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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. or even better people who dont pay into the system at all cant vote for politicians who make those decisions for others. its a cascade. when a population only extracts resources of coarse they will only vote for policies that continue that action. get a high enough percentage and the entire finacial system will be built on taking more from anyone still willing to produce into it with no going back if they want to maintain any power.
  2. i know it happened dude. you guys constantly remind everyone it happened so no issue of it fading out of memory unlike other riots that lasted years in the entire country i hear nothing about anymore. the people who committed violence are facing harsh judgement. the ones who didnt..are facing harsh judgments. every republican including trump immediately denounced that violence unlike democrats did for riots that lasted...you get the point. you see a day of riots as much more threatening then years of it..that still continue to this day. youll give a response about democracy and in the next breath handwave Tennessee 3 and riots that put presidents in bunkers and firebombs at fedral buildings and police assasinations and police headquarter take overs and fedral buildings destroyed and statues ripped down and...well everything that side does. most important is your pulling a race card and using it on jan 6th. that was a issue with elections and politicians..nothing to do with race. like i said supply and demand. place it on everything and devalue the real racist cultd out there. i and everyone else will continue to roll our eyes at the accusations while you guys try to smash a square peg into a round hole deforming every story to fit your agenda.
  3. they do often. the problem is leftists want constant reassurance that others see the threat as you do. you really think anyone on here is backing white supremacists groups or that everything and its brother is identified as one and like i said it has a better chance of generating eye rolls at this point. you cry wolf enough times and after awhile no one will bother to look out the windows. you get caught dressing a sheep up in a wolf costume you REALLY lose all credability. both are true because the demand is far exceeded by the supply. there is a good movie called nightcrawler that shows the state of our information producing industries today. check it out if you got a night in one day.
  4. so basically a marching band who have parades at convienent times and scare some liberals because they have exposed forearms that prove its a cluster of white males. when the Lincoln project gets busted running a similar scam during a very specific time its no longer conspiracy or deflection to think these appearances are designed and paid for i would think. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/10/29/lincoln-project-says-it-planted-white-supremacist-impersonators-at-event-for-virginia-republican-candidate/ my q is there going to be a point where the great white threat in america. #1 on the FBIs list. constant talking point of media. is going to present its diabolical plan. 350 million people. at least a decade of fearmongering. we got jan 6th..nothing to do with race. of coarse a bunch of insane people of every spectrum of color committing violence. but the supply isnt even close to the demand "they are plotting and are everywhere" " we must stop them!" as normal people are pushed into that pile...because they dont agree with dems. a very low bar to be a nazi white supremist. so do liberals realize that this is and always was just a bunch of horses#!+ yet? id think so but they are still eager to jump on board the first sniff of "supremacy" and continually try to hammer any criminal or thought into a white supremists mold regardless how far off it may be. i think most people, including minorities roll there eyes at the claims for the most part. its far past the point of absurdity but ill keep watch. i dont like racists orginizations of any kind so here's to bringing them down from somewhere they are such a threat. even liberals have to admit optically it is backwards. a bunch of middle aged people dressed head to toe in american flags with dredded red ball caps screaming about freedoms or young adults head to toe in black, always wearing masks, with their own black flags. white people. screaming shut down opposing ideas or they will burn it down. maybe i watch to many movies but those are usually the bad guys.
  5. the problem is the people he is highlighting see the color of peoples skin as the superior characteristic of who they are as a person without understanding why that is universally wrong.
