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Everything posted by Buffarukus
so for those that are born into really bad circumstances you have the view of not my problem, work harder to get out of it. if you get crushed by your circumstances that you had no control over. thats life. yet i could 100% look at your life and prob see tons of instances where you took some sort of tax break, subsidie or other gov offering that benefited you and not someone else that has to pays into it. you got kids? do you rally to pay higher school taxes so those without children didn't have to pay for your decision? could go on and on but we are in a society here. we have to pick and choose who should get communal help. kids who try to better themselves im ok with giving a bit of extra help to and so should you. regardless of a 10k 20k discount that doesn't mean kids, regardless of situation, are not going to have to work hard and make good decisions. if they were raised in a destructive home life then they prob already have worked hard ect just to get to the point to be considered for this. they are trying. your suggesting this one time offer is some kind of free ride the kids will just skate by life on. no, that's the welfare system. a system that kids who need this are clearly trying to get away from by getting more education and work opportunities.
thanks for the response. i get that. i think alot of kids use those resources and you will never hear a word about loan forgivness. but life is not straight forward as republican tend to think. if poor kids could just grant their way into a college diploma then i guess we can shut up the Bernie's of the world. who most likely are we speaking of then? rich parents just pay it all of for junior. poor parents get all the things you speak of to help out. so we are most likely talking about people who always get screwed, the ones who make just enough to miss the very low thresholds for grants and such. so prob the working poor who want their kids to have a better life. on top of that we are talking about this help going to those that make less then 125k after college. "they shoulda picked a better degree!" maybe. how do you segragate who picked a crap degree and who didnt? if they picked a bad degree then help on a loan doesnt change the fact they have no future and are paying for that decision anyways. "they should have just gone to trade school!" sure. im in a industrial trade. good pay. not exactly somthing id be banging the drum for my kids to do tho. i already got pretty badly injured. luckily not life changing and can still work and see guys go out with injuries/problems all the time. a job I'm paying a price for health wise down the road so i have to think of a plan for my later years, because this is not a job you want to retire from so its good i went and got a bs degree to coarse correct in the coming years. "they need to learn responsibility." if they were that irresponsible 10 k is just a bit of help. still alot to go that they cant bankrupt out of or ever get rid of. that lesson is still theirs to deal with just maybe put in a better position to actually pay off, if they default its all on taxpayers anyways. those people will hopefully be passing along their experience to their kids friends ect and the next group will be responsable. prob not. since the gov doesn't seem interested in real reform on either side at this point, word of mouth warnings is all we have. "inflation!" i agree. but the gov spends on all sorts of things like gender studies in afganistan. as stated people cheer for burnpit health effects, including myself. billions disappear into Ukraine with bipartisan support, they aren't even tracking it. but helping american people with the above criteria is where republicans are drawing a line in the sand. really?? id love to get gov spending under control so we can do more to target helping lower middle working class. neither side is interested in school reform so if money is going out anyways im not going to oppose it going to something for young generation that already has it far worse then most the people who say "i did it so they should to" . when college was 1/75. a house was 1/4. jobs had pensions strong unions and required only a hs education ect ect ect. tell me more how you beat the odds when you were their age 🤔
how does ones family neglect that may be the key difference on loan total become a decision in any way? so republicans want people to pull up their bootstraps to get ahead in this country. those that do and could really benefit from a bit of help get the good ol reliable red response..not my problem. you should only touch bootstraps if you are 100% sure i won't be bothered. that same republican outlook can literally be used for any situation. they pick and choose what sounds good. let me ask. did you support the bill to help troops dealing with health issues from burnpits? why? they choose to enlist. their leaders choose to post them by burn pits. they choose not to be dishonorably discharged when placed in that situation. the military gets hundreds of billions of dollars for weopons? why do my taxes go up now? wasnt my decision. see how this works? at some point someone has to look out for people who are trying to better their circumstances and not get ruined by working towards getting them and their loved ones out of the system. im for chipping in for those people because it might mean one less that lives off it entirely. exactly what R's and this country should encourage. i asked this in this thread a few pages earlier and can't seem to find any takers to explain the mindset. i even have agreement with...with..i can't say his name. it cant be true. ill just say his name is our team and a clock. 😬
95% is a pretty high number. curious to what you mean. i dont know loanwise what everyone i know accumulated but the clear difference between low loan/ predictable outcomes were kids who could live at home with mommy a daddy rent free and those that were maybe older or had family issues so had to juggle a pretty vicious schedule working full time, school full time and taking care of reg everyday buisness some while also taking care of family obligations. those are two completely different ballgames and one has nothing predictable about it while requiring more help/loans to get through to the end.
