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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. This is ludicrous! How dare a president show cars! The white house is not a parking lot! We all know Its a freaky deaky mansion where transgender people run around showing their surgically altered chests. What have we become!
  2. We have someone who is sitting on the bench 8 feet away. A guy who decided to video tape and a transit cop walking right past. Yep, sounds about right for a city that will imprison people who get involved.
  3. You tell me. Either one acomplished a successful buisness and did not need politics to become wealthy, regardless of how many times they lost and earned it back. In the meantime your career politicians accomplish nothing but garnering votes and rely on the power of their elected position to create the wealth they get.
  4. Your confusing starting a company, employing 1000's of people, and paying taxes with being a career politician that magically became wealthy as the "system".
  5. Im on chi's side on this one. If the country cant get a senate super indefinite policy on the books then what else can a administration do at that point? Thats correct. The answer is to use fed troops to cut the barbed wire fencing Texas erected as a last resort. After that we need to provide a bit of sanctuary and tax money in blue cities across the country. No!..its so we can keep a eye on them. How can they reinvade if we are watching them closely in the 5 star hotels across the street! Idiots. We need to have them dependent on tax money so when we are watching them they dont do anything that involves leaving the couch. That couch is crucial to the plan. Developing a app and flying them in will make them really easy to catch later on and has a 100% rate on stopping re-entry. Finally, dont read a graph on any of this B.S. so its easier to agree dumb MAGA policies were ineffective and if they were. it was covid. Also, dont look into anything on covid.
  6. I know you guys like to change definitions but you didnt even try to switch it over to "undocumented" and make that statement. 🤔
  7. admitting illegals voted or is he unaware that "all you latinos" may not approve of illegals immigration as much as any other american citizen. "they are brown so this is what they should think and be" Its working out so well for the party.
  8. Makes the timing of his statements and pressers ingenious. He prob talked her into walz. " Hey kamala. The guy who waves his hands with the limp wrists would be my choice. No trust me. Caring about young mens menstral cycle is endearing and relatable. does great in the polls. Been doin this a long time. That horse faced pony boy trump wont see it coming." they went through and indicted his baby boy and from that point he went full blown cognitive Kamikazi on them.
  9. I know its the past but can we just speak at the first term a sec. Gun violence? Remember trump sent agents to chicago. a deep blue city to help with the spiking gun violence...and it worked to save lives and capture criminals. Remember when other democratic leaders outright refused his similar offer during the violent riots. calling it "fascism". Then we got "summers of love" and young kids gunned down. We got Gov walking in solidarity with rioters up to the gates of a federal building that was being fire bombed on a nightly basis and more violence across the country. federal agents who were forced to do nothing but protect the parameter because the local police were being told to stand down. Remember a massive ship being sent to NY being unused while covid patients were piled into the people most in danger, old peoples homes. killing the most vulnerable by directly exposing them to the virus they locked the city down for. How bout dem screaming come one and all to our sanctuary. We will not work with federal immigration. Seems to be a bit of a issue now. On and on. Maybe we can start to end school shooting with the republicans repeated idea to implement armed security. Instead of liberals screaming "it will never work! More guns isnt the solution!" its actually implemented and given a chance. If it saves a single life is it worth doing or will they continue to outright refuse a logical idea that doesnt effect law abiding citizens rights. So while your watching the "clown car" you also might want to look over at the circus under the big blue tent. Lets see if they are still dead set on destroying their citizens lives just to make sure "the orange man bad". Those decisions by democrats are made specifically for people like you who dont understand federal and state powers. You simply nod your head in agreement with them because he didnt "correct it".
  10. What does being sad and dissapointed have to do with grabbing a phone, hitting record to act or type out a overreaction, then uploading it to a public site for the world to see. Answer: The need for Attention. Well....here it is. Just like they planned. So gross.
  11. Thats good. They are already talking about the misogyny of black men. That they believe racism may be prevalent in the hyspanic community when it comes to voting for a black woman. by all means welcome to the straight white male are evil club everyone. All are welcome. we been here awhile. Pull up a chair and lets kick back and watch the left cannibalize everyone who isnt in lock step and casts them off to have a drink with us. 🍺
  12. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/harriss-personnel-problem-over-90-percent-of-vps-staff-left-in-last-three-years/ 91.5 percent of the staff Harris began her vice presidential term with three years ago have since left. An insider told Politico around the same time that the OVP under Harris “is not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated.”
  13. Triple Fact Check: TRUE! Irrefutable evidence of several reliable sources say willie brown refers to his genitals as "the president maker".
  14. Hold on. waiting on trump peeing on the russian hookers tape to surface. If true, how much pee must you see before you dont vote for trump? Milliliters!!? Cups!!? Gallons!!? Why cant the cult answer this!! 😅
  15. They cant go any deeper then the predetermined monolog given. Its been years and still have no choice but use the gender/sex "construct" that has been dismantled for the "what is a woman?" Rubix cube of a question. Good thing we got emojis so they have a way to explain themselves when confronted on a more in depth explaination of their beliefs.
  16. Anything can be described in that way so its useless. Somthing is true unless a person decides to precieve it differently. A person who is color blind will not precieve a sky as "blue". Blue is just a word that can be changed by society and culture. So what is it? More importantly should "blue" be changed as to not disenfrachise a few minority that cant see it? If thats the case when do we stop? A anorexic who precieves themselves as fat should be allowed to binge and purge. A person who sees demons should be told to run and hide as we also see them. I mean normal weight and non demonic entities are simply perceptions and we wouldnt want to shatter a world view of the person who sees or thinks them. So welcome to a world that individuals can create their own perceptions, world, and language and its up to you to decifer and affirm it all or your bigotry is showing. You call it "freedom" Or we can live in reality and work with people who live in delusions to realize that is not possable. We treat gender dismorphia like any other mental illness on the planet and stop twisting ourselves into pretzels trying to explain the unexplainable.
  17. The first real interview not clamoring about joy and we get a thread like this 🤣
  18. Digs is on the other side remembering exactly why he wanted out. Its Unreal to actually try to go 70 yrds there and hand it right back. We have no recievers. Cook was our offense all game and coleman got a mistackle easy one but wr are garbage without shakir. Rookie saftey got cooked but D got it together just enough to get the W and O cont missed chances.
  19. So the blmers who were invading federal buildings all summer and the Palestinians who are to this day protesting and stopping gov proceedings can all be gunned down as traitors according to this. The left was crying brutality if security just use tear gas and physical force to stop insurrection and roundy is all for slaughtering unarmed people without thought.
  20. the counter argument
  21. Id like to see one where both get to pick a moderator to ask the other hostile probing questions. Dont let them divert or ramble. This should be a interrogation into why they should be the most powerful person on the planet. I really dont care if one or the other fold under the pressure. Its better then folding to a REAL enemy. American citizens should pick the "rules", not the two parties and media networks.
  22. I think i gave multiple points of evidence. Trumps reaction and people were killed. Its pretty insane to say trump hired a suicidal kid and murdered a man with blood pac at the ready as some publicity stunt. You realize that right.
  23. Pretty sure his split second reaction to a gun shot. Pain in his face as that reaction happened and blood all over it says he was hit. The damage or lack there of might not be to your liking but the multiple people who died are evidence it wasnt made up.
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