  6. by that logic then one must wait to be assaulted or murdered to react? if i get in your face and say i will kill you until the moment i physically touch or pull a weopon..which could be seconds what can you do? 3 women who were attacked werent so lucky that only words were used. can a police officer do anything in that situation? its only words at that point. planes and other instances where "freakouts" caused forced restraint of people didnt see alot of outcry about reactionary force up till now. pretty dangerous now as public transit and all around violence is increasing. precedent after precedent is to not defend yourself, hope for the best and mind your buisness if your not directly involved. sorry. if your the aggressor YOU should be the only one who should be concerned about any of those things. THIS is what the left wanted. less police. more revolving doors for violent offenders. you get citizens who are not equipped or trained having to defend themselves and when it is a messy outcome..prosecute them too aka just let criminals do what they will. so. it was in a confined space so distancing from the person threatening was hard or impossible. 3 men felt threatened enough to restrain this man with many other calling the police. that makes it pretty clear that everyone on that train agreed they were in immediate danger with not alot of options. daniel perry was not charged following the incident with witnesses and video of the event. liberal cities are now prosecution under mob justice, not real justice. that's as dangerous as it gets as laws are not blind but will follow new guidelines under strict political pressure. there will be applied pressure for a guilty verdict as well. 43 arrests and a man with clear mental violent issues is allowed back into society to become everyone elses problem which is eventually going to have these situation. liberals litterally want criminals to have free reign. its insanity. i see myself becoming heartless to murder victims as they most likely voted for this but unfortunately i live in this state so i cant just watch the implosion of these places from afar. the fact ANYONE has a argument to the contrary has a direct effect on my friends and family safety.
  7. i like this one. i been threatened and masturbated at. la dee da excuse me where is the nearest bathroom at? i ran into shawn on the train again and he told me he going to kill me and made a mess on my stuff again. i told him can you at least wait till friday? its been a long week and its only tuesday tee hee. that guy is such a silly goose. how many people out there will never be able to write a idiotic tweet like this because they were wrong. just acceptable normalized behavior for leftist. its sad that the next video i see of someone being beaten or victimized or murdered in a democrat stronghold. i will stop and wonder if they had the same mentality. just continued training for society to sit back and ignore it all even if its happening right before your eyes. a beautiful utopia of threats and human fluids for these folks to enjoy.
  8. people getting pushed in front of trains by criminally insane. meh. people getting attacked raped murdered. yawn people tired of it standing up for themselves. WE MUST STAND UP TO THE VIOLENCE!!!!
  9. as opposed to ignoring a relevant issue that needs addressing as it involves the loss of innocent lives. only because it makes you uncomfortable. keep the "mask on". it will work itself out eventually.
  10. where are these "strategies" at? as the criminally insane are more rampant all people hear is more money. more programs. i want, i would. you can be for whatever you want but what is going to protect a person today? while we wait for the lefts perfect hindsight solutions to every problem. problems that are prevalent in areas they have fully controlled for decades. the main difference is people do not have a right to defend themselves. the solution isn't around any corner but seem to stream out of people that never lift a finger to do anything about it themselves but are quick to judge people that do. sit and patiently wait and hopefully the outcome is not severe enough that you can mount a defense after damage is done. even then you may be prosecuted. im sure the old lady "felt uncomfortable" right before she got her orbital socket broken by that guy. you would have stood there and watched while delivering a prophecy of what should be done to stop this as that lady puts her face back together. you act as if these people deserve or intended to become violent that day. 3 people felt "uncomfortable" enough to wrestle and hold him down. 3! many more called the police while confined in a moving tin can with no escape. police, mental health officers NOONE that could make it on a moving train regardless. next time a story comes out where violence happened and there were threats and unhinged behavior right before it remember that cowards like yourself exist. i hope the father of your wife or gf understands your stance that standing up for others, even if it results in violence is the states problem and not yours.