i said i felt like writing a book. not proof reading or editing one. I'd appreciate you keeping your ultra maga christian beliefs out of my politics. 😆
seems like this has been the plan in DC as a whole since the realization trump had a real chance to win. its one thing to have biased outlets using hyporbolics in their depictions but the absolute worst portrayals were used to describe any supporter, for any reason even when the topic wasn't on a extreme subject. far-right, nazi, fascist, white supremacist have all lost their true meaning and now simply mean someone who is republican and definatly if they support trump in any way shape or form, even when he implemented something that clearly benefited a leftist priority. criminal justice reform for non violent drug offenses. supporting historically black collages. police reform that was blocked by dems in blm. middle east peace agreements. trying to get more checks out for lockdown victims. supporters dont even have to be white to be a white supremist. they can be jewish and also a nazi. they can be fighting against gov collusion with big tech or big pharma..CAUGHT WITH PROOF and if you see just how scary that is, then you are a fascist? a huge elitist pedophile ring finally gets uncovered, leader clearly assassinated. client list covered up while press conviently ignores the trial. coincidentally, its now a point of emphasis to teach insanely young children about sexuality!? nothing suspicious on the timing of this sick revaluation of when kids are ready for adult concept..justified because if you don't it puts lgbt people in danger? if you can define what a woman is then you are a hateful person but are also in a group against womens rights. the f÷#% is going on around here? now the great uniter is really pushing the domestic terrorist angle. we are also going on 6+ years of predicting that there is imminent threat from millions of people that are domestic terrorists. still waiting on the dramatic escalation in violence from the racists since the countries leadership routinely dog whistles. what has really been the result? a group of people who openly scheduled on every social media platform to arrive in our capital with sticks. they somehow outwitted the most powerful country in the world. billions of dollars in tech and manpower who have proof they can easily access our every post could not track the intentions and could not prevent people armed with sticks and buffalo hats from entering. what makes it more difficult is when barricades are moved and the terrorists are waved in but at least they had the foresight to document evidence with selfies. other then that, of coarse there will always be insane people doing insane things. if they were in anyway republican then ALL republicans are also culpable. but where was the warranted mass hyteria from the large scale attacks by supposedly neutral outlets. meanwhile same outlets are COMPLETELY ignoring full scale trends of victim groups simply do to not being perpetrated by republicans. the murder rates of black folks skyrocketing, dead silent. immediately after the left destruction of the country while screaming they matter. asian folks targeted by hate crimes in cities, immediately after declaring republicans are fueling the hatred xenophobes and declaring a virus country of origin as a death sentance for them this country. the mass censoring of important scientific info being a direct reason for the acceleration of a second pandemic, immediately after destroying the livelihoods of americans using authoritarian power on the first. and none of this has made them blink for even a second. no self reflection, no apologies. just doubling down harder on escalation. kicking in MORE doors of political rivals. censoring MORE dissent..all to the sound of leftist cheers. at what point does a leftist authoritarian takeover no longer become a conspiracy? they have repeatedly put out matches praying they get a spark for full scale justification. but through all this the right wing leadership is sitting back allowing their followers to continually get pushed, prodded, and s#'÷ on repeatedly. only wagging their fingers with the increasing likelihood of false promise that they will get justice for any of this. talking points, as the past crimes fall further from the publics minds and new ones pile up. seems like a bipartisan plan at this point. their inneptitude on taking action instead of jabbering at a hearing is making all this just as dangerous for this country. who knows, one day republicans may take serious action on a couple of these things. as soon as the statute of limitations runs out. felt like writing a book. dont mind me chef. someone with ALOT of time might read this and feel the same way and give it a good ol thumbs up.
