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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. i agree which is why i find this whole thing very refreshing. a side calling out its own. great! keep it up! a minority populist trying to leverage change? sure lets try it. people complain about same old same old corruption..itll never stop then somthing unheard of takes place that goes against the grain and somehow there are people demanding "WE WANT THE MACHINE!!" damn.
  2. i just think its all funny that when the machine that's been grinding up Americans comes to a screeching halt based on what the outliers are "claiming" to stop corruption. people are mad about it. there was a similar plan in place progressives wanted out of "the squad" to get medicare for all on the table. instead the people who claimed they were going in to fight for the little guy fell directly in line and gave every excuse in the book why fighting for them...just wasnt the right time. the guy who suggested stop the vote can explain it better. i just dont get what is at all wrong with not going with the status quo and using the little power you have...and will ever have to get what you were voted in on a slight chance to get done. thats a bad thing? who knew there were so many McCarthy groupies on the other side. someone explain.
  3. no. hes the first guy to tell you about him twice. online and he knows where you shop. id move. ๐Ÿ˜†
  4. soooo are you reminded enough of what a horrid place this is yet. how many replies before the 6 month time limit starts? if your lurking just close your eyes and stay delusional. back to the topic. even i didnt know the law is now a officer has to physically see you stealing to charge you? good policy prob written by someone with alot of degrees. well at least community leaders are talking about how destructive looting is to the community. not alot of "who cares" "so what" from them. next up. stealing relief supplies from children? ๐Ÿ˜ž a few arrests. im going to be bumping this thread with actual sentancing. thats if they are even found guilty. im not sure how far buffalo has slid towards being twinky soft on crime that their buddies in california have embraced. all ill say is thank god the socialist lost the election or it would prob be worse. since the topic of disgust at my city is relavent. i think the story of Keaira Bennefield is a good example of buffalos slide towards portland. she posts a video that goes viral of him beating her to a pulp. everyone sees it clear as day. police arrest only charge misdermeanors and then of coarse..immediately release him. shocking to absolutely no one including her as she wore a bullet proof vest. he savagely murders her exacution style right after even though a peace of paper told him it is unlawful to be anywhere around her. it was strange seeing my liberal friends post a memorial pic and talk about how the justice system let her down. yet they refuse to remember all the posts they made advocating "no cash bail" "criminal reform". calls that dems ran on that are now making these kind of stories common place. this is exactly what led to her murder. you are getting what you asked for. YOU ALSO let her down! just cause you were unaware of the problems everyone could see doesn't mean its a valid excuse. https://nypost.com/2022/11/01/buffalo-mother-blames-kathy-hochul-bail-reform-for-daughters-murder/
  5. so we can expect that you will scan the topics, find the one you find the most offensive and complain about how it shouldnt be discussed around junish? ill set one up you can get good and triggered by. somthing about groomers if you want to get a outline started about your outrage now. or play it by ear. its rubble rubble either way. and yes. decriminalization of crimes usually result in more of them. you already have shown you want people to ignore it in this thread. if you aren't actively voting against officials who are soft on crime or advocating recalls for those that are then you are contributing. you know that every vote matters stuff i keep hearing about. in the one party rule in NY we kind of have to hope our liberals have a touch of common sense and go against the party on little things like letting criminals walk free. go bills.
  6. damn this subject got you in your feelings. you seem irritated. why is that? heeey is that a brand new phone your using to post? ๐Ÿง๐Ÿค” it makes sense now ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. good insight. thanks for dropping in and telling us what we should or shouldn't talk about. as usual when a leftist is confronted by the damage they cause and asked as he demands it gets ignored. rubble rubble ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ PS living in buffalo i dont feel this thread title or subject is a generalization of me or anyone i know here. thanks for the thought tho.
