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Everything posted by Buffarukus
i realize that. the point im making is charges for impeachment you would like to think would be more air tight then criminal charges seeing as the result is subverting the selection of half the country. so you should prob make the reasoning behind it something that everyone but the most radical on your political opponents side at the very least agree that the charges are worthy of going through with. seeing as the first one was based on a action the former vice president said on video..and was ignored. let alone fully investigated. i know i know. completely different joe biden did nothing wrong and trump claiming wanting answers for it or he would withold aid..completely different as usual. the second one i acctually do agree with but seeing as trump was leaving office a hour after it did seem like a ploy to not have to face him again. well we will see if they have more luck criminally. im sure now that denying elections is now a big deal we will back trace all the politicians who have done it and hold them accountable as well 🙄 the DA ran on "getting trump" so this is him fulfilling his campaign promise to his base. that is as political as it gets and i doubt he cares if he wins because he can say i tryed. im sure next election cycle he will dig for new charges from decades ago since the strategy of cleaning up trump crime is more important then boring old city crime to the people of NY. its the gift that can keep on giving. lol are you serious. read above. like i said im glad we finally have standing that politicians will be held accountable for the crimes they commit but lets not act like going after trump is not extremely politically biased and banana republic like. all the crimes by presidents and politicians in general my entire life time and it just so happens that precedent is set on the same guy that had the fbi verifiably lie as being treason. media lie about pee tapes losers and suckers..almost daily come up with ridiculous claims. meantime cuomo murders elderly. sexually assaults. endorses fraud. labtops sit on desks for going on over 4 years without a peep. wars get fought over lies killing thousands of civilians drone striking innocent families as a norm despite any Geneva on the books. insider trading beyond belief. politicians go in poor walk out multi millionaires with no questions. the list is long and includes alot of people and the worst anyone has seen is "resigning in discrace" lol aka going to a resort to live out their days on a money pile. read above above. yes it is unbelievable and polls are pretty clear most people are not biased enough to think a new standard of justice for all. your on your own on this one goose. regular unbiased people saw the desperation for a very long time and just going off of the crime they are pursuing..this one may top the list.
id say the same about impeaching...twice. sending the feds in for "clasified" documents with impending charges to "come soon" and a host of other things that resulted exactly zilch. so for all the crimes that this demonic criminal has done to our great nation. cheating and paying hush money on decade old charges that USUALLY at most be mistermeanor convictions is the one they got him on a air tight case? no its just more political fodder to rile up his base..prob hoping for some violence since they finally realize jan 6th is cold stale and news cycle that will declare him a criminal for however many months they drag this on. good luck. im happy eveeen presidents are not above the law. its a good thought but unfortunately it will prob only be politically biased towards this particular one as all the rest enjoy their retirements in peace and indictment free.
dont think the point is to get a conviction at all. just a good news cycle who will constantly talk about trump banging a porn star and a media that can now include indictment to the headlines that include impeached and any other key word that is synonymous with law breaking criminal in a headline. (recently indicted) man ties his shoes. takes a walk. just a new little tagline to slant perception win or lose
i agree for the most part. i think one of the reasons for polarization and how many choose political party is the information you talk about and the country no longer has a trusted unbiased media. there are people that regardless how many times are told lies continue to go back and get their info from sources that obviously have agendas that do not include informing the public of factual information. as long as a large portion regurgitates the same lies many people assume it cant be wrong just based on the sheer number confirming them. outlets are actually just copy pasting info from one source that stated it with a simple "person close to the story". anything NOT repeating aka investigating and finding different answers is written off as conspiracy misinformation just because it is giving actual facts but contradicting the majority narrative. there are tons of examples to show this but nothing more obvious then donald trumps presidency. i think that is why there are so many who have nothing but sheer unexplainable hatred for the man. 4+ years of nonstop villianization. yet none i have talked to can ever answer what policy he made that negatively effected them personally. can you name one? can anyone? i agree with his poor character flaws and sure there were moves he made i dont agree with but people act like the man is satan incarnate. most of the issues they see are common among ALL politicians. INCLUDING denying election results. its why fox is so hated, even tho it is a singular network that gives a alternative view point.. it is biased the same as cnn msnbc and plenty of others. not unusual except it is one network not parroting all the others. agree or disagree i would still want to hear it. what is the opposition saying on topics? oh no its different then the rest? shut them down!! i need homogony in my info. but whos the threat? why is violence the lefts go to response for multiple college speakers but not right? why is cancel culture so predominate from the left. why after screaming well over 