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Everything posted by Buffarukus
as i stated i wish a law like this wasnt needed and if vague needs to be refined. maybe a simple rating system the same way movies has and clear age range given. you seem to be really concerned about the law, its implementation and effects. i agree if its ambiguity is causing issues. but i also accept that there were to many demented examples of sick people in schools giving kids access to things that are completely inappropriate. it was happening so much it could easily be construed as a trend. a trend the left seemed unbothered by and in many instances endorsed. this is what happens alot. the left pushes things far past the boundaries of common sense reasoning and then only gets outraged at the reaction by the right. the left "under the guise of inclusion" has advocated the exact playbook of pedophile groomers and found a way to justify it. approaching children with subjects on sexuality they are to young to understand. check. isolating the child and promoting secrecy about these topics. check telling the child they are the ones who understand noone else will so come to them. check inviting them to participate in adult activities ie drag shows. check. now there are certainly alot of examples that were not in these catagories but that doesnt change the fact they are happening and they are adjacent. democrats put them ALL as innocent nothing to see here and advocated it all. what do you expect to happen here? you think parents are not going to want to be sure their kid is exposed to any of this. of coarse they will and that gives the only people firmly on the parents side the ability to go in a draft laws like the one your talking about. this didnt come out of the blue. it could have been avoided if the left agreed with everyone else. but just as you have shown in this thread you are more concerned about the response then you are about the actions that led to it. its was all ok and perfectly normal. just conservatives lies and misinformation on perfectly innocent behavior without research the real examples of depravity that have been sent to you in this very thread. you say if ponography is getting distributed. arrest them. thats not addressing the complete cover given for somthing like that more easily happen and even giving the excuse of...its educational.
this we absolutely agree on. in a sane world the librarian would be a adult and so would the teacher to be responsable enough to not expose children to obscenity. just like a bartender. just like a ticket stub attendant. example after example is showing that inclusivity and virtue signaling is now more important then being responsible, and decent human being when it comed to the care other peoples children. they just HAVE to expose children to alternative life choices and flat out disgusting things. in their warped minds if they dont do it then that child will become a bigot and they will just be a ordinary teacher. activism! they also have thoughts that parents can't be trusted to teach there kids at a appropriate time/age. its up to them alone! its twisted that this is also the exact way pedos groom kids. secrecy. introduction to adult topics based on sex. running perfect cover for those, and they do exist in schools, scum of the earth. either way nothing is banned. its simply not EASILY accessible WHICH IT SHOULD NOT BE. if they simply cannot help themselves even when a law is in place...which we both agree should not be necessary..there is somthing extremely wrong with that person and it should bring about attention of people outside the situation. parents, police i dont care but thats a urge that needs investigation. if nothing is wrong then i doubt someone being charged for innocent mistakes. ill see proof of otherwise as it is a concern but as of now its a empty concern to run cover. id hope most teachers librarians are not so deranged they would ever have to worry about a law that doesn't apply to them. the fact a law needs to exist is the left pushing it past a point of with the combination of sex/drag queens/hiding things from parents/advocation of transitioning young is going to get backlash. alot of the issues the left says about the right is this fact. at least its in a form of the law and not worse, violence from people on staff. we are after all talking about peoples children. dont like the law then take the side of rational people that want it away from kids and it will not head to more states.
ok well handmaids tale premise is women are routinely raped. what age do you think that story is appropriate? whatever your answer what makes that correct for someone elses child? whatever answer can these "banned" books be picked up at a bookstore? if it can its not banned at all. its just not supplied at a school library PUBLIC school aka gov funded so gov is already involved for unsupervised children to take or deranged teachers to assign to other peoples children knowing it is innapropriate thats it. thats the crux of the hysteria is florida is removing questionable books that may be age inappropriate..and as been talked about in earlier replies most likely is washed out because there are far more sick examples that people and misguided teachers ARE DEMANDING be available or assigned under the darkness of night. a teacher desperately wants a story of rape to be in the curriculum? inform the parents to go buy the book. but that is a problem i guess because then the parents have no choice but to be aware of what it is that is being assigned when they go and get it from a section or bookstore that def is not the childrens section.
