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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. epstein cameras conviently go down? why? epstein client lists? who? fauci lies? big pharma lies? hunters labtop? joes involvement? ppp money being stolen? contents of bidens daughter diary that initiated journalist doors getting kicked in? blm money being stolen? Russia er i mean Ukraine i mean who knows who is bombing poland? nordstream terrorist attacks by? ftx fraud funneling money to democrats? investigations? again Pelosi cameras go out? body cam? reporters suspended for reporting inconvenient facts? ray epps leniency? on and on. add it to the pile of things we will probably never get real answers to. "we do not talk about ongoing aka shutup investigations".
  2. if you listen to Brianna joy grey speak and alot of other progressives (shes in a quote a few right above your message)... or other people who actually do want loan forgiveness (krystal ball ect ect) they brought up more sound laws that biden could have used to get this done. they been questioning why biden used such a very weak emergency order to try to achieve this and had HUGE doubts it would hold up. seeing as biden has access to the top lawyers in the country one has to think if this does not pass it was intentional to con voters. I'm no lawyer but seeing as what they said would happen has been halted by the courts relatively quickly. no reason to think they were wrong.
  3. i agree. i think trump as a fixture is no where close to being a effective means. i pray for this country trump gives it up already. the dems funded those canidates and it worked out. at the same time the dems litterally lied about EVERYTHING about covid. im am shocked that people did not see that as a leadership flaw. i have no choice but to think alot of them were on board and dont really want answers to alot of questions on how much was a lie..because it would also expose themselves for rolling with it. not easy to digest the fact you stunted your kids learning or participated in a drive by funeral ect ect and put up no resistance when you could have while demonizing those who did. wrong side of history but history is written by the victors. the only major effect it had in this election were freedom states swung big red. no more swinging florida. people appreciate just how close they came from living in fear and losing basic things like the rest of the country. who seems to have stock home syndrome.
  4. yeah but the metrics. economy. crime. gas. these arent little things. they effect everyone everyday. regardless of who was running against them or why you would think it would be enough to have people want a drastic change no matter what it is. i think abortion got women out and i dont think enough credit was given to student loan forgiveness which got the young people out when they typically wouldnt. even if it doesnt effect them it prob does to someone they know or are hoping for more when they grad.
  5. ill interject a sec. just scanning so pay no mind. but lost in the debate is the perceived third party that is constantly not included in a abortion debate. a directly effected one. using religion as a means to defend that party that cant speak for itself as a moral compass as its voice is a worthy seat at the table...or no? if not. what is? anything that cannot defend itself will need a outsider to defend it using a reason..religion is just one. otherwise who cares about anything thats not happening directly to them.
  6. singletary is pretty good. nothing elite but not many are. what he lacks in speed he makes up in broken tackles. not sure why he gets a bad rap by fans. i think edmunds is average. we can keep waiting on the ceiling but im tired of the excuses. he has a good line in front of him and it seems the same result. i think his pass coverage is better then people give credit for but he just cant make big plays in either. not sure why you say this. guy litterally ran 30 yards down field to save a touchdown he had no buisness getting to. hes a very good dt imo and hope we extend him.
  7. eh was more rhetorical if anyone else thought the personnel swapping was a detriment to the offense and effecting the consistancy we are seeing a lack of from guys. people are saying McKenzie in for man and shakir for zone but its not like we put guys in knowing what defensive play they are going to play until we motion. if its about opponents tendency then we would see 1 guy in the whole game to counter the team or cb.
  8. i agree with this. id think poyer was a proven commodity worth a early extension if you want to secure talent. i was never in the knox is garbage club many were but he litterally just became a threat in the passing game for the first time his ENTIRE career not long ago. i get he has a high ceiling but there wouldn't be a desperate need by this team for a pass catching rb if knox showed the promise of being a outlet he was trending towards. coaches or knoxs? either way here's to josh and knox getting that connection back we have seen in the past.
