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Everything posted by Buffarukus
you seem so sure from a tweet? that seems to be a theme around here. so its not taught in gradeschool and is a right wing conspiracy? https://www.city-journal.org/nea-to-promote-critical-race-theory-in-schools?wallit_nosession=1 thats the largest teachers union in the US outright admitting it. who states for example. "students in New Hampshire have access to opportunity by recognizing how identity, race, and culture of students and teachers play out in the classroom." ๐ค if thats a good source and they made clear intentions im guessing we will move the topic to what crt is and how it is beneficial. so its a good thing for the kids. thats usually how this conversation evolves and goal post moves once its clear this IS being injected. also injected onto the faculty. sorry its fox but your not going to find this information anywhere "objective". i dont think it makes the vid untrue though i admit its short and edited before pundits show up but this is a quick example how its getting ingrained. you got me researching now. i told you I'm going to crack that walnut sooner or later. anyways my point is not whether crt or sexuality exists in classrooms. im assuming maybe i convinced you. either way, both subjects are controversial, especially for VERY young kids. the point is parents should have a final say and be 100% informed on the syllabus..thats it! thats the big debacle on the subject. if parents overwhelming want it out. take it out. who am I ,YOU or a STATE EMPLOYEE to demand otherwise? they are the PARENTS! if its not there then democrats have nothing to fear. im not sure why this is even a "culture war" issue. instead you have democrats defending to the death that other peoples kids HAVE to be taught this junk or else everyone involved are bigoted/racists. its a very strange side to even be on but are more then happy to scream it from the rooftops. then they say right wingers are the weird ones for wanting it banned so there can be no "mistakes" or rouge teachers after parents say no? hmm. we used to have these lessons called anti-bullying, treating each other as equals. everyone really liked those. people in general aren't in favor of these subjects and stand on the same side so not sure how ron made the comparison to begin with. sorry to derail the thread but you did bring it up.
ok so you havent seen the examples of teachers injecting strange race based questions into grade school work? you haven't seen teachers caught talking about it when they were zooming during the pandemic? im also guessing you also haven't seen the insane teachers talking about pronouns and hiding sexual orientation from parents for young grade school kids. libsoftictock alone has found quite a few self admitting for a brief start. i have no clue how far reaching or there are isolated incidents as i haven't investigated deeply. if you really believe the uproar is from a bunch of parents angry that their adult child is learning somthing at a college level or all this is a just a absolute republican myth that doesnt exist then i think you should research what some parents are finding and also ask why dems are defending it at every level
either way at least our conversations don't implode into name calling and meme wars. maybe thats not a good thing because i think i can get into that walnut and crack it at some point and this is all false hope. ๐ regardless, my original question of how you declare yourself a sanctuary and at the same time not have that become a open invitation to people around the world to not see that as a reason to attempt a very dangerous treck to take is a important one. if it can't be answered it means there will ALWAYS be a crisis. there will ALWAYS be criminals ready to exploit it and it means there will be a HUGE strain on feds to uphold the boarder..just because you are publically announcing it. you advocate that local should not help and that the entire country should become a sancuary for just one of the negative effects they face..collaborating with police safely. which is just one of many that must be overlooked. but i ask you look beyond that to the other reprocussions that can be avoided by simply stating..if you come, do so legally because we will not harbor you. your saftey is more important then my public virtue signal. but this is about elections and peoples snap emotions so its impossible. even if they did not prosecute or whatever sanctuary "really" means. do it privately! that would at least make a difference imo. but when a open invitation is out there from several states what else could someone possibly expect but for people to risk everything and trust a pos that says he will take you and 50 others across to this utopia in a trailer..as one of MANY grim examples. trust to give a "guide" your children and prey they get there. it promotes the good in our society but at the same time encourages people to become completely vulnerable to pure evil. it provides cover for those who wish to smuggle the leading cause of death in this country of our young. that only gets worse the more its advocated and announced. unintentional is no longer a excuse. ill fight along side you to change immigration law and allow good hardworking people a chance at freedom. covering my eyes to the downstream effects of people advocating they break it as if they are not directly related..no.