well its not for him particularly. it would be nice for him to see which side he really stands on but its not my first try so never had expectations. its for any lurkers who see these rationalizations and push back with facts and reasoning. simply blowing them off is what i would think society as a whole would do but even somthing so simple as not wanting kids exposed to sexuality at a young age has a built in mainstream narrative for them to follow so it doesnt come off as insane. level headed debate is the answer imo if you want to have moderate people who arent paying attention see where we are. otherwise THEY come off as the calm logical one and your just a guy insulting them. just my 2 cents. could be wrong. people dont seem to care much when they threaten and trap a young woman who is simply trying to defend womens rights and spaces. just give the aggressors a empathetic backing and anything is justifiable at this point. ( far right transphobic speaker is confronted by pro lgb mob). so im prob giving to much credit toward society being rational about anything anymore.
you keep jumping topics to avoid the subject. the books that are being "banned" ARE the pornography. you just said cpp should get involved when children are shown pornography. THATS THE GOV! now your saying each book needs a law? asking repeatedly that gov shouldnt be involved with books. this from the guy that is perfectly ok with gov "getting involved" with social media companies about posts. your all over the map to simply avoid the very clear simple argument that kids should not be exposed. if we all agree then there is no gov required but we have people like you that will do backflips to justify it. entire thread is full of examples so "its not happening" "its just gay penguines" is thouroly debunked. not alot of hope that you arent fully on board with this sick pedo culture forming when all things are added up at this point.
depends on the context and age of child. most of those books are called history books and i think your trying to again ferret out the craziest examples. at the end of the day if two peguins gets washed out with a book on oral sex thats fine with me. it shouldnt be that hard to keep appropriate books on a library shelf yet youll claim the left is defending gay penguins the right will claim oral sex. both are going on. other topics?
no. not at all but your using the lowest common denominator. many parents were reading material they found in their kids library that the board said was inappropriate for the adults at the meeting. so i think we both have to admit that we dont know whats at every district and use the most innocent examples isnt being honest. as for the other topics?
i dunno chi. for something that is logical and all in the rights head the left sure seems to be very adversarial on the topic and when you coincide it with the protests to KEEP age inappropriate books on shelves for minors. demand drag queens read to toddlers. protest and condemn a bill that eliminates sexual/gender subjects in GRADES 3 and less. you have a pretty sick trend of children and gender sex that the left is on. its really easy to publically say this is not happening its all in the rights head but if it is we fully agree and condemn it as well. the left seems to not know that kids grow up. suprisingly when they do. noone has issue with them learning or dancing with drag queens or whatever. so myth or not who is really taking the very demented side on these issues? the ones "making them up" or the ones advocating the myth keeps happening?
THE Twitter Files - lololololololololol
Buffarukus replied to BillStime's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
well when your buisness model is to put out state sanctioned propaganda. its really convienent to find breaking stories with "sources close to the gov" when the building is employing them. "investigative reporting" is walking over to the water cooler to talk to them. 😁 -
THE Twitter Files - lololololololololol
Buffarukus replied to BillStime's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
was that enough info to answer the question of why one guy has earned more trust on the subject or am i really suppose to fill you in on matts life work? your turn. -
THE Twitter Files - lololololololololol
Buffarukus replied to BillStime's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
ill take a multi award winning journalist who entire career has shown a neutral political stance and testified under oath his findings on twitter yourself? -
so if the taliban put out a recruitment app would it be the same. the issue is a adversary having the ability to data collect and promote propaganda. seeing the sheer amount of american media china censors or does not allow they seem to do what they want again what was the banning of parler and shutdown of its servers under false pretenses made by the gov? same? different? how? you need to read into it. it was a state sponsored shutdown based on jan 6th lies. im sure many who dont know or care about tik tock will think the same.
you should send him a email and let him know 😉 you wanted info. i gave it. why are you asking questions so quickly when the taibbi hearing is two hours? its like your not even watching it? that cant be. did i waste my time here and now you go to a whatabouting to a different subject? 2 in row who rely on attacking the messager while ignoring the info presented. is that a trend?
hello how are you this evening? i see you looking at the menu for information. have a seat. for your first coarse. irs payed him a visit to his home morning of as well. just to get info on his W2. not intimidate. 😁. enjoy. here you go. goose gander? can of worms? please wait while the chef prepares. At least two Republican DAs want to prosecute Bidens - New York Post https://nypost.com/2023/04/05/at-least-2-gop-das-want-to-prosecute-bidens-after-trump-arrest-comer/amp/ anything else sir? more drinks? bread? call me if you need me.
