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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. Simple questions. Are the people who vote democrat in favor of dramatically enforcing illegal gun carry in this country? 20 to life min sentences for first time offenders? Do you think that would dramatically bring down gun deaths? If so why are these laws not in democrat run cities?
  2. HARRIS WAS NOT ELECTED BY VOTERS TO GET THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION! and your talking about filing deadlines and what paperwork a canidate should do as "proper procedure"!!? You should be mad at JOE BIDEN. If he didnt run the country into the ground while the entire party promised he had a sharp as ever functioning brain all this garbage and constant desperation from them would not be neccessary. It never ends. You all would rather look past dems doing some corrupt underhanded tactics to every other nominee to win then simply require they do a great job the last 4 years. If they did it would be a sweep in a straight election. No paperwork, no dictator winning, no constant lawfare against everyone. Just a better country. Instead we hear how they are going to really try to fix everything that they implemented under joe biden. And if they get their way run unopposed to power and do what they want regardless. I dont think there is a way to break through to people cheering this on regardless of affiliation.
  3. Just curious when we arrest the post office general and every telephone carrier that has "allowed" the same thing for decades.
  4. If you want old decks buy blm cards. Everyone involved was immediatly released so you can get them signed. The new antifata america decks are out now. Got a hologram cards of the american flag on fire. Party of patriotism ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  5. You were talking about the warm embrace of demcrats in a tent and how miles of chicago was caged to stop people. Aaaand of coarse that went to jan 6th. So do you think the stew is thick enough? Need salt? There is a bumble bee stuck in my mud room. Its just clumsily bumping into a closed window to get out. Ill just write trump bad in crayon on it. anytime i wonder what a leftist argument is on this board ill go out and watch it give the answer for you guys.
  6. You think celebrating riots are wrong? Thats weird. Was that recently or did you condemn walz calling off police while cities burn. Harris bailing them out? People, including children were murdered in those and went on for months. The difference between jan 6th and the dnc rioters were that fences were erected instead of opened. One of the two is completely normalized and routinley happens. Thats it. Bomb threats were made at the dnc. Rioters wanted to get to politicians inside the building and create violence, chaos and damage while disrupting a election proceeding. many democrats applaud the efforts of the palistine crowd. That was last week and next week when another leftist riot starts youll talk about jan 6th as well.
  7. democrats erected fencing all over chicago for people that are from their own party. Instead they beat people back with police for days. Just Because they had a slight different opinion on isreal. I think the tent should have invited them in the welcoming party you speak. Sit down and discuss it over tea and offer a warm democratic hug.
  8. if he manages to reclaim his balance after going up the stairs it will be a media victory.
  9. I suppose since both were in a official presidential capacity for 4 years all you need to do is look at the policies at those particular times and use it as evidence. Half the things politicians promise are never done so its nice to have evidence as a comparable. If you need evidence of policy of "cease fire" why not look at war in general and the administrations. who seems more of a war hawk? The funny thing is one side is talking about what new exciting things they would do as if they had no power to do them. So the argument on this topic is not whether trans should exist. They clearly do. That doesnt mean society has to completely morph itself to promote what is clearly a mental illness. There doesnt seem to be any other mental illness that requires society BY LAW to conform to the dillusions of others. Liquor cannot be drunk in a building where a alcoholic is. People with anorexia must be told they are overweight. thats what they believe so we must take on their world view. On and on. Most people who are aware of these conditions automatically dont go out of the way to antagonize someone suffering. Its been that way because we are in a generally polite society but that should not be forced, especially by the gov. In a free society. As for kids, its just playing nuts to include them the way democrats have. I dont think it deserves alot of explanation as to how dark things are getting. Taking them or secretly "affirming" without parents consent? I dont think parents affected are dealing with a "conflated" matter. Seeing as the US is the last country to have nutcases making hard stances on this topic and yet democrats keep pushing forward.
  10. As far as i know trump was engaged in more live rounds being fired at him then the guy touting his military career.
  11. Banning books = not providing access to young children. I cant believe R movies have been banned my whole life. Cigarettes/ alcohol/ entering legal contracts/ voting. So much "banning" in this country.im not sure how we all grew up in such a oppressive right wing authoritarian country. ๐Ÿ˜…
  12. Id like to see how a ton of cities all over the US burning and looting and violence was from outsiders coming in. If that was true why were democrat mayors and police chiefs so lenient with outside provoked destruction. Portland mayor walked up to the gates of federal building showing solidarity. Multiple blocks closed off for summers of (violent) love. Our commander and chief along with other dem officials collecting bail donations chanting riot is the voice of the unheard. Dismantling police, so agitators can do MORE? Either your thought process is extremely flawed on the topic or the democrats sure love them some racist instigators. They would have accepted trumps call for the national guard to stop these outside agitators/racists destroying a peaceful movement. Didnt happen...at all. Ill go with the former.
