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Everything posted by transplantbillsfan

  1. Exactly. The Colts had the Perfect Storm. I can't believe people point to that situation like it was really even a decision the Colts really had to mull over. Or as though it's a situation that is often available.
  2. You point to the Colts, but they're an incredibly unique example. They could sell tanking easily to their fan base because they were in a win win scenario with a one year window of your amazing HOF QB being sidelined for a year and the "best NFL prospect since Elway" set up to come out in the draft. The fan base wouldn't have lost any way you looked at it. People who point to the Colts as an argument for tanking ignore the unique reality of that situation.
  3. No, unless you're definition of market value is different than what it actually is, we're getting him cheap.
  4. Who cares? They're all idiots. I don't know how it was over here, but it just got sickening the way some posters over at BBMB were vomiting out these "reports" from "experts" and "insiders" like LaCanfora as though they were actually arguments against anyone who said Taylor would be back. In the end, Media and "insiders" lose. Logic wins.
  5. All of this is reasonable. But again, my issue wasn't with Crusher's interpretation, it's that he believed what he had was a fact, not an interpretation. Just like what you have here, which is an interpretation, not fact. Just like what I have, which is an interpretation. I feel strongly about mine because of what he actually said, which makes no direct reference whatsoever to finding out his market value was less, and the reference you guys believe he makes to that could very well not be a money issue and could simply be a team issue. Maybe he found out he'd get a great deal of money on the open market (and the only concrete evidence I have for this is the fact that Mike Glennon is getting more guaranteed money than Taylor, which I think most reasonable people would find ridiculous), but only if he went to the Browns, Jets, or Bears, but he looked at those teams and didn't want to play for any of them, for whatever reason. And upon thinking of those potential changes, he realized what most people naturally realize: change sucks. That's just my interpretation. It's not fact. But I'm fine with your interpretation, even if I disagree, just like I'm fine with Crusher's. Just don't pretend like something you can't even possibly know is fact. This is an argument grounded in a pretty ridiculous notion, though. It just really doesn't matter. Because the big question heading into the offseason was whether a new HC would want to have "his guy" at QB, and so many thought it was inevitable that Taylor was gone because of that and because of the fact that upon going through the evaluation process, McDermott would inevitably realize that "he just isn't good enough." That's about as close to factually incorrect as we can get without actually calling it a fact. Who cares about the reason we got him "on the cheap?" I'm loving that we did. Did he say that? Exactly... maybe the dumpster fires that are the Browns and Jets were the only teams that were going to give him significant money. Some people are talking as though pro sports players will just automatically go where the most money is. I think that's an incredibly cynical (and incorrect) point of view.
  6. Let's just agree to disagree. We're talking around each other about something neither of us could possibly know about: Motive In the end, Taylor wouldn't still be the Buffalo Bills starter if the new coaching staff didn't have confidence they can make the playoffs and be a contender in 2017 after thoroughly evaluating upon arrival. That's what matters. Teams think about money, obviously. So either you or I could be right; there's good evidence both ways. But NFL franchises and owners (good ones at least... and I think we're all assuming the Pegulas fall into this category) think about winning first
  7. So Tyrod "told (his) agent to find a way to make things work here," says there were other teams showing interest, but that he "chose" to restructure his contract says "My commitment is to this team, to this community, to get a winning product on the field." Raves about the "very player friendly system" Dennison runs talking specifically about success McCoy and Watkins can have in it says "The main thing throughout the process was that me and Coach McDermott were able to keep an open line of communication," said Taylor. "If I needed to talk to him about something I could call him. Things were difficult sometimes with trying to move money around and trying to find what was best for the team. But ultimately we were able to get it done and I'm happy that we got it done." and even Vic Carucci tweets that Tyrod "chose to restructure" to help the Bills add pieces Yet, we are required to assume that it's more logical that he was focused primarily on money rather than his competitive nature to finish what he started and build a playoff contender with a group of players and a city he really seems to love? Taylor is now guaranteed less money than Mike Glennon, so by the logic of some here, teams were telling his agent they thought less of Taylor than Glennon... Yeah, okay... I think there's something to the actual words coming out of Taylor's mouth. All that speculation posters are doing to console themselves is entertaining, though, so keep going...
  8. Dude, you're just bending reality at this point because you were so utterly wrong. It sucks being wrong. I get it. But own it when you are. Just man up and stop trying to act like you've been right all along because clearly you haven't.