well thats a start. unfortunately the "fringe" has reached the highest point of the party. ask the president how many genders there are. where are the liberals standing up for womens rights. i dont see them? where is the mass expulsion of DAs that are letting criminals walk and disenfrachising police to even make a useless arrest. silently talking amongst yourselves is not going to change much and gives power to the fringe to speak on your behalf. im not seeing it. in the meantime some psychotic bills are being presented. men in wo.ens prisons. no mandatory time for anything less then murder? your party no longer represents you and if you publicly say what you just did you are now "far right"...welcome to regular human logic. ill shut up and stay out of it.
yeah he didnt see anything you had to say as concrete so i gave a list. as usual it was dismissed. not really dems fault. nothing could be done. whatabout. too long, rambly nonsense. its typical. its been a waste of time, everytime. but i keep trying for some odd reason.
i mean how big is ego. literally were a moment away from rounding people up and putting them in camps. calling people terrorists for ACTUAL peaceful protests for honest real scientific data. cheering on the police (they just persecuted) for closing down a buisness that were forced to close for no logical scientific reason. checkpoints in NY. trackable I.Ds. and for MOST the time records show the people in power knew the entire time. still "who knew" "mistakes were made" "everyone acted like idiots so its ok we applied idiotcy". you think there be a bit of reflection. the best ive seen is accounts who pushed the hardest no longer active. prob changed names but its a sign they know..and hopefully learned. as for the rest it was just a act of god which for them is basically true. no alternatives were ever brought up.
so pluck out covid, and from that pluck out inflation singularly. dont address what i said and just say its ok cause the world is dealing with it. imagine the country that stayed open. kids who did not lose years of school. buisnesses stayed open not closed forever. trust in our health institutions and gov and media that actually told the truth and was not in the pocket of big pharma. no need for billions/trillions in checks to people forced to stay home. neighbors that were not calling each other murders for living normal lives. better or worse? anyways all the rest is just nonsensical ramblings of dem policy failures that is making this country far worse for its citizens. but should be kept in a sentance or two for easy digestion. it would be nice if a liberal said hey i recognize these failures and will fight against them because they are hurting people. its not that hard. nope all figments of the rights imagination..january 6th!...which i can easily acknowledge was wrong. racism? detest it. corporate shills trickle down bs? illegal abortion across the board. nope on record here. not even a trump fan but see his appeal. opps this is getting long aka a ramble. thanks for trying ron.
what you see? what are you looking at around you? there are meaningful things the right are fighting against every day. we are in a proxy war with a nuclear power. there has been no peace talks and only further escalation by the US. all while china becomes the beacon of peace suddenly in the world? while talks of dumping the dollar take place among major economies? when bread cost 100 dollars cause its worthless im guessing then and only then will the virtue signaling fade real quick to secure what you need to survive. it will be f everyone else on a major scale. including under represented groups. that may or may not be hyperbole. its never been so close to real. one wrong target hit in nato and you might be in a trench next month. people are being murdered by violent offenders that were released after being caught by liberals new soft on crime initiatives. robberies. looting. you name it up. this is unexplainable to anyone who lives a honest hard working life why dems refuse to address this. sure it may be getting slightly filtered out in elections but id expect enough victims have been piled up to do a complete 180 and demand serious change..nope. still charging people for defending themselves. still letting criminals in a turn style. still having MAJOR ISSUES hiring police and military which effects everyone when it comes to response when needed. you dont care until you need them. excusing the weoponization of gov. twitter. massive data collection. multiple journalists doors kicked in. irs going after whistle blowers. now bs charges against former presidents? even lib outlets saying charges are a joke. not a peep from the left. all excused. its only getting more brash and escalating. completly numb that alot of this is unprecedented. i remember when trumps "fake news" comment was a "attack on journalism!!! fascism!!". but actual dept deployed applying pressure on citizens..yawn. inflation is crushing families started by the incorrect covid response. a response that was punished if fought against. a response by rep that was villianized and censored for years. but..who couldve known is what they say. as more is looked into. EVERYONE knew very well and mobilized fools based on fear against their neighbors. oldest trick still works. just a start. reversing any of this would be a decent policy. all things that greatly effect your and my life. nothing culture war or fringe going on. if you think this country is better then it was before this administration started. your either rich or blind. seriously give me somthing this administration has done to make your life better beside trillion dollar bills that they say will do great things for me in 20 years when everyone has forgotten how our debt tripled in a few years lol. id love a bit on encouragement as i check to make sure my bank still hasn't collapsed. is this all a figment of my imagination? my cult has warped my mind and none of it is real? thats the way leftists keep insinuating reality is. you don't see the true difference between rep and dems followers. one has a major distrust of gov and one fully supports it. the reason there was/is so much election mistrust was covid had a bunch of states change voting laws and suddenly people had to wait weeks to get a clear picture or listen to how ballots could be removed from signatures and not double checked on and on with strange NEW policies..for our saftey of coarse. that dems never reversed. that's not normal and just because a law was changed last minute making it legal does not mean there couldn't be manipulation of it or if deeply looked at as a loophole for fraud. im not saying that is true. biden getting the most votes in history is a pretty good signal somthing was off here. biden, who hid in his basment and did not campaign much? if you say so. i honestly dont know enough about the sheer amount of changes to be convinced but it certainly smells funky. but liberals certainly had no issue jumping on the jim crow 2.0 hysteria when Republicans made changes. most moderate. BUT I.D. NOOOO!!!! they are stealing elections!!! so any argument on absurdity of reaction is pretty tone deaf.