4 years and having the fbi describe republicans as the biggest threat to the country only one large scale political violent event took place. somehow far worse then the exact same riots on capitals on more then one occation. threats that are completely illegal but ignored and even condoned by the only people who can stop them from happening. that promotes and normalizes violence and then we get calls to end violence when it spills into regular un political targets. perception is the only difference. thats all. nazis everywhere. not alot of results. but they are coming! just you wait. oh not today maybe tom. no? i mean next month. at what point is that rhetoric misinformation? those who get the sanitized perspective will grab the binoculars to look right past the "peacful" riot to find the one that they are not condoning. they are confirmed when they are wrong because "mistakes were made". if my ALL institutions and outlets can be fooled with all these resources, how can you blame me for blindly following? "we" all were fooled so no big deal. on to the next false story or call for action. propaganda is working when it has people perfectly fine with being hipocrites. trump is indicted for a sex scandal but clinton is on dozens of flight logs with a pedophile. no charges coming and many are ok with it. trump is impeached for Ukraine. biden admitted direct threats to them on video in exchange for US dollars. trump is a racist while biden jungle statements are no big deal. trump reduces non violent crime sentances kamala prosecuted them to the fullest to use as state workforce so.e would compare to slavery. one is pure evil the other is not. why is this perception slanted in one direction. if that is not questioned then we will always see division and polarization. i certainly don't expect you to understand. you most likely think im talking conspiracy nonsense..if you got this far reading this rant. i dont think things can get better unless people wake up to perception and narrative manipulated. the gov institutions and long standing media org that could be trusted in the past are not the same today. they are zombified husks living off accomplishments and integrity those before them worked hard building in public trust. squandering it for a audience that craves stories that gives the perception they agree with or are afraid of being cancelled for not following. that goes against everything journalism stood for.
using it as a example. blacks have had a socially economic disadvantage. i have no issue with certain types of affirmitive action in regards to you had a bad hand in life then a little boost is fine..but not on race alone. tons of PEOPLE need help. when it comes to race. white people dont exist yet are put into a group. are italians white? were they not subjected to racism? irish are as white as they get (i should know) yet were slaves! did your immigrant grandparents have some kind of advantage...prob not even speaking the language and yet you are not poor? howed that happen. i grew up in a predominantly black community and i can attest i faced alot more racism and bloody noses then any of my black friends. so like i said. there is nothing preventing anyone with white guilt or any other bs identity politics from doing what they want with their wealth or material belongings. do what you want and dont scream at others they should be forced to do the same because for the most part its being judged ONLY on color of skin. that is the definition of racism friend and i will never be apart of that way of thinking.
im not talking about scoundrels breaking the law. im talking about the inherent way gov will use saftey as a way to consolidate power and remove freedom from society with no problem killing its own citizens in the process. a easy example is covid. covid patients into elderly folks home. is anyone stupid enough to think that was a honest mistake. there were real talks about rounding up people who "were not safe". police were actually ordered to kick in doors and shut down buisnesses...SELECTIVELY. all while the donor class were walking around maskless. huge corps operated as smaller competition was crushed..even with similar accommodations. come on. this was manipulated the same way it always is rich get richer middle class pays the price...for safety 9/11 patriot act..now used to spy on citizens on major scale...for saftey thats just recent. thats just this country. many more examples through history. but gun confiscation/laws. no no we really have your saftey in mind this time. trust us. illegal gun use? yeah yeah we will get on top of that as soon as we take those evil legal ARs. mental health sure sure we will address that. just about to do it. so how many are you turning over today? and the ones that dont trust a word they say are the conspiracy theorists!? sure thing.
if your being honest then you should talk to more progressives. you know you dont need to vote or do anything to give more money to the government. enough of you get on board with large portions of your income and you no longer have to fight and argue with those who would rather keep their money or dont believe in the same causes. its always we and never i. feel bad about your historical ancestors and slavery? by all means hand over the keys to your house to a person you feel had his land taken. nothing is stopping any of this.
the point is selective outrage. noone is talking or outraged by the amount of innocent lives taken by automobiles. there are many things that kill people but we just go on with life in a free society that is inherently more dangerous. you name it people have most likely died from it. should the gov prosecute people with pools because idiots fell asleep with small children near them? on and on and on we can go. nothing is necessary when it comes to saftey. you have feet or a bicycle. 5 kids died in a driving accident..dont you care!!! its not hard to do especially when illegal gun use is flat out ignored. if liberals want to live in a bubble wrapped gov controlled society id suggest going to a authoritarian one that will be more then happy to monitor your every move and make sure you dont do a single thing it deems unsafe.