umm that is meaningless. i hope he means voting power cause the guy has been kicking in alot of doors and hes only halfway in, baby. Taiwan is shooting down china drones. russia still bombing civilians lets do a primetime speech on the extreme threat of..drumroll .american citizens, again. perfectly rational. hopefully the "people power" is also ready to defeat the assaults to allies on multiple fronts while also focusing on the mighty threat of MAGA. god willing, the American flags and red hats shall be crushed under the mighty boot of their neighbors.
stopping federal workers and police from being burned alive in buildings..fascist takeover!! yelling into a mic that millions of people are extreme terrorists on primetime tv. healing hearts and souls!! tomato , tomatoe i guess. 😏
its "within our power"? what power would that be exactly? 🤔
i just told you. #pedohitler is trending. 😂 keep up!
you s#it post is somthing we agree on. but at least be funny or add something man. the hoax. schtick is pretty corny. im trying to liven it up a bit.
#pedohitler is trending on twitter. quick! get over there and hoax it all away. lol
here's to hoping musk is a bills fan and has a offer on the table. 😄
youd think after years of violent riots. years of lockdowns that are now PROVEN to have destroyed peoples lives and now indefinite inflation crushing the poor might make one pause and think am i on the wrong side of all this? nope. keep on keeping on.
i warned you. twice!! no more politic talk. now this thread turns personal. now we discuss your mom and how she is a good woman. shes always been there for us when we needed her. you should call her more often instead of hoaxing people on the computer all day. stop this nonsense and come home to eat a good homecooked meal. she made the mashed potatoes just the way you like!!
you dont ever hoax me! i double hoax you. ill do it in public in front of your mother. 😜 anyways back to the speech. sounded like pure desperation to me. labtop is out there. dem cities are complete violent/homeless $#it holes and getting worse. stop gas cars then 2 days later warn of blackouts!? BAH HA HA HA hilarious. and they defend it! cant write a comedy sketch better. more facts and even a zucker admission that gov is colluding with big tech to promote lies and censoring on their masters behalf. the fbi is looking like absolute fools repeatedly and now has informants coming forward, leaders stepping down. cnn, a reference site on here from some, is collapsing. facts and studies on the absolute failure of the covid lockdowns and all the clowns who followed their lead are watching their trusted leaders scatter like roaches. chief roach "resigning" next door to cuomo to try and deflect any responsability. i guess humiliation isn't a thing anymore cause their still, on this very board, acting if they weren't the pawns to spread garbage and ruin lives. right C3? hoax? dont do it. you been warned.lol so! the jan 6th commision. just not getting the hearts and minds they thought. vaders daughter is OUT! gulp. uh oh, so the spotlight is slowly, but steadily shifting on joey and friends. why arent the lies sticking anymore!? why is coverage shifting to more of these facts!! better yell into a mic on primetime. ehem...testing 1. 2. ULTRA MAGA THREAT!!! lol sounds alot like jim crowww 2.0!! ect ect.. yawn. its worn pretty thin to rational people brandon. any info on whens gas going down?...and about that labtop? thats my review. please hit the like button and share to support my work.
after they change its definition, we are going to be told the truth. lol
decent questions, Harvard and Yale most likely dont have people making below 125k...at least i hope not, or come from families who are well off. the endowment is a really good question. these colleges that make tens of millions off their sport teams alone and some how are not spreading that to the student body in any way. pure profit. its a complete scam, a buisness that has tons of revenue and make kids buy PAPER at the print shops, make kids update books with the SAME info just so they cant but last years book used. some books are 250 dollars! ect ect ect. hopefully this brings the importance of addressing this crap to the forefront. ive never done it but cant all these loans be forgiven through bankruptcy? mostly all of them purchased assets that can be resold to recoup some and that money can be used to purchase somthing more affordable. so most loans do have ways to get out from under or mitigate but student loans are very unique as their is no way to ever get out. bankruptcy does not apply. true but just with obama care i see Rs being very angry but if they get power do they have a plan to address this? i doubt it. they will fight to stop the payments and then ignore any addressing of the issue and let it conflate more until the dems, once again, look to pay people off.