  8. umm its a thread thats talking about theft and a few leftists jump in to mitigate it as is the rule of political bias now adays. your more then welcome to start a thread about the good natured stories that the storm brought out. edit because your cut and paste didnt pop up. that reply does talk in generalizations and put responsability on people that have nothing to do with the crime. i will say neing someone who lives it hes not exactly wrong. gun shots are not really a big deal and neither is robbery. sooo it kind of is the way of life. something that is just apart of it and normal. two seperate shootings this year near my block. didnt really phase me much and kids were playing in the area the next day. pulling posts from facebook is not exactly representative to this boards views anyways but i know that dropping charges is not a good way to help the situation we live in. THAT is a topic that should not be neglected. so here it is! so as it stands. as for my reply "like this". not suprising you didnt answer it. it is the topic in on a political board. but i dont think there is much to say, so i don't blame you for sticking to the deflection. stay classy motorin ๐Ÿ˜
  9. who are you arguing against? is there anyone not saying there are alot of good people out there or that looting doesnt happen during natural disasters? i missed that post. the argument is that certain people of the left leaning persuasion seem to want to mitigate it as much as possible. id love a explanation as to why that happens. why leftists seem perfectly fine with DAs downgrading the crime even as its repeatedly shown it seems NEVER to be for the justifications they want to believe. "just desperate disenfrachised people doing what they must to survive"? as they steal high end clothing and electronics. as social saftey nets have increased food stamps. welfare benefits. section 8 housing ect. ect. ect ect. so how bout everyone get together on this one and call it what it is. what you just did. scumbags taking advantage of situations. one of the situations being a bunch of leftists that live in nice safe crime free areas coming up with excuses and LAWS that normalize this s#it even when there is no disaster. just stay under the limit and one of these days we will hand you a appearance ticket..we know you were just desperate and starving fighting against the evil corporation who want you to pay for things. i cant believe they are putting you through this trauma when they have insurance that pays for it all anyways. such jerks! DAs are just following voters leads. if they had major pushback this $#/รท wouldnt have gone as far but now its infected more serious crimes as well. but dont protect yourself!!! duty to flee. ๐Ÿ™„ this isnt hyporbolic. rep didnt pull this view from the sky. liberal DAs are not prosecuting and liberal people are ok with it. there are reprocussions. read my responses if you dont know them. i was born and bred in the area of buffalo effected. no suburban dream for me and i wish these lib would stop speaking on my behalf like they know anything. you want your buisnesses to give away things at your local store have at it. your stores close down they get immediatly replaced. you got money to pay extra for theft. have at it. it doesn't work like that here.
  10. are you sure they will be apprehended? you know the statistics on solving burglaries? is that more or less likley to happen if their stories and info is talked about and shared? really think it out. who cares? ...the community that uses the buisness. ...the victims that had their property destroyed and stolen and now have to repair all the damage. they do. for starts. you have to be from the suburbs. your mom and dad provided you with everything you needed. you never gained a understanding how hard it is to EARN all the stuff that just magically arrives when mom puts in her credit card. how starting and operating a buisness in low income neighborhoods is far different then the suburban strip mall. how when things get destroyed sometimes they don't ever come back. if you would like to fast track that lesson then please put the attitude that looting robberies are no big deal on a few public social media sites along with your address. i will honor your wish to not talk about or share info on your ordeal. someone might be arrested at some point and that's good enough for you. ๐Ÿ™„
  11. here is another one i came across just as i opened my app. hope whoever did it gets arrested so it becomes no big deal to anyone anymore. hmmmmmmmm. many many more but ill stop here. after all someone might have information if its shared. but 12 whole POS got arrested already. wouldn't want to focus on the topic simply because its depresses you. here is a cat emoji that you can focus on to cheer you up ๐Ÿ˜บ. the rest of us will try to rationalize why leftist seem desperate to normalize and ignore the actions of scumbag looters.
  12. they needed bread for their starving kids!! and a new couch to sit on while eating it....oh and a big screen tv to divert their attention from all the starving. what kind of person criminalizes people who are just desperate to provide the basic necessities of true hdr on a 65 inch flatscreen. whos the real criminal here?
  13. im pretty sure this owners cares. here is what he posted at the time. just to reiterate my point above. ill let him know that a segment of people who never owned a buisness or served a community think he will be fine. i mean its just time and money from his family on the holidays. he should take down the post. 12 people were arrested. case closed. don't point it out if it happens again. wouldn't want anyone to harp on it. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™„
  14. when you see it? lol what part of buffalo you in bud. you unaware of all the delapitated buildings that had good thriving buisnesses before crime and violence hit the neighborhood? when buisnesses pack up there isn't a rush of reinvestment. for some odd reason. people might not want to take the ones in operation for granted. meaning.. you might want to put info and attention out when they are ransacked so the community who depends on its employment service can come together to catch the jack azzes who would rather destroy it. its usually people with outside perspectives that don't rely on the buisness that brush it off as no big deal. of coarse they rather hear only heart warming stories or think in some weird dream those that do good are ignored for those that dont. they dont have to exist independently. keep your post in mind when your confused on why there is lack of investment and segments of our society are in never ending cycles of poverty when you think more money allocated is what is needed to turn it neighborhoods around.