they are? i could of sworn we have a thing called mass transit public transportation that could take millions of cars off the road and let pappa gov take the wheel. no the real reason you haven't advocated for that is because it would inconveniences you personally. pretty much the same story from libs. advocate/condemn things unless it burdens them. its why you all squeel about equity and human rights on phones and computers that you know very well are made from slave labor. i dont see any of you walking around naked while eating cartel controlled avacado toast and sipping your 7 dollar coffee. never seems to be we will be the ones to personally sacrifice. everyone else can relax. why is that? pretty sure if you guys donate your entire paychecks to causes we would see alot more action on the things you "care" about. imagine poor ghettos getting direct influx of white liberals paychecks every week. chester and his friends showing up at a crip stronghold the same way they showed up to gov buildings to demand the murder of unarmed black people end. not only will you never do that but your also fine with all those blm donations getting handed to democrat campaigns slush funds and mansions. lol things will only get fixed if you pay the gov as a middle man. but you go first. its a good way to pretend to care. why havent you all become police officers in mass..show em how its done in a kinder gentler way. why are they struggling to recruit? exactly. much easier to just sit and b!+ch about how everything needs to fundamentally change to whatever you feel at the time and if your wrong move on to the next issue. no the point made is you should have a healthy scepticism about the real objectives of people in power. its called history. you might want to give it a quick glance. it will be facinating to see how many awful places that exist on this planet came to be. its packed with tiberius's all through time saying we can trust our gov. its there job to make us safe. those other places will never be us. whats the worst that can happen? 🤨
when did that start? burning looting and murdering for racial harmony..keep up the good work ✊🏼. lets provide those covid patients saftey in your grandparents retirement home. science! trains and lead in water poisoning entire cities and towns. nothing to see here! violent criminals getting a revolving door from woke DAs to create more victims in the streets. equity! fentanyl murdering thousands and children being trafficked crossing our boarder..yawn! maybe if you realize the truth of the situation your in you will also realize why so many are pretty avid that the only saftey they can count on is THEMSELVES. but your you soooo nevermind. good luck out there.
there is no winning. your american so its all systemic. your gut wants supremacy. you better engage in some bigoted situps. (situps can be traced back to Egyptian slave owners who did them when they fell down) so if you don't act soon your gut will colonize her side of the bed. then you will be subjected to couch segragation. how much do these writers get paid? im pretty good at pointing out household hatred. think ill do a book tour on this crap. 🤔 🤑
What is better, no guns, or more guns?
Buffarukus replied to Security's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
you kids and your high tech gobbly goop. in my day you made your own candles out of shoe polish and a shoe string. boom light for weeks. -
What is better, no guns, or more guns?
Buffarukus replied to Security's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
so your saying all students are murderers and we should lock them all up!? were you hit in the head with a golfball last time out? thats CRAZY you even suggested it. lol i like your debate style. its easy. whoops almost forgot the emoji. 😁 -
ok this is getting somewhere. inch by inch. so you dont think that people who think they are a different gender and "in the wrong body" are suffering from a mental illness? how do you differentiate then? because i gave alternate examples from the very first reply you jumped all over of other "concrete" mental disorders we all agree on..i think. anorexia schizophrenia and even asked for your examples of any other one that requires society to play along with the dillusion and introduced to small children as a effective treatment. thats what was being asked. not sure why you decided on lumping the violence in as a whole of the transgender community. i certainly did not even mention or imply that in any of my replies. so i guess i should have known you pull a argument out of thin air, shove it into the topic and wonder why i will not address and frankly confused by what your argument was for except to deflect from my points. if your going to do that then yes....you should draw diagrams. ps there is the hawk emoji i was waiting for.
still waiting on a actual reply to my original post. im not steering this into some new direction on semantics of mental disorder and crazy. crazy isnt even medically definable and can mean something different to the person using it. your conclusion has nothing to do with what i said. every mental dillusion can come with other issues. ehats that mean to what i said? i got all day to wait for you to address the topic/examples i brought up but my hopes of a actual response are not high 3 replies in.
1 transsexuals exist. true 2 thinking you are somthing you are not IS a mental disorder. im not sure why thats even controversial. if i beleive im a woman how is that any different then thinking im fat..when im skinny..anorexia. thinking everyones out to get me when they are not..paranoid schizophrenia. on and on. its the question i asked and you replied with nothing but namecalling. 3. mental disorders and "crazy" are 2 different things. you injecting your own prognosis. my point is why is this mental disorder the ONLY one where people think feeding into the afflicted dillusion and getting life altering surgury is the correct approach to helping the person and every other one requires treatment for THE INDIVIDUAL to accept that its not reality. i gave examples of how that thinking would HURT the person afflicted and definitely should not be pushed onto children in secrecy from parents. these are legitimate questions. just because it hurts you virtue doesnt change that. your virtue will not help a person who was confused at a young age..given gender surgery and meds and grows up realizing they were only gay and can NEVER change what was done. i said nothing about trans not existing. i said nothing about hate or lack of empathy. i said we should treat it the same as every other mental disorder and your flying off your rocker about getting dropped as a baby.
