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Everything posted by transplantbillsfan

  1. Anyone else think what he says is a bit contradictory... almost to the point of being obtuse? To recap: - Taylor isn't great, but he's a "QB you can start in this league..." and when he's saying that it's not like he's saying, "well, you can start him, but you won't win games with him..." more like you'll win some games and lose some games. In other words, you'll "tread water" with him. You won't drown. You'll tread water. BUT - Don't draft a QB at 10. None are worth it. SO - Start Cardale Jones, even though in all likelihood he's not your franchise QB. Anyone else finding this line of thinking head scratching and completely disregarding some of the simple realities of today's NFL? Exactly... it's a bit of a head-scratcher. All he poses is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario.
  2. Indy is oldmanfan or something like that. And yeah... I figured it was about time to use an Avatar... and since the Bills finally have actual boardshorts... figured it perfectly captures my 2 biggest interests And I guess I can see what you're saying about something being up over there recently... whatever the case, now it's gonna take some time to actually feel comfortable posting over here and longer to consistently post threads. Probably a good week for it to happen, anyway, since we're in limbo in many respects right now.
  3. I'll wait until a week from tomorrow to really start posting about our QB. Right now, I'm just pretending like we don't have one. Maybe the BBMB shut down came at an opportune time. I don't know this message board's general stance on Taylor, but I fear what may transpire here on March 12th when we know for sure what the fate of Taylor is.
  4. But who cares? He'd be under contract and he'd have every opportunity to still prove he should be the guy.
  5. I don't know if this message board is different than BBMB, but if it's not about who's better right now, you seem to be telling me that it's not going to be all fire and brimstone if we have a QB who just sucks for a year or two as he starts his NFL career. You also seem to be of the opinion that Taylor won't get any better. Why can't we keep Taylor while also looking for the guy you want down the road? Why not hedge our bets? That way if Taylor does get better and proves to be a franchise guy, maybe we have a young guy we can trade later. Or if he doesn't or gets worse, we can bench him and cut him or trade him within the next couple years and start the young guy. Why one or the other?
  6. I'm not gonna lie... even as a newcomer I'm worried about that over here and feel bad for being part of the influx... that's why i'm straddling between this one and another one I've been a member of for the last year or so.
  7. Gracias, same to you. I respected tons of posters who wildly disagreed with me. Trolls didn't run rampant over there in terms of numbers... it was just that the few there were started overtaking the board.
  8. Yep... he's such a show off... rightfully so...
  9. I think I'm in love with teef. A good laugh really helps me deal with traumatic experiences...
  10. You too. Apocalyps and Rapture might just be appropriate terms here...
  11. Thanks Foxxy... good to see you and Larry and Indy (though gotta get used to his new name) and Buffalo716 and actually a buncha the good posters made it over... I really gotta get used to this. This is my 4th time typing this response and let's see if this goes through without an emoticon... Anyone feel like this thread should just be renamed "Group Therapy" ?
  12. I like that people are keeping the same screen names, as am I. I feel strangely lost... Can someone just hold me?
  13. I'm thinking despite how terrible BBMB has been lately, I'm gonna go through withdrawal for some time. I'm pretty super pissed that every bit of statistical crunching or All-22 charting is just lost. Unreal... Here's hoping this place doesn't become BBMB 2.0!
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