  15. hello Chigoose. we at twitter thank you for your feedback. for convience please check one of the reasons our team has recieved multiple complaints for this post from users with similar followings. [ ] santa is a symbol of white supremacy propped up by a racist system. [ ] santa causes trauma to disadvantaged youth that dont get presents and triggers trauma. so all kids must never be told about him. [ ] santa has ties to christian faith that date back to the colonization like most things. that causes trauma. [ ] santas lists only include boys and girls which is non inclusive to wierd adults that want a spectrum of sexuality in little kids. introducing trauma..to the adults [X] make a dumb comparison for taking away the users echo chamber and exposing their preferred administrations corruption. flag recieved thank you! we are always working to improve twitter so following our new improved TOS we will expedite your leftist bi+ching to the top of the garbage pile. have a great day!
  16. hes been far to busy picking out parmesan cheese from the carpets. could be awhile. his vast knowledge on Ukrainian energy has earned him alot of mansions with wall to wall. lol
  17. still skipping the covid part? their is evidence of everything your saying but i will admit i heard it 3rd person through media channels i listened to at work. i listened to this last night. hes libertarian comedian so theres no left right bias. give it a try. no concrete proof as its a podcast. anyways a relavent question is why have Republicans not released any of it having its full content. alot of dirty hands. for all i know it is just a crack addict doing crack addict things. but they sure are. acting as if its more. so you think covid propaganda, parler dismantling, labtop censoring ect, all based off of lies and all being done in unison by individuals coincidently in lock step. just because it was different degrees of censorship then that proves gov is not in FULL control. your coming across as the conspiracy theorist. elon didnt ban journalist. i dont have any pictures of him personally pressing the ban button. he just talks about it because he owns it. he apologized on behalf of some rogue employee who took the tos out of context. wheres the proof? lol its easy to do what your doing. whats that? he said he. did it. well alot are unbanned now so whats the big deal? you saying the fact social media was pushing gov propaganda in unison was just a coincedence then ill let you live in that world. its a dangerous one in which your waiting for concrete proof from a place that just released jfk papers how many decades later.. all heavily REDACTED. not sure what the point was. wheres the proof cia might have been involved? lone gunmen with info that just cant come out cause...um. we dont want to give up people involved that are now dead! countries like russia that no longer exist as they were. sure. point being billion dollar gov espionage agencies are kind of good at not having direct concrete proof that might change the minds of chigoosers in the world. if elon never bought Twitter they would still say in never occurred at all. oh ok, they were involved, now prove it was in a destructive way! sigh. you keep waiting. ill use basic common sense to know the gov is manipulating its citizens first amendment with social media while also watching them like a hawks. some are ok with it. I'm against it at every instance except extreme circumstances.
  18. i keep trying. its rare on here a leftist trys to talk out their side rationally. all trump memes deflections. its old. id be embarrassed of the representation for my side if i was a dem supporter. their were a few oldmanfan was ok and such but after covid and how hard they pushed the garbage. they disappeared. that's at least a sign they realized they were lied to and embarrassed of all the nonsense posts. "i read the study did you" "i got a background in medicine" ๐Ÿ™„ so i keep giving him the benefit of doubt so decent debate can be had. mention covid and how they all were lock step and there is no wiggle room about twitter not being a gov ran propaganda network. wont touch that subject with a ten foot pole it seems. ahhhhh well.