  11. theres nothing but strawmen to grasp on to. dems suddenly do a 180 degree turn on a ideology they deem racist and resort to tactics they spent year condemning when its no longer politically convenient. not believing a theraputic will save humanity including in children it never even effected is anti science!!!!.....no we always said science is a ever changing discipline. we never demonized anyone and were just suggesting people protect themselves. we were only going off the stats that we did not completely ignore and fight with everything we got to censor. er um dont blame us. there were no other alternatives...from people who weren't far right murders. our hands were tied. defunding and reimagining police will lead to a better society...we never said that! we just wanted to get rid of the bad apples. we actually want to give police MORE money. here take more money..wait where did they go? anyone want to be police? anyone? theres a guy getting mugged can somebody do somthing?? black lives matter!..no i didnt hear about the 15 murders that happened in my city last weeked. must not have been important. im sure someone is investigating that? did anyone help that victim of mugging yet? he is looking like hes in rough shape. undocumented people have the human right to live in our free country!!... wait, the country is really big. why are they coming to my part of it? go away i dont have anything to give you. can we get some guys with horses to patrol and stop them or maybe a tall structure of some sort? speaking of guys on horses ..where did they all go? are still mad at that!? tell em we will give them more money. anyone want to be a racist on a horse? on and on. they write a sentance or two online in support. move on to the next topic after reality sets in. then its "i was never for that" coming soon to a liberal near you. isnt it amazing we have so many courageous non cis competitors as champions in our society!i could of sworn women got that opportunity too. we should really get them their own league. womens rights!! why are all these adults complaining about not being able to have kids and depressed about adults pushing them into irreversible things? they were only gay or confused. well talk about ungrateful. if it wasnt for us they would have had to have fully developed minds and actual life experiences before being who we think they truley are. besides, i stoped fighting for that like 8 years ago. im on to the new suffrage of people who cut themselves having rooms dedicated to that where they can do it without judgment with clean tools provided by at medical centers. sound insane? i agree but wouldn't put it past this ideology at this point. prob already exists. lets not give a pass to the right. keep on this complete anti abortion anti contraception insanity and the future will be just as full of horror stories of kids who are unwanted and abused that you dont want to help pay taxes for. them kids need some bootstraps? not my problem. where is there mother at? it seems since republicans are more concerned about kids paying the bills they accrued in college then they are in dismantling the corrupt system that college is built. i guess because the libs endorse it then screw the generations of kids that got swept into it trying to get a career. f em. entire generations that are caught in indentured servitude is going to be great for our countries future. thirty years ago i paid off my 5k 4 year degree whats there problem. it aint me so who cares. the same people who think children should not make commitments to gender think they should be locked into decisions that promise good paying careers? leftists all about fair share as colleges sit on multi million endowments and rising? just pay off a particular generation, screw actual reform? there's common ground here. just alot of destruction in the future in general but i simply see the left as the main driving force of most of it currently.
  12. i agree. that is a major part. if our dts diminate then the smaller faster lbs is actually a good scheme. unfortunately after this year we have noone under contract. is oliver worth a huge contract? daquan still want to stay? phillips stay healthy a season. last year of the big boys and next is when the rookie lbs will have to step up. not a good combo for the future right now.
  13. good insight i really didnt think dodson was in any contention because they choose klien in edmonds absence. or was dodson on suspension during that time? he def has somthing the front office likes but i agree with the Spector analysis. it always seems strange to me when guys seem like great players in preseason then fall off the map. the argument is "well they are playing guys that will be flipping burgers". no. they are playing against the the competition they are given and excelling. they cant demand to be first string so this is all that can be assessed. the coaches obviously see more in practice but how can anything definitive be said about how they do against better players if not given the legitamate opportunity. i really like Spector and hope i can see what he's got against starting caliber players.
  14. when you only keep 2 on the field all the time and they are the top tacklers of the team every year you better make sure you value the position properly. shawn had a decent one in carolina that had a big part in getting him to a sb and landing him a head coaching job. hopefully he knows they are at least average rated. 😁
  15. id say in Edmunds defense alot of what he gave noone could notice because it never happened. his monster size and speed meant if he was anywhere close to a reciever the qb was hesitant to take a chance on that target, triple pat the ball and possably why a lineman got the sack dump pass. his height and wingspan also meant he could cover guys behind him if the qb didnt put touch on passes. i agree with everything you said when it comes to his trench play/ physicality but i also give the guy credit for the problems he created to offensive coordinators. gameplaning any intermediate routes in the middle were a problem. if the league recognized only impact plays and stats there would be no reason he was highly sought after and given a rediculous contract he got. our D saw a sharp dropoff when he was out. i hope McDermott has a better plan then putting in the guys we already had during that time. scheme change? a gem in FA after cuts? somthing more then undersized rookie lb commanding the D.
  16. this could be what they are thinking. i say Edmunds worse trait was going down hill so maybe we are not going to see a huge drop off besides the numerous tipped passes he had. he wasnt very good at blitzing either. covering alot of grass in zone and his sideline to sideline speed, along with size was what we got. both our rookie lbs can play that role but like noteed. the AFC has a really good run attack and running up the gut, getting a lineman to the second level will be a good SAFE recipe to move the chains if we are rolling with these guys as starters.
