberals have always supported. progressives are just the extreme version that is more ideological then principle based when it comes to the laissez-faire capitalism of the right i agree as corporations are just as dangerous as any gov if left unchecked but i also see a major contradiction. the government is the most corrupt corporation in the world. so lets demand solutions that integrate it into MORE aspects of our lives? i will never understand where this complete trust in government was earned. you list many reasons and wars it should not be. you also neglect something very important with (post covid economy). progressives made this problem. they applauded gov lockdowns and authoritarianism under the idea "lives over economics" " stay home save a life" this cont looong after data was clear that (laissez-faire) showed no indication of higher death rates. the right, against immense political, cultural, media pressure did what was best to avoid economic destruction. all while progressives and dems activley supported the destruction of small buisnesses, firing of workers under false vax promises and contributed to inflation with calls to pay everyone to produce nothing. same with censorship of the facts about the pandemic. fighting against these things are liberal ideas. freedom of choice. free from gov oppression, adhering to free speech. so the lives progressives were so concerned about are left in financial ruin right now. the struggling people they claim to fight so hard for are the same ones most effected by these decisions now. now a shrug and "it was covid nothing could be done" as if their were no other choices that they were villianizing or info they were busy erasing. they are ignoring the role they were a big part in when it came to prolonging the damage. so future funding for new social programs or something like medicare for all...good luck! the fed is literally playing with complete economic collapse at this point....not that they care. how is it progressives should be entrusted with ANY political power in the future after this is beyond me. there need to be consequences! like you said. you need to take a objective look at the outcome of society that followed progressive ideology the last few years. here we are. mix that with the progressive reliance on violence (antifa) (pro life medical centers getting bombed) ( supreme justice attempted murder) (police, ice attacks) (public events that have people they don't agree with bomb threats and destruction over the years) (comedians can't even tell jokes) how can peaceful people even identify with it? but this is the future of the dnc? i only asked your opinion, instead i am writing another novel to convince you. 😅 is my dangerous misinformation campaign warping your mind? lol. sorry. in summary i hope progressives such as yourself (you seem relatively moderate) realize liberalism has many of the same goals but without the all the nonsense. i think progressives, if staying on the current coarse and not expelling the radical portion quickly, will implode. its why the red wave is predicted and polls are in the trash for dems. dems stance on police, energy, identity politics, open boarders are all based on progressive ideas and all contributing to the current disaster we have to dig out of.
  25. i remember when asking questions about a lab, anything other then a vaccination will absolutly stop the spread and contraction, questioning a gov kidnapping plot, skepticism of nazis who openly showed support to younkin outside his bus, anything other then a presidential nominee sons labtop was a russian plot. on and on and on these were all "conspiracy theories". these were all fairly recent. these are just a few examples. so saying the statement " im sceptical and want to ask questions and know more facts" is somehow a strange take at this point? if its true i think everyone agrees they can burn in he11. but to get this far and wonder why people are making that statement then my question for you is. where have you been and how many times and for how long can someone be lied to before they form a bit of skepticism themselves?
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