  19. so in unison every tech and media company decided a story by the ny post was a russian attempt to disrupt our election and...disrupted our election. some suppressed others eliminated but it took YEARS to even come clean and still waiting on if its "harmless" crackhead stuff with no big guy involvement. thats what your going with? but no comment on the cdc covid lies from my reply goose? doctors, experts, medicines, gov reaction, debates. all taken down with swift precision. just so happens gov approved info was all we could see. to concrete to my argument, so we will gloss over that ๐Ÿง journalists getting fired for reporting that pelosi walked away from cops back towards the intruder. still waiting on the ..facts. ftx arrested right before he had to testify to the public which would be a prosecutors dream. leaks on supreme court rulings but Epstein roster is super locked down. no interviews with the gf? not news worthy i guess. on and on. chigoose you claim to be about facts and not biased but do you hear yoirself. is there no concrete evidence. is it all just a coincidence. conspiracy nuts like myself coming up with stories to trick you. just stop. say the truth. your ok with it all, or at least willing to mitigate ALOT cause they fooled you with their lies and its for your team. rather then admit my logic you have to hold strong with this bs otherwise some self reflection is in order to people you may have thought as the enemy at some point. the drunken uncles at bbqs were right..about this at least. its a powerful gov with alot of tools at their disposal. extremely rare we get to peak around the curtain by someone brave enough and not yet dead. ask snowden or julian what happens when you give people a glipse. regardless how you feel about them THATS THE OUTCOME of concrete proof. ( no idea why musk is acting erraticly parranoid about his location. BUT ITS NOT A GOOD BUISNESS MOVE!! ๐Ÿค”) anyways,you have no gut feeling on all this? 3 million paid by fbi to twitter? dont be a billstime man. your alright which is why i keep trying to crack open that walnut to have you see some of this $hiรท. we need everyone on board when it comes to this type of overreach regardless of political leaning. this is the sliver we now know and its pretty bad imo. you mitigate this then so will the otherside. then it will get your full attention im guessing. but i promise if in unison the entire media says trump univeristy actually WAS a excellent college. ill call bs. no proof required.๐Ÿ˜…
  20. not only that but of you feel so passionate about what the company is or isnt doing right now. shutup and put your money where your mouth is. so them telling twitter and everyone else that the labtop was disinformation russian cyop was twitter? them pushing out cdc lies all through covid that were all lies was twitter not the gov. smfh. ok.
  21. the fact your ignoring is that there is a first amendment in this country that the gov should have nothing to do with cencoring unless it involves EXTREME threats to national security. even then it should be absolutely transparent to the public on their involvement. not take a billionaire to buy the company..on which he is became the target of immense gov investigations..by chance, all of a sudden, just so happens, to expose. the fact is its on record the government requested twitter censor people and topics that had ZERO to do with national security, saftey, or any other made up justifiable reason. not only that but the gov repeatedly lied to these companies about what were FACTS as they censor TRUTH. TRUTH that could of changed a united states election. stop me when its enough outright corruption on their part to raise a eyebrow. the fact is twitter did this in ways that were not disclosed to users, broke their own terms of service and LIED about it. repeatedly. they knew full well it was corrupt. so they know its a relationship corrupt enough to lie about but when its exposed chis like...i need to see more. seems pretty innocent to me. do i hear conspiracy talk? ๐Ÿ˜ณ. so... those are the facts that should scare the $#it out of you. like i just said. you think anything less then doors not getting kicked in is just a good working relationship. declining half is good enough even if alot of that half was KNOWN lies for a political agenda. the gov was "helping moderate" and there no pressure applied in this type of relationship when gov colluding to censor the biggest public platform IN SECRET, even a little is more then enough for me to have feelings. you keep waiting on whatever proof you need to think this is as close to direct censoring as our gov can get...for now. no big deal.
  22. lol struggling with content moderation? says who? what do you think gov control looks like? a bunch of guys kicking in doors beating people over the head until they censor? sending out direct threats? anything less is ok? dude your message sounds like something the CCP would say about their good working relationship between gov and companies. here it is "do this for us we do this for you". funny how quickly its forgotten a competitor was wiped off the face of the map (parler) in unison by all big tech off a complete bs lie by the gov about thats the lone place where jan 6th plotted. seeing how embedded fbi was its is laughable that congress was even caught off guard on jan 6th. they will always do it this way. they will always do it with reasoning that dopes nod in agreement with. it is for our saftey. it is necessary. twitter is a dangerous place in which the gov "recommended" SATIRE. it really doesnt matter. not sure why i still try with you. they kicked in JOURNALISTS doors at gun point for a DIARY and said it was for "stolen goods" and people on your side dont bat a eye. well they said it was stolen sooo full swat team seems reasonable ๐Ÿ™„ carry on.
  23. as long as he has charlie murphy and a host of other recycled memes..who needs comprehension!