  9. Dude. You're being sad now... do you not see that? This is just kinda pathetic. Move beyond the money thing that is pure speculation at this point. You have absolutely no clue how the process played out and you're talking as though you knew it absolutely. You're speculating about something you don't know and insinuating that you're right and we're all wrong because your speculation (stated as fact) is true. We know only one thing: Posters like you said time and time and time and time again that Buffalo somehow "finally see the light" and would move on from Taylor. No matter how this whole process played out, we can say that assumption was absolutely, 100%, concretely false. Everything else regarding how much he could have gotten elsewhere or why he took less money is you guessing, along with the rest of us. You aren't right just because of a guess.
  10. That's not the bottom line. That's what you think is the bottom line. We'll never know because we never reached the March 11th deadline and the only people we'll have to trust are media guys who were mostly saying the Bills were 100% moving on from him, so if you think they're credible sources and you can trust them, go ahead. And who cares? You're still trying to be right. And why? Buffalo thinks they can "win now" with Tyrod Taylor as QB. I said all along that I wanted the Bills to try to get Taylor for cheaper and that Taylor might be open to it since he publicly said so at the end of the season. They did, and I love it. But one thing you and many others were very, very wrong about was the inevitability of Tyrod being gone once a new coaching staff came in because they would want "their guy." The new coaching staff came in. They evaluated the team. They like Tyrod Taylor as the starting QB. I'm glad it's on a reduced contract now because maybe we can beef up one of the league's worst WR corps, but the very action of keeping Taylor rather than letting him go is very telling.
  11. Wow... whole lotta speculation here stated as fact. But you're really wrong on your first sentence. The Bills, regardless of their committment to Taylor, had no need to pick up the remainder of his contract until March 11th. And with Taylor coming out and publicly stating that he would be willing to rework his deal (which he might regret now, depending on the reason he took less money), it would have been fiscally irresponsible for Buffalo to not try to get him to rework his deal. And if your argument becomes, "well, picking up the option early demonstrates a committment to the QB and helps his psyche," well that's a pretty flimsy argument. Isn't that exactly what you're being here? You have absolutely no clue what was going to happen in Free Agency because it didn't happen. In the end, the argument that it all boiled down to this offseason was whether Tyrod Taylor would be the Bills QB in 2017. He is. Despite a whole lotta loud obnoxious ignorant argumentative know nothings who said otherwise.
  12. I think it's weird the way some folks are trying to comfort themselves here. #1: It's clear that our new Head Coach views our much-maligned QB as a QB he can "win-now" with #2: Tyrod Taylor is familiar with and has only started for one NFL team: the Buffalo Bills #3: While the Bills have a new HC, the new OC runs a system Taylor is very familiar with and is tailored (hah) to his strengths #4: As far as we know so far, most of the personnel on offense outside of the WR corps will be the same #5: Agents negotiating with or talking to other NFL teams is not allowed by NFL rules and is considered tampering #6: We can't read Tyrod Taylor's mind Now, I really don't care what happened. If tampering did occur and Taylor found out there's less out in the open market than in Buffalo and so he decided to stay: wonderful! If Taylor just decided to take a lot less money (still waiting on all those contract details... ?) to stay with Buffalo for whatever reason (familiarity with city and fans, familiarity with offensive personnel, familiarity with OC and offensive system, competitive desire to "finish what he started" and bring a winner to a city that hasn't won in so long, any combination of those, etc.): fantastic! We don't know. Taylor evidently has a PC today, so maybe he sheds some light on some of this. But for me at least, the moment Taylor said at the end of the regular season in locker clean out day (I think) that he would consider reworking his contract (I'm paraphrasing), this was going to be a big game of chicken up until the March 11th deadline. It would have been irresponsible for Whaley and Overdorf and Co. having heard that statement publicly from Taylor, to not try to rework his deal. But I thought it was inevitable that someone would flinch and that Taylor would be back. So, what did we see over the last few months? Lots and lots and lots of the media and "experts" saying pretty much that it was inevitable that he would be gone. Seems to me like a great way to test Taylor to see how steadfast he is on the money and/or how much he wants to be back. For me, Taylor just flinched first and lost the game of chicken. Personally, I think the Bills were prepared to exercise his option by this weekend if he didn't, but obviously that's just speculation... we'll never know. Or, maybe he just truly is a team guy and saw the Cap trouble the team was in and wanted to help. And sure, it's possible that feelers went out and he saw less money on the open market. Who knows? Who cares? Tyrod Taylor is still the Buffalo Bills starting QB, despite so many saying he would inevitably be gone.