  13. I thought the people of this country should have picked the democratic canidate. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜
  14. Is it a trump supporter or boogaloo boi? This post is confusing. I dont think a anarchist group who hate the gov are supporters of either party but they did have the same goal as BLM radicals to start a race war and create anarchy in the streets. so this is not the gotcha you or liam think. Heres a good explaination.
  15. If i was a competent leader i wouldnt make excuses for violence being used against innocent people. That might be just me.
  16. Yikes its 2024 and you still go with that b.s. It wasnt brilliance. Just the ability to decern basic facts and logic from utter garbage state propaganda. Some Examples: Suggesting Wuhan VIRAL LAB responsability is racist. So logical. Closing schools when kids had a incredible recovery rate THE ENTIRE TIME. Suddenly Sun and excercise became a detrement to health. Litterally the only time that would be true? lol. That was a good one. A noble prize winning medicine given out billions of times becoming deadly Horse paste. On and on and you still are talking about "it was necessary and saved lives". Own the aftermath and the damage it caused to the working class and children. the guy you all believed would "defeat the virus" has to leave the race cause the virus defeated him..ironic. Interested in more amazing info My news letter can be found in the covid thread the entire time it was happening.
  17. How about stores lock and keying isles that a couple years ago were trusted to the public. That's a good source in my neck of the woods theft is way up.
  18. Strange how trump did not need the democrats to secure the boarder even as they were screaming sanctuary come one come all. I think your actually proving two points at once. Democrats caused this and democrats have no clue how to fix it without republicans.
  19. I agree that bill should have continued but I dont think the people who demanded the economy should be locked down and schools closed for YEARS can really pretend to care about poverty or children either.
  20. "We're not a cult" now listen to how we are totally going to fix the boarder crisis we created and how someone that is not even in gov is the issue. my jaw is on the floor guys! Harris 2024! build that wall! Build that wall! Lol. Sometimes this place is a good time.
  21. Im sure your trauma councilor can direct you to the nearest safe space where a few hours of rocking in a fetal position will make the mean words go away.
  22. the side that never shuts up about micro aggression and historic trauma, and words that are LITTERALY killing everyone is somehow joking about a guy who had hot bullets hissing next to his head, gets hit, then goes to work the next day. Good stuff.
  23. Why were stimulus checks needed is my question to you? I think Because a few weeks to stop the spread turned into years. Protect the vulnerable turned into arrest people for being outside and shut every buisness down. By the way as democrats did that. pelosi announced a second round would be held back until after the election aka blackmail voters who had no choice but starve as biden promised free money as soon as he got in.
  24. I agree but biden could have been great on both. There is no law preventing the man to implement good policies. He didnt need to bust open the boarder. He was selected over the other nominees because he was the most moderate canidate and "return to normal" is what was promised. Not a far left tool. Imagine the billions that are currently being transfered to illegals going to blue collar citizens getting crushed by inflation. Imagine the time/energy/money devoted to student forgiveness going towards a less divisive federal college reform program where kids were actually given what they are promised and the SCHOOLS were responsible for the outcome. The same rhetoric energy and talk about taking law abiding gun owners going to punish ILLEGAL gun ownership in this country. A reasonable acceptance of trans and lgbt rights but not a religion that can never be doubted. supporting it implemented in schools...against the parents wishes? He had a trans women flaunting fake breasts on the white house lawn. Can you be any farther to a particular side regarless of how you feel? Imagine dnc coming clean about biden and transparently moving on and not COVERING up what everyones lying eyes could see. Spitting on the intellect of average everyday voters. On and on The dems concider trump a existential threat to the nation and at the same time they flush clear moderate positions down the drain. where political lawfare would not be needed or a senile old man is their best bet to stop him such a menacing threat. Now we get threads like this. Instead of figuring out what must be destroyed about the system if the dems lose they should think about all the ways thier leaders pushed independents to the position where they have to use any of these tactics in the first place.
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