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Everything posted by transplantbillsfan

  1. He said 15 turnovers... 12 picks... 3 lost fumbles.
  2. I really want to know whether Taylor took a paycut or not... if he did, awesome because he's really being a team guy. But I thought all the reports said he wouldn't. As these contract details come out, it's going to be interesting to see how much guaranteed money Taylor's getting and if it's gone down from what it was.
  3. A couple of the usual guys are in here complaining... Hint: "QB purgatory..." / "Failey" / "Fitz 2.0"
  4. So what's the total in guaranteed money? What are the details after year 2? Anyone know the details? I'm loving that Taylor is thinking about winning rather than money. In the end, he's still set for life. I'm wondering Woods is next in line to re-sign.
  5. Taylor's really a team guy. Seems pretty clear from the moment the offseason began and he publicly stated he was willing to rework his deal. This offseason was set up to be just one long game of chicken, in a sense. I'm glad Taylor flinched first and it looks like he cares more about winning than money, which he would have gotten on the open market. Woods, hopefully, is next in line. Let's draft another WR high and improve the weapons on offense... maybe they can stay healthy, too.
  6. I know you're upset, but I think you're clinging onto an incredibly unlikely last string of hope. I don't think McDermott would have come out with that statement if he wanted Taylor traded...
  7. Or McDermott could add 3 or 4 wins to the team by being a better coach than the last guy and the Bills having something better than a below average defense. The Bills could have won 10 games in 2016 if not for Rex and a terrible Defense. And that's with Tyrod Taylor playing as he was in 2016, which was as a slightly below average starting NFL QB. Imagine if Taylor can improve even a little and our coaching and Defense improves a bit more... ?
  8. I hope someone posts an actual thread about the specific details of the entire restructured contract. Is it a restructure? Is it a pay cut? What is it?
  9. Now the fun actually begins... I think it's hilarious that anyone, when looking objectively and not emotionally at this entire situation, actually believed it was very likely or even likely that Taylor wouldn't be back in Buffalo. That said, I don't know the terms of the restructure, but I wish Buffalo just kept him on his current contract because unless Taylor took a paycut (which I don't believe he did), this just kicks the can of Cap money down the road. On a side note, this move alone says something about the way Buffalo actually feels about Tyrod Taylor's ability to play QB. And that something seems to be a far cry from the lost media and so-called "experts."
  10. This is all just so entertaining... I actually LOVE that BBMB closed down when it did because I'm not about to dive into a new board head first and gunz blazin, so I'm enjoying watching all the speculation unravel and starting fresh on Sunday...
  11. Actually, it's not. Isn't this a place for a fresh start and no preconceived notions? I know you have them about me, as do others, but try throwing some of them out the window... they aren't all right. Bortles vs. Tyrod is actually, for me, an interesting question. I'd honestly be more excited about snagging Bortles than going out and getting Glennon or Cutler. I think last year was just a really down year for him. I still would prefer to keep Taylor in an "as is" situation rather than going out, negotiating, offering a new (higher...?) contract to him. But in a vacuum, between the 2 QBs, I really don't know for sure which I'd rather have. The dodgeball game is always over there to play when we're ready... there's just no need to tear down the tetherball set when it's not interrupting anything.
  12. And how much of those "numbers" were accumulated in garbage time? Bortles didn't merely throw more ints, he threw almost triple the ints and also fumbled the ball 3 times more than Taylor. I've really noticed that protecting the football is something folks who want Taylor gone are rather dismissive about.
  13. Do people over here at TBD really have a problem with this thread going? For me, it's a good way to assimilate into a new message board because we're finding familiarity in a new place. Personally, I think keeping one BBMB thread up should be acceptable. Merge the rest of them into this one if need be. I'm happy to be here but we're the new kids in the schoolyard... let us hang out over in the corner playing tetherball with each other before we join in for dodgeball.
  14. Fair enough. Bortles was an absolute train wreck this year. He would have been better than Manuel, obviously, though. But here's a better question for me to gauge your feelings: Bortles or Tyrod?
  15. So I see you grew bitter over time. I actually asked around about you a number of times because I enjoyed your posts. I was 100% wrong about EJ. He's one of the worst QBs I've ever seen play. You were totally right there. I mean that sincerely. Happy? Do you still love Bortles?
  16. Careful before you give him your heart again... he may have found someone else thinking you were lost at sea...
  17. Glad you made it over... was wondering where you were! And another familiar face I was waiting to see... welcome!
  18. I got infractions for things I thought were dumb from mods, but I don't know why folks seem to be so bitter towards them. standingbuffalo, T&C, and Shaw are all over at billievers and I think they're staying away from this board probably because of the general contempt from some over here. They had a tough job over at BBMB. It's the Internet... don't know why grudges can exist so strongly on the Internet towards individual posters. But with those grudges so prominent, if I were them, I'd probably stay away from this message board, too.
  19. Crusher made it!!! Chee HOO!!! I'm legitimately happy you made it over here... you and Jm now just need to kiss and make up... It's a new day!!!
  20. Blah blah blah... One week from right now and we know. Until then, we're going to continue to post like chickens running around with our heads cut off... Nobody knows crap...
  21. Agreed. I just can't wait til March 12th so we know what will happen. I think we should keep him, but if we cut Taylor, I'll get all kinds of excited about the draft in terms of what QB we're going after.
  22. Thanks for the hospitality. Treading lightly...
  23. He doesn't eat up a lot of cap space at all, actually. 9.5% is NOT a lot of cap space for a QB. Eli and Flacco were above 15% of the cap space for their teams last year. Heck, Alex Smith was close to 12%.
  24. Taylor's Cap hit is going to be 9.5% of the teams total CAP for 2017. In 2016, Alex Smith took up 11.5% of his team's CAP, Russell Wilson took up 11.9%, Andrew Luck took up 12.5%, Cam Newton took up 12.8%, Eli Manning took up 15.6%, and Joe Flacco took up 15.8%. I know that right now Taylor's somewhere down around 20th, but I bet that number goes down even more if guys like Carr get contracts this offseason. People are obsessing over the total value of the contract in terms of how much money Taylor will get. Maybe this is going out on a limb (I don't think it is), but I really don't think the Pegulas, who seem to sincerely be committed to winning, are going to quibble over the total money that Taylor is going to get. You own a sports franchise, it's absolutely unavoidable that you're going to spend money on players and not every single player you spend money on will earn all of it. You don't mess around with the most important position in sports. You need a guy to play QB. You can always keep looking if you have one, but someone who is competent needs to line up on Sundays if you want to sell it to your fan base that you're trying to win. Taylor accounts for less than 10% of our Cap if his contract remains as is. And I think it should. I don't want him to renegotiate... if he does we're kicking the can down the road and losing our option to treat this contract (and Taylor) as the Bridge QB we can currently view him as with this contract.
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