  13. Oh come on dude... it's the chicken or the egg argument at this point. The Bills running game over the last 2 years was the best in the NFL. In 2016 the Bills had the opportunity going into week 17 to be one of only 2 teams in NFL history to average 5.5 YPC or better. The running game was an incredible strength and we had a defensive minded head coach who had come out publicly time and time again professing a "ground and pound" mentality and you're talking about it as though the Bills were forced to run the ball because they couldn't pass it. Maybe they ran it because they were really freaking good at running it and a defensive minded head coach LOVES running the football. And I don't expect that to change. Yeah, there were times our passing game was a detriment, like the Steelers, Ravens, and Bengals games. But then there were other times where our passing game was more than good enough, but the D just couldn't hold up at all, like in the first Jets game, the Seahawks, the Raiders, and the 2nd Phins game... even the 1st one, to a lesser extent. Your assumption that we ran because we couldn't pass is just that: an assumption.
  14. Actually, Luck has a losing record just like Taylor when the opponent scores 20 or more points.
  15. Will you 2 behave yourselves and just find a way to either ignore each other or actually get along? Jm, stop clinging to the past. Crusher, just admit you're wrong when you are. Move on... new board. I'm feeling like the guy who was invited to the party by someone I had one cool conversation with and my outspoken drunk friend who I brought along is getting close to knocking over the nice antique vase on the table. Be nice... feel the love... let's hug it out...
  16. Injuries don't just happen... not like they did with our WR corps.
  17. How often do teams have massive success in both? Isn't the reason our pass defense was above average largely because teams like Pittsburgh and Miami didn't need to throw the football? And offensively, our run game was far and away the best in the NFL. I don't think it's wrong to make a "cause and effect" argument, I just don't know if you're making the correct one...
  18. Didn't Jeremy White only talk about 2017? What about 2018? It sounds like all his money for 2018 is pretty much guaranteed. How much is it? So, basically, as the contract was before this restructure (according to Spotrac), Taylor would have been fully guaranteed just under $31 million if the Bills exercised his 2017 option. If Taylor is now guaranteed $15.5M in 2017, how much of his 2018 contract is fully guaranteed? If it's the same amount as his 2017 contract, this is pretty much the same contract in terms of guaranteed money for Taylor. Gotta wait for all the details to come out, but the contract details for 2018 are what matter at this point in terms of discussing whether this is a true pay cut. I'm curious myself.
  19. You accuse some of pure speculation and follow it up with pure speculation yourself? Crusher, just admit you were really, really wrong. You were. And as to the money thing, you should hold off on gloating about that, too, because it seems as though Taylor may not actually be taking less money. Practice some restraint in our new digs, dude. Just wait until you know before you say something you don't have a clue about. I say all this with love
  20. Did Taylor end up taking less guaranteed money? A lot of people are talking as though this restructuring just involved converting salary to a signing bonus... I don't know if Taylor's actually getting less... it'll be nice when those details actually come out, though. I won't be surprised, either way. Just glad the inevitable actually happened and we can move on to actual future football discussion rather than speculation about what might happen or discussion about whether Taylor should or should not be our QB in 2017. He is and it seems clear that McDermott and Dennison like him and feel they can win with him. I just still think it's funny that there were so many people who were so confident he wouldn't be our QB moving forward...
  21. Andrew Luck is 25-0 over his career when the Colts have held the opponents under 20 points. Taylor only has 1 loss when his defense holds opponents under 20. Our D needs to improve. I'm still confused about this. Did Taylor take less money or not? From what some people in this thread are saying it sounds like he's going to get the same amount of money, but a bunch of his salary from this year is being converted to a bonus... I'm lost on NFL contracts. Can someone, when they find out, simply post the money Taylor is guaranteed with this new contract?
  22. Wow... you're still clinging on trying to be right in some way? Honestly, you're really reaching at this point...
  23. So Taylor's getting all the same money he was getting before? No pay cut? Oh man... Thurman#1 is going to be really unhappy that something he thought couldn't possibly happen did...
  24. It's wrong... go look at NFL.com at his 2015 and 2016 game logs.
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