ummm ok. well thats a very bleak way to watch the history channel. lol. tesla invented the AC transmission and transformer which revolutionized life as we know it. "not for everyone! people in poverty were forced to use candles! cant believe they put that man on a pedistool when there was suffering going on" is that how it goes? you look for the bad and think nothing good should be brought up if it existed? you see flags and patriotism and think its secretly a dedication to fascist dictators? you use the most biased viewpoint.a description by a political rival that lost a election as some sort of fact? yikes. btw dont use hillary quotes in public the left can barely stand her. you want to know about the genocidal roots of identity politics that the dems are embracing? millions with a M. oh and that racism segragation that comes with it. how about the rich long history of censorship and governments who consolidate power under the guise of saftey as our recent history had with democrats? i hope you didnt gloss over that nazi tactic while researching republican fascism. did you know dems in ny still wont reinstate fired med workers as the state faces shortages causing patients with serious issues waiting time for available help? history is interesting when you read it through a politically biased viewpoint filled with modern day "dog whistles" that anyone can make up on the fly. "what you really mean is" anyways. if you ever want to answer my questions directly. i think it would be a good read.
what is your difference between patriotism and fascism because liberals seem to equate the two so much that they hate the american flag. i think everyone wants to role the clock back to a country that manufactured the things they used. college was not a necessity. good paying jobs were plentiful and homes were affordable. one person could work while the other could care for the family. same question i guess. how can people convey they want that success that we once had. that afforded people what was once known as the american dream without lunatics shoving the idea that it means people want racism jim crow and every other negative as the goal? how does one do that? make america great again and not racist like the libs are talking about we want american prosperity for all so everyone has the freedom and opportunity this country stands for. its kinda long and im sure STILL not good enough to dismantle into some "dog whistle" dillusion.
im not sure on that this country has never had a party corrupt enough to actually persecute a political rival, let alone former president, on some inflated decade old charges that american citizens seriously dont give a $#[t about, right as he is beginning his campaign. this is new low imo. but thats what you get when garbage circles the toilet. it gets lower and lower. guy is what 75 the entire american democrat judicial apparatus and these are what they found? on satan in human form? lol. but hey im all for it. dont do solids. drag the guy into a car after tasing him. f it. the visuals will help people understand how close this is to a 3rd world $#it hole sham democracy? now that the line is crossed its just going to go the other way. rep gunna find some tax bs or dwi from college keep it in there pocket with a friendly judge in a district a jury will never be impartial and pull the trigger when the "enemies" front runner has momentum. then liberals are going to lose their damn minds about the sanctity of elections or whatever bs makes the situation different from the one they are perfectly fine justifying at this very moment. rinse and repeat then escalate to the next portion of this reality show. its all good. maybe it will put alot of these criminals in cages finally. maybe people will see how far weve gone and start reversing from a popularity contest to professionalism and integrity one. maybe while Rs and Ds are locking each other up a 3rd party candidate silently walks fist fighting lunatics to grab the microphone and express moderate policies that neither democrat or republican can rally as "their" cause but makes sense to a hell of alot of people in the middle that arent tribalist and just wants their country to succeed.
either that or maybe the fbi kicks in the journalist door guns drawn and handcuffs ready like they did with 2 of them at project veritas. maybe it will be the taibbi treatment and have irs agents pay the the writer a home visit on the morning of explaining the weoponization of government..irony. where then congress can repeatedly grill him/her on who their sources are. standard procedure for authoritarian gov stuff. oh wait you said NY times. they will kick in the door to personally present them a pulitzer. lol