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Everything posted by transplantbillsfan

  1. All this time and I figured you would've finally been able to describe me, instead you describe yourself... A note: the word "delusional" on an internet discussion board is about as big an insult there is that's still generally acceptable in that you won't get an infraction for it. When you enter conversations calling people that immediately, you're picking a fight. That's you. I'm just the guy you picked a fight with who's not simply going to turn the other cheek. Maybe I should, but I'm human.
  2. I'm sorry but this is super lame. It really is. You need to consider circumstances and context in a game that has so many other things influencing it than just the QB. Taylor passed what should have been the go ahead TD to Clay with less than 90 seconds in the game, then the return team allowed a 39 yard return, the defense promptly allows Matt Moore to get 25 more yards, then our dumbass HC can't call a TO to potentially ice the kicker. Then on the first OT drive Taylor helps the Bills get into the Red Zone with a chance to put the game away and you get -2 yards from McCoy on 1st down and one of the worst play calls ever by running a gimmick play to a guy who hardly saw the field all year because he's at the end of his career and he gets-8 yards. Oh yeah, and then our kicker missed a pretty easy FG by NFL standards giving the opposition good field position. Loss.
  3. What? Dude... Dennison's most recent statements on the offense sounds like he wants Taylor in the pocket passing the ball making quick decisions... You're never going to like Taylor mainly because you don't like the type of QB he is. When you talk about "next step" it sure seems like you're talking about Taylor becoming a completely different QB rather than just a more consistent version of the very good QB he's flashed as at times. By all means correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you're alone in that sentiment, either. Taylor is what he is in most ways, and that honestly might be a ceiling of the Seattle and 2nd Miami games this year. He just needs to be that version of himself more than twice a year and we need less (ideally none) of the Ravens or Bengals performances from this year.
  4. All right everyone... hold the phone... can we hire Crusher as our OC instead of this bum Dennison who apparently "believes blindly" in the "exciting plays and physical tools" Taylor brings to the offense?! I mean c'mon man... let's get a real OC like Crusher, who has a more realistic view on Taylor rather than someone who's worked up close and personal with in the past...
  5. Wow... what a stark contrast from Bang's post right above yours, which respectfully acknowledges disagreement. You, instead, choose to continue being a tool. So disappointing, though not unexpected.
  6. Nothin but love here from me... Bang and I are old friends Fair enough. I've explained plenty of times why I disagree so I won't beat that horse again today
  7. At 22, which is essentially in line with his Passer Rating. Total Qbr tries to measure more than just completion %, YPA and TD/INT ratio though. I think it's too early to say for Mariota and Winston. They're about the same length into their careers as NFL starters as Taylor and we just need more time to determine what they really are, similar to Taylor. Though I'll say that I really like Mariota a LOT and strongly advocated trading up to get him in the draft. Those other, more established guys, no, Taylor's not better, but that doesn't mean he won't be.
  8. Old School is a pretty obvious and clear anTy guy. Based on the poster, sure seems like he thinks those numbers reflect negatively on Taylor. I'll gladly apologize about what I said if Old School comes to explain what he believes he's enlightening us with by revealing those numbers and it's something not negative, though Now you're being a douche... Boo!
  9. RB impersonating a QB... Good God... Crusher at his finest... or worst...
  10. You're making it seem like that's horrible when it's not, especially given the low attempts and, therefore, the higher efficiency on those throws. Also the fact that both of those guys played multiple games with, at times, near debilitating injuries.
  11. Pretty easy to figure out how true rumors are based on what unfolds. I never absolutely dismiss what the media says. I just always take it with a grain of salt, varying in size. It's especially easy to be skeptical when you get wildly varying reports. But after the fact it's not so difficult to figure out the accuracy of the reports. Remember this? Look, another fan! Insightful post, as usual
  12. Nah. Not something I'll do right now. Completely understand the methodology, the point largely was the impact of the game on the team's average and how it was out of the general norm. But 15 other teams had starters miss games (or be benched) in 2016, so if you look up NE, IND, ARI, PIT, OAK, MIN, DEN, Chicago, CAR, MIA, TEN, CLEV, LA, NYJ, and SF, you'll have your answer quickly
  13. And I don't think getting rid of at least the last Jets game is remotely unreasonable.
  14. Blah blah blah. Do I actually need to explain why, in hindsight, those media reports appear credible? It's not an all or nothing thing. Why do people here succumb so easily to extremes? You seem like a smart person... I'm sure you actually understand how naive it is to restrict anyone to your own absolute and rigidly defined ideologies. You should stop doing it. Just trying to be helpful.
  15. Okay, but the Patriots also had the #1 scoring Defense in the NFL and were #8 in yards... also quite relevant to this discussion Why? I didn't remotely respond to what Rodak even said because I didn't read it, so if I'm "exposed" because I chose to not read or respond to an issue brought up by a writer I generally don't like, then I guess you're right, but maybe this would be a more congenial place if more posters took that approach
  16. Aside from the last Jets game and the 1st 2 games after which Buffalo decided to get rid of Roman, who they were reportedly considering cutting ties with after 2015, the Bills were middle of the league in TOP and 3 & out %. In fact, Buffalo lost 6 games in that 13 game stretch and in 4 of those 6 losses Buffalo won TOP and in 3 of those 6 games Buffalo had a better 3rd down %, including 1 individual 200 yard rusher and giving up an 18 point lead and allowed 29 points to be scored in a game.
  17. Really excellent point. Wouldn't Buffalo have set some kind of record for fewest turnovers if not for the Manuel/Jones debacle?
  18. I don't know. I didn't read what he wrote because he's a douche and I don't want to click the link and contribute to his living.
  19. And how many of the games Sammy's played with Taylor has he been fully healthy? And still amassing that production...? Honestly, I just can't believe people are acting like it's Sammy getting the short end of the stick here.
  20. So you think that if Sammy plays a full 16 games healthy and the Bills have a top 10 defense with Taylor they're likely to miss the playoffs...? Hell they almost made the playoffs under that exact scenario with EJ Manuel and Kyle Orton at the helm.
  21. Sure, it could be argued that way, true. But it's not like Sammy Watkins was some well-established vet in the NFL who's proven he can be an Elite WR. I love the guy's talent, but he's been massively underwhelming in the NFL based on expectations. Still, it's notable that Sammy has split time almost exactly evenly between Taylor and the combo of Orton/Jones/Manuel with 19 games under Taylor (1 of those being a 1 catch 1st quarter injury in Miami in 2015 and out) and 18 under those other guys. 1398 yards, 73.6 yards per game, 17.5 yards per catch 1061 yards, 58.9 yards per game, 14.5 yards per catch ​And sure, you could argue EJ and Jones really skew those numbers, and they do because Sammy did better with Orton. But he still only averaged 65 yards per game... 8 yards less than Taylor. The point is not that Taylor is great or those guys are great measures. They point is you talk about Sammy as though he's some well established superstar... as though Sammy obviously was much more critical to Taylor's success than vice versa and I think it's awfully presumptuous to say that.
  22. Why are you being such a baby? I've limited my Tyrod discussion mainly to this thread alone, which is one of 2 threads I've started on the subject of Tyrod. You literally post all the same types of posts all the time that are full of complete hot air opinion. I'm fine with your position on the subject, but why do you jump into discussion if you don't even try to have a reasonable, intelligent discussion? Mike Rodak's a douche... just putting that out there
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