  9. what percentage is he in on when we are in 3 wide sets? i think your right but i think the team is being extremely strange at the way they are not allowing players to get any consistency in games. McKenzie in one play now shakir. no now mckenzie. no we need a rb to split wide in the slot. pick the best player for the slot and let him play. maybe im wrong but i thought the coaches created a similar mess with the rb situation until recently. we seemed to be just swapping rbs around almost randomly. alot of rbs need consistent reps to get going and even when we gashed teams on the ground we either randomly swapped out singletary just as he was hitting his stride or completely abandoned the run altogether even if the situation required us to run clock. now we needed a cook 2.0? he seems to be doing pretty good as a #2 and i dont even see him split wide for a rb who supposedly was selected for his phenomenal route running catching ability? O is having real issues. O line musical chairs we played almost game by game mult seasons. our D by contrast puts young guys out and that's it. lets em play. make mistakes. good/bad it will make them better when we need em most and let us know what we got.
  10. we did? what was the moment you thought we needed a wr 10 months ago? gabe seemed to take advantage of every opportunity prev seasons and had a career setting game the last time we saw him. im not sure what happening this year. yes hes #2 and getting more attention but hes missing alot of balls right in his hands and not attacking contested balls. spectacular one play and horrible the next. guy has all the tools but can't stay consistent. i rolled my eyes at the obj talk but yeah...ill take him in a heartbeat at this point.
  11. he cant. the end is near. the death flail of a cult extinguishing is a interesting sight to behold. a red red wave is about to wash ashore alot of investigations that were on hold. so sit back and enjoy the show chef. if twitter guy "mike" with 1 like deserves its own thread. then there will be many many more to come. brew the coffee billsy and get comfortable. you only have a few days left to push the narrative.
  12. your reaching. gay wasn't even a word on any of the three things you mentioned in the paragraph you wrote this for. if you want to avoid my points about mental disorders and how we treat them in society, just do it. no need to completely change the topic and put words in my mouth. i dont think you would. for someone who earlier in the thread disregarded what i said about media being left wing biased there sure are alot of examples of leftists who demonize any and all of the info your asking for. maybe because its not "superior" to the ones i will restate benefit from surgeries and lifetime prescriptions. a "well side effects do happen" is enough to dismiss the people suffering from them? the good outweighs the bad isn't a solid argument when the bad is just as devastating to people who are already dealing with a affliction. so getting the type of information you want requires one to go into the deep recesses of right wing hatred and bigotry. at least that what is constantly said. here is a example. maybe you can find a few copies that havent been burned. be careful they cause "harm" but will provide some info on what your asking. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2021/07/16/irreversible-damage-anti-trans-booksellers-association/ another https://www.newsweek.com/best-selling-controversial-book-transgender-people-removed-amazon-3-years-after-publication-1571087 shall i go on? because the info is suppressed does not mean it does not exist. again similar to covid, defund the police, inflation effect, ending of fossil fuels. ect.ect. we can all wait until the negative effects and victims to pile up before the mood softens in the mainstream on platforming opposing viewpoints and medical professionals..remember Dr Robert Malone and how he was treated about his accurate warnings? eventually it will come out and the left will move to the next topic so we can be in a thread exactly like this one looking back in hindsight like all the rest. equating what gender you prefer having sex with and being a sports fan? really? again a reach. i simply told you my preference in people. if you enjoy being around people that are consumed with there sexual identity that's perfectly fine. its not for me and as i said it has nothing to do with what sex the person is attracted to. the fact you are also equating children being involved in the two examples as if its benign. that's a different story. ah the its all in your head. its not really happening. if thats so why all the hysteria on the "dont say straight bill" by desantis? seems as the knife cuts both ways with propaganda. the fact you think the left are the rational ones is the meat and potatoes of this thread. desantis bill is for K thru 4. you know what that bill is when all the media smoke is cleared right? the fact leftists are the ones saying women dont exist and yet, can't define them even at the highest positions in government. yeah this is a bit beyond "its not happening" id advise you look past your "non biased" outlets and go into a few "right wing hate sites" look at the many examples of the extremes on this issue they showcase. see if they look fake. just propaganda. i know you won't. but you should. otherwise how can you be so certain about what your even saying here. ill get you started on your dark path. go to youtube and put this name in. klara jeynes. learn how 4 year olds can be transgender when they barely have the concept of wiping their butts correctly. scroll around on the topic. there are plenty more. libs of tiktok showcases tons of people you dont think exist. using their OWN words in THIER videos. go to fox or daily wire and look for these innocent micky impersonation shows where children are puting money in drag womens bras and shaking there butts in kids faces. inviting the little ones on stage to collect money. wholesome family entertainment. then come back and let me know if its all so innocent. now i am no fool to think this behavior is the standard at these events. but they DO exist and noone is stopping it except for "homophobes". so still wondering why leftists are pushing drag shows with no regard to the fact most people do not want this regardless what goes on. if families just want to face these issues and have these talks alone. sure seems to be alot of public spectacles that draw attention to it to do it. no they want to prove how progressive they are publically and use there kids to prove it.