the hell are you talking about? respond to what i said directly and stop being a emotional name calling mess. this isnt digging hard at all. its a direct comparison to other mental disorders, surguries and how leftists think society reacts to ONLY this particular one. there is absolutely nothing you can say that disputes what i said and i expect you to ignore this comment or talk about anything except the subject i raise...again. here comes the i dont have anything to say hawk emoji. 🙄
Name 2 players the Buffalo Bills will select in the 2023 NFL Draft
Buffarukus replied to HOUSE's topic in The Stadium Wall
i dont understand this? its the biggest hole we have and the mlb is the qb of the D. even more important when it comes to a D that stays in nickle as a base and our top opponent main threat is a te that kills opponents over the middle. so why not draft high quality unless you feel other players are off the charts better then any mlb? -
if you ask me they were saving this just to own the news cycle for awhile. cant be having rainbow painted ARs and threats on democracy right after a mass shooting. thats not the narrative we been pushing. this will be a nice talking point for awhile. put the next one in the chamber cause things arent going well out here.
imagine if we treated all mental disorders the way they want gender dysphoria to be treated. and yes. thinking you are something you are not is a mental disorder. example little girl why aren't you eating? anorexia? well yes even though your uncomfortably skinny i do see the love handles you see. by all means lets get you gastral intestine surgury right away. we can't let your mind fully develop before altering your life forever. hold that thought while i post how rex inclusive i am. any other children skip a meal? great! well you are anorexic too..dont tell your parents. alot of people want to erase you. so should we start a list? the ones we all should embrace and the ones we shouldn't? im not sure there is a single one that goes on the embrace side.
the great news is that if the DA did hold video evidence that ultimately got him out of prison im sure he can/will sue and we all can pay for the corruption as whoever responsible gets shuffled to a new highly paid position. how many on here were angry about tuckers story aka were perfectly fine with the gov convicting a person under false and illegal pretenses? yikes. truley dark stuff.
What is better, no guns, or more guns?
Buffarukus replied to Security's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
its a two tier system. people need to have a serious change in respect for what a fire arm is and what it is ultimately capable of inflicting on people. im just as tired of the parent leaving loaded guns by their bedside "accident" stories as i am of the criminal murder who was previously caught illegal carrying out on some bond or parole for the umpteenth time having another opportunity. if im asking for harsher sentances so people are petrified to carry guns illegally then i also have to be for negligence charges for those who legally own guns but are not responsible with that right and a system with huge cracks that allow mentally unstable to aquire them. both sides shovel responsible legal owners into the conversation they shouldn't be. -
What is better, no guns, or more guns?
Buffarukus replied to Security's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
doesnt that answer the question. in highly regulated democratic cities we should be seeing major decreases in gun violence. they are pretty good indicators what they may prevent. as of now noone feels safer in gun control states. thst should be enough to draw a conclusion on effectiveness. well i put in another thread the first step is to prosecute ILLEGAL gun carry to the fullest extent. NATIONALLY. anyone wishing to carry a gun outside the home illegally should be terrified of getting caught, let alone using one in a crime. instead we have appearance tickets and people routinley walking out of jail with no real consequence. just avoid pulling the trigger in certain areas and its routine. yet gang violence, stray bullets, gun being the first go response to aggression in our society and culture. what fixes that besides bringing the hammer down on the crime before it can happen aka bring a SLEDGE hammer down on violent criminals that routinely have no issue walking around with a gun in their pocket or its just a waiting game as they go back into their communities to obtain another one to terrorize or worse the next victim. you can take all guns from people and all your left with is criminals that never cared about laws in the first place and still have gov officials that seem ok with slapping those people on the wrist. waiting to see them again under more tragic circumstances. are they trying to raise rates to make a better argument for universal gun control? at this point, after seeing the usual rap sheets of murders. sure seems like it. so we can ultimately take "assualt weopons" or more from law abiding citizens. THEN and only THEN will leftists finally realize there's still gun violence. like i said, the regulated states haven't taught that lesson. hey we need to stop gun violence, we should get alot tougher on illegal carry! because there is nowhere else to turn or blame at that point. all i want to know is why are they waiting as lives are lost RIGHT NOW? id like someone to answer that. that wont prevent the tragedy we just saw but it would save ALOT of others.