  24. you tend to do this. i go through alot of typing to debate your post and then you dont address any specifics and go on to some obscure non related examples or reasoning. ill address this but alot of what you write here i addressed. your taking what i said and depicting it as the most exadurated example for your idea. your taking a factual enemy of the gov and people saying ACTUAL disinformation propaganda is present and then trying to make a not even close relationship to what we are talking about. here is my response to this that in the very reply i gave you. "know its a topic leftist won't touch but this IS THE THREAT in letting gov be engaged with speech and info if it is not EXTREME matters to security" see EXTREME? id say a king presenting a real threat is motive for gov to get involved. all the examples i wrote about the gov had no buisness to get involved and alot was FALSE!!! so i read this and it again you minimizing the threat here even as i pointed out (a real world recent example) of the LIES and negative effects to the population COVID!!!!! do you see "honestly see the crimes committed" still? so hoping you are still good faith effort to answer the thrust of my point(s) 1. if the interaction between gov and twitter was so innocent why did twitter lie about what they were doing? 2. if gov is allowed to "suggest" to media platforms what info they "feel" is misinformation do you see from the covid campaign example that not only will they lie but those lies can be incredibly destructive to people and in no way in the interest of all its citizens. if the fbi is not willing to quickly authenticate whether info that is in the public is propaganda or not then they should not be "warning" that it is coming. that seeds the ground to any info being able to be indefinitely suppressed at the fbis discretion. this leads to alot of power in their hands as ANY info can then be suppressed and tagged as misinformation. no other info on investagion is neccessary to simply authenticate it. look at the above list and tell me with a honest answer that you do not see the very real threat that can be created by not fighting this. finally im not suprised you dont think there is a "uniparty" element. you seem to give alot of benefit of the doubt to people who dont deserve it. when i was left leaning i still knew that was present. occupy wallstreet, iraq war, enron..ect ect. all giant scams that siphoned regular american people with unilateral corruption. im glad you dont want to believe it or live in that world but it doesnt mean it does not exist. topic for a different thread that id be happy to go into without bias. plenty of examples but that is not my basis in the reply.
  25. im just curious at what point do you see it as a major problem? there has to be a line right? at what point did the american people say you know what we need is entire wings of the fbi scouring through tons of social media posts to the point they are flagging satire and people they just dont like much? did twitter even need a moderation team cause it seems like fbi was basically a taxpayer funded wing of the company. so how many websites should americans be ok with fbi divisions rooting out "disinformation" and warning everyone of what the facts should really be. what level are you ok with chi? while real crimes are being committed the fbi was engaged as the stand in misinformation bureau that was ran out of the WH as soon as it was announced. youll use actual national threats as your examples and wave off as slight overreach anything else but this relationship was constant and very comfortable in twitter doing what its told to do in secret while LYING ABOUT IT. all innocent but lying, doing things far beyond any terms of service and what section 230 permits when it comes to editorializing. private company, react how they want. you constantly overlook the lying part because it goes against what your trying to depict it as. ๐Ÿ™„ as a prime example how much "misinformation" and "saftey concerns" do you think was "suggested" that prevented REAL facts from REAL data from REAL experts that the gov convinced with data by the all knowing cdc to censor and ALSO punish with ban campaign? none? a little? if the fbi was able to dig so deep to get them to remove jokes its no wonder half the country "read" the other half were selfish murderers. can we even calculate that damage done? the buisnesses shutdown forever? the people killed thinking those they were around were vax safe after top scientist from around the world said it stops spread ect. the kids never getting school year(s) back. i know its a topic leftist won't touch but this IS THE THREAT in letting gov be engaged with speech and info if it is not EXTREME matters to security. a company under gov scrutiny about a major law of 230 and "hey you gunna let that post stay up" IS HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL! as for the labtop. do you think they will ever reach a conclusion on the "investigations they cant comment on" so official word can be made? lol we are halfway through the sitting president "who just might be a corrupt traitor". 6 more years of investigating? how many till Epstein roster? how many till all ftx facts get released? maybe they have a conclusion but they are using the same printer as phizer who argued their vax trial data can't be presented for 75 years. its being suppressed by the elites that are given a very different tier of justice and you are ok with that cause they are on your team. stop trying to rationalize it any other way then a major cover op between gov and the media as a whole. happens all the time BY BOTH PARTIES but this one was especially agregious because it was done so brazen. usually they ignore it in unison hoping ..not flat out suppress it in a spotlight. but even then they have fans saying this is some kind of standard procedure while "leaking" all sorts of investigation info on other cases.sure. ๐Ÿ™„
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