  17. i said this as well. our team is in a division with pretty good run attacks and these small fast lbs dont seem like good stick your face in the line stack and shed players. maybe its to dare them to keep the ball out of rogers, hill hands. the jets played us close with their #1 rb injured. NE has always had a good running attack and won a game strictly running. miami played us close every game and had career days against our D and we seem to be all about pass support with smaller fast guys. i think the gameplan in the AFC will be run the ball down the bills throats to eat up clock and hope josh reverts to his old gunslinger all or nothing old self that can force mistakes and turnovers. klein is better run stuffer so we will see but the future looks to be pass specific D. especially if we are sticking to our nickle base roots. hopefully our new TE and line negate josh's reliance to put it all on his shoulders
  18. i have a feeling this is deeper then the puddles you constantly leave that smell like. anyways, its what happens when you post so much garbage and absolutely refuse to acknowledge when you are wrong. is this just another quick take or propaganda that will change in 5 min? who knows! why would this be different? obviously we have a constitution and first ammendment that everyone including the gov is supposed to uphold. does turkey and india share this? is there anything in the turkey user agreement that states what happened is against there countries very foundation? you do know everywhere is not here, right? if twitters user agreement in the US transparently mentioned shadow bans and gov censorship without cause or notice and the multitude of other issues. guess what? nobody could say much. all that private company make your own for decades by the liberals is actually a sound statement. i def will read into this more and oppose it and elon if true because i do not flip my beliefs based on political factors. they just are what they are. finally. you sure seem to have alot of resentment for something you absolutely rely on in every single post you cut and paste. you obviously are fine with any story in this thread and are a big finacial supporter of Elon and his platform with your very existence here. pretty typical leftist behavior to condemn something that you also support. did you also buy the checkmark from the guy you hate? lifetime subscription? lol.
  19. serious question that may be a dilemma. many men accidentally get women pregnant. can a man assault a woman to cause a miscarriage and get no charges related to the outcome of the child? so only assault charges can be made because he did not kill anything that is considered alive. does this put many women in jeopardy because there are alot of POS out there that look at assault time will be less then 18+ years of responsibility? i ask this because i think the extremes used to take control of the conversation only but have been more routinely making laws. that and rarely is the left forced to view their ideas through a different lens. the exact way liberals feel about womens lives at this time is the way pro lifers feel about unborn children for decades. i think the left went from safe and rare into another realm that is dark and now the right is doing the same. the sad part is i think both have valid points and are done from a standpoint of empathy..for the most part but they only consider evil intentions. regardless how you feel your ethics will be challenged and it WILL become hypocritical at some point unless clear lines are drawn. nobody seems to want to do that. you say surely the right wants to prosecute women for murder. thats the logical conclusion. those same people have sat there and watched fully formed unequivocal human life be debated for termination simply because it did not leave the mother. until day of birth abortion is the logical conclusion to refusing life exists inside the womb. things are going to go to their conclusions in a polar way unless people call out their own side and stop only vilifying the other.
  20. yeah i think. i was working. i think they threw it 2 times that game but brings up the point we need a D that can stuff the run because sometimes that's all either team can do in OUR weather. bengals had a good rushing attack in the playoff game we just lost as well. maybe we are sitting this rook with AJ but beyond this year alot of small speed lbs we are stacking for the future.
  21. ne beat us with nothing but running attack. hall seems to be a stud that we didnt face due to injury and miami rb had his best game against us last year. speed is great but i hope the guy can stack and shed as well or josh and the new new tight end we just got arent going to see the field much. opponents are going to grind out the clock and see if josh can play a mistake free game.
  22. lol. yeah im drinking a couple cases of bud light. i think they are putting liquor in them and calling them beer. jesus relax. im just killing time during the draft and i guess i am also watching you spaz for a joke that @ you. didnt know members were inflicting so much trauma putting your name in posts. 😳
  23. you can @ me dude. i wont get all menstrual like @ChiGoose your up to 3 solicitors chi and growing. you should start a subscription service and profit off your board celebrity status. bags mugs. of coarse as soon as you make a good profit we take it back and redistribute it amongst all our members. just the way you communists would want. 😁
  24. that is absurdity! everyone knows that play only works if the player spins clockwise. cook is right handed! now we need to use capital to move up to get the personel to run it which will def cost our next 5 picks. you just destroyed the team for the next decade.
  25. do to the shakey foundation built by companies who got exclusive gov contracts.
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