but coming to this country illegally is a crime. you are saying red states should ignore it. im not generally disagreeing with you if illegals are living peaceful productive lives. but im not going to ignore the basis of what a sanctuary state is saying. come illegally and you will no longer have to worry about this crime. that is signaling to people around the world..cross illegally and come to us and we will protect you. that's not good in any sense for the multitude of reasons i laid out. people are dying, kids are being trafficked ect ect ect and you are essentially saying endorse it regardless of laws. i drill down to specifics with you as i did with our other conversation...the covid whoopsies! remember? and i think you don't have a good response so you kind of generalize and ignore them. in the whoopsie case your response was, things are hard to get done in the government. ignoring all the work i put into showing clear evidence people who spent their entire lives in virology were either lying or unbelievably wrong in the field they spent their education and lives. in this case we are going in circles on what a sanctuary is actually promoting and its effects. at the end of the day empathy feels great. id love to take that side but know full well that their are major repercussions and victims being produced from this so ill stand up to highlight regardless of what others think, right wing nazi yada yada. the truth is empathy is just as dangerous as hatred if just blindly followed, even more so because its camouflaged. we see alot of negative effects that many ignore with this as everyone wishes to be on the right side of things, thats not necessarily the one you can advertise. sorry I'm ranting on here again. i think we should agree to disagree as maybe you just don't see my point.
ill accept this but all your saying is that mayors that oppose the illegal entry into the country and will not provide cover for this act....should. they should make illegal aliens as comfortable as sanctuary states to speak to police without reprocussions. nothing can be done about this issue federally because its not popular. this doesn't change my original point. you have 2 choices. follow the law or change it. because you say we can't change it and we are in a broken system you want a third choice. ignore it and condemn those who choose not to. (not you directly but many liberals..racist! is the usual response) do it because it creates problem (about police) but ignore the problems created BY IGNORING it. housing, shelter, funds, the response from aliens that continue to enter thinking they can find this guarenteed sanctuary, cartels taking advantage of this, immigrants left in a truck on the side of the road to die on this quest, trafficking...the list goes on. those are direct responses to american leaders saying if you come i will provide cover regardless if the intention is for current or incoming. you see that right? so there is a flip of this coin that liberals completely ignore. so lets change it to a different question. how do you offer sanctuary and avoid that being a signal to make a dangerous journey and avoid all the horrable reprocussions the southern boarder are facing by people in search of it? i dont think you can so maybe stop declaring this and work on daca? im genuinely unsure but tired of this liberal ideology that runs purely off empathy with no regards to disastrous effects downstream. its all over the place in their ideology.
i gave several different points of info to say regardless how grandfatherly he does things. the influx is extremely high. i gave examples of 2 democratic mayors who provide "sancuary" saying it is a problem for the state. dc saying rep are "tricking" them to going there. ny adams saying he needs fed help as the system cant handle the economics of all the new people. goose is saying another issue exists. the fact their status makes them unable to speak with authorities in reference to crime. we can go on and on about problems that are created and im suggesting the root is american leaders not outright opposing people come in illegally but instead many are encouraging it. the fix is not to continue down this path. its to either A uphold the law or B change the law. instead dems want a C ignore it and complain about the multitude of issues that result. thats the conversation. now im in some side issue where you seem to ve suggesting the problem does not exist due to deportation numbers against ALL information that is available. im not ready to even debate something so clear based on another consequence. more illegals equals more deportations...hell trumps remain in mexico policy alone would make less deportations necessary yet your holding this one statistic as some truth to derail what i am saying in the first place.
is that a response to my statement? is there not the biggest influx of illegals coming into this country under this administration? pretty easy to deport really high numbers when there are so many to deport and historic numbers not deported, but ill choose which statistic i like and go with that. is that the variance? anyways, anything on federal law and why its not just being ignored but ENCOURAGED to be ignored and how that effects the situation we were speaking of. think its making it better or worse overall. id say worse and thus more deportations for your comparison. maybe you think trump was soft on immigration? duopoly, interesting word. do something illegal we will not care yet we will talk about the negative effects these people face after we encouraged the illegal activity to happen. is that a good definition of the word. seems like it. may need a thesaurus to continue. every media station has said the southern boarder is a mess and even ny and dc mayors are talking about the hardships they are now faced with dealing with the influx.so its not bias speaking, with me anyhow.
so why is there no pressure to fix it at the national level? seems as though this administration has clear intentions of not enforcing the law yet none to reform it either causing more of said problems you are implying. so YOU have 2 choices. invite illegal aliens to your state knowing full well they are breaking the law to begin with and tell them you will provide cover, thus promoting more illegals into crossing for this arangment and then talking about problems..scared to talk to police. or tell illegals you will not provide cover for a illegal act and instead fight for congress to make necessary changes where "undocumented" is not a major issue by giving citizenship or making legal crossings more attainable. thus they can move/ live free in our society without relying on states to declare they are accomplices to a boarder crisis/illegal citizenship as if its no big deal. declaring you are breaking federal law is becoming pretty common. states just giving the finger as they see fit and we wonder why civil war is on the table.