well i agree. if young people werent young, and lived extremely hard working responsible lives dedicated towards their futures then alot of issues would be minimized and they have a better chance to live the same lives as their parents who could make loads of mistakes, be irresponsible and still maintain a basic standard of the american dream. good home, car, job. no offense but 12000 debt is not that much. thats one year at a low level college today. culture is not whats putting the basic things people equate to the american dream completely out of reach for young people but its certainly going to be a driver to push desperate kids getting shut out of it for even minor mistakes and not living upstanding christian lives towards crazy ideas like socialism communism and the religion of woke. it is better because to them..what could possably be worse. i agree but we also have republicans who seem to just sit in their rocking chairs and say..now you crazy dems slooow down now. knock off all that racket. dont make... me.. get...up zzzzzz. we have a crisis with these insane college costs. never heard a single rep proposal to address it....until dems do s#it like this. THEN its a major issue. not the cost of coarse, the payoff. rep let colleges produce hyper woke kids for decades. this isn't a new phenomenon. they have done nothing about the collusion between gov and universities while they had power. they dont DO anything really. does a billion dollar party need a majority to do full throttle investigations into, covid, jan 6, hunter, fbi, big tech collusion, blm? ect ect ect. NO THEY DONT! what do they do? alot of finger wagging at congressional hearings for soundbites of them saying "one of these days. we will hold you responsible" "just you wait". then they get power...do another hearing aaand. nothing. i think they enjoy being the kicking stool of dems. trumps rhetoric showed he actually going to fight. did some thing but mostly capitulated. him sitting on twitter bringing the enemy tons of traffic/add revenue AS conservatives were being censored and treated unfairly. not me, so who cares..ill hold a senate meeting and yell at em alittle and dodge qs. that will show em. of COURSE it was weaponized against him for hunters labtop during a crucial time. of COARSE he got banned when he lost power to do anything. only one surprised was trump himself. it was a perfect example of how R's just sit there and REACT, never PROACT. so dems paying off/ pandering to young people? all of a sudden rep want to get involved...to stop it, never solve it. same as it ever was and looking real good for midterms repub against help for blue collar families children in this ultra virtuous culture we are currently in.
i don't disagree at all. it is unfair. but aren't most subsidies? the gov offers medicare taken out of my check..im younger and healthy why do i pay a tax that the older generation primarily uses? obama offered first time home owners money..that doesnt benefit me. that ended so what about those people now? why are people paying a school tax that dont have children, that's not fair. can go on forever about fair when it comes to who pays and how some benefited for a limited or one time. somehow it boils down to people are for these things on political lines or if it benefits themselves or people they know so its almost a crap shoot and usually lands on who is in power endorsing it. i have a big issue with how this is being done but not alot in the fact it will help people who need it. under 125k, its not rich elitist. kids and people who tried bettering themselves. yes many took dumb degrees. some faced hardships that life throws and couldn't work full time/ go to school full time for a solid 4years. it happens and is pretty hard if you have no family support. i was one and many times had situations arise that threatened to end my educational goals. a simple car issue, small scheduling conflict, and tons of issues completely outside or beyond a students control can postpone semesters indefinitely or force focus to family or income. its extremely hard to juggle and for many is based on pure luck to hold together. these aren't people who sat around on the system complaining. they put on their bootstraps and tried with extreme consequences on the line. isnt that what rep basically preach and yet when a offer to give a bit of relief is on the table its becomes..thats not my problem. they shouldn't have tried, they shoulda did this, that. surveying the hindsight landscape everyone in this country knows the problem. gov intertwined in college offering guaranteed revenue. only loan you can't declare bankruptcy and the modern work environment basically requires them to get a foot in the door to make a salary that hs diplomas gave prob during your generation. will this fix anything? no. but its a sliver of help on a crisis that has been routinley gnored for decades of republican and democrat control. so until someone demands that a real solution, basically destroy and rebuild the corrupt loan system happens. the kids should take this one time offer before the gov blows it on some dumb oversea crap that we see routinley. at least its for its own citizens. in the meantime. how many of the people recieving this will eventually default anyways? how many are getting tax breaks on the interest? i did when i paid mine? whos paying for that and who benefits when it takes longer to pay off? we are already paying for alot of this. its just been silent like the calls for reform a broken system that is built to crush our young generation in extreme debt just to get a chance at working a high pay job that is not hard manual labor. i hope rep at least bring up this issue once and awhile now that it suddenly has their attention.
