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Everything posted by Albwan

  1. What is sad about this is I could literally see liberals sitting there nodding at this post nodding, going - yep, mmhmm, &*^$ damn right.
  2. Why no post for Madonna, Kathy Griffin, Bette Midler, James Hodgkinson, Snoop dogg, De Niro, Joss whedon, Mickey Rourke, Marylin Manson, Jessie Smollet etc etc etc Nothing wrong with threatening violence on a duly elected president and his family though amirite, you dope.
  3. Imho, he has no chance 2020. the democrat s h i t show is plowing over this this country gaining momentum every day. Clearly, the rats and the liars are in charge. I see only one way out, most people don't have the guts for it.
  4. Chelsea Handler slams Trump for calling semi-automatic rifles 'entertainment': 'Grounds for impeachment' HAHAHAHAHA...
  5. At best I see the outcome of this being they grudgingly admit making a mistake this time with fisa and how the American people need politicians to talk about how to fix this this for years. I can hear the blah blah now...the fisa system isn't perfect guys, we did our best, but it's a necessary thing to protect the American people.
  6. It's hilarious the hate white people/men cult party is drooling over a white man. tee hee
  7. Pot was fun back in the day when it was illegal, now that everyone is doing it, it's just not cool anymore. I mean it seems every walmart employee smokes. yikes. No wonder Peter strozk was calling them the smelly walmart people.
  8. Dummy dems fantasize and pray for the economy to collapse. tee hee.
  9. I'm guessing sandals or flip flops
  10. Not a good day for you, better ramp it up. They are playing with words, because idiots are easily manipulated. Are we in like NK now where insufficient evidence means guilty? American justice is binary. 0 = there's no evidence 1 = there's evidence. Mueller had to throw the left a bone, and like a dumb puppy there they go after it.
  11. Better to be in Cult of Trump than the the DNC Cult of Hate, anyday.
  12. Maybe not that creepy but the pandering needle was pegged at 10. ...and was probably staged to some extent.
  13. To be fair I've never really seen her as I listen only to fox news app. She's really really annoying to just listen to, don't care what she looks like.
  14. A lot of us don't know what kind of %^$# CNN is shoveling.
  15. Scarborough: Trump’s Supporters ‘Shrinking’ to Only Angry White Men ...says the angry white man.
  16. Yea but Hillary is NOT the president!
  17. Now that he fell for drunken nancy's taunts, he's going to have to deal with this all the time now.
  18. You remind me of the attention starved morons who drive by my house in crap cars that are tuned to sound like bowel movements.
  19. Were you dropped on your head as a kid
  20. Some polls do, not sure about people tho.
  21. Is a national emergency better or worse than a constitutional crisis?
  22. I'm not sure who irritates me more Juan or Marie Harf.
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