maybe have legal immigration that documents people? ๐ค if that is a issue..hear me out. you fight to fix the policies to make it cheaper/easier to become a citizen? instead of "welcoming" people who brake the law and saying thier are issues that arise for not doing so. leftists love to look straight past options that involve actually doing the right thing as if there simply no personal choices in this world.
i like the optimism but cant think of a better time unfortunately. im not sure how divided they are? wouldn't internal opposition be quickly crushed as is the major advantage of authoritarian communists? but speaking of divided check out this message board. we are the ones talking about civil war. add to that economic issues and already engaged in a full scale proxy war with russia. the only reason russia hasn't ran through Ukraine is the West's involvement. fighting 2 wars - one directly would be pretty terrifying just economically let alone loss of american life. im not sure of Taiwanese military capability but i cant see them defending effectively just due to numbers. also on the divided topic their are Taiwanese citizens that do ethnically consider themselves part of china. this opinion is just from bits and pieces of different stories so i can be way off base. my overall thinking is the US is looking to withdrawal vital manufacturing and then leave them to fend for themselves. so i think we will try not to instigate any early aggression until we take what we want. then its just another hong kong and we will see its people pleading for freedom and US intervention as they are overtaken to our silence on CCP as been the norm for most the world for awhile. its what happens when you rely soley on their manufacturing. the world isnt even demanding answers on a virus that killed millions so i think its clear we are already well under their thumb. pretty bleak right? not sure what makes this different then any other time we look the other way, including their current genocide campaigns. ๐๐ก๐คฌ
my mistake hypersonic but maneuverable like sub. im sure you can find better link then this is the first i found. https://www.timesofisrael.com/china-secretly-tests-earth-circling-nuclear-capable-hypersonic-missile-report/ i also believe russia used one early in the war in Ukraine, obviously not nuclear, just to show they had the capability and it was extremely accurate. https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/22/europe/biden-russia-hypersonic-missiles-explainer-intl-hnk/index.html i hope the billions we spend on defense has a answer for these weopons or like i said all our capabilities are mute when it comes to threats. saber rattle one of these and you have no choice but to listen regardless of command structure. the fact two inferior militaries have these weopons gives me some security ours is prepared...hopefully. our officials at least "acted" surprised by the capabilities.
i think your right on some level. thier military is quickly gaining pretty impressive capabilities. they have no issue showing off their subsonic warheads capable of long distances that cannot be intercepted. that alone makes any military disadvantage mute as tipping one with a nuke means instant mutual destruction. maybe not even mutual, depending on how quickly we can fire our own...I'm sure we have them but have not publically demonstrated. pretty scary. i will never for the life of me understand why the west is so eager to support and allow a country that is so outspoken on their hostilities. they sit back while china continues to gain so much economic power from the very people in which they are intent on overtaking. china has easily taken advantage of our biggest weakness. greed and corruption of government/corporate leadership to the deficit of its peoples national security. its a waiting game and are more then willing to sit back and loan us the trillions, sell us slave labor until we hang ourselves.
Combating imaginary racism with actual racism??
Buffarukus replied to Unforgiven's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
lol didnt know that. the dominoes are really falling now! the racist systemics are everywhere!! wait who wore cloths first!? specifically goofy scarfs in the summer?? minorities were involved with inventing soy lattes! please tell me soy latte is not supporting the patriarchy!! where does it start and when will it end!! ๐๐คฃ๐๐ -
lol investagtive reporter billstime has gathered the evidence. you got me!! i call people idiots all the time. s#it talking is great! i work with men in maintenance so we tend to dig alot deeper then "idiot". my mother would be very upset by their words lol. im not on a soapbox saying noone can "poke fun". worlds a better place with inclusion and having a sense of humor. I'm just saying your a hypocrite.
no, you just call people idiots. very offensive to cognitively challenged folks that struggle with their disability every day. being someone suffering from terminal cult issues yourself. you should probably lay off that label as well.
Combating imaginary racism with actual racism??
Buffarukus replied to Unforgiven's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
the way they now butcher definitions and words I'm really hoping they finally realize ! gasp ! they are using english. english is from england!!! they are promoting white supremacy with every word they use and will end this practice! that will be a great day. -
Combating imaginary racism with actual racism??