i agree with most of this especially the no real solution part. but i think people of a certain generation are truley blind to the futures bleak outlook as if "they" faced any sort of the challenges today. "i did it" "when i was your age" ect ect. i talk to some of the older guys at work who routinely talk about how the new generation is lazy, weak, yadda. when i look at their youth. lets see, 1 person needed to work in a household with several kids. highschool education provided very good union supplied jobs..my father worked for 1 his ENTIRE life. cost of living was nothing, cars, house, ect. all easily attainable. now your homes have gone through the roof. thats great, if you got in cheap. your pensions still existed. good for you, good guaranteed retirement. it seems very simple to me. work 40 hrs and you get the american dream. that does not exist without something else today. college was sold as that. so at what point do people say kids today are hopeless, school costs, housing costs, a twisted idea on energy and constant weather now virus fear, if not well financed to start, its pretty bleak. bootstraps aint enough! so what exactly would the right be for that isnt lase fair or directly beneficial to themselves in their circumstances? it is afterall your kids and grandkids. as a poster said the right isnt exactly pushing for positive changes to help..its all welfare to then..socialism ect ect. well if you wonder why so many kids are progressive/ communist ect, maybe it because they litterally see no hope in a system that had far surpassed a decent living or chance so might as well advocate burn it all down. theres not alot to lose. at some point the right should realize pandering and lies to groups by the left is going to always be better then just being completely ignored and saying our policies might help you down the line, basically ignoring them. thats not a tactic that will gain voters even in the mess the left has created and sure as h#// is pushing people to accept the circumstances you outlined as they take the only thing on the table. the welfare for votes the left is offering.
the streetlights are still off go and play. adults are talking.
huh? elaborate.
i replyed to that point on my original reply. i think we mostly agree on this stuff but we might see things a bit different. i see a political opponent fabricating a story about treason and filtering it through the fbi for false impeachment as just as dangerous. i see holding jan 6 hearings on primetime but nothing on the gov who willfully killed the elderly by pushing covid patients into nursing homes..the stupidest most detestable thing imagined and not caring as dangerous. so while i already agreed with use of guns in ads i have to wonder when will we see any kind of standard from the massive damage the left has done. blm riots, oh well. covid killing the economy..whoops. if noone cares then the side who is constantly prodded and held up to a standard will undoubtedly react to this double standard. the raid is pushing this closer. i look at it all from a unbiased lens as best i can and see the left doing as they please right now without any apology. if that isnt dangerous territory then what is?
your right litterally speaking. i was basing my question on why your perception is choosing only right wing targets. i thought i responded to this by showing some examples of left wing targets..who are in no way political. reread that or i can go on to name several others who have nonstop leftist threats of violence using your exact same logic. jordan Peterson for not wanting pronouns to be integrated into his campus mandates jk rowlings..for standing for womens rights and seeing two sexes again dave chapelle for being..a comedian.. and telling a story about his trans friend suicide after ridicule BY the lbgt community. bret Weinstein college professor in PORTLAND..pretty lib guy who was hunted by a seg of students for non white day. trucker in canada and around the world for fighting mandates THAT did not work. arrested. banks frozen called terrorists. not alot of leftis reflection on that rhetoric or how they were punished. i have a very long post in this thread on blm and how violence was ADVOCATED! where the right condemned it and actors are being severely punished. alot of these people are trumpers and alot id say are leftist who are now called "far right" for some trivial stuff and now face repeated violent threats for it. so ect ect ect. for a long time the worst someone was accused of was snowflake. for 4 years we get you ALL are "racist" "nazi""facsist" even if you slightly disagree. so in turn we are seeing "communist" "marxist" ect ect more. so its bad on both sides and escalating! so this im more worried only one side is a issue is pure blindness. lefts have control of institutions. thats well known so left wing violence is more "ignored" on this. i can go into that but my point is this thread is dedicated to those that want to play the right wingers are the only issue game.