  13. i dont need a medical expert to tell me someone who thinks they are something that goes against reality is experiencing a mental disorder. people who experience nothing but negative thoughts regardless of situation. people who see a obese person in the mirror despite their actual weight. its all the same situation and yet gender dysphoria is the only one in which people think society should confirm the psychosis as the part of the cure. every other situation i can think of it is harmful. this doesn't mean empathy and respect should not be given but also means those who wish to perpetuate it further and CELEBRATE a dysphoria are not helping the person suffering. yes i understand the suicide rates. i also read that "treatment" is not some great fix that reduces these rates. i dont think a person who is afflicted with this issue is "cured" and may only have a mountain of med debt to show for it sending them into deeper depression. or worse yet was put into this treatment and was only going through a phase that is now irreversable. I'm not saying this should not be a option but should be a LAST option. should be made when the person has a fully formed brain and NEVER be done outside the knowledge of those that know them best... taking away parental rights is insanity in EVERY situation where neglect or abuse was not in the history. i outlined alot of my thoughts above. i do not hate or love gay people. they are individuals who i base merit on like anyone i meet. i will say i do think it is odd when someone base their entire identity on their sexuality. where they MUST announce to the world who they prefer and yes this also goes for the straight "alpha" male types that wear shirts describing their affinity for boobs or constantly talk about how many women they get in bed ect ect. both are cringe. nobody really cares for the most part. we agree on kids being accepted and loved not sure that was ever in contention. its a problem the left created as now they want kids to be "exposed" to certain things and make choices on issues that many are to young to understand suddenly. i gave a good example with the right wing. its not a coincidence and its actually attracting alot of hatred unnecessarily simply due to the fact its a middle finger towards anyone who otherwise does not think about drag/trans/ or anything in the gay community. it almost as if leftists want the hatred as they continue on with something the .majority of americans do not want their kids exposed to just so they can have a victim group to defend. just because YOU see nothing wrong with it. far to often leftist think they know best for everyone else. leave kids out of the culture war crap period.
  14. 1. i agree this issue is being used as a lightning rod. its probably a good idea to not promote things like drag book reading during a time when alot is surrounding it. but that delicious virtue light is just so warming libs cant help themselves. 2. i have no doubt a ton of medical studies will be all for "helping kids transition". u appreciate you providing info for your argument but you have to know. its going to be real hard to filter this info because the same corporations who produce it are the ones who stand to make billions off the lifetime prescriptions and costly surguries. I'd think after the lies told about vax studies one would be very leary of this situation. i have a science degree and am embarrassed by what has been done to destroy its lagitimacy but its well earned. i will read your studies and correct any info i post if i see merit. 3 since we are taking a step back then I'd still like you to answer my question. is trans a mental disorder? i think its apparent. if it is then why in any capacity are leftists promoting it, especially to impressionable children. as i stated there are tons of mental disorders and very rarely do we demand everyone accept it and normalize it. your anorexic? well that's normal. everyone please tell this person they are a fat disgusting human so they feel comfortable about their binge purge cycles. as you roll your eyes please explain the difference as they both end up being very damaging if not recognized as a disorder and treated as such. i think you want to be logical but you automatically dismiss right wing talking points which is why you give off the impression trans therapy and meds do not come with MAJOR issues that are ireversable. pubity blockers can leave people sterile. horror stories of surgeries exist. how many tomboys did you know growing up. how many phases did you go in and out of. EVERYONE should be against children being introduced to this. drag book reads are not innocent. if the right was pushing bible studies in public schools and it just so happened men caring crosses with thorn crowns showed up at libraries for story time. i bet you wouldn't defend that as just a character like daffy duck. its not genuine.