Buffarukus replied to Unforgiven's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
its ok. i truley believe that one day a young african american will see a ( safe space free from colonizer ) sign and come up with a interesting concept. maybe people should not be judged by color of skin. maybe it should be on content of character. maybe that idea will grow and he/she will march along side anyone from any background who is not afraid of being cancelled or labled for saying this. maybe they will continue against all odds. as antifa, twitter and media scream how they are a race traitor, a uncle tom, far right. just peacefully continuing this message despite the disgusting insults, slander, physical attacks and people contacting employers. that person will be a great leader one day. -
big problem we have in a 2 party system is one side is always completely oppositional even to rational things. remember dems blocking police reform bill in the middle of blm. i dont even think it was all that rational but dems def did not want rep addressing that issue before a election. its so dysfunctional i can see rep blocking anything that could be considered a win so dems have nothing to go into elections on. happens all the time to the detriment of US citizens if its true and it was purely a bill to block veteran help then at the very least the slugs blocking it get the vote played repeatedly in any election in the future. sanders wants provisions in the microchip bill on who gets subsidies to keeps jobs in the US and maintains union integrity if it exists? manchin has to force subsidies in the clean energy for nuclear? this all is non partisan stuff we all should agree on yet sanders was denied and luckily nuclear was a sticking point!? why!!? they literally go out of their way to be as corrupt as possable.
As Time Goes By More Truth Rises to the Top !
Buffarukus replied to T master's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
1)so people coming from america to buy mexican fuel is not injecting dollars into the economy. maybe we are subsidizing their fuel as we run to patronize them for a bit of relief. either way sounds like having cheap gas is a good investment, unlike subsidizing batteries we have no infrastructure for. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-25/american-drivers-score-3-11-a-gallon-gas-over-border-in-mexico "subsidies that his government put into place for both customers and companies will cost an estimated $24 billion this year, but officials say theyโve been able to cover the price with revenue from crude oil sales." 2) bout same deaths without all the small buisness shuttering, firing of workers and hysterics of doom and gloom over vax lies and strapping useless cloth on peoples faces. imagine that was the whole country united when clear evidence was shown. 3) hmm so following lies that are from the government to padlock parks, fire workers, bolster mega corporations and force pharmacy monopolies to inject folks...completely free of any responsibility with fed blessing is democracy. hmmm. and billstime is happy to pay it but what about the people having to choose between kids lunches and gas for work? well billstime doesnt care. hes happy so should you be to serve our great leader. pay up! as everyone knows. idiots forcing people to do things under complete utter lies by the state to destroy the country they live in is the best form of democracy. ๐ -
As Time Goes By More Truth Rises to the Top !
Buffarukus replied to T master's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
the entire globe is not experiencing this. mexico has cheaper gas for instance. what. a. embarrassment. we had states in this very country that choose to stay OPEN and you all condemned them to death yet they did just fine. they lied about every single thing on covid and printed trillions based on it and now we are paying the price. pharma stock does pretty well when the feds mandate it. large buisnesses do great when they are the only one allowed open. small..not so much. great job following science. as you say...idiots. biden reversed a ton of trumps policies..why are you even bringing them up? because you need a scapegoat for this destruction. its the ONLY answer that doesn't make you all look really foolish for what you advocated. after demonizing people for years and making THIS!!? this is your great plan? your party is paying for trump candidates! lol. not that you guys have any credability left anyways. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/26/1113816038/ads-from-democratic-groups-boost-the-republican-candidates-that-may-be-easier-to your own team is paying the cult leaders so they can rally their cult to fight a cult as they also support them. nice scheme to keep rubes like you posting about stoping em. worked well for hillary. so keep pushing blame. its all them not you. heavy is the head but at least you all now have a idea how bad things can REALLY get under poor leadership but your too biased to give credit to yourselves for all you have done for the country. -
As Time Goes By More Truth Rises to the Top !
Buffarukus replied to T master's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
ill simply say this country is in the worst shape ive ever seen in my life. middle class is getting crushed under this president and you cant name a SINGLE thing that has gotten better under this administration cause you got duped into advocating every bit of it. lockdowns, vax lies, energy, russia. all of it. so of coarse theres nothing left but switch the topic with your buddies and talk about anything but what todays america looks like under your teams "leadership". theres a reason you fools are isolated in approval polls. smaller and smaller the flock is getting. now full blown recession. hurray. but, but, trump but did you see in 2018 he golfed alot!! yeah bankruptcy whatabout that?? carry on with your trump rants. throw your little meme down and move along. -
As Time Goes By More Truth Rises to the Top !
Buffarukus replied to T master's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
say what? my bad choice? if it was a choice it was what 6 years ago. i dunno if you looked out the window or calendar there skippy but its 2022 and things are pretty dark. you want to say corruption is like the weather then go on to say but THIS corruption, this is different. yeah put your shield away pal. ill be more then happy to see trump thrown in a cage for any corruption, because im tired of it. while you simp off biden like you personally benefit from him. there's a big difference between us.