  15. so in a time when leftists are suggesting that children should be allowed to take take puberty blockers and authorize life altering surgeries, some even suggesting this can be done without parental consent. you think presenting them with men that dress as women as "fun" is in no way connected. come on now🙄 no i dont think they believe they are mickey mouse but we also dont live in a society where a large group of people are saying its ok to be mickey and if you choose...we have that surgical procedure and drugs available to make that happen.
  16. so drag is a man dressing acting as a woman and you have no clue if the connection to trans?
  17. do you think trans people have a mental disorder? im not saying its their fault or that their disorder effects me negatively but presenting that to children and basically celebrating it in society like we are currently doing is pretty dark. this is beyond the examples of drag dancers actually doing sexually explicit acts. if you haven't seen the videoes of drag people shaking their a$$ in front of children your just in the dark..doesnt mean it has not happened or is currently happening. so if being trans is a disorder what other mental health issues would you like to present and normalize to children. anorexia? phobias? why is this one so important to make children see and "understand". as for your peter pan example. its a good question. i think the answer is a woman most likely can portray the character accurately in real life. she does not truley believe she is peter pan. a production show may not have a male actor who can hit high notes and looks like a young child...which is what peter pan is. a for mickey and every other character you mention. those are all mythical characters.
  18. no reason for that man. lets not devolve threads to this as a response.
  19. id really love to know where you come to this conclusion being that we are in a covid hindsight thread and literally the only network who gave any pushback on the insanity and lies was the evil fox news. then we can look at blm and who was calling it a grift and disaster for the very people it was said to be fighting for. one station. "dont say gay" every outlet seemed to go along with that tag when it was just as easily could be called "dont say straight" very unbiased. on and on we go. showing ID is "voter restriction" not "voter security" oh by the way biggest turnout in georgia happened after..did you fall for that one. you dont even see it. how its constantly framed. how its pushed..but yeah you got all the "facts" over there on the left.
  20. seems as the is nfl ecosystem is now set. buffalo stalk panthers at the waterhole. giants grab buffalos when they are not under the herds protection. Hakuna Matata. i think the guy had immense talent and a great redzone threat. glad he's finally making a roster to show it off. sad we couldn't find room on ours.
  21. comeback? no. i wasnt ripped off by either and i ALSO never promoted either. the same people who are concerned about trump university were active participants in endorsing blm. how bout yourself did you promote the grift? how about the lockdowns saving lives that artificially funneled money to the rich? how many far bigger grifts on your end are you suckered into promoting? lets see if you can admit that. yeah didn't think so.
  22. nice for who. you seen ticket prices lately?
  23. well im not too fond of cold weather. im sure you guys wouldnt mind a month or two down there to take a break from the hot humidity. also Niagara falls. rock with water. seen it way to much to care.
  24. i do. live in ny where they only care about people who make under a certain amount. they seem to eat much better as the snap allotment has gone up and up. the rest of us who havent seen wages go up not only have to pay more in taxes for this but also are dealing with the same inflation. so i guess the moral of the story is everyone on the lower middle income bracket should give up and get taken care of and there is plenty to go around and alot less stress about bills. that is until the next tier up wears down and gives up from watching people who do nothing live more comfortable then them. only thing stopping this is the integrity of people who don't want handouts and are willing to work hard and grind out a living. those are the blue state policies your referring to.
  25. sooo the measure of a economy is now whether it can withstand years of authoritarian lockdown and then inept recovery policies by a bunch of liars, idiots and cowards. got cha. talking to my neighbor last night. he tells me he is deciding to skip meals so his kids can have a nice xmas this year. ill let him know there are actual people that think its trumps fault. if only trump created a economy that could sustain "it" he